How to be a successful agile product managerAnupam Kundu
This document discusses the role and responsibilities of a product manager in an agile environment. It outlines that a product manager must constantly gather feedback from customers, prioritize requirements, and work closely with development teams to deliver value through iterative releases. The document also highlights common challenges product managers face, such as unclear influence, unempowered teams, lack of business model validation, and organizational culture clashes. Overall, the document provides an overview of an agile product manager's duties and some issues they may encounter.
The document discusses different types of ecosystems and biomes found around the world. It identifies various biomes such as tundra, taiga, temperate forest, grasslands, and deserts. Biome distribution is determined by broad climatic factors like temperature, rainfall, and day length. Tropical biomes have the highest biodiversity despite making up only a small fraction of the Earth's land. The document also examines regional biodiversity hotspots and patterns in plant and animal distributions around the world.
1) The document discusses designing a pop music magazine for 11-14 year old girls, focusing on pastel colors, photos of popular bands, and short interviews.
2) Research showed that this age group prefers pastel colors over bright ones, female cover stars over male ones, and hearts over stars.
3) An example target reader profile is given - 10 year old Izzy enjoys bands like The Jonas Brothers and McFly, wants to stay up to date on trends, and likes pastel blues and pinks.
How?Lean, UCD and Agile can propel designers into the futureCyber-Duck
In this talk, Danny demonstrates why the future is already here and how it poses challenges to todays agencies, CMOs and designers. The internet permeates everything from websites, wearables, ¡®nearables¡¯ (low powered IoT devices that connect with our online world) and apps. Users are accustomed to getting ¡®pulled¡¯ to different destinations (such as apps or websites) but more and more forwarding thinking brands are ¡®pushing¡¯ relevant content and alerts to either the OS level of devices or other app like aggregators, allowing the user to interact with both features and content without leaving notification centres or dashboards. Due to this, the Web is becoming a habitat where users will spend less time downloading, opening and engaging with apps. As such, it¡¯s important that designers move towards dreaming of a world that is both ¡®pulling¡¯ users towards personalised experiences within apps and websites and also ¡®pushing¡¯ highly relevant data to users to enhance the experience. In order to facilitate this, agencies, marketers and designers need to be designing holistic systems (over-arching engagement platforms to facilitate cross-channel interactions) and not only destinations (a singular native app or website). The slides expand on what sort of approach we can use to aid our strategy, design, development and project management methodologies by exploring frameworks such as User Centred Design (UCD), Lean and Agile.
Sexual reproduction involves two parents, meiosis, and results in genetically diverse offspring due to crossing over and independent assortment of chromosomes during meiosis. Asexual reproduction involves one parent, mitosis, and produces identical offspring, but allows organisms to reproduce in less favorable environments with fewer variations among offspring. Bacteria can reproduce asexually through binary fission or exchange genetic material through conjugation, a form of horizontal gene transfer.
Presentazione al Seminario FUB del 4 luglio 2011 "La sfida per l¡¯accesso dinamico e flessibile allo spettro: radio cognitiva, spazi bianchi e nuovo quadro regolatorio "
This document summarizes a presentation about the CSP WhiteFi project, which aims to provide wide area WiFi coverage using unused TV spectrum. The project tested transmitting WiFi signals at 763MHz, achieving throughputs of up to 6Mbps over long distances. CSP plans to develop a cognitive radio network using software-defined radios that can sense and access available TV white spaces, with the goals of improving spectral efficiency and introducing relaying capabilities. The presentation outlined CSP's roadmap for developing and testing their white space system through 2012.
This document provides information about places students can visit while traveling in Venezuela. It includes:
- Pictures of a museum, pyramid, palace, and beach for students to match with the words.
- A listening activity with the names and locations of places in Venezuela like the Orinoco River in Bolivar State.
- A dialogue building activity where students discuss the place they are visiting, its location, and what is in their suitcase.
- A listening activity matching suitcase descriptions with letters.
- An advertisement for the Children's Museum in Caracas including admission prices and hours.
- An activity where students create their own place advertisement.
This document contains an English lesson plan for third term students focusing on travelling. It includes exercises where students:
1) Match photos of places like a palace, beach, museum and pyramid to their names.
2) Listen to recordings of place names in Venezuela and say where they are located.
3) Build dialogues describing what they would pack for a trip, including the destination and items.
4) Listen to days of the week and an advertisement for a children's museum in Caracas, then create their own place advertisement.
- Smart Lenders Asset Management manages portfolios of consumer loans issued through online lending marketplaces in the US, targeting an annual return of 6.5-7.5% net of fees and defaults.
- They focus on prime borrowers and loans of short duration (around 18 months) to provide quality, security, and transparency for European investors.
- Online marketplace lending has grown significantly in recent years but still only accounts for a small portion of the overall US consumer lending market, representing an opportunity for further growth.
The document discusses new problems with cloud data including vendor control over data, access and portability restrictions between services, and data silos. It notes that 1/3 of data loss is from user error and introduces Backupify as a solution to back up cloud data across platforms. Backupify currently manages over 112,000 users and 53 terabytes of data. The company aims to expand features to include cross-platform search, data migration, risk analysis, and e-discovery capabilities.
This document discusses the author's Emacs configuration and customizations. It describes how the author has been using Emacs since 2000, starting with version 21. It details the custom Lisp programs created by the author, including langrich.el, which provides various utilities. The document provides information on how to access the author's Emacs configuration and encourages others to modify and improve upon the custom programs.
Draft SXSW Panel Picker presentation. More coming soon. Panelists from Southwest Airlines, Team One and GSD&M. This panel proposes and explores an idea called Cultures of Advocacy within the context of creative businesses. Please vote and we'll see you in March.
Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) provides an improvement over traditional project management techniques by incorporating both resource and task dependencies. CCPM schedules tasks as late as possible, pools buffers as project resources rather than including them in individual tasks, and uses a "relay race" approach where the next task is ready to start immediately after the previous one finishes. This case study demonstrates scheduling two similar satellite projects using CCPM, showing a 26-29% reduction in project duration compared to traditional scheduling. While effective for multi-project environments, CCPM has limitations in clearly defining the critical chain and distinguishing uncertainty from resource availability delays.
Presentazione al Seminario FUB del 4 luglio 2011 "La sfida per l¡¯accesso dinamico e flessibile allo spettro: radio cognitiva, spazi bianchi e nuovo quadro regolatorio "
This document summarizes a presentation about the CSP WhiteFi project, which aims to provide wide area WiFi coverage using unused TV spectrum. The project tested transmitting WiFi signals at 763MHz, achieving throughputs of up to 6Mbps over long distances. CSP plans to develop a cognitive radio network using software-defined radios that can sense and access available TV white spaces, with the goals of improving spectral efficiency and introducing relaying capabilities. The presentation outlined CSP's roadmap for developing and testing their white space system through 2012.
This document provides information about places students can visit while traveling in Venezuela. It includes:
- Pictures of a museum, pyramid, palace, and beach for students to match with the words.
- A listening activity with the names and locations of places in Venezuela like the Orinoco River in Bolivar State.
- A dialogue building activity where students discuss the place they are visiting, its location, and what is in their suitcase.
- A listening activity matching suitcase descriptions with letters.
- An advertisement for the Children's Museum in Caracas including admission prices and hours.
- An activity where students create their own place advertisement.
This document contains an English lesson plan for third term students focusing on travelling. It includes exercises where students:
1) Match photos of places like a palace, beach, museum and pyramid to their names.
2) Listen to recordings of place names in Venezuela and say where they are located.
3) Build dialogues describing what they would pack for a trip, including the destination and items.
4) Listen to days of the week and an advertisement for a children's museum in Caracas, then create their own place advertisement.
- Smart Lenders Asset Management manages portfolios of consumer loans issued through online lending marketplaces in the US, targeting an annual return of 6.5-7.5% net of fees and defaults.
- They focus on prime borrowers and loans of short duration (around 18 months) to provide quality, security, and transparency for European investors.
- Online marketplace lending has grown significantly in recent years but still only accounts for a small portion of the overall US consumer lending market, representing an opportunity for further growth.
The document discusses new problems with cloud data including vendor control over data, access and portability restrictions between services, and data silos. It notes that 1/3 of data loss is from user error and introduces Backupify as a solution to back up cloud data across platforms. Backupify currently manages over 112,000 users and 53 terabytes of data. The company aims to expand features to include cross-platform search, data migration, risk analysis, and e-discovery capabilities.
This document discusses the author's Emacs configuration and customizations. It describes how the author has been using Emacs since 2000, starting with version 21. It details the custom Lisp programs created by the author, including langrich.el, which provides various utilities. The document provides information on how to access the author's Emacs configuration and encourages others to modify and improve upon the custom programs.
Draft SXSW Panel Picker presentation. More coming soon. Panelists from Southwest Airlines, Team One and GSD&M. This panel proposes and explores an idea called Cultures of Advocacy within the context of creative businesses. Please vote and we'll see you in March.
Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) provides an improvement over traditional project management techniques by incorporating both resource and task dependencies. CCPM schedules tasks as late as possible, pools buffers as project resources rather than including them in individual tasks, and uses a "relay race" approach where the next task is ready to start immediately after the previous one finishes. This case study demonstrates scheduling two similar satellite projects using CCPM, showing a 26-29% reduction in project duration compared to traditional scheduling. While effective for multi-project environments, CCPM has limitations in clearly defining the critical chain and distinguishing uncertainty from resource availability delays.
Eskola 2.0 programa, Informazioaren eta Komunikazioaren Teknologia Berriak ikasgeletan integratzeko proiektua da eta XXI.mendeko ikasgelak prestatzea du helburu. Horretarako, hirugarren zikloko ikasle bakoitzak ordenagailu eramangarri bat edukiko du.
1. Bideoa eta hezkuntza- 1
Patricia Longo eta Maialen Sarasua
Teknologia berriak gizarteko esparru guztietara zabaldu dira gaur egun,
eta hauen artean hezkuntzan hartzen duten papera aztertzea ezinbestekoa da
eskoletan hauen erabilpena sustatu eta egokitzeko. Guk, oraingoan, bideoen
erabilpena aztertuko dugu, etorkizunean irakasleok erabiltzeko tresna bat
sortzeko asmoz.
Azken hamarkadetan bideoa eskoletan sartu da eta geroz eta erabilpen
anitzagoak eskaintzen dituen baliabidea dugu. Hala ere, honen inguruan asko
dago egiteko, oraindik ere bere erabilpena eskasa eta nahiko okerra baita
ikastetxe askotan. Irakasleek bideoak eskaintzen duenaren inguruan duten
formakuntza falta da honen arrazoi nagusietako bat, eta teknologiak etengabe
aldatzen ari diren gizarte honetan, arlo honen inguruko etengabeko
formakuntza ezinbestekoa da.
Haurrek ikus- entzunezko mezu kantitate ikaragarria jasotzen dute
telebista aurrean pasatako orduen ondorioz, eta nahiz eta berandu, badirudi
espresio mota hau ikaskuntza gai bihur daitekeela deskubritzen hasi garela.
Bideoak hezkuntzan aukera asko ematen ditu, eta balio pedagogiko
handia izan dezake. Horretarako, hala ere, behar- beharrezkoa da bideoaren
erabilpena planifikatzea eta irakasleak formatzea ikus- entzunezko baliabideek
eman ditzaketen aukerak aprobetxatzeko. Izan ere, bideoak bere horretan ez du
ikaskuntza ziurtatzen, testuinguru egokian egon behar du kokatuta eta hori
ongi egitea irakasleen menpe dago.
2. Bideoa eta hezkuntza- 2
Patricia Longo eta Maialen Sarasua
Halaber, ikastetxeek beharrezko baliabide teknologikoak lortu beharko
dituzte. Honekin lotuta, oso interesgarria litzateke ikastetxe guztietan material
hau izatea:
- Telebista pantaila bat gelan ordenagailu bati konektatuta,
ala bideo gela bat eta telebista mugikorrak geletara eraman
ahal izateko, DVD erreproduktore bati konektatuta)
- Bozgorailuak.
- Bideo kamerak.
- Bideoak ordenagailura pasatzeko software egokia.
- Bideoak muntatu edo editatzeko beharrezko softwarea.
- Bideoteka fisikoa eta digitala.
Bestalde, bideoak erabiltzeaz gain, bideoak sortu behar dira
eskoletan. Ikasleei ikus- entzunezko hizkuntza erabiltzen irakatsi behar zaie, eta
ez beste arloak lantzeko soilik erabili. Gainera, bideoak, bai lehendik
egindakoak eta baita geletan sortutakoak ere, sarearen bidez konpartitzeak
3. Bideoa eta hezkuntza- 3
Patricia Longo eta Maialen Sarasua
baliabideen eskuratzea erraztuko luke, ikasleak honen erabilpenerako
motibatuko lituzke eta pixkanaka materiala hobetuko litzateke. Horretarako,
Web 2.0-ko baliabideak erabiltzen ikasi beharko dugu ikastetxeetan.
Webgune interesgarriak:
? Proyecto biosfera
? V¨ªdeo digital educativo
? Educatube
? NeoK12
? Artehistoria
? La aventura del saber
? Videoteca educativa
? Videoteca de cine
? Aulavisual