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Web API Design
B Anjaneyulu Reddy
"pragmatic" REST
"pragmatic" definition:
Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is
based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.

"Outside-in" approach
What are we trying to achieve with an API?

The API's job is to make the developer as successful as
possible. The orientation for APIs is to think about design
choices from the application developer's point of view.
API ~ WiFi
APIs should be like the wifi. Any device can
connect to it and use all the functionalities.

What is the design with optimal benefit for the app
Nouns - good; verbs - bad
Thumb rule: Keep simple things simple

Simple and intuitive base URL
Affordance is a design property that communicates how
something should be used without requiring document.

There should be only 2 base URLs per resource.
Example:     /dogs     /dogs/1234
Nouns - good; verbs - bad
Keep verbs out of base URLs

This will lead to:
  Long list of URLs
  No consistent pattern

Which will make it difficult for developers to learn and use.
Nouns - good; verbs - bad
HTTP verbs for rescue
Plural & concrete nouns
 Use either plural or singular names but be consistent.
Ex: Foursquare: /checkins           GroupOn: /deals        Zappos: /product

 Concrete names are better than abstract
Ex: API that access content in various form - blogs, videos, news articles and
so on.

- Abstract names: /items or /assets
- Concrete names: /blogs, /videos, /news

Aim for concrete naming & number of resources between 12 and 24
Simplify associations
Resources always have association relationships to other
Ex: Get all the dogs who belong to owner 13.

The relationships can be more complex which leads URLs with multi level
Ex: /resource/identifier/resource/identifier/resource
In this case: /owner/13/dogs

Solution: sweep complexity behind HTTP "?"
Ex: /dogs?owner=13&color=red
Handling errors (1/5)
 Web API is a black box for developer
 error codes becomes a key tool to provide context and
  visibility to use APIs

Best practices for designing error codes:

 Use HTTP status codes
 Make messages returned in the payload as verbose as
Handling errors (2/5)
1. Use HTTP status code

 Try and map the status codes to relevant standard-
  based codes

 The are around 70 HTTP status codes. Use only those
  which are very common
Handling errors (3/5)
How many status codes should we use?
The are only 3 real outcomes:
 Everything worked - success
 The application did something wrong - client error
 The API did something wrong - server error
Handling errors (4/5)
Start using with few (say 3) codes and add as per the
requirement. But should not be more than 8.
Sample codes:
  201 - Created
  304 - Not Modified
  404 - Not Found
  403 - Forbidden
  401 - Unauthorised

It is important that the code that is returned is something
that can be consumed and acted upon by the developer.

Click here to get the complete list of HTTP error codes.
Handling errors (5/5)
2. Additional information in response message

 Use plain language to describe the error

 Link to more information page related to the error in the
  description is highly recommended
Never release an API without at version and make the
version mandatory.
Twilio: /2010-04-01/accounts
Facebook: ?v=1.0

How to think about versioning?
 Specify the version with a 'v' prefix
 'v' tag should have the highest scope: (ex: /v1/dogs)
 Avoid dot notation in versions (ex: v1, v2)
Support partial response by adding optional fields in a comma delimited list

Linkedin: /people:(id,first-name,last-name,industry)
Facebook: /joe.smith/friends?fields=id,name,picture
Google: ?fields=title,media:group(media:thumbnail)

Use limit and offset to make it easy for developers to paginate objects

Facebook: offset 50 and limit 25
Linkedin: start 50 and count 25
Twitter: page 3 and rpp 25 (records per page)
Non resource responses
Use verbs not nouns for all the APIs that do not return a
resource. For example:



Separate out a section of documentation for all the non
resource returning requests.
Multiple formats
Support more than one format for returning resources.

Google data: ?alt=json
FourSquare: /venue.json (recommended)

 Use JSON as default format
 Follow JavaScript conventions for naming attributes:
    Use medial capitalisation (aka CamelCase)
    Use uppercase or lowercase depending on the
Tips for search
Global search
/search?q=foo+bar (Google approach)

Scoped search

Note: Parameter 'q' indicates a search query.
Subdomain for APIs
Consolidate all API requests in a single subdomain.



Recommendation: Use the latest OAuth

Facebook: OAuth 2.0
Twitter: OAuth 1.0a
PayPal: Permission service API
API facade pattern (1/4)
Credible, relevant and differentiated
API facade pattern (2/4)
Three steps approach:
 Design the ideal API
Design the URLs, request parameters and responses, payloads, headers,
query parameters, and so on. The API design should be self consistent

 Implement the design with data stubs
User temporary data without connecting to the internal system.

 Mediate (or) integrate between the facade and the
One big problem -> 3 smaller problems
API facade pattern (3/4)
Focus on app developer. API should be:

 Easy to use


API facade pattern (4/4)
 Apigee design document: http://goo.gl/5uDdn
   API: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Api
   HTTP Status codes: http://goo.gl/muq8s

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Web REST APIs Design Principles

  • 1. Web API Design B Anjaneyulu Reddy
  • 2. "pragmatic" REST "pragmatic" definition: Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations. "Outside-in" approach What are we trying to achieve with an API? The API's job is to make the developer as successful as possible. The orientation for APIs is to think about design choices from the application developer's point of view.
  • 3. API ~ WiFi APIs should be like the wifi. Any device can connect to it and use all the functionalities. What is the design with optimal benefit for the app developer?
  • 4. Nouns - good; verbs - bad Thumb rule: Keep simple things simple Simple and intuitive base URL Affordance is a design property that communicates how something should be used without requiring document. There should be only 2 base URLs per resource. Example: /dogs /dogs/1234
  • 5. Nouns - good; verbs - bad Keep verbs out of base URLs This will lead to: Long list of URLs No consistent pattern Which will make it difficult for developers to learn and use.
  • 6. Nouns - good; verbs - bad HTTP verbs for rescue
  • 7. Plural & concrete nouns Use either plural or singular names but be consistent. Ex: Foursquare: /checkins GroupOn: /deals Zappos: /product Concrete names are better than abstract Ex: API that access content in various form - blogs, videos, news articles and so on. - Abstract names: /items or /assets - Concrete names: /blogs, /videos, /news Aim for concrete naming & number of resources between 12 and 24
  • 8. Simplify associations Problem Resources always have association relationships to other resources. Ex: Get all the dogs who belong to owner 13. The relationships can be more complex which leads URLs with multi level depth. Ex: /resource/identifier/resource/identifier/resource In this case: /owner/13/dogs Solution: sweep complexity behind HTTP "?" Ex: /dogs?owner=13&color=red
  • 9. Handling errors (1/5) Web API is a black box for developer error codes becomes a key tool to provide context and visibility to use APIs Best practices for designing error codes: Use HTTP status codes Make messages returned in the payload as verbose as possible
  • 10. Handling errors (2/5) 1. Use HTTP status code Try and map the status codes to relevant standard- based codes The are around 70 HTTP status codes. Use only those which are very common
  • 11. Handling errors (3/5) How many status codes should we use? The are only 3 real outcomes: Everything worked - success The application did something wrong - client error The API did something wrong - server error
  • 12. Handling errors (4/5) Start using with few (say 3) codes and add as per the requirement. But should not be more than 8. Sample codes: 201 - Created 304 - Not Modified 404 - Not Found 403 - Forbidden 401 - Unauthorised It is important that the code that is returned is something that can be consumed and acted upon by the developer. Click here to get the complete list of HTTP error codes.
  • 13. Handling errors (5/5) 2. Additional information in response message Use plain language to describe the error Link to more information page related to the error in the description is highly recommended
  • 14. Versioning Never release an API without at version and make the version mandatory. Twilio: /2010-04-01/accounts Facebook: ?v=1.0 How to think about versioning? Specify the version with a 'v' prefix 'v' tag should have the highest scope: (ex: /v1/dogs) Avoid dot notation in versions (ex: v1, v2)
  • 15. Pagination Support partial response by adding optional fields in a comma delimited list Linkedin: /people:(id,first-name,last-name,industry) Facebook: /joe.smith/friends?fields=id,name,picture Google: ?fields=title,media:group(media:thumbnail) Use limit and offset to make it easy for developers to paginate objects Facebook: offset 50 and limit 25 Linkedin: start 50 and count 25 Twitter: page 3 and rpp 25 (records per page)
  • 16. Non resource responses Use verbs not nouns for all the APIs that do not return a resource. For example: Calculate Translate Convert /convert?from=EURO&to=USD&amount=100 Separate out a section of documentation for all the non resource returning requests.
  • 17. Multiple formats Support more than one format for returning resources. Google data: ?alt=json FourSquare: /venue.json (recommended) Recommendations: Use JSON as default format Follow JavaScript conventions for naming attributes: Use medial capitalisation (aka CamelCase) Use uppercase or lowercase depending on the object.
  • 18. Tips for search Global search /search?q=foo+bar (Google approach) Scoped search /owners/5283/dogs?q=foo+bar Note: Parameter 'q' indicates a search query.
  • 19. Subdomain for APIs Consolidate all API requests in a single subdomain. api.facebook.com graph.facebook.com api.foursquare.com api.twitter.com stream.twitter.com search.twitter.com
  • 20. Authentication Recommendation: Use the latest OAuth Facebook: OAuth 2.0 Twitter: OAuth 1.0a PayPal: Permission service API
  • 21. API facade pattern (1/4) Credible, relevant and differentiated
  • 22. API facade pattern (2/4) Three steps approach: Design the ideal API Design the URLs, request parameters and responses, payloads, headers, query parameters, and so on. The API design should be self consistent Implement the design with data stubs User temporary data without connecting to the internal system. Mediate (or) integrate between the facade and the systems One big problem -> 3 smaller problems
  • 23. API facade pattern (3/4) Focus on app developer. API should be: Easy to use Self-consistent Intuitive
  • 25. References Apigee design document: http://goo.gl/5uDdn Wikipedia API: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Api HTTP Status codes: http://goo.gl/muq8s