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For more information contact:
Katee Schalau

For release: Sunday, March 14, 2010


         KENDALLVILLE, Ind.  On April 22, 2010 the Kendallville Area Chamber of
Commerce will host its 53rd Annual Banquet with Lou Holtz as the featured guest
speaker. Proceeds raised through ticket sales and sponsorships will fund the Chambers
efforts to build Kendallville area businesses and strengthen the economy. The banquet is
the largest fundraiser produced by the chamber each year.

The Chamber set an aggressive goal for this years event and has been working for nearly
eight months to make it a success. We knew the area needed a major boost during these
tough economic times. My staff and I rose to the challenge and worked diligently to
secure Lou Holtz in order to bring publicity and proceeds to help our member
businesses, Shepherd said, In order to make this a truly successful event and benefit the
area, we must sell every ticket and get every business involved.

The Kendallville Area Chamber of Commerce works to build business, increase
commerce and strengthen economic development in the area. During the recession the
Chamber has seen an increasing need to advocate for member businesses in order to
strengthen the area economy. This support is provided through education, promotion,
marketing and overall business development benefiting area businesses and helping to
secure existing jobs and create new jobs.

The Kendallville Area Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization that relies
solely on membership dues and proceeds from events for funding. The success of special
events and other fundraising efforts are imperative for the success of the Chamber. Thus,
in order to help build the area economy, it is imperative that businesses and citizens
become involved and show their support.

Tickets to the annual banquet are limited and are available to purchase through the
Kendallville Area Chamber of Commerce web site, www.kendallvillechamber.com.
Tickets are $69 for members and $89 for non-members and will include access to the
event featuring a silent auction, raffle, dinner and dessert. All employees of member
businesses receive member benefits and can purchase tickets at the discounted rate
through a ticket drive organized by their company.
Sponsorship opportunities for the event are limited, but a few are still available. A VIP
reception will be offered to major sponsors, allowing direct interaction with Lou Holtz
and an autographed, framed picture with the coach. Several local businesses, including
Shepherds Buick, Pontiac, GMC; Kraft Foods, Frick Lumber, Lutheran Life Villages,
Parkview Noble Hospital, Goegleins Catering/Kendallville Event Center, Day 6 Design,
Atz Furniture Company, Aluminum Recovery Technologies, Hite Funeral Home &
Community State Bank have signed on to help sponsor the annual banquet.

The event will be on Thursday, April 22, 2010 at the Kendallville Event Center. For
more information visit www.kendallvillechamber.com or call 260-347-1554.

                            122 S. Main St., Kendallville, IN 46755
                       Ph: 260.347.1554              Fax: 260.347.1575

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  • 1. For more information contact: Katee Schalau 260.347.1554 membership@kendallvillechamber.com For release: Sunday, March 14, 2010 BANQUET TO BENEFIT KENDALLVILLE AREA KENDALLVILLE, Ind. On April 22, 2010 the Kendallville Area Chamber of Commerce will host its 53rd Annual Banquet with Lou Holtz as the featured guest speaker. Proceeds raised through ticket sales and sponsorships will fund the Chambers efforts to build Kendallville area businesses and strengthen the economy. The banquet is the largest fundraiser produced by the chamber each year. The Chamber set an aggressive goal for this years event and has been working for nearly eight months to make it a success. We knew the area needed a major boost during these tough economic times. My staff and I rose to the challenge and worked diligently to secure Lou Holtz in order to bring publicity and proceeds to help our member businesses, Shepherd said, In order to make this a truly successful event and benefit the area, we must sell every ticket and get every business involved. The Kendallville Area Chamber of Commerce works to build business, increase commerce and strengthen economic development in the area. During the recession the Chamber has seen an increasing need to advocate for member businesses in order to strengthen the area economy. This support is provided through education, promotion, marketing and overall business development benefiting area businesses and helping to secure existing jobs and create new jobs. The Kendallville Area Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization that relies solely on membership dues and proceeds from events for funding. The success of special events and other fundraising efforts are imperative for the success of the Chamber. Thus, in order to help build the area economy, it is imperative that businesses and citizens become involved and show their support. Tickets to the annual banquet are limited and are available to purchase through the Kendallville Area Chamber of Commerce web site, www.kendallvillechamber.com. Tickets are $69 for members and $89 for non-members and will include access to the event featuring a silent auction, raffle, dinner and dessert. All employees of member businesses receive member benefits and can purchase tickets at the discounted rate through a ticket drive organized by their company.
  • 2. Sponsorship opportunities for the event are limited, but a few are still available. A VIP reception will be offered to major sponsors, allowing direct interaction with Lou Holtz and an autographed, framed picture with the coach. Several local businesses, including Shepherds Buick, Pontiac, GMC; Kraft Foods, Frick Lumber, Lutheran Life Villages, Parkview Noble Hospital, Goegleins Catering/Kendallville Event Center, Day 6 Design, Atz Furniture Company, Aluminum Recovery Technologies, Hite Funeral Home & Community State Bank have signed on to help sponsor the annual banquet. The event will be on Thursday, April 22, 2010 at the Kendallville Event Center. For more information visit www.kendallvillechamber.com or call 260-347-1554. #### 122 S. Main St., Kendallville, IN 46755 Ph: 260.347.1554 Fax: 260.347.1575 www.kendallvillechamber.com