CTF for ビギナーズのネットワーク講習で使用した資料です。
This document discusses exactly once semantics in Apache Kafka 0.11. It provides an overview of how Kafka achieved exactly once delivery between producers and consumers. Key points include:
- Kafka 0.11 introduced exactly once semantics with changes to support transactions and deduplication.
- Producers can write in a transactional fashion and receive acknowledgments of committed writes from brokers.
- Brokers store commit markers to track the progress of transactions and ensure no data loss during failures.
- Consumers can read from brokers in a transactional mode and receive data only from committed transactions, guaranteeing no duplication of records.
- This allows reliable message delivery semantics between producers and consumers with Kafka acting as
PostgreSQL Conference Japan 2017の資料です。
CTF for ビギナーズのネットワーク講習で使用した資料です。
This document discusses exactly once semantics in Apache Kafka 0.11. It provides an overview of how Kafka achieved exactly once delivery between producers and consumers. Key points include:
- Kafka 0.11 introduced exactly once semantics with changes to support transactions and deduplication.
- Producers can write in a transactional fashion and receive acknowledgments of committed writes from brokers.
- Brokers store commit markers to track the progress of transactions and ensure no data loss during failures.
- Consumers can read from brokers in a transactional mode and receive data only from committed transactions, guaranteeing no duplication of records.
- This allows reliable message delivery semantics between producers and consumers with Kafka acting as
PostgreSQL Conference Japan 2017の資料です。