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Communications and strategy tailored to your business DFREIREs  Position
Innovation   We are always innovating, doing things better and in a different way Ethics   Respect and dignity are non-trade Responsiveness   We anticipate the markets moves Partnership   We seek a win-win relationship Outcomes   Our values best proof Principles
Mission To enhance customers image and products value in the community, through business communication integrated services Vision To be known to our customers as a key strategic business partner Mission  and  Vision
Account  Team  Structure   Diretor de Atendimento Diretora de  Atendimento Diretor de  Atendimento Diretor de Atendimento Gerente Senior Gerente Senior Gerente Senior Gerente Senior Gerente Senior Gerente Senior Trainee Trainee Trainee Equipe de Suporte e Apoio Gerente Senior Rela巽探es P炭blicas
Our leading edge press office activities are not limited to preparing fine press releases, good relationships in the country a major press, success cases, media training etc. The secret of press office and communication projects is to understand the clients business, the market environment where it plays, and to link the companys communication and business strategies. This projects main goals are Clients business goals, with a view to enhance its media presence. DFREIREs  DNA
Main office at Eng.  Lu鱈s Carlos Berrini Ave. Well-trained, motivated staff of highly skilled professionals Active team work with customers 19 full-time employees Cutting-edge technology infrastructure, database and Internet Clean communication with partners DFREIREs  Structure
DFREIRE is a founder member of Grupo Integrado de Comunica巽達o, which provides services that meet nearly 80% of business communication needs.  Grupoi is specialist in bellow-the-line actions (relationship, buzz marketing, social/culture/ sports marketing, etc). Grupoi has a multidisciplinary, 80 professional strong team of journalists, public relations; advertising, media and web design professionals, education professionals, etc.  The major benefit Grupoi provide its founder offices clients and customers is multidisciplinary planning. GRUPO INTEGRADOs  Structure
We normally serve clients for 4-5 years. Some companies have been DFREIREs clients for eight years; for example, Stefanini IT Solutions, McAfee and DHL.  Clients
Debora Freire    Over 15 years experience in enterprise communication, public relations and media relationship, and has been in charge of creating and implementing several strategic communication plans. She proactively participated in the creation of communication policies and guide rules for customers. Has promoted and followed journalists/analysts in both national and international events. Has planed and developed journalistic projects, including magazines, home pages, decision support and sales support. In the last few years, she has trained over 100 executives in spokeperson and crisis management training programs. Debora Freire
In the last 10 years, Debora Freire managed several courses and programs to train executives for Spokesperson functions. This involved tens of open lectures, in company courses and seminars, both to clients and the general public. Besides, Debora Freire also gave several interviews on the importance of customer relationship. Here is her latest interview, which she gave to TV show  Neg坦cio Futuro .  As the person in charge for all press communication of large events such as ABF Franchising Expo and Intermodal South America, Debora Freire annually organizes meetings to present strategy and share with exhibitors communication practices to be adopted.  Speaking Programs
We design strategies and provide integrated solutions in business communication Pro-active work in partnership with the customer and in tune with their business strategy Expertise in business communication International communication methodology  Know how in supporting global organizations Competence and methodology to design and implement customized communication programs with achievable and cost-effective outcomes DFREIREs Edge
Communication Consulting Services Communication strategic planning Integrated communication direct plan Assessment of market/brand perception Public Relations Press relations and stakeholders relationship  Spokesmen training Image diagnosis Smart monitoring Public and government institutions approach Social Reputation/ Crisis Management Assistance on social responsibility projects Planning and preparation to avoid crisis Crisis reversal actions Business communication In-house communication Assessment and planning In- house communication programs  Support / integration among communities and partnerships Publications DFREIREs Services
Acting as an extension of the Marketing area: Proactively looking for information in the corporate environment that could become news Centralizing and making information available to spokespersons/information managers; for example, corporate communication initiatives, as well as updated support material, such as Fact Sheets, Q&As, Key Messages, etc. Collaborating with the company to prepare news material for the media that can be used by other corporate communication channels in an integrated way. Approach  to  Client  Management
Communication plan execution in tune with the business corporate strategy Know-how in serving global companies and in relationship with overseas agencies Proactive work in collecting information that could attract the media and bring achievable results Relationship with major press rooms both regional and countrywide Expertise preparing journalistic texts Trained and skilled professionals to assist the company and provide the media with information Confidentiality for corporate strategic information What  We  Can  Offer
DFREIRE Comunica巽達o e Neg坦cios integrates a PR companies network that operates in the whole of Latin America and is led by Enable Latina, a full service communication agency based in Miami. ABRACOMs member DFREIRE is a founder member of Grupo Integrado de Comunica巽達o Partners
Case Study  Stefanini IT Solutions Stefanini IT Solutions   Brazilan Multinational Company Challenge -  To position a national company as an important player in the Information Technology market that is dominated by global giants like Accenture, EDS, IBM, HP and others Business understanding capacity -  Unlike its competition, Stefanini works with the markets main management programs, which makes it impartial to give opinions on trends, difficulties and/or the market. A combination of large company structure with a customized operation capacity Communication Effort   Placing the company as a Brazilian multinational. Using clients testimonies to validate quality and excellence concepts in services.
Case Study  Stefanini IT Solutions Stefanini IT Solutions is now:  A constant information source to specialized and business press A corporate image respected and admired in the market and by the press Recognized as one of the few successful Brazilian multinational companies, Stefanini won nearly all prizes in the industry. It was also the first and the only company to win for 2 years in a row the Best IT Company award from Isto Dinheiro magazine. Marco Stefanini has become a reference among national businesspeople, so much so that he was appointed by the Federal Government to represent Brazil in the newly created CEO USA/BRAZIL Forum, which is to discuss development policies in the bilateral relationship between the two countries.
The secret to making good public realtion Projects is constant target definition in conjunction with the client. However, besides targets, its necessary to define performance indicators.  Monthly evaluations are made and decisions to proceed or change strategy ar made based on those indicators performance. This evaluation is specific to each company. The main indicators are: Measuring Results
number of press features published  features evaluation positive, neutral, negative dedicated or mention proactive or receptive media evaluation target/ non-target printed/ on line/ electronic Column inches Values in US$ corresponding to column inches Number of interviews Number of published articles Number of requests satisfied Measuring Results
Client References Contacts Stefanini IT Solutions Marco Stefanini, President Tel. (55 11) 3039-2115 NCR Izabel Pinto, marketing director Tel. (55 11) 3347-1162 ABF Keller de Paula, marketing director Tel. (55 11) 3814-4200 Grupo Padr達o Roberto Meir, publisher Tel. (55 11) 3125-2244
Clipping Services (next slide) Media Training (One Shot)  Publications (Printed or On-line) International Divulgation Initiatives Extra  Activities
Thank you! Debora Freire [email_address] Tel. (55 11) 5505-8922 Mobile (55 11) 9976-1165 Contact

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Apresentacao ingles

  • 1. Communications and strategy tailored to your business DFREIREs Position
  • 2. Innovation We are always innovating, doing things better and in a different way Ethics Respect and dignity are non-trade Responsiveness We anticipate the markets moves Partnership We seek a win-win relationship Outcomes Our values best proof Principles
  • 3. Mission To enhance customers image and products value in the community, through business communication integrated services Vision To be known to our customers as a key strategic business partner Mission and Vision
  • 4. Account Team Structure Diretor de Atendimento Diretora de Atendimento Diretor de Atendimento Diretor de Atendimento Gerente Senior Gerente Senior Gerente Senior Gerente Senior Gerente Senior Gerente Senior Trainee Trainee Trainee Equipe de Suporte e Apoio Gerente Senior Rela巽探es P炭blicas
  • 5. Our leading edge press office activities are not limited to preparing fine press releases, good relationships in the country a major press, success cases, media training etc. The secret of press office and communication projects is to understand the clients business, the market environment where it plays, and to link the companys communication and business strategies. This projects main goals are Clients business goals, with a view to enhance its media presence. DFREIREs DNA
  • 6. Main office at Eng. Lu鱈s Carlos Berrini Ave. Well-trained, motivated staff of highly skilled professionals Active team work with customers 19 full-time employees Cutting-edge technology infrastructure, database and Internet Clean communication with partners DFREIREs Structure
  • 7. DFREIRE is a founder member of Grupo Integrado de Comunica巽達o, which provides services that meet nearly 80% of business communication needs. Grupoi is specialist in bellow-the-line actions (relationship, buzz marketing, social/culture/ sports marketing, etc). Grupoi has a multidisciplinary, 80 professional strong team of journalists, public relations; advertising, media and web design professionals, education professionals, etc. The major benefit Grupoi provide its founder offices clients and customers is multidisciplinary planning. GRUPO INTEGRADOs Structure
  • 8. We normally serve clients for 4-5 years. Some companies have been DFREIREs clients for eight years; for example, Stefanini IT Solutions, McAfee and DHL. Clients
  • 10. Debora Freire Over 15 years experience in enterprise communication, public relations and media relationship, and has been in charge of creating and implementing several strategic communication plans. She proactively participated in the creation of communication policies and guide rules for customers. Has promoted and followed journalists/analysts in both national and international events. Has planed and developed journalistic projects, including magazines, home pages, decision support and sales support. In the last few years, she has trained over 100 executives in spokeperson and crisis management training programs. Debora Freire
  • 11. In the last 10 years, Debora Freire managed several courses and programs to train executives for Spokesperson functions. This involved tens of open lectures, in company courses and seminars, both to clients and the general public. Besides, Debora Freire also gave several interviews on the importance of customer relationship. Here is her latest interview, which she gave to TV show Neg坦cio Futuro . As the person in charge for all press communication of large events such as ABF Franchising Expo and Intermodal South America, Debora Freire annually organizes meetings to present strategy and share with exhibitors communication practices to be adopted. Speaking Programs
  • 12. We design strategies and provide integrated solutions in business communication Pro-active work in partnership with the customer and in tune with their business strategy Expertise in business communication International communication methodology Know how in supporting global organizations Competence and methodology to design and implement customized communication programs with achievable and cost-effective outcomes DFREIREs Edge
  • 13. Communication Consulting Services Communication strategic planning Integrated communication direct plan Assessment of market/brand perception Public Relations Press relations and stakeholders relationship Spokesmen training Image diagnosis Smart monitoring Public and government institutions approach Social Reputation/ Crisis Management Assistance on social responsibility projects Planning and preparation to avoid crisis Crisis reversal actions Business communication In-house communication Assessment and planning In- house communication programs Support / integration among communities and partnerships Publications DFREIREs Services
  • 14. Acting as an extension of the Marketing area: Proactively looking for information in the corporate environment that could become news Centralizing and making information available to spokespersons/information managers; for example, corporate communication initiatives, as well as updated support material, such as Fact Sheets, Q&As, Key Messages, etc. Collaborating with the company to prepare news material for the media that can be used by other corporate communication channels in an integrated way. Approach to Client Management
  • 15. Communication plan execution in tune with the business corporate strategy Know-how in serving global companies and in relationship with overseas agencies Proactive work in collecting information that could attract the media and bring achievable results Relationship with major press rooms both regional and countrywide Expertise preparing journalistic texts Trained and skilled professionals to assist the company and provide the media with information Confidentiality for corporate strategic information What We Can Offer
  • 16. DFREIRE Comunica巽達o e Neg坦cios integrates a PR companies network that operates in the whole of Latin America and is led by Enable Latina, a full service communication agency based in Miami. ABRACOMs member DFREIRE is a founder member of Grupo Integrado de Comunica巽達o Partners
  • 17. Case Study Stefanini IT Solutions Stefanini IT Solutions Brazilan Multinational Company Challenge - To position a national company as an important player in the Information Technology market that is dominated by global giants like Accenture, EDS, IBM, HP and others Business understanding capacity - Unlike its competition, Stefanini works with the markets main management programs, which makes it impartial to give opinions on trends, difficulties and/or the market. A combination of large company structure with a customized operation capacity Communication Effort Placing the company as a Brazilian multinational. Using clients testimonies to validate quality and excellence concepts in services.
  • 18. Case Study Stefanini IT Solutions Stefanini IT Solutions is now: A constant information source to specialized and business press A corporate image respected and admired in the market and by the press Recognized as one of the few successful Brazilian multinational companies, Stefanini won nearly all prizes in the industry. It was also the first and the only company to win for 2 years in a row the Best IT Company award from Isto Dinheiro magazine. Marco Stefanini has become a reference among national businesspeople, so much so that he was appointed by the Federal Government to represent Brazil in the newly created CEO USA/BRAZIL Forum, which is to discuss development policies in the bilateral relationship between the two countries.
  • 19. The secret to making good public realtion Projects is constant target definition in conjunction with the client. However, besides targets, its necessary to define performance indicators. Monthly evaluations are made and decisions to proceed or change strategy ar made based on those indicators performance. This evaluation is specific to each company. The main indicators are: Measuring Results
  • 20. number of press features published features evaluation positive, neutral, negative dedicated or mention proactive or receptive media evaluation target/ non-target printed/ on line/ electronic Column inches Values in US$ corresponding to column inches Number of interviews Number of published articles Number of requests satisfied Measuring Results
  • 21. Client References Contacts Stefanini IT Solutions Marco Stefanini, President Tel. (55 11) 3039-2115 NCR Izabel Pinto, marketing director Tel. (55 11) 3347-1162 ABF Keller de Paula, marketing director Tel. (55 11) 3814-4200 Grupo Padr達o Roberto Meir, publisher Tel. (55 11) 3125-2244
  • 22. Clipping Services (next slide) Media Training (One Shot) Publications (Printed or On-line) International Divulgation Initiatives Extra Activities
  • 23. Thank you! Debora Freire [email_address] Tel. (55 11) 5505-8922 Mobile (55 11) 9976-1165 Contact