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Anti-Counterfeiting: Strategic Business OpportunityMark Davison
AgendaPersonal background & introductionCounterfeiters as commercial competitorsProduct security as a differentiatorImproving business processes with brand protectionAnti-counterfeiting as customer servicemark.davison@bluespherehealth.com2
Personal background22 years in healthcare, 5 years product securityAuthor: 	Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting (Wiley, New York, June 2011)Serialisation: Opportunity or Perfect Storm?		(SecuringPharma.com, April2011)Seminar Leader:	Authentication Academy	(London, 23-24 June 2011, Heathrow Windsor Marriott)mark.davison@bluespherehealth.com3
Counterfeiters are Competitorsmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com
Success brings imitatorsmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com7Photos 息 Lew57 on flickr.
Five Forcesmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com8Source: Adapted from Harvard Business Review
mark.davison@bluespherehealth.com9Raw ingredient shortagesDomination of market by one supplier
mark.davison@bluespherehealth.com10Unauthorised genericsCounterfeitingDiversionRepackaged & expired products
mark.davison@bluespherehealth.com11Price controlsReimbursement rulesForced generic switchingInternet pharmacies / consumer choice
mark.davison@bluespherehealth.com12Patent expiryIP infringementInternet pharmaciesCounterfeits / lookalikesIllicit trade
mark.davison@bluespherehealth.com13Price cuttingTolerating off-label useCost avoidance(pedigree, traceability)
Model of Competitive Advantagemark.davison@bluespherehealth.com14
Brand Owner Value Creationmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com15
Counterfeiter Value Creationmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com16
Security = OpportunityExamine ALL costs and liabilitiesBrand paternalism is deadCommunication is instant, global and loudmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com17
Security = DifferentiatorQuality, safety, authenticityLegitimate products vs. fake productsnotBrands competing to be safer than each othermark.davison@bluespherehealth.com18
Security = Timingmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com19
Improving Security & Business Processes
Most processes can be improvedmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com21
Keep the objective in mindmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com22
Check that processes link upmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com23
Shortcuts are often a bad ideamark.davison@bluespherehealth.com24www.failblog.com
DRASTICFrom drastikos(Gr.):active, effective(OED)
Counterfeiting is an obvious threatCriminal, technological, process counter-measuresAnti-counterfeiting is a clear obligationbut also an opportunity to improve our businessesmark.davison@bluespherehealth.com28
Authentication Academy23-24 June 2011LondonHeathrow Windsor Marriottwww.authenticationacademy.comwww.agoralive.com/bluespherehealth/event1(to register directly)mark.davison@bluespherehealth.com29

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Editor's Notes

  • #3: Interactive discussion, not lecture-styleQuestions as we go
  • #4: Book will be available from Blue Sphere website or through all good bookshops
  • #8: Arabic Elvis Salaam aleikum, baby
  • #18: Examine ALL costs and liabilitiesDoing nothing is not a cost-free optionPharmaceutical paternalism is deadDoctor doesnt know best any morePatients know best (or at least want to be heard) Communication is instant, global and loudBrands have good and bad days butdialogue with customers is better than just listening
  • #19: Find ways to emphasise and publicise qualityCollective action
  • #22: Do you need all those different suppliers?Does your packaging need to be that design / shape / material?Do suppliers do what they say they do, when you arent there to check?
  • #23: Make sure the end result is a coherent process that works for the business and the customer
  • #27: If brand owners and other stakeholders dont act soon, the room to manoeuvre may become limited.There are a finite number of solution providers and partners for pilot studies.Drastic is a memorable acronym for some of the main elements that need to be addressed.