Uma abordagem conceitual das no巽探es de raca, racismoGeraa Ufms
1) O conceito de ra巽a foi originalmente usado na classifica巽達o de esp辿cies animais e vegetais, mas passou a ser aplicado aos seres humanos para classificar a diversidade em grupos com caracter鱈sticas f鱈sicas distintas.
2) No s辿culo 18, a ra巽a passou a ser usada para hierarquizar os grupos humanos e legitimar a domina巽達o de alguns sobre outros.
3) Estudos gen辿ticos modernos mostraram que a ra巽a n達o 辿 uma categoria biol坦gica v叩lida, mas sim um construto social carreg
The document contains instructions for an eye training exercise involving following a series of dots with one's eyes. It does not contain any other descriptive text, consisting entirely of a grid of dots for the reader to focus on.
O documento discute a farmacoterapia pedi叩trica, notando que metade dos medicamentos usados em crian巽as n達o t棚m indica巽達o licenciada para essa faixa et叩ria e que h叩 pouca informa巽達o dispon鱈vel sobre dosagens e seguran巽a para neonatos e crian巽as. Al辿m disso, ressalta a import但ncia de ensaios cl鱈nicos pedi叩tricos para gerar evid棚ncias sobre o uso seguro de medicamentos nessa popula巽達o.
00172 economia brasileira - uma introdu巽達o didaticaMel Morgann
Este documento 辿 um pref叩cio terceira edi巽達o do livro "Economia Brasileira: Uma Introdu巽達o Cr鱈tica". Nele, o autor resume as principais etapas do desenvolvimento econ担mico brasileiro, dividindo-o em Per鱈odo Mercantil e Per鱈odo Industrial. Ele tamb辿m discute as origens do subdesenvolvimento brasileiro e como diferentes autores interpretaram este tema ao longo do tempo. Por fim, o autor explica os motivos para a atualiza巽達o desta terceira edi巽達o.
El documento resume los principales conceptos relacionados con los procesos administrativos, incluyendo las etapas del proceso administrativo (planeaci坦n, organizaci坦n, direcci坦n y control), la formulaci坦n de objetivos, pol鱈ticas y planes. Explica que el proceso administrativo comprende actividades interrelacionadas para alcanzar los objetivos de una organizaci坦n de manera efectiva.
Vestibular dezembro 2011_ufsm_lista_dos_classificadosijuicom
Este documento lista 40 candidatos classificados para o curso de Administra巽達o noturno na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria em 2011, incluindo seus nomes e n炭meros de inscri巽達o.
This document contains a schedule for a second year class at Colegio San Carlos. It lists the teacher Flor Sol Estrella and students Belen for each subject on different days of the week including languages, biology, ethics, history, information technology, geography, physics, chemistry, plastic arts, mathematics, moral formation, music, English, and tutoring. It also lists various websites at the bottom.
The document defines warm up as exercises that prepare the body for improved physical performance by mobilizing and activating all muscles and joints from the feet to the head. It then lists specific warm up exercises and provides descriptions of games that can be played to warm up, including passing a ball or Frisbee, competing in an obstacle course, and tag-style games where players try to catch each other. The presentation was created by Javier Rodr鱈guez Fontiveros.
1) El documento describe los antecedentes y evoluci坦n de la computadora, desde los primeros dispositivos mec叩nicos de contabilidad como el 叩baco, hasta el desarrollo de los circuitos integrados y el microprocesador en las generaciones posteriores. 2) Entre los pioneros se mencionan a Blaise Pascal, quien invent坦 la primera m叩quina sumadora mec叩nica, y a Charles Babbage, considerado uno de los primeros inventores de la computadora digital moderna aunque no pudo completar su construcci坦n debido a limitaciones tecnol坦
This storyboard scene describes an employee requesting days off from work. The screen displays text explaining that work shifts are divided into different zones like the front desk, discharge, and exit gate to reduce monotony. It directs the user to other tabs for more details on the various work zones. The scene contains no additional text, audio, animations, or interactions. It was inspired by resources from Maricopa Community College on app design.
This storyboard scene describes an employee requesting time off from work. The screen shows text instructing the employee to email coworkers through an internal message board to find shift coverage, and to fill out a form requiring supervisor approval. No transitions, animations or interactions are specified for this screen. The document was inspired by an online course on storyboarding from Maricopa Community College.
This scene provides contact information for staff of the Thomas Cooper Circulation app. It displays text on a black background instructing staff to save the supervisor's number of 777-3145 to call in case of illness or emergency. Staff are informed that texting or emailing will not be accepted to call out, and that they should check their university email often for important messages. The screen is formatted for a 16:9 ratio and contains only text without graphics, transitions, animations, or audience interactions.
00172 economia brasileira - uma introdu巽達o didaticaMel Morgann
Este documento 辿 um pref叩cio terceira edi巽達o do livro "Economia Brasileira: Uma Introdu巽達o Cr鱈tica". Nele, o autor resume as principais etapas do desenvolvimento econ担mico brasileiro, dividindo-o em Per鱈odo Mercantil e Per鱈odo Industrial. Ele tamb辿m discute as origens do subdesenvolvimento brasileiro e como diferentes autores interpretaram este tema ao longo do tempo. Por fim, o autor explica os motivos para a atualiza巽達o desta terceira edi巽達o.
El documento resume los principales conceptos relacionados con los procesos administrativos, incluyendo las etapas del proceso administrativo (planeaci坦n, organizaci坦n, direcci坦n y control), la formulaci坦n de objetivos, pol鱈ticas y planes. Explica que el proceso administrativo comprende actividades interrelacionadas para alcanzar los objetivos de una organizaci坦n de manera efectiva.
Vestibular dezembro 2011_ufsm_lista_dos_classificadosijuicom
Este documento lista 40 candidatos classificados para o curso de Administra巽達o noturno na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria em 2011, incluindo seus nomes e n炭meros de inscri巽達o.
This document contains a schedule for a second year class at Colegio San Carlos. It lists the teacher Flor Sol Estrella and students Belen for each subject on different days of the week including languages, biology, ethics, history, information technology, geography, physics, chemistry, plastic arts, mathematics, moral formation, music, English, and tutoring. It also lists various websites at the bottom.
The document defines warm up as exercises that prepare the body for improved physical performance by mobilizing and activating all muscles and joints from the feet to the head. It then lists specific warm up exercises and provides descriptions of games that can be played to warm up, including passing a ball or Frisbee, competing in an obstacle course, and tag-style games where players try to catch each other. The presentation was created by Javier Rodr鱈guez Fontiveros.
1) El documento describe los antecedentes y evoluci坦n de la computadora, desde los primeros dispositivos mec叩nicos de contabilidad como el 叩baco, hasta el desarrollo de los circuitos integrados y el microprocesador en las generaciones posteriores. 2) Entre los pioneros se mencionan a Blaise Pascal, quien invent坦 la primera m叩quina sumadora mec叩nica, y a Charles Babbage, considerado uno de los primeros inventores de la computadora digital moderna aunque no pudo completar su construcci坦n debido a limitaciones tecnol坦
This storyboard scene describes an employee requesting days off from work. The screen displays text explaining that work shifts are divided into different zones like the front desk, discharge, and exit gate to reduce monotony. It directs the user to other tabs for more details on the various work zones. The scene contains no additional text, audio, animations, or interactions. It was inspired by resources from Maricopa Community College on app design.
This storyboard scene describes an employee requesting time off from work. The screen shows text instructing the employee to email coworkers through an internal message board to find shift coverage, and to fill out a form requiring supervisor approval. No transitions, animations or interactions are specified for this screen. The document was inspired by an online course on storyboarding from Maricopa Community College.
This scene provides contact information for staff of the Thomas Cooper Circulation app. It displays text on a black background instructing staff to save the supervisor's number of 777-3145 to call in case of illness or emergency. Staff are informed that texting or emailing will not be accepted to call out, and that they should check their university email often for important messages. The screen is formatted for a 16:9 ratio and contains only text without graphics, transitions, animations, or audience interactions.
The document is an app storyboard for an app called "Thomas Cooper Circulation" that provides an introduction to student responsibilities at the Thomas Cooper Library, the largest academic library in South Carolina. The first screen introduces Thomas Cooper Library and describes general responsibilities of student workers such as providing good customer service, representing the library professionally, respecting coworkers, and arriving on time. The storyboard provides details on the background, font, and lack of narration, audio, transitions, animations, or audience interaction for the introductory screen.
This scene describes the reserves section of a library circulation app. It allows students in large classes of over 100 people to check out books for 2 hours at a time in the library building. This is helpful for students who do not want to spend money on books or forgot theirs at home. The scene has black background, no narration, audio, or transitions between screens.
This document provides details for screen 15 of an app storyboard describing the Thomas Cooper Circulation reserves scene. The screen describes other reserve items like lockers, study carrels, and rooms that allow safe places for students to store belongings and study on campus. It includes details about font, text, audio, transitions, and was inspired by Maricopa Community College's app authoring site.
This document provides details for screen 14 of an app storyboard describing the Thomas Cooper Circulation Reserves scene. The screen displays information on ways to identify reserve books, including a green or blue band wrapped on the cover, a stamp on the due date slip stating "Reserve Item", an unusually short due date, or a location code of "CCV" or "CCVO". No text, audio, transitions, animations, or audience interactions are specified for this screen.
This document provides details for screen 13 of an app storyboard describing the Thomas Cooper Circulation Reserves feature. It indicates that on this screen, users can search for reserve books by class or professor by clicking the "Course Reserves" tab in the sidebar, and includes specifications for screen size and font but no transitions, animations, audio, or audience interactions. It was inspired by resources from Maricopa Community College.
This scene describes the reserves section of a library circulation app. It allows students in large classes of over 100 people to check out books for 2 hours at a time in the library building. This is helpful for students who do not want to spend money on books or forgot theirs at home. The scene has black background, no narration, audio, or interactions, and transitions directly to the next scene without animation.
This document provides details for screen 9 of an app storyboard describing the Thomas Cooper Circulation app. Screen 9 explains that the PASCAL program allows Thomas Cooper patrons to request books from across the state through the normal check out process in Millennium, and that requested books can be identified by a special PASCAL sticker or band. The screen details include a black linen texture background, no text, audio, or interactivity beyond normal check in and out through Millennium.
This storyboard screen describes the different types of patrons that are helped at the Thomas Cooper Circulation library, including undergraduates who receive a 6 week loan rule, graduate students who can borrow until the end of the semester, faculty who receive a 6 month loan, members of the Thomas Cooper Society who get a 4 week loan, and juvenile books which are loaned for 2 weeks. The screen has a black linen texture background and no narration, audio, transition, animation, or audience interaction.
This document describes screen 7 of an app called Desktracker. Desktracker is an online tool used by the Thomas Cooper Circulation Desk to count questions, track labor not recorded in their circulation program Millennium, and assess how to better help patrons. The screen displays black text on a black linen texture background explaining Desktracker's purpose for noting productivity and identifying areas for improvement.
This 6th screen of an app storyboard asks users who have any questions or are unsure of processes to simply ask a supervisor. It notes that it's easy to forget things sometimes and it's important to do your best before telling a patron no. The screen has a black linen texture background with no specified font, narration, audio, transition, animation, or audience interaction.
The document describes a scene in an app storyboard for screen 5. The scene focuses on the importance of the circulation desk in making impressions on patrons and representing the library and university. As the face of the institution, circulation desk staff must present themselves as knowledgeable and helpful in interactions with others. The storyboard provides details on narration, audio, transitions, animations, and audience interaction for the scene.
This storyboard document describes screen 4 of an app for requesting days off from work. The screen displays text explaining that an employee's shift will be divided into different work zones like the front desk, discharge, and exit gate to break up monotony. These work zones are described in more detail on other screens. The screen contains only text on a black linen background without any additional graphics, audio, transitions, animations, or audience interactions.
This storyboard scene describes an employee requesting time off from work. The screen shows text instructing the employee to email coworkers through an internal message board to find shift coverage, and to fill out a form requiring supervisor approval. No transitions, animations or interactions are specified for this screen. The document was inspired by an online course on storyboarding from Maricopa Community College.
This document provides a storyboard for a mobile app screen that displays contact information for a circulation department. The screen shows the number 777-3145 and instructs users to save this number for calling in late or needing to call out due to illness or emergency. Users are told they must contact a supervisor at this number to be approved and that texting, messaging, or email will not be accepted. However, users should check their university email often for important information. The screen has a black background with white font.
Thomas Cooper Circulation introduces students to their responsibilities as library workers, including providing excellent customer service, representing the library and university professionally, respecting coworkers, and arriving on time ready to work. The storyboard describes the first screen of an orientation for student workers at the Thomas Cooper Library, the largest academic library in South Carolina, and provides details about the background, font, and included text welcoming students and outlining their duties.
This document provides a summary of screen 10 in an app storyboard for the Thomas Cooper Circulation ILL app. The screen describes the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) process, noting that ILL can locate items from around the country unlike PASCAL and that checked out ILL items should not be processed through the library system but rather patrons should simply sign a slip. When returning ILL items, patrons drop them in the accurately labeled return bin.
This document provides details for screen 15 of an app storyboard describing the Thomas Cooper Circulation reserves scene. The screen describes other reserve items like lockers, study carrels, and rooms that allow safe places for students to store belongings and study on campus. It includes details about font, text, audio, transitions, and was inspired by Maricopa Community College's app authoring site.