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Build your kind of business

                               Communication made effortless

                        Our SMS Assistant automates
                            the sending, receiving and
                      replying of any inquiries made in
                                       natural language

   Our SMS
  saves time
  and money

  Our SMS

  Our SMS
works with all
 phones and
Let your fingers                                                              Jessicas case
  do the talking
    In this day and age, one can subscribe to all manner of text messaging
    services. From medication reminders and weather alerts to news
    headlines, sports scores and even novels broken into 160-character                           ASSISTANT
    chapters - there is huge demand for this convenient channel of
    communication. Internet search engines such as Yahoo! and Google
    now have short messaging services that enable users to get driving
    directions, movie times, or local business listings just by texting a
    query to the search engines phone number. Social networking services
    such as Dodgeball even use SMS to alert people who live in big cities
    when their friends are nearby. The possibilities for integrating SMS into
    lifestyle and business are just about limitless.

    Since its inception in late 1980, the short message service (SMS) has                        Do u have new Android
                                                                                                 phones on promo
    taken the world by storm. Today, SMS is used to communicate anything
    from teenage flirting to corporate advertising. In fact over 5 trillion          Hi! We have the following Android
                                                                                     handsets on promotion: HTC,
    messages were sent in 2010 and this number is expected to rise to 8.7            Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG and
                                                                                     Motorola. Please tell me which one
    trillion by 2015!                                                                you are interested in.

                                                                                                 I think I like Samsung most

    From checking your store opening hours to changing a flight ticket,              Currently we have Galaxy S II
                                                                                     and Galaxy S.
    ArtiSols SMS Assistant provides a fast, low-cost contact channel
                                                                                                           Wot is the price
    support solution for your business.
                                                                                     Galaxy S will cost you 130 and
                                                                                     Galaxy S II will cost you 290 in
                                                                                     your current subscription plan.
    SMS text messaging is fully compatible with all languages supported
                                                                                             Do u have them in stock
    by Unicode. These include the vast majority of the worlds written
                                                                                     The nearest store to you on
    languages.                                                                       Xyz Street and I have 10 in
                                                                                     stock. For further availability
                                                                                     please check http://www.
    Besides text, SMS messages can also carry binary data making it
    possible to send ringtones, pictures, operator logos, wallpapers,
    animations, business cards (e.g. VCards) and WAP configurations to a
    mobile phone via SMS messages.

    One major advantage of SMS is that it is supported by 100% GSM mobile       Jessica has seen advertisement from her
    phones. Almost all subscription plans provided by wireless carriers         mobile provider in the local newspaper on
    include inexpensive SMS messaging service. Unlike SMS, mobile               her way to work. Her mobile is already old
                                                                                and she has heard from her friends that
    technologies such as WAP and mobile Java are not supported on many          android phones are nice and worthwhile
    old mobile phone models and often carry additional subscriber costs.        having, especially for social networking
                                                                                and different apps.
    Consumers all over the world have come to rely on their mobile phone as
                                                                                Jessica can find out all the information she
    an essential communications tool. They personalize it, take it everywhere   needs to make a buying decision - directly
    they go, and many cannot imagine living without it.                         from our SMS Assistant! As a result she
                                                                                feels empowered and privileged as a

                                                                                SMS Assistant attends to her desires
                                                                                instantly, without the need for human
                                                                                intervention. And the CFO is not jumping

When one develops a habit as a child its                                       through the roof because of the high cost
                                                                                of retail outlets and contact centres

likely one will carry it into adulthood
     aged 12 - 45
 send 60% more text
messages than make         7 key reasons to
         voice calls
                           deploy SMS Assistant
       Teens send
       on average
  one SMS message          1 SMS messages can be sent, read and replied to at any time
    every 10 minutes
                           2 SMS messages can be sent to an offline mobile phone
Global SMS traffic
       is expected to      3 SMS messaging is not intrusive
increase to 8.7 trillion
    messages from 5
        trillion in 2010
                           4 100% of GSM mobile phones support SMS messages

            Almost         5 Two-way SMS messages allows customers to reply to messages
         2.5 billion
          people are       6 Billing systems allow charging for the services we provide
  subscribed to SMS
     text messaging        7 Unique natural language processing tool makes communication easy

       There are at                                                         GP
         least twice
       as many active         MOBILE
                              USER 1
                                                                                            OPERATOR 1
        SMS users as
    active email users                               BU
       On average             MOBILE               BUSINESS                                   MOBILE
                              USER 1                 USER                                   OPERATOR 2
   text messages
    are read within 4
minutes compared to
 48 hours with email          MOBILE                                        SMS               MOBILE
                              USER 1                                      ASSISTANT         OPERATOR 3

                                 ...                                                            ...

         The ability
           to send text
       messages was
   the primary reason
    given by teens for
      getting a mobile
SMS Assistant presents your organization with
  a unique opportunity to automate customer
  communication via the SMS channel
  How do we do it? We help build a unique Knowledgebase for your business. We
  provide the application that enables user inputs to be read and responded to. You
  just tell us what content you want to deliver. Once installed, we provide a user
  friendly dashboard system, enabling you to introduce and update new content as
  required, or you can simply ask us to do this for you. Once your knowledgebase
  is in place, we connect it with your telecom providers gateway. After that and
  few rounds of SMS tests you are ready to launch your new business initiative.

  Of course all dialogs are carefully stored by our analytical tool, which enables you
                                                                                                                           Our value
  to track all necessary quantitative and qualitative results. Based on this analysis,                                   proposition
  it will be easy for you to change, add or delete some knowledge. With time you
  can encompass more and more knowledge and your SMS assistants capabilities                                   Statistically 80% of
  will grow far beyond your current expectations. And of course, you can always
  rely on our expertise and guidance to help you along the way.
                                                                                                               inquiries are related
                                                                                                                   to high volume,
                                                                                                                 repetitive inquiries

                                                                                                                     SMS Assistant
                                                                                                                    automates high
                                                                                                                  volume, repetitive
                                                                                                                inquiries freeing up
                                                        1   Control Dashboard helps you with three main
                                                            activities; knowledgebase management, user
                                                        management and system parameter integration.
                                                                                                                    your resources
                                                        Knowledgebase data is built and structured
                                                        in elements or fields; Issue, Header, Input and
                                                        Output. Outputs and inputs can be independent
                                                        or connected, as is required to provide logical     Allowing your manual
                                                        multi-step responses
                                                                                                                 support effort to
                                                                                                            concentrate servicing
                                                                                                            more complex issues

                                                                                                                Increasing revenue
                                                       2   Control Dashboard enables organizations to
                                                           streamline knowledge and reporting data,
                                                       helping to facilitating sales, customer care, or
                                                       any other relevant processes by bringing critical
                                                       information forward. In addition, to making
                                                       this information available up front, Control
                                                       Dashboard provides the capability to drill down
                                                       specific locations within the knowledgebase,                      support costs
                                                       while simultaneously providing navigation to all
                                                       other areas. Administrators also have the ability
                                                       to click through to specific records and change
                                                       them accordingly in real time                         AND enhancing the
                                                                                                            customer experience

                                                                                                           ArtiSol Middle East & Africa
                                                                                                           Suite 3207 Indigo Icon Tower
                                                                                                           Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai, UAE
                                                                                                           T: +971 (0) 4 447 7608

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Artisol Sms Assistant

  • 1. Build your kind of business Communication made effortless Our SMS Assistant automates the sending, receiving and replying of any inquiries made in natural language Our SMS Assistant saves time and money Our SMS Assistant improves customer satisfaction Our SMS Assistant works with all phones and softwares
  • 2. Let your fingers Jessicas case do the talking SMS In this day and age, one can subscribe to all manner of text messaging services. From medication reminders and weather alerts to news headlines, sports scores and even novels broken into 160-character ASSISTANT chapters - there is huge demand for this convenient channel of communication. Internet search engines such as Yahoo! and Google now have short messaging services that enable users to get driving directions, movie times, or local business listings just by texting a query to the search engines phone number. Social networking services such as Dodgeball even use SMS to alert people who live in big cities when their friends are nearby. The possibilities for integrating SMS into lifestyle and business are just about limitless. Since its inception in late 1980, the short message service (SMS) has Do u have new Android phones on promo taken the world by storm. Today, SMS is used to communicate anything from teenage flirting to corporate advertising. In fact over 5 trillion Hi! We have the following Android handsets on promotion: HTC, messages were sent in 2010 and this number is expected to rise to 8.7 Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG and Motorola. Please tell me which one trillion by 2015! you are interested in. I think I like Samsung most From checking your store opening hours to changing a flight ticket, Currently we have Galaxy S II and Galaxy S. ArtiSols SMS Assistant provides a fast, low-cost contact channel Wot is the price support solution for your business. Galaxy S will cost you 130 and Galaxy S II will cost you 290 in your current subscription plan. SMS text messaging is fully compatible with all languages supported Do u have them in stock by Unicode. These include the vast majority of the worlds written The nearest store to you on languages. Xyz Street and I have 10 in stock. For further availability please check http://www. androphonesproviderxyz.com/. Besides text, SMS messages can also carry binary data making it possible to send ringtones, pictures, operator logos, wallpapers, animations, business cards (e.g. VCards) and WAP configurations to a mobile phone via SMS messages. One major advantage of SMS is that it is supported by 100% GSM mobile Jessica has seen advertisement from her phones. Almost all subscription plans provided by wireless carriers mobile provider in the local newspaper on include inexpensive SMS messaging service. Unlike SMS, mobile her way to work. Her mobile is already old and she has heard from her friends that technologies such as WAP and mobile Java are not supported on many android phones are nice and worthwhile old mobile phone models and often carry additional subscriber costs. having, especially for social networking and different apps. Consumers all over the world have come to rely on their mobile phone as Jessica can find out all the information she an essential communications tool. They personalize it, take it everywhere needs to make a buying decision - directly they go, and many cannot imagine living without it. from our SMS Assistant! As a result she feels empowered and privileged as a customer. SMS Assistant attends to her desires instantly, without the need for human intervention. And the CFO is not jumping When one develops a habit as a child its through the roof because of the high cost of retail outlets and contact centres likely one will carry it into adulthood
  • 3. People aged 12 - 45 send 60% more text messages than make 7 key reasons to voice calls deploy SMS Assistant Teens send on average one SMS message 1 SMS messages can be sent, read and replied to at any time every 10 minutes 2 SMS messages can be sent to an offline mobile phone Global SMS traffic is expected to 3 SMS messaging is not intrusive increase to 8.7 trillion messages from 5 trillion in 2010 4 100% of GSM mobile phones support SMS messages Almost 5 Two-way SMS messages allows customers to reply to messages 2.5 billion people are 6 Billing systems allow charging for the services we provide subscribed to SMS text messaging 7 Unique natural language processing tool makes communication easy services There are at GP least twice as many active MOBILE USER 1 GATEWAY PROVIDER MOBILE OPERATOR 1 SMS users as active email users BU On average MOBILE BUSINESS MOBILE USER 1 USER OPERATOR 2 text messages are read within 4 minutes compared to 48 hours with email MOBILE SMS MOBILE USER 1 ASSISTANT OPERATOR 3 ... ... The ability to send text messages was the primary reason given by teens for getting a mobile www.artisol.com
  • 4. SMS Assistant presents your organization with a unique opportunity to automate customer communication via the SMS channel How do we do it? We help build a unique Knowledgebase for your business. We provide the application that enables user inputs to be read and responded to. You just tell us what content you want to deliver. Once installed, we provide a user friendly dashboard system, enabling you to introduce and update new content as required, or you can simply ask us to do this for you. Once your knowledgebase is in place, we connect it with your telecom providers gateway. After that and few rounds of SMS tests you are ready to launch your new business initiative. Of course all dialogs are carefully stored by our analytical tool, which enables you Our value to track all necessary quantitative and qualitative results. Based on this analysis, proposition it will be easy for you to change, add or delete some knowledge. With time you can encompass more and more knowledge and your SMS assistants capabilities Statistically 80% of will grow far beyond your current expectations. And of course, you can always rely on our expertise and guidance to help you along the way. inquiries are related to high volume, repetitive inquiries SMS Assistant automates high volume, repetitive inquiries freeing up 1 Control Dashboard helps you with three main activities; knowledgebase management, user management and system parameter integration. your resources Knowledgebase data is built and structured in elements or fields; Issue, Header, Input and Output. Outputs and inputs can be independent or connected, as is required to provide logical Allowing your manual multi-step responses support effort to concentrate servicing more complex issues Increasing revenue 2 Control Dashboard enables organizations to streamline knowledge and reporting data, opportunities helping to facilitating sales, customer care, or any other relevant processes by bringing critical information forward. In addition, to making this information available up front, Control Reducing Dashboard provides the capability to drill down specific locations within the knowledgebase, support costs while simultaneously providing navigation to all other areas. Administrators also have the ability to click through to specific records and change them accordingly in real time AND enhancing the customer experience ArtiSol Middle East & Africa Suite 3207 Indigo Icon Tower Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai, UAE T: +971 (0) 4 447 7608 info@artisol.com www.artisol.com