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(For filling this application form see instructions overleaf)
1. Full Name :
2. Date of Birth : 3. Place of Birth: ________________ 4. Sex: Male/Female
5. Marital Status: 6. Nationality:
7. Fathers Name : ____________________________________________________
8. Address for Correspondence:
State: Pin Code :
9. If available, please provide:
Phone No. : Fax No. : _____________________
E-mail address: _____________________________________________________
10. Details of Demand Draft
a) Amount Rs.  No. .... Date 
b) Issued by (Bank Name & Branch) ......
17. Academic Record/Work Experience
A. GATE, CSIR, UGC, other fellowship exam details (*)
Exam Name Exam discipline GATE Score Exam Year
B. Qualifying Degree (*) already obtained or in progress
Institute/ College
(Name & Address)
(Name & Address)
Discipline Degree Exam Date Final results
expected by
Min. Pass
Marks %
or Grade
% Marks or Sem. I Sem. II Sem. III Sem. IV Overall % or
Grade Average
(if degree completed)
Grade Average
Sem. V Sem. VI Sem. VII Sem. VIII
C. Other Degrees (*) obtained after 10+2 (Do not include the degree listed in 17 B)
Institute/ College
(Name & Address)
(Name & Address)
Discipline Degree Marks or
Date of
Paste your
Codes for Items 11-16 are given overleaf
11. Department/Programme
12. Admission for Degree
13. Category
14. Student Status
15. Financial Status
16. Physically Handicapped
D. Working Experience (**)
Dates (from-to) Employer Position Nature of Work
E. Number of Technical Papers : Published in Journals Presented in Conferences
(*) Attach attested copies of certificates, mark sheet etc. See checklist overleaf for certificates required.
(**) A candidate presently working (including those on projects) must provide a No Objection/Relieving certificate from the employer.
($) Photocopies of this form or copies downloaded from the IIT Kanpur website http://www.iitk.ac.in/doaa/admissions.html) are acceptable
18. Areas of specialization in the Department/Programme (See Information Brochure)
Pref. 1 Pref. 2
Pref. 3 Pref. 4
19. Names and addresses of two referees from whom letters of reference have been obtained (For Ph.D. applicants only)
1. 2.
20. Declaration by the applicant:
Certified, that all information provided by me on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any wilful
misrepresentation of facts will result in my dismissal from the institute. If admitted, I shall abide by all the rules and regulations of the institute.
Date : Signature :
Provide details separately
1. Either TYPE or PRINT the entries on the form neatly.
2. Go through the codes for Items 11-16 given below, and fill them carefully in the boxes on Page 1.
3. All items marked with an asterisk (*) require you to submit an attested copy of some document. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS. Documents
for which attested copies are required are given in the checklist. Please tick off the items in this checklist you are attaching to this form.
4. The application fee of Rs. 200/- for candidates in General/OBC/PD and Rs. 100/- for SC/ST must be paid through demand draft payable to
Registrar I I T Kanpur at Kanpur
Item 11: Department/Programme Codes: {Aerospace Engg. = AE}, {Chemical Engg. = CHE}, {Civil Engg. = CE}, {Computer Science & Engg. = CSE},
{Electrical Engg. = EE}, (Design Programme = DP), {Industrial & Management Engg. = IME} {Mechanical Engg. = ME}, {Materials &
Metallurgical Engg. = MME} {Chemistry = CHM}, {Mathematics and Statistics = MTS}, {Physics = PHY} , {Statistics = STA} , {Humanities &
Social Sciences = HSS}, {Laser Technology = LT}, {Materials Science Programme = MSP}, {Nuclear Engg. & Technology = NET},
{Environmental Engg. & Management = EEM}, {Biological Sciences and Bio-Engineering = BSBE}.
Item 12: MT = M.Tech., PH = Ph.D. , MD = M. Des.
Item 13: Category
SC*=Scheduled Caste (certificate required); ST*=Scheduled Tribe (certificate required); OBC*=Other Backward Class (Certificate of Non-
creamy layer required); GN=General; FN=Foreign Nationals;
Item 14: Student Status- Full Time = FT; Part-Time = PT
Item 15: Financial Status: Sponsored (*)= SD; Institute Assistantship requested= IA
Item 16: Physically Handicapped= PH
1. Date of Birth (DOB) Certificate or High School (Class Ten) Certificate with DOB (Required for all candidates)
2. SC/ST/OBC Certificate if applicable (Item 13)
3. Certificate of Physical Status (Type of disability to be attached).
4. Sponsorship certificate for sponsored candidates. (Item 15)
5. GATE/CSIR/UGC score card (Item 17 A)
6. Copies of mark/grade sheets (Items 17 B & 17C)
7. No Objection/relieving Certificate from employer (for employed candidates)
8. The Demand draft for the application fee of Rs. 200/- or Rs. 100/- as applicable
9. Two letters of reference (for Ph.D. applicants only)
10. Two self addressed envelopes of 23cm x10cm.
The completed Application Form must reach on or before
April 17 for admission in July Semester and November 13 for December Semester
Mailing Address for Submission of Applications:
The Convenor, DPGC +
Department/Programme of _____________________________ (Please mention the Department name where you are seeking admission)
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur - 208 016 U.P.
+ Department Post-Graduate Committee.

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Application form

  • 1. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KANPUR APPLICATION FORM$ FOR ADMISSION TO POST-GRADUATE PROGRAMME (For filling this application form see instructions overleaf) 1. Full Name : 2. Date of Birth : 3. Place of Birth: ________________ 4. Sex: Male/Female 5. Marital Status: 6. Nationality: 7. Fathers Name : ____________________________________________________ 8. Address for Correspondence: State: Pin Code : 9. If available, please provide: Phone No. : Fax No. : _____________________ E-mail address: _____________________________________________________ 10. Details of Demand Draft a) Amount Rs. No. .... Date b) Issued by (Bank Name & Branch) ...... 17. Academic Record/Work Experience A. GATE, CSIR, UGC, other fellowship exam details (*) Exam Name Exam discipline GATE Score Exam Year B. Qualifying Degree (*) already obtained or in progress Institute/ College (Name & Address) University (Name & Address) Discipline Degree Exam Date Final results expected by Min. Pass Marks % or Grade Average % Marks or Sem. I Sem. II Sem. III Sem. IV Overall % or Grade Average (if degree completed) Grade Average Sem. V Sem. VI Sem. VII Sem. VIII C. Other Degrees (*) obtained after 10+2 (Do not include the degree listed in 17 B) Institute/ College (Name & Address) University (Name & Address) Discipline Degree Marks or CPI Date of completion Paste your photograph here Codes for Items 11-16 are given overleaf 11. Department/Programme 12. Admission for Degree 13. Category 14. Student Status 15. Financial Status 16. Physically Handicapped
  • 2. D. Working Experience (**) Dates (from-to) Employer Position Nature of Work E. Number of Technical Papers : Published in Journals Presented in Conferences (*) Attach attested copies of certificates, mark sheet etc. See checklist overleaf for certificates required. (**) A candidate presently working (including those on projects) must provide a No Objection/Relieving certificate from the employer. ($) Photocopies of this form or copies downloaded from the IIT Kanpur website http://www.iitk.ac.in/doaa/admissions.html) are acceptable 18. Areas of specialization in the Department/Programme (See Information Brochure) Pref. 1 Pref. 2 Pref. 3 Pref. 4 19. Names and addresses of two referees from whom letters of reference have been obtained (For Ph.D. applicants only) 1. 2. 20. Declaration by the applicant: Certified, that all information provided by me on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any wilful misrepresentation of facts will result in my dismissal from the institute. If admitted, I shall abide by all the rules and regulations of the institute. Date : Signature : Provide details separately
  • 3. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING THIS FORM 1. Either TYPE or PRINT the entries on the form neatly. 2. Go through the codes for Items 11-16 given below, and fill them carefully in the boxes on Page 1. 3. All items marked with an asterisk (*) require you to submit an attested copy of some document. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS. Documents for which attested copies are required are given in the checklist. Please tick off the items in this checklist you are attaching to this form. 4. The application fee of Rs. 200/- for candidates in General/OBC/PD and Rs. 100/- for SC/ST must be paid through demand draft payable to Registrar I I T Kanpur at Kanpur CODES (FOR ITEMS 11-16) Item 11: Department/Programme Codes: {Aerospace Engg. = AE}, {Chemical Engg. = CHE}, {Civil Engg. = CE}, {Computer Science & Engg. = CSE}, {Electrical Engg. = EE}, (Design Programme = DP), {Industrial & Management Engg. = IME} {Mechanical Engg. = ME}, {Materials & Metallurgical Engg. = MME} {Chemistry = CHM}, {Mathematics and Statistics = MTS}, {Physics = PHY} , {Statistics = STA} , {Humanities & Social Sciences = HSS}, {Laser Technology = LT}, {Materials Science Programme = MSP}, {Nuclear Engg. & Technology = NET}, {Environmental Engg. & Management = EEM}, {Biological Sciences and Bio-Engineering = BSBE}. Item 12: MT = M.Tech., PH = Ph.D. , MD = M. Des. Item 13: Category SC*=Scheduled Caste (certificate required); ST*=Scheduled Tribe (certificate required); OBC*=Other Backward Class (Certificate of Non- creamy layer required); GN=General; FN=Foreign Nationals; Item 14: Student Status- Full Time = FT; Part-Time = PT Item 15: Financial Status: Sponsored (*)= SD; Institute Assistantship requested= IA Item 16: Physically Handicapped= PH CHECKLIST (CIRCLE THE ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS). SEND ONLY ATTESTED COPIES (NOT ORIGINALS). 1. Date of Birth (DOB) Certificate or High School (Class Ten) Certificate with DOB (Required for all candidates) 2. SC/ST/OBC Certificate if applicable (Item 13) 3. Certificate of Physical Status (Type of disability to be attached). 4. Sponsorship certificate for sponsored candidates. (Item 15) 5. GATE/CSIR/UGC score card (Item 17 A) 6. Copies of mark/grade sheets (Items 17 B & 17C) 7. No Objection/relieving Certificate from employer (for employed candidates) 8. The Demand draft for the application fee of Rs. 200/- or Rs. 100/- as applicable 9. Two letters of reference (for Ph.D. applicants only) 10. Two self addressed envelopes of 23cm x10cm. The completed Application Form must reach on or before April 17 for admission in July Semester and November 13 for December Semester Mailing Address for Submission of Applications: The Convenor, DPGC + Department/Programme of _____________________________ (Please mention the Department name where you are seeking admission) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur - 208 016 U.P. + Department Post-Graduate Committee.