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Apc college
 Akash & pratiksha
Apc college
 1. Auto Correct
 2. Auto Format
 3.Auto Complete
 4.Auto Summarize
 5.Letter Wizard
 6.Click and Type
 7.Spelling and Grammar Checking
 8.Find and Replace Word
 9.Draw and Erase Table
 10.Text Border
 11.Office Art
 12.Text Boxes
 13.Picture Bullers
 14.E-mailing a Document
Ms word feature
 1.Auto Correct:-word comes with a dictionary built inside it, we
can use the auto correct feature to detect and correct typos.
 2.Auto format:-word can format text automatically as we type.
 3.Auto Complete:-automatic word are can be complete in the
feature are use.
 4.Auto Summarize:-we can use the auto summarize feature to
automatically summarize the key points in a document.
 5.Letter Wizard:-the letter wizard can help us write a new letter
quickly and easily.
Ms word feature
6.Click and Type:-use click and type to quickly insert text
graphics tables or other items in a blank area of a document.
7.Spelling and Grammar Checking:-world offers improved
spelling and grammar checkers for automatic of these
8.Draw and Erase Table Tools:-we can use the drawing tool to
create and customize tables of the feature use.
9.Text Border:-these feature are use in applying a text border.
Ms word feature
 10.Text boxes:-a feature are represent a text frames text boxes
offer the full set of office art.
 11.Picture Bullets:-we can use any graphical image or picture
as a bullet in a document.
 12.E-mailling a document:-similar to the way we e-mail a
message we can e-mail a copy of a document directly from ms
Ms-word file menu
 1.New 9.page setup
 2.open (1)set page margins
 3.close (2)set gutter margins
 4.Save (3)to select paper
 5.Save as (4)select paper source
 6.Save as web page (10)print preview
 8.web page preview
 1.perinter 12.Send To
 2.properties 13.Properties
 3.print to file 14.Exit
 4.print range
 5.number of copies
View Menu
 *Web Layout
 *Print Layout
 *Header and Footer
 *Full Screen
Edit menu
 4.Paste special
 6.Select al
 9.Go To
Insert Menu
 *Break *Index and Tables
 *Page Numbers *index
 *Date and Time *table of contents
 *Auto Text *table of figures
 *Symbol *table of authorities
 *Caption *Bookmark
 *Picture *to add a bookmark
 *Text Box *to delete a bookmark
 *File *to displaying bookmark
Format Menu
 #Paragraph((1)Aliment(2)Outline level(3)Indention:-A-left B-right C-special D-by
(4)Spacing:-A-before B-after C-line spacing D-at (5)Preview)
 #Bullets and Numbering
 #Borders and Shading
 #Drop Cap
 #Text Direction
 #Change Case
 #Auto Format
Tool Menu
 *Spelling and Grammar
 *Language(1.set language 2.thesaurus 3.hyphenation)
 *Word Count
 *Auto Summarize
 *Auto Correct
 *Merge Document
 *Protect Document
 *Envelopes and Labels
 *Letter Wizard
 *Templates and Add-Ins(1.working with global templates 2.locating templates 3.woekgroup templates
 4.user templates)
Table Menu
 1.Draw table
 5.Merge Cells
 6.Split cell
 7.Split table
 8.Table auto format
 9.Auto fit
 10.Heading rows repeat
 14.Table properties
1Window menu2help menu
 1*New window *Arrange all *Split
 2*1 Microsoft word help 2 Show the office assistant 3 Whats
this? 4 Office on the web
 [word standard toolbar]
 [word for mating toolbar]
 [word table and borders toolbar]
 [word drawing toolbar]
Worksheet Excel
 Basic Terms Excel
 1.Spereadsheet:-a sheet which is spread is such a way that it divides it
shelf into the various horizontal rows and vertical columns. Row are
numbered from 1.onwarards and columns are numbered from a
onwards . It is also knows as worksheet
2.columns:-these are vertical cell which can also contain information
3.cell:-it is the interaction of a row with a column each cell is identified
with its position.
*2.Cell address
*3.Size of worksheet.
Starting Excel(File menu)
 *New *Page Setup
 *Open *Print Area
 *Close *Print Preview
 *Save *Print
 *Save as *Send To
 *Save as web page *Properties
 *Save worksheet *Exit
 *Web page preview
Edit Menu
 5.Paste Special
 6.Paste as Hyperlink
 10.Delete Sheet
 11.Move or Copy Sheet
 14.GO To
View Menu
 2.Page Break
 4.Header and Footer
 6.Custom Views
 7.Full Screen
Insert Menu
 6.Page break
 10.picture:-1.clip art2.frome file3.auto shapes4.oranization chart5.word art6.from scanner or
Format menu
 2.Row:-1.height2.auto fit3.hide4.unhide
 3.Column:-1.width2.autofit selection3.hide4.unhide5.standard
 5.Auto Format
 6Conditional Formatting
Tools Menu
 2.Share Workbook
 3.Track changes:-1..higghlight changes2..acceptor reject change
 4.Merge Workbook
 5.Protection:-1.prtect shet2.protect workbook3.proteect for sharing
 6.Online collaboration:-1.meet now2.schedulle meeting3.web discussions
 7.Goal seek..
 9.Auditing:-1.trace precedents2.tracee ependents3.trace eror4.remoe
alarros5.show auditing toolbar
 10.Macro:-1.recor new macro2.security3..visual basic eeditor4...script
Data menu
 2.Filter:-1.auto filter2.show all3.advanced filter
 7.Text to columns
 9.Group and outline:-1hide detail2.show detail3.group4.ungroup5.auto outline6.clear outline7.setting
 10.Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Report
 11.Get external data:-1.ru saved query2.new web query3.new database query4.import text file5.edit query6.data
range properties
 12.Refresh Data
Windows explorer:-
 It provides graphical way to organize our
files and directories. It also provides all
basis file and disk maintenance
commands used to move copy and
rename files , create directories and
format disks etc.
Wallpaper :-
 To change our wallpaper ,right
click in a clear space on our
desktop and select properties
.in the display properties box ,
select the background tab. we
can choose a background from
one of the images listed, when
we are happy with our image ,
 The rectangular areas of the screen, where one
can work .when we see that the cursor has
come on the left corner of this rectangle and is
blinking, then it indicates that this is the
starting point of work area.
 Advanced features of windows:-
 Techniques for working windows:-
 Windows explorer:-
 How to add new font:-
 Wallpaper , shortcut, windows accessories:-
 Word processing:-
 Basic terms of word processing:-
 Feature of MS word:-
 Starting MS word:-
How to add new font:-
Insert the floppy disk or CD-ROM
containing our new fonts. Go to start -
>setting->control panel and double-
click on the fonts icon. from window ,go
to file -> install new font.
 This is the background on which the windows appear. Upon
the desktop icons , windows etc. are displayed.
 Icons is a graphic presentation of a window element. That
icon may be shortcut of any application software.
 Mouse techniques:- normally the mouse has two button where one
is the primary mouse button generally known as left button and
the other is secondary generally known as right button.
 Following works of mouse techniques:-
 Double click
 Drag and-drop
Insert the floppy disk or CD-ROM containing our new fonts. Go
to start -> settings->control panel and double click on the
fonts icons. From the fonts window , go to File -> install new
 Entertainment in Microsoft window
 CD player
 Sound recorders
 Volume control
 Free cell
Every one

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  • 2. Akash & pratiksha
  • 3.
  • 5. MS WORD FEATURE 1. Auto Correct 2. Auto Format 3.Auto Complete 4.Auto Summarize 5.Letter Wizard 6.Click and Type 7.Spelling and Grammar Checking 8.Find and Replace Word 9.Draw and Erase Table 10.Text Border 11.Office Art 12.Text Boxes 13.Picture Bullers 14.E-mailing a Document
  • 6. Ms word feature 1.Auto Correct:-word comes with a dictionary built inside it, we can use the auto correct feature to detect and correct typos. 2.Auto format:-word can format text automatically as we type. 3.Auto Complete:-automatic word are can be complete in the feature are use. 4.Auto Summarize:-we can use the auto summarize feature to automatically summarize the key points in a document. 5.Letter Wizard:-the letter wizard can help us write a new letter quickly and easily.
  • 7. Ms word feature 6.Click and Type:-use click and type to quickly insert text graphics tables or other items in a blank area of a document. 7.Spelling and Grammar Checking:-world offers improved spelling and grammar checkers for automatic of these feature. 8.Draw and Erase Table Tools:-we can use the drawing tool to create and customize tables of the feature use. 9.Text Border:-these feature are use in applying a text border.
  • 8. Ms word feature 10.Text boxes:-a feature are represent a text frames text boxes offer the full set of office art. 11.Picture Bullets:-we can use any graphical image or picture as a bullet in a document. 12.E-mailling a document:-similar to the way we e-mail a message we can e-mail a copy of a document directly from ms word.
  • 9. Ms-word file menu 1.New 9.page setup 2.open (1)set page margins 3.close (2)set gutter margins 4.Save (3)to select paper source 5.Save as (4)select paper source 6.Save as web page (10)print preview 7.Versions 8.web page preview
  • 10. (11)Print 1.perinter 12.Send To 2.properties 13.Properties 3.print to file 14.Exit 4.print range 5.number of copies
  • 11. View Menu *Normal *Web Layout *Print Layout *Outline *Toolbars *Ruler *Header and Footer *Footnotes *Comments *Full Screen *Zoom
  • 12. Edit menu 1.Undo/Redo 2.Cut/Copy 3.Paste 4.Paste special 5.Clear 6.Select al 7.Find 8.Replace 9.Go To 10.Links
  • 13. Insert Menu *Break *Index and Tables *Page Numbers *index *Date and Time *table of contents *Auto Text *table of figures *Symbol *table of authorities *Caption *Bookmark *Picture *to add a bookmark *Text Box *to delete a bookmark *File *to displaying bookmark *Object *Hyperlink
  • 14. Format Menu #Font #Paragraph((1)Aliment(2)Outline level(3)Indention:-A-left B-right C-special D-by (4)Spacing:-A-before B-after C-line spacing D-at (5)Preview) #Bullets and Numbering #Borders and Shading #Columns #Tabs #Drop Cap #Text Direction #Change Case #Auto Format #Style
  • 15. Tool Menu *Spelling and Grammar *Language(1.set language 2.thesaurus 3.hyphenation) *Word Count *Auto Summarize *Auto Correct *Merge Document *Protect Document *Envelopes and Labels *Letter Wizard *Macro *Templates and Add-Ins(1.working with global templates 2.locating templates 3.woekgroup templates 4.user templates)
  • 16. Table Menu 1.Draw table 2.Insert 3.Delete 4.Select 5.Merge Cells 6.Split cell 7.Split table 8.Table auto format 9.Auto fit 10.Heading rows repeat 11.Convert 12.Sort 13.Formula 14.Table properties
  • 17. 1Window menu2help menu 1*New window *Arrange all *Split 2*1 Microsoft word help 2 Show the office assistant 3 Whats this? 4 Office on the web [word standard toolbar] [word for mating toolbar] [word table and borders toolbar] [word drawing toolbar] [exercise]
  • 18. Worksheet Excel Basic Terms Excel 1.Spereadsheet:-a sheet which is spread is such a way that it divides it shelf into the various horizontal rows and vertical columns. Row are numbered from 1.onwarards and columns are numbered from a onwards . It is also knows as worksheet 2.columns:-these are vertical cell which can also contain information 3.cell:-it is the interaction of a row with a column each cell is identified with its position. *2.Cell address *3.Size of worksheet.
  • 19. Starting Excel(File menu) *New *Page Setup *Open *Print Area *Close *Print Preview *Save *Print *Save as *Send To *Save as web page *Properties *Save worksheet *Exit *Web page preview
  • 20. Edit Menu 1.UndoRedo 2.Cut 3.Copy 4.Paste 5.Paste Special 6.Paste as Hyperlink 7.Fill (1)down(2)right(3)up(4)left(5)series(6)justify 8.Clear (1)all(2)formats(3)contents(4)comment 9.Delete 10.Delete Sheet 11.Move or Copy Sheet 12.Find 13.Replace 14.GO To 15.Links 16.Object
  • 21. View Menu 1.Normal 2.Page Break 3.Toolbar 4.Header and Footer 5.Comments 6.Custom Views 7.Full Screen 8.Zoom
  • 22. Insert Menu 1.Cell 2.Rows 3.Columns 4.Worksheet 5.Chart 6.Page break 7.Function 8.Name:-1.define2.paste3.create4.apply5.label 9.Comment 10.picture:-1.clip art2.frome file3.auto shapes4.oranization chart5.word art6.from scanner or camera 11.Object 12.Hyperlinks
  • 23. Format menu 1.Cells:-1.number2.alignment3.font4.border5.pattern6.protection 2.Row:-1.height2.auto fit3.hide4.unhide 3.Column:-1.width2.autofit selection3.hide4.unhide5.standard width 4.Sheet:-1.rename2.hide3.unhide4.background 5.Auto Format 6Conditional Formatting 7.Style
  • 24. Tools Menu 1.Spellng 2.Share Workbook 3.Track changes:-1..higghlight changes2..acceptor reject change 4.Merge Workbook 5.Protection:-1.prtect shet2.protect workbook3.proteect for sharing 6.Online collaboration:-1.meet now2.schedulle meeting3.web discussions 7.Goal seek.. 8.Scenarios 9.Auditing:-1.trace precedents2.tracee ependents3.trace eror4.remoe alarros5.show auditing toolbar 10.Macro:-1.recor new macro2.security3..visual basic eeditor4...script editor 11.dd-Ins.. 12.Customize.. 13.Option
  • 25. Data menu 1.Sort 2.Filter:-1.auto filter2.show all3.advanced filter 3.From 4.Subtotals 5.Validation 6.Table 7.Text to columns 8.Consolidate 9.Group and outline:-1hide detail2.show detail3.group4.ungroup5.auto outline6.clear outline7.setting 10.Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Report 11.Get external data:-1.ru saved query2.new web query3.new database query4.import text file5.edit query6.data range properties 12.Refresh Data
  • 26. Windows explorer:- It provides graphical way to organize our files and directories. It also provides all basis file and disk maintenance commands used to move copy and rename files , create directories and format disks etc.
  • 27. Wallpaper :- To change our wallpaper ,right click in a clear space on our desktop and select properties .in the display properties box , select the background tab. we can choose a background from one of the images listed, when we are happy with our image ,
  • 28. windows The rectangular areas of the screen, where one can work .when we see that the cursor has come on the left corner of this rectangle and is blinking, then it indicates that this is the starting point of work area.
  • 29. PC SOFTWARE Windows:- Advanced features of windows:- Techniques for working windows:- Windows explorer:- How to add new font:- Wallpaper , shortcut, windows accessories:- Word processing:- Basic terms of word processing:- Feature of MS word:- Starting MS word:-
  • 30. How to add new font:- Insert the floppy disk or CD-ROM containing our new fonts. Go to start - >setting->control panel and double- click on the fonts icon. from window ,go to file -> install new font.
  • 31. DESKTOP This is the background on which the windows appear. Upon the desktop icons , windows etc. are displayed. ICONS Icons is a graphic presentation of a window element. That icon may be shortcut of any application software.
  • 32. TECHNIQUES FOR WORKING WINDOW Mouse techniques:- normally the mouse has two button where one is the primary mouse button generally known as left button and the other is secondary generally known as right button. Following works of mouse techniques:- Click Double click Point Drag Drag and-drop
  • 33. HOW TO ADD NEW FONT Insert the floppy disk or CD-ROM containing our new fonts. Go to start -> settings->control panel and double click on the fonts icons. From the fonts window , go to File -> install new font.
  • 34. ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment in Microsoft window CD player Sound recorders Volume control GAMES Free cell Hearts solitaire