The document summarizes a student film project about a serial killer who stalks ballerinas. The killer carries a music box with a ballerina inside that he uses to torment his latest victim. As the film progresses, the victim becomes increasingly aware she is being stalked and fears for her life. The film is meant to be tense and keep viewers guessing about what will happen next. It also includes a "24 hours earlier" scene to provide context and build-up to the chase scene.
The document discusses the importance of hard work and revision for exams. It notes that a soccer team called the Cherries started with negative 17 points in 2008/2009 but worked hard, winning promotion to Division 1 the next season with only 19 players. The document provides revision guidance, suggesting topics to study from the materials posted on the online learning system, including ratio analysis, profitability and efficiency ratios, sources of finance, and budget theory. It concludes by wishing the best for the future and mentioning the Red Army Boscombe soccer team.
In this presentation which is happening on I am talking about the journey of Lean and Scrum which the full storyline is available on
How to be a successful agile product managerAnupam Kundu
This document discusses the role and responsibilities of a product manager in an agile environment. It outlines that a product manager must constantly gather feedback from customers, prioritize requirements, and work closely with development teams to deliver value through iterative releases. The document also highlights common challenges product managers face, such as unclear influence, unempowered teams, lack of business model validation, and organizational culture clashes. Overall, the document provides an overview of an agile product manager's duties and some issues they may encounter.
La Sperimentazione White Spaces in Piemonte Applicazioni per Reti VeicolariCSP Scarl
Giornata di studio sui White Spaces, che si è tenuta lunedì 24 ottobre 2011, 9.30 - 17.00 – Sala Agorà , Incubatore d’Imprese Innovative del Politecnico di Torino (I3P).
Sergio Duretti, Direttore di CSP, presenta nella sessione scientifica del convegno "la vita in 3d" di Prix ITALIA 2011 un intervento dedicato ai Centri di competenza Piemontesi e il 3D su telefoni, device portatili e multimediali, presentando anche la sperimentazione in corso a Torino per le trasmissioni stereoscopiche su digitale terrestre.
Alberto Durero fue un pintor y grabador alemán del Renacimiento. Nació en Nuremberg en 1471 y murió en 1528. Durero fue uno de los artistas más importantes del norte de Europa durante el Renacimiento y es conocido por sus pinturas, grabados y dibujos.
Zimbabwe's Zanu PF political and military elite are seeking to capture the country's diamond wealth through a combination of state-sponsored violence and the legally questionable introduction of opaque joint-venture companies, a new report from Global Witness reveals today.
Good Year formed a partnership with Sandia National Laboratories to develop better tires. Sandia is a government-owned laboratory operated by the US Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration that focuses on nuclear weapons, energy/resources, defense systems, and homeland security. The government funds about 90% of the joint work between Good Year and Sandia.
Ohio State University Medical Center partnered with Cisco Systems to provide wireless services and addressed staffing shortages by using robots from FMC. The robots transport materials through hospital hallways and multiple floors using laser guidance and can receive duty schedules from a central computer system.
1) Static electricity is built up when materials are rubbed together, causing opposite charges to form on each material.
2) Rubbing a balloon with wool creates a static charge on the balloon, causing it to be attracted to the person holding the wool since they have opposite charges.
3) Inflating a second balloon and hanging it near the first statically charged balloon causes the balloons to repel each other since they both have the same charge.
C:\Documents And Settings\Teacher\Desktop\Elevation & Depression IntroKustumele Kustu
This document discusses angles and how they relate. It states that the angles are equal and that they are alternate angles, which refers to non-adjacent angles formed when a transversal crosses parallel lines.
This lesson plan is for a pre-k bilingual class and focuses on developing a sense of belonging. Over the course of a week, students will read, write, draw and share stories about their family, friends, and home. They will also learn about the importance of taking care of the environment. Activities include making a collage about their family, drawing a picture of their home, recording a story about a favorite friend, and discussing how to care for Mother Earth.
Influence of cochlear implantation on peripheral vestibular receptorKarl Daniel, M.D.
This study assessed the impact of cochlear implantation on vestibular receptor function in the inner ear and its relationship to vertigo symptoms. It found that cochlear implantation significantly increased the risk of impairing horizontal semicircular canal and sacculus function in the implanted ear, but did not affect the nonimplanted ear. Some patients reported new or worsening vertigo after implantation despite vestibular damage. The study concludes that cochlear implantation can damage vestibular receptors, so minimally invasive techniques should be used to preserve both hearing and balance functions.
M.V. Kannan has over 37 years of experience in structural analysis, testing, and project management for ISRO. He specializes in static load testing and experimental stress analysis of aerospace structures. As head of several divisions, he has led the static load testing of all Indian satellite structures, including PSLV, IRS, INSAT, and Chandrayaan-1. He has also served as project director for multiple satellite missions. Currently, he is the head of the Projects Division at ISAC, overseeing project monitoring, scheduling, and coordination across ISRO centers.
Sergio Duretti, Direttore di CSP, presenta nella sessione scientifica del convegno "la vita in 3d" di Prix ITALIA 2011 un intervento dedicato ai Centri di competenza Piemontesi e il 3D su telefoni, device portatili e multimediali, presentando anche la sperimentazione in corso a Torino per le trasmissioni stereoscopiche su digitale terrestre.
Alberto Durero fue un pintor y grabador alemán del Renacimiento. Nació en Nuremberg en 1471 y murió en 1528. Durero fue uno de los artistas más importantes del norte de Europa durante el Renacimiento y es conocido por sus pinturas, grabados y dibujos.
Zimbabwe's Zanu PF political and military elite are seeking to capture the country's diamond wealth through a combination of state-sponsored violence and the legally questionable introduction of opaque joint-venture companies, a new report from Global Witness reveals today.
Good Year formed a partnership with Sandia National Laboratories to develop better tires. Sandia is a government-owned laboratory operated by the US Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration that focuses on nuclear weapons, energy/resources, defense systems, and homeland security. The government funds about 90% of the joint work between Good Year and Sandia.
Ohio State University Medical Center partnered with Cisco Systems to provide wireless services and addressed staffing shortages by using robots from FMC. The robots transport materials through hospital hallways and multiple floors using laser guidance and can receive duty schedules from a central computer system.
1) Static electricity is built up when materials are rubbed together, causing opposite charges to form on each material.
2) Rubbing a balloon with wool creates a static charge on the balloon, causing it to be attracted to the person holding the wool since they have opposite charges.
3) Inflating a second balloon and hanging it near the first statically charged balloon causes the balloons to repel each other since they both have the same charge.
C:\Documents And Settings\Teacher\Desktop\Elevation & Depression IntroKustumele Kustu
This document discusses angles and how they relate. It states that the angles are equal and that they are alternate angles, which refers to non-adjacent angles formed when a transversal crosses parallel lines.
This lesson plan is for a pre-k bilingual class and focuses on developing a sense of belonging. Over the course of a week, students will read, write, draw and share stories about their family, friends, and home. They will also learn about the importance of taking care of the environment. Activities include making a collage about their family, drawing a picture of their home, recording a story about a favorite friend, and discussing how to care for Mother Earth.
Influence of cochlear implantation on peripheral vestibular receptorKarl Daniel, M.D.
This study assessed the impact of cochlear implantation on vestibular receptor function in the inner ear and its relationship to vertigo symptoms. It found that cochlear implantation significantly increased the risk of impairing horizontal semicircular canal and sacculus function in the implanted ear, but did not affect the nonimplanted ear. Some patients reported new or worsening vertigo after implantation despite vestibular damage. The study concludes that cochlear implantation can damage vestibular receptors, so minimally invasive techniques should be used to preserve both hearing and balance functions.
M.V. Kannan has over 37 years of experience in structural analysis, testing, and project management for ISRO. He specializes in static load testing and experimental stress analysis of aerospace structures. As head of several divisions, he has led the static load testing of all Indian satellite structures, including PSLV, IRS, INSAT, and Chandrayaan-1. He has also served as project director for multiple satellite missions. Currently, he is the head of the Projects Division at ISAC, overseeing project monitoring, scheduling, and coordination across ISRO centers.
Eskola 2.0 programa, Informazioaren eta Komunikazioaren Teknologia Berriak ikasgeletan integratzeko proiektua da eta XXI.mendeko ikasgelak prestatzea du helburu. Horretarako, hirugarren zikloko ikasle bakoitzak ordenagailu eramangarri bat edukiko du.
Klikasi, euskaraz sortuta dauden baliabide multimedia digitalak partekatzeko tresna da.
Libre partekatzearen filosofiarekin sortuta, plataforma honetan irudiak, soinuak, bideoak, aurkezpenak, fitxategiak eta estekak partekatu daitezke.
Sare sozialaren egituraz antolatuta, edukiak kategoriatan sailkatu egiten dira eta erabiltzaileen arteko interakzioa eta harremana sustatzen du (ikasle, irakasle zein sortzaile).
Profil guztientzako onurak ditu eta helburua da euskarazko edukiak partekatzea, sinergiak bilatzea, baliabideei etekina ateratzea eta euskarazko edukien kopurua handitzea sarean.
Azkue Fundazioak sortutako plataforma da eta ikastetxe, berritzegune eta abarretan dinamizazio saioak antolatuko ditugu tresna ezagutzera emateko.
Gure helburua da eskola, ikasgela eta hezkuntza arloan orokorrean interesgarri eta baliogarria suertatzea eta eguneroko dinamiketan tresna bilakatzea.
Teknologia berriak
gizarteko esparru guztietara
zabaldu dira gaur egun, eta
hauen artean hezkuntzan
hartzen duten papera aztertzea
ezinbestekoa da eskoletan
hauen erabilpena sustatu eta
egokitzeko. Guk, oraingoan,
bideoen erabilpena aztertuko
dugu, etorkizunean irakasleok erabiltzeko tresna bat sortzeko asmoz.
Azken hamarkadetan bideoa eskoletan sartu da eta geroz eta erabilpen
anitzagoak eskaintzen dituen baliabidea dugu. Hala ere, honen inguruan asko
dago egiteko, oraindik ere bere erabilpena eskasa eta nahiko okerra baita
ikastetxe askotan. Irakasleek bideoak eskaintzen duenaren inguruan duten
formakuntza falta da honen arrazoi nagusietako bat, eta teknologiak etengabe
aldatzen ari diren gizarte honetan, arlo honen inguruko etengabeko
formakuntza ezinbestekoa da.
Haurrek ikus- entzunezko mezu kantitate ikaragarria
jasotzen dute telebista eta ordenagailuen aurrean pasatako
orduen ondorioz, eta nahiz eta berandu, badirudi espresio mota
hau ikaskuntza gai bihur daitekeela deskubritzen hasi garela.
Bideoak hezkuntzan aukera asko ematen ditu, eta balio pedagogiko
handia izan dezake. Horretarako, hala ere, behar- beharrezkoa da bideoaren
erabilpena planifikatzea eta irakasleak formatzea ikus- entzunezko baliabideek
eman ditzaketen aukerak aprobetxatzeko. Izan ere, bideoak bere horretan ez du
2. ikaskuntza ziurtatzen, testuinguru egokian egon behar du kokatuta eta hori
ongi egitea irakasleen menpe dago.
Halaber, ikastetxeek beharrezko baliabide teknologikoak lortu beharko
dituzte. Honekin lotuta, oso interesgarria litzateke ikastetxe guztietan material
hau izatea:
- Telebista pantaila bat gelan ordenagailu bati konektatuta,
ala bideo gela bat eta telebista mugikorrak geletara eraman
ahal izateko, DVD erreproduktore bati konektatuta)
- Bozgorailuak.
3. - Bideo kamerak.
- Bideoak ordenagailura pasatzeko software egokia.
- Bideoak muntatu edo editatzeko beharrezko softwarea.
- Bideoteka fisikoa eta digitala.
Bestalde, bideoak erabiltzeaz gain, bideoak sortu behar dira
eskoletan. Ikasleei ikus- entzunezko hizkuntza erabiltzen irakatsi behar zaie, eta
ez beste arloak lantzeko soilik erabili. Gainera, bideoak, bai
lehendik egindakoak eta baita geletan sortutakoak ere, sarearen
bidez konpartitzeak baliabideen eskuratzea erraztuko luke,
ikasleak honen erabilpenerako motibatuko lituzke eta
pixkanaka materiala hobetuko litzateke. Horretarako, Web 2.0-
ko baliabideak erabiltzen ikasi beharko dugu ikastetxeetan.
Webgune interesgarriak:
ïƒ Proyecto biosfera
ïƒ VÃdeo digital educativo
ïƒ Educatube
ïƒ NeoK12
ïƒ Artehistoria
ïƒ La aventura del saber
ïƒ Videoteca educativa
ïƒ Videoteca de cine
ïƒ Aulavisual