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Year 7 Humanities IDEALS Skills Mountain
   How can I make IDEAL progress?                                                                     ANALYSE
        I would like to achieve.                                                          I can
                                                                                            -choose focus questions
                                                            I can or nearly always          relevant to the learning
                                                            -suggest my own questions       -use my sc to develop my own
                                       DESCRIBE             -follow a sequence of enquiry   sequence of enquiry
                                                            -use LI, SC or a mark scheme    -sometimes use reflection to
         IDENTIFY                                           to plan my work                 improve my learning
                              I am beginning to             -reflect on my learning         -present my learning in
                              -choose a relevant focus      -present my learning in
With help I can                                                                             different ways
-identify a focus question    question                      different ways.                 -analyse the evidence and
-follow a writing frame       -follow some of the           -reach conclusions based on     reach justified conclusions
-sometimes use success        sequence of enquiry           the evidence                    -use a wide range of
                              -use some of the success      -use a range of appropriate
criteria and, set my own                                                                    humanities terms
-identify key points in a     criteria to plan my work      humanities terms                -Produce well structured,
                              -reflect on my learning       -produced structured work
task/topic.                                                                                 organised work
-reach at least one           -recognise & describe the     -PEE                            -PEE fully 
conclusion                    key points in a task/topic.   -use relevant sources           - recognise bias in sources
-use one or more              -use evidence to reach a                                      -evaluate how relevant sources
                                                            recognise bias in sources.
humanities term in my         conclusion                    -am aware of my role as a       of evidence are to the task
                              -define and use humanities                                    -Sometimes VOP (origin,
written work, or when                                       global citizen.
speaking                      words                         -demonstrate an awareness       value, purpose) my sources
-use the evidence given.      -use paragraphs                                               -understand my role as a
                                                            of the wider world and its
-make one or more points      -PE                           diversity                       global citizen
                              -understand how I am a        -consider how STEEP needs       -be aware of the wider world
-recognise how people         global citizen                affect the world positively &   and its diversity
                              -describe how people can                                      -Analyse how varying STEEP
improve and damage the                                      negatively
environment                   improve and damage the                                        needs leads to social injustices
-share my view of how         environment                                                   .
                              -recognise people may
people change the
environment                   have different views
Year 8 Humanities IDEALS Skills Mountain
    How can I make IDEAL progress?                                                                           LINK

         I would like to achieve.                                                              I can
                                                                                                 -independently choose my
                                                              I can
                                                              -choose focus questions            own focus questions
                                           EXPLAIN                                               -use sc to plan my own
                                                              relevant to the learning
                                                              -use my sc to develop my own       sequence of enquiry
      DESCRIBE                  I can or nearly always                                           -Choose appropriate skills
                                -suggest my own questions     sequence of enquiry
                                                                                                 -Follow the reflection cycle
                                -follow a sequence of enquiry -sometimes use reflection to       -modify my presentation style
I am beginning to
-choose a relevant focus        -use LI, SC or a mark scheme improve my learning                 to the learning
                                                              -present my learning in
question                        to plan my work                                                  -always select appropriate key
                                -reflect on my learning       different ways
-follow some of the sequence                                  -analyse the evidence and          terms
                                -present my learning in                                          -appraise the evidence and
of enquiry                                                    reach justified conclusions
-use some of the success        different ways.                                                  use the most appropriate to
                                                              -use a wide range of
criteria to plan my work        -reach conclusions based on                                      justify my conclusions
                                                              humanities terms
-reflect on my learning         the evidence                                                     -carefully plan, organize, and
                                                              -Produce well structured,
-recognise & describe the key   -use a range of appropriate                                      produce, well structured work
                                                              organised work
points in a task/topic.         humanities terms                                                 -link/compare my ideas to the
                                                              -PEE fully 
-use evidence to reach a        -produced structured work                                        perspectives of others (PEEL)
                                                              - recognise bias in sources
                                -PEE                                                             -VOP (origin, value, purpose)
conclusion                                                    -evaluate how relevant sources
-define and use humanities      -use relevant sources                                            my sources
                                                              of evidence are to the task
words                           recognise bias in sources.                                       -recognise bias and evaluate
                                                              -Sometimes VOP (origin,
-use paragraphs                 -am aware of my role as a                                        sources
                                                              value, purpose) my sources
-PE                             global citizen.                                                  -Respect values and diversity
                                                              -understand my role as a
-understand how I am a global   -demonstrate an awareness                                        -Understand how the world is
                                                              global citizen
citizen                         of the wider world and its                                      linked by STEEP needs and
                                                              -be aware of the wider world
-describe how people can        diversity                                                        the injustices that develop
                                -consider how STEEP needs and its diversity
improve and damage the                                        -Analyse how varying STEEP
environment                     affect the world positively &
                                                              needs leads to social injustices
-recognise people may have      negatively
different views
Year 9 Humanities IDEALS Skills Mountain
                                                                                                             SHAPE & CREATE
     How can I make IDEAL progress?
                                                                              LINK                    - I like to create my own tasks/
         I would like to                                                                                topics
                                                                     I can                            - I like to substitute different
         achieve.                          ANALYSE
                                                                     -independently choose my           ideas and styles of
                                I can                                own focus questions                presentation
           EXPLAIN              -choose focus questions relevant     -use sc to plan my own           - I develop my own mark
                                to the learning                      sequence of enquiry                scheme & SC
I can or nearly always          -use my sc to develop my own         -Choose appropriate skills       - I critique my work using the
-suggest my own questions       sequence of enquiry                  -Follow the reflection cycle       reflection cycle
-follow a sequence of           -sometimes use reflection to         -modify my presentation style    - I always choose the
enquiry                         improve my learning                  to the learning                    appropriate skills to develop
-use LI, SC or a mark           -present my learning in different    -always select appropriate key     my ideas
scheme to plan my work          ways                                 terms                            - I modify my presentation to
-reflect on my learning         -analyse the evidence and reach      -appraise the evidence and         the learning I have chosen
-present my learning in         justified conclusions                use the most appropriate to      - I always use key terms to
different ways.                 -use a wide range of humanities      justify my conclusions             discuss my ideas
-reach conclusions based on     terms                                -carefully plan, organize, and   - I debate the issues
the evidence                    -Produce well structured,            produce, well structured work    - I always judge the value of
-use a range of appropriate     organised work                       -link/compare my ideas to the      the arguments and reach
humanities terms                -PEE fully                          perspectives of others (PEEL)      justified conclusions
-produced structured work       - recognise bias in sources          -VOP (origin, value, purpose)    - I always consider a range of
-PEE                            -evaluate how relevant sources       my sources                         perspectives and compare
-use relevant sources           of evidence are to the task          -recognise bias and evaluate       with my own.
recognise bias in sources.      -Sometimes VOP (origin, value,       sources                          - I PEEL & VOP (origin, value,
-am aware of my role as a       purpose) my sources                  -Respect values and diversity      purpose)
global citizen.                 -understand my role as a global      -Understand how the world is     - I assess the evidence
-demonstrate an awareness       citizen                              linked by STEEP needs and        - I have a strong sense of my
of the wider world and its     -be aware of the wider world and     the injustices that develop        role as a global citizen
diversity                       its diversity                                                        - I Asses the reasons for
-consider how STEEP needs       -Analyse how varying STEEP                                              peoples values
affect the world positively &   needs leads to social injustices .                                    - I consider causes and
negatively                                                                                              consequences of injustices
                                                                                                        at a range of scales
The Humanities Level Mountain
How can I use my success criteria to make IDEAL progress?

       I would like to achieve.
                                                  ANALYSE                        Critique
                                                  Compare and   Examine
                                    EXPLAIN                                      Assess
                                                  Contrast      Prediction
                                    Argue         Analyse       Synthesize
              DESCRIBE              Comment       Classify      Utilise
                                    Contrast      Distinguish   Modify
              Describe              Discuss       Evaluate
              Annotate              Explain       Explore
Determine     Define                              Infer
Label         Exemplify                           Investigate
                                    Suggest                       How can I link these to my
              Outline               Demonstrate   Justify
Measure                                           Reflect
                                                                  success criteria? What do
              Present               Interpret
State         Summarize                           Solve           I need or want to achieve
Recall        Compare                                             in this learning
Recognise                                                         opportunity?

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App skills mountain

  • 1. Year 7 Humanities IDEALS Skills Mountain How can I make IDEAL progress? ANALYSE EXPLAIN I would like to achieve. I can -choose focus questions I can or nearly always relevant to the learning -suggest my own questions -use my sc to develop my own DESCRIBE -follow a sequence of enquiry sequence of enquiry -use LI, SC or a mark scheme -sometimes use reflection to IDENTIFY to plan my work improve my learning I am beginning to -reflect on my learning -present my learning in -choose a relevant focus -present my learning in With help I can different ways -identify a focus question question different ways. -analyse the evidence and -follow a writing frame -follow some of the -reach conclusions based on reach justified conclusions -sometimes use success sequence of enquiry the evidence -use a wide range of -use some of the success -use a range of appropriate criteria and, set my own humanities terms -identify key points in a criteria to plan my work humanities terms -Produce well structured, -reflect on my learning -produced structured work task/topic. organised work -reach at least one -recognise & describe the -PEE -PEE fully conclusion key points in a task/topic. -use relevant sources - recognise bias in sources -use one or more -use evidence to reach a -evaluate how relevant sources recognise bias in sources. humanities term in my conclusion -am aware of my role as a of evidence are to the task -define and use humanities -Sometimes VOP (origin, written work, or when global citizen. speaking words -demonstrate an awareness value, purpose) my sources -use the evidence given. -use paragraphs -understand my role as a of the wider world and its -make one or more points -PE diversity global citizen -understand how I am a -consider how STEEP needs -be aware of the wider world (P) -recognise how people global citizen affect the world positively & and its diversity -describe how people can -Analyse how varying STEEP improve and damage the negatively environment improve and damage the needs leads to social injustices -share my view of how environment . -recognise people may people change the environment have different views
  • 2. Year 8 Humanities IDEALS Skills Mountain How can I make IDEAL progress? LINK ANALYSE I would like to achieve. I can -independently choose my I can -choose focus questions own focus questions EXPLAIN -use sc to plan my own relevant to the learning -use my sc to develop my own sequence of enquiry DESCRIBE I can or nearly always -Choose appropriate skills -suggest my own questions sequence of enquiry -Follow the reflection cycle -follow a sequence of enquiry -sometimes use reflection to -modify my presentation style I am beginning to -choose a relevant focus -use LI, SC or a mark scheme improve my learning to the learning -present my learning in question to plan my work -always select appropriate key -reflect on my learning different ways -follow some of the sequence -analyse the evidence and terms -present my learning in -appraise the evidence and of enquiry reach justified conclusions -use some of the success different ways. use the most appropriate to -use a wide range of criteria to plan my work -reach conclusions based on justify my conclusions humanities terms -reflect on my learning the evidence -carefully plan, organize, and -Produce well structured, -recognise & describe the key -use a range of appropriate produce, well structured work organised work points in a task/topic. humanities terms -link/compare my ideas to the -PEE fully -use evidence to reach a -produced structured work perspectives of others (PEEL) - recognise bias in sources -PEE -VOP (origin, value, purpose) conclusion -evaluate how relevant sources -define and use humanities -use relevant sources my sources of evidence are to the task words recognise bias in sources. -recognise bias and evaluate -Sometimes VOP (origin, -use paragraphs -am aware of my role as a sources value, purpose) my sources -PE global citizen. -Respect values and diversity -understand my role as a -understand how I am a global -demonstrate an awareness -Understand how the world is global citizen citizen of the wider world and its linked by STEEP needs and -be aware of the wider world -describe how people can diversity the injustices that develop -consider how STEEP needs and its diversity improve and damage the -Analyse how varying STEEP environment affect the world positively & needs leads to social injustices -recognise people may have negatively . different views
  • 3. Year 9 Humanities IDEALS Skills Mountain SHAPE & CREATE How can I make IDEAL progress? LINK - I like to create my own tasks/ I would like to topics I can - I like to substitute different achieve. ANALYSE -independently choose my ideas and styles of I can own focus questions presentation EXPLAIN -choose focus questions relevant -use sc to plan my own - I develop my own mark to the learning sequence of enquiry scheme & SC I can or nearly always -use my sc to develop my own -Choose appropriate skills - I critique my work using the -suggest my own questions sequence of enquiry -Follow the reflection cycle reflection cycle -follow a sequence of -sometimes use reflection to -modify my presentation style - I always choose the enquiry improve my learning to the learning appropriate skills to develop -use LI, SC or a mark -present my learning in different -always select appropriate key my ideas scheme to plan my work ways terms - I modify my presentation to -reflect on my learning -analyse the evidence and reach -appraise the evidence and the learning I have chosen -present my learning in justified conclusions use the most appropriate to - I always use key terms to different ways. -use a wide range of humanities justify my conclusions discuss my ideas -reach conclusions based on terms -carefully plan, organize, and - I debate the issues the evidence -Produce well structured, produce, well structured work - I always judge the value of -use a range of appropriate organised work -link/compare my ideas to the the arguments and reach humanities terms -PEE fully perspectives of others (PEEL) justified conclusions -produced structured work - recognise bias in sources -VOP (origin, value, purpose) - I always consider a range of -PEE -evaluate how relevant sources my sources perspectives and compare -use relevant sources of evidence are to the task -recognise bias and evaluate with my own. recognise bias in sources. -Sometimes VOP (origin, value, sources - I PEEL & VOP (origin, value, -am aware of my role as a purpose) my sources -Respect values and diversity purpose) global citizen. -understand my role as a global -Understand how the world is - I assess the evidence -demonstrate an awareness citizen linked by STEEP needs and - I have a strong sense of my of the wider world and its -be aware of the wider world and the injustices that develop role as a global citizen diversity its diversity - I Asses the reasons for -consider how STEEP needs -Analyse how varying STEEP peoples values affect the world positively & needs leads to social injustices . - I consider causes and negatively consequences of injustices at a range of scales
  • 4. The Humanities Level Mountain How can I use my success criteria to make IDEAL progress? CREATING/SHAPING I would like to achieve. LINK Create Substitute Apply ANALYSE Critique Appraise Judge Re-design/Invent Debate Compare and Examine EXPLAIN Assess Contrast Prediction Argue Analyse Synthesize DESCRIBE Comment Classify Utilise Contrast Distinguish Modify IDENTIFY Describe Discuss Evaluate Annotate Explain Explore Determine Define Infer Formulate Label Exemplify Investigate List Suggest How can I link these to my Outline Demonstrate Justify Measure Reflect success criteria? What do Present Interpret State Summarize Solve I need or want to achieve Deduce Recall Compare in this learning Recognise opportunity? Locate