Peripheral Programming using Arduino and Python on MediaTek LinkIt Smart 7688...MediaTek Labs
Want to add Wi-Fi to your IoT project? This 30 minute webinar, presented by technical consultant Ajith KP, demonstrated how to program (using Arduino and Python) for peripheral sensors connected to the MediaTek LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo’s microcontroller and how to communicate between the microcontroller and the MT7688 SOC.
Three ways to undertake the peripheral programming for the MediaTek LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo were covered:
1) Using a primitive UART connection
2) Using the Firmata protocol
3) Using the Arduino Yun Bridge Library
A recording of the live event can be found at
introduction of LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo and MCS basics. Contents includes environments setup (Arduino IDE and Web UI); SSH log in; How to program nodejs and python on 7688; Mediatek Cloud Snadbox introduction.
And finally let your 7688 duo interact with MCS.
More interesting:
The document contains code snippets and notes about CSS frameworks and methodologies including:
- Media queries and mixins for responsive design
- BEM, OOCSS, and SMACSS principles and patterns
- CSS file structure organization approaches including modular and component-based structures
- Usage of CSS preprocessing with Sass/SCSS
How to create your Smart Toy with bluemix & 7688 Duo board湯米吳 Tommy Wu
This document provides instructions for creating a smart toy using an MTK 7688 Duo board connected to IBM Bluemix. It includes a list of prerequisites, architecture diagrams showing the device publishing data to cloud services and receiving responses, and steps for setting up accounts on Bluemix and registering a device. The device code logic and Node-RED flows for simple question and answering on the cloud are also outlined. Resources for further information are provided at the end.
This document provides an overview of how to quickly build intelligent application systems using IBM Bluemix and Watson services. It discusses how Bluemix is an open PaaS platform for building, managing, and deploying various types of apps. Developers can choose languages and runtimes, and apps can be deployed from zero to production with one command. A variety of IBM, third party, and open source APIs and services are available on Bluemix. Examples of apps that can be built include a chat app using Node-RED, real-time analytics using DashDB and R scripts, and facial recognition using Watson services. The document encourages readers to leverage these capabilities creatively to build innovative systems and solutions.
This document discusses MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), an open source protocol for lightweight messaging. It describes MQTT's publish-subscribe model and use of a broker to transmit messages. It then provides examples of using MQTT topics to exchange data and introduces the open source Paho and Mosquito MQTT client and broker software.
This document provides an overview of how to develop an iBeacon application in 3 minutes using the Estimote SDK for Android. It describes installing Android Studio and the Estimote SDK, exploring example projects, and learning the basic functions and APIs for detecting, ranging, and interacting with iBeacons. The document also shares code samples for setting up iBeacon monitoring and handling beacon detection events.
Peripheral Programming using Arduino and Python on MediaTek LinkIt Smart 7688...MediaTek Labs
Want to add Wi-Fi to your IoT project? This 30 minute webinar, presented by technical consultant Ajith KP, demonstrated how to program (using Arduino and Python) for peripheral sensors connected to the MediaTek LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo’s microcontroller and how to communicate between the microcontroller and the MT7688 SOC.
Three ways to undertake the peripheral programming for the MediaTek LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo were covered:
1) Using a primitive UART connection
2) Using the Firmata protocol
3) Using the Arduino Yun Bridge Library
A recording of the live event can be found at
introduction of LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo and MCS basics. Contents includes environments setup (Arduino IDE and Web UI); SSH log in; How to program nodejs and python on 7688; Mediatek Cloud Snadbox introduction.
And finally let your 7688 duo interact with MCS.
More interesting:
The document contains code snippets and notes about CSS frameworks and methodologies including:
- Media queries and mixins for responsive design
- BEM, OOCSS, and SMACSS principles and patterns
- CSS file structure organization approaches including modular and component-based structures
- Usage of CSS preprocessing with Sass/SCSS
How to create your Smart Toy with bluemix & 7688 Duo board湯米吳 Tommy Wu
This document provides instructions for creating a smart toy using an MTK 7688 Duo board connected to IBM Bluemix. It includes a list of prerequisites, architecture diagrams showing the device publishing data to cloud services and receiving responses, and steps for setting up accounts on Bluemix and registering a device. The device code logic and Node-RED flows for simple question and answering on the cloud are also outlined. Resources for further information are provided at the end.
This document provides an overview of how to quickly build intelligent application systems using IBM Bluemix and Watson services. It discusses how Bluemix is an open PaaS platform for building, managing, and deploying various types of apps. Developers can choose languages and runtimes, and apps can be deployed from zero to production with one command. A variety of IBM, third party, and open source APIs and services are available on Bluemix. Examples of apps that can be built include a chat app using Node-RED, real-time analytics using DashDB and R scripts, and facial recognition using Watson services. The document encourages readers to leverage these capabilities creatively to build innovative systems and solutions.
This document discusses MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), an open source protocol for lightweight messaging. It describes MQTT's publish-subscribe model and use of a broker to transmit messages. It then provides examples of using MQTT topics to exchange data and introduces the open source Paho and Mosquito MQTT client and broker software.
This document provides an overview of how to develop an iBeacon application in 3 minutes using the Estimote SDK for Android. It describes installing Android Studio and the Estimote SDK, exploring example projects, and learning the basic functions and APIs for detecting, ranging, and interacting with iBeacons. The document also shares code samples for setting up iBeacon monitoring and handling beacon detection events.
LTUX 2nd meet up :
bottom up ux culture approach in taiwan strategies for implementation
討論現在台灣企業中 UX 所扮演的角色與利益衝突時心態和因應以及在企業內的推廣手段
SUN的英文原意是太陽,是帶來光明與溫暖的正向名詞。SUN陽光計畫(School United Network)將社會善心資源挹注在非山非市、偏鄕學校,開發並整合學校形成共同學習圈,協助區域內資訊師資不足的改善與提升。從一個學校開始,提供免費學生程式社團並同時培育區域內老師,從點連成一條線 、一個面;達到全鄉/鎮都有程式教育的目標。