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A strange Way of Communication
Sms (A strange way of communication)
It is one of the oldest and
most commonly used
methods of mobile
SMS stands for Short
Message Service and is
also commonly referred
to as a "text message".
Text messaging service
component of phone, web,
or mobile communication
systems that available on all
wireless networks globally
It allows the
sending of short
(160 characters or
less)text based
Sent and
received within
throughout the
First handheld mobile
phone was
demonstrated by John
F. Mitchell & Martin
Cooper in 1973.
Adding text
functionality to
mobile devices
began in the early
The first action
plan of GSM was
approved in
December 1982.
The SMS concept was
developed in the
Franco-German GSM
cooperation in 1984 `
The first text message
was sent in 1992
from Neil Papworth, a
former developer at
Sema Group Telecoms
Papworth's text "Merry
Christmas" was
successfully sent to
Richard Jarvis
at Vodafone.
First, most common method
of commercial texting is
"multi-tap." Each number on
the phone is connected to
three or four letters.
In the 1990s, Tegic co-founder
Cliff Kushler invented T9,
short for "Text on 9 keys."
Full keyboards on mobile
phones was first introduced in
1997 with the Nokia 9000i
In 2011, Kushler
invented Swype, a texting
feature for touch screens .
Virtual keyboards had
automatic spell check and
correction, predictive text
technology, and the ability to
learn new words.
Sms (A strange way of communication)
The average American
user sent 0.4 texts per
month in 1995.
By 2000, the average
number of text messages
sent in the U.S. increased
to 35 a month per person.
Nokia was the first
handset manufacturer
whose total GSM phone
line in 1993 supported
user-sending of SMS
text messages.
2000 17
2001 250
2002 300
2003 458
2004 500
2005 800
2006 1000
2007 2580
2008 3890
2009 5678
2010 6987
2011 7890
2012 8098
2013 7896
2014 6100
2015 5780
By 2013, the country would have more than 600 million mobile
connections; therefore the SMS usage per user would essentially
In a recent survey by Nielson, it was revealed that mobile chat
applications such as Nimbuzz and WhatsApp have literally
destroyed the SMS culture.
SMS vs. Chat Apps
5 5 5
2012 2013 2014
SMS per day chat per day calls per day
SMS is currently supported on the major
mobile network technologies including:
 GSM (Global System for Mobile
 GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)
 CDMA (Carrier Division Multiplex Access)
SMS Architecture
GSM Network
Originating MS
Short Message
GSM Network
Terminating MS
IWMSC : Interworking MSC
SM-SC : Short Message Service Center
MSC : Mobile Switching Center
BSS : Base Station System
SIM : Subscriber Identity Module
MS : Mobile Station
Figure short message service
network architecture
SMMT (Short Message Mobile
The ability of a network to transmit
a Short Message to a mobile phone.
The message can be sent by phone
or by a software application.
SMMO (Short Message
Mobile Originated).
The ability of a network to
transmit a Short Message sent
by a mobile phone.
The message can be sent to a
phone or to a software
 To ask information
I want to inform you that there will be quiz of English for
Knowledge and information tomorrow
 To ask permission
Can i borrow your book please?
 To apologize
Im sorry, i cant join with you
 To invite
Would you like coming to my party tonight?
 SMS is being used in a wide range of social and business
applications such as electronic voting, delivery of stock
quotations, delivery of e-mail notification.
 SMS messages are originated and received by Short
Messaging Entities (SME).
Examples of SMEs are: mobile phones; servers;
personal computers.
 SMS, two-way interaction
with customers and prospects.
 It can extend
1. Brand awareness
2. Create customer loyalty
3. Deliver timely content or
critical information
4. Providing the immediacy
5. Interactivity no other
medium can offer
1. Lower Communication Costs
2. Enhance Marketing Promotions
3. Improve Staff Communications
4. Quick Response Times and Saves the time
5. Multiple Streamlined Conversations at Once
6. Make Things Easier for Your Users and Staff
7. Provide Great Service and Support
8. No internet required
Two people can have a conversation with out having to speak which eliminates
the risk of someone over hearing if it is in public.
It is possible to have multiple conversations with multiple people
People have more confidence when texting which allows them to be bold and say
things they wouldn't necessarily say in person.
Texting is very convenient when a person just needs to say a quick thing to another
instead of having to go through the process of making a phone call.
Texting and driving has become a serious problem and is very dangerous.
While texting it is usually impossible to tell the tone of voice
Many people use shorthand and abbreviations while texting, but since they use this so
often they are forgetting that those things cannot be used in formal writing
There is also a limit of how many characters can be sent in a text message
 Roman Urdu (Urdu Written using English Alphabets)
According to Gillani Research Foundation, Roman Urdu is the
most used language for sending text messages in Pakistan
Language Percentage
Roman Urdu 37 %
Urdu 15%
English 17%
Do not use Electronic Medium 29%
No response 2%
 BRB for Be right back
 LOL for laughing out loud
 BTW for By the way
 ASAP As Soon As Possible
 B4 Before
 OMW for On my way
 L8 Late
 Sis Sister
 Ur Your
 Pls Please
Sms (A strange way of communication)
Sms (A strange way of communication)

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Sms (A strange way of communication)

  • 1. A strange Way of Communication
  • 3. It is one of the oldest and most commonly used methods of mobile communication. SMS stands for Short Message Service and is also commonly referred to as a "text message".
  • 4. Text messaging service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems that available on all wireless networks globally It allows the sending of short (160 characters or less)text based messages Sent and received within seconds throughout the world.
  • 5. First handheld mobile phone was demonstrated by John F. Mitchell & Martin Cooper in 1973. Adding text messaging functionality to mobile devices began in the early 1980s. The first action plan of GSM was approved in December 1982.
  • 6. The SMS concept was developed in the Franco-German GSM cooperation in 1984 ` The first text message was sent in 1992 from Neil Papworth, a former developer at Sema Group Telecoms
  • 7. Papworth's text "Merry Christmas" was successfully sent to Richard Jarvis at Vodafone.
  • 8. First, most common method of commercial texting is "multi-tap." Each number on the phone is connected to three or four letters. In the 1990s, Tegic co-founder Cliff Kushler invented T9, short for "Text on 9 keys." Full keyboards on mobile phones was first introduced in 1997 with the Nokia 9000i Communicator. In 2011, Kushler invented Swype, a texting feature for touch screens . Virtual keyboards had automatic spell check and correction, predictive text technology, and the ability to learn new words.
  • 10. The average American user sent 0.4 texts per month in 1995. By 2000, the average number of text messages sent in the U.S. increased to 35 a month per person. Nokia was the first handset manufacturer whose total GSM phone line in 1993 supported user-sending of SMS text messages.
  • 11. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 SMSVolumeinBillion Years Global SMS VOLUME, BILLION Years Global SMS VOLUME, BILLION 2000 17 2001 250 2002 300 2003 458 2004 500 2005 800 2006 1000 2007 2580 2008 3890 2009 5678 2010 6987 2011 7890 2012 8098 2013 7896 2014 6100 2015 5780
  • 12. By 2013, the country would have more than 600 million mobile connections; therefore the SMS usage per user would essentially drop. In a recent survey by Nielson, it was revealed that mobile chat applications such as Nimbuzz and WhatsApp have literally destroyed the SMS culture. SMS vs. Chat Apps
  • 13. 9 5 2 7 12 27 5 5 5 2012 2013 2014 USAGE-- SMS VS CHAT VS CALL SMS per day chat per day calls per day
  • 14. SMS is currently supported on the major mobile network technologies including: GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) CDMA (Carrier Division Multiplex Access)
  • 15. SMS Architecture GSM Network IWMSC Originating MS SM-SC Short Message Sender GSM Network SMS GMSC MSC MS SIM Terminating MS BSS SMS GMSC : SMS Gateway MSC IWMSC : Interworking MSC SM-SC : Short Message Service Center MSC : Mobile Switching Center BSS : Base Station System SIM : Subscriber Identity Module MS : Mobile Station Figure short message service network architecture
  • 16. SMMT (Short Message Mobile Terminated). The ability of a network to transmit a Short Message to a mobile phone. The message can be sent by phone or by a software application. SMMO (Short Message Mobile Originated). The ability of a network to transmit a Short Message sent by a mobile phone. The message can be sent to a phone or to a software application.
  • 17. To ask information I want to inform you that there will be quiz of English for Knowledge and information tomorrow To ask permission Can i borrow your book please? To apologize Im sorry, i cant join with you To invite Would you like coming to my party tonight?
  • 18. SMS is being used in a wide range of social and business applications such as electronic voting, delivery of stock quotations, delivery of e-mail notification. SMS messages are originated and received by Short Messaging Entities (SME). Examples of SMEs are: mobile phones; servers; personal computers.
  • 19. SMS, two-way interaction with customers and prospects. It can extend 1. Brand awareness 2. Create customer loyalty 3. Deliver timely content or critical information 4. Providing the immediacy 5. Interactivity no other medium can offer
  • 20. 1. Lower Communication Costs 2. Enhance Marketing Promotions 3. Improve Staff Communications 4. Quick Response Times and Saves the time 5. Multiple Streamlined Conversations at Once 6. Make Things Easier for Your Users and Staff 7. Provide Great Service and Support 8. No internet required
  • 21. Two people can have a conversation with out having to speak which eliminates the risk of someone over hearing if it is in public. It is possible to have multiple conversations with multiple people simultaneously. People have more confidence when texting which allows them to be bold and say things they wouldn't necessarily say in person. Texting is very convenient when a person just needs to say a quick thing to another instead of having to go through the process of making a phone call.
  • 22. Texting and driving has become a serious problem and is very dangerous. While texting it is usually impossible to tell the tone of voice Many people use shorthand and abbreviations while texting, but since they use this so often they are forgetting that those things cannot be used in formal writing There is also a limit of how many characters can be sent in a text message
  • 23. Roman Urdu (Urdu Written using English Alphabets) According to Gillani Research Foundation, Roman Urdu is the most used language for sending text messages in Pakistan Language Percentage Roman Urdu 37 % Urdu 15% English 17% Do not use Electronic Medium 29% No response 2%
  • 24. BRB for Be right back LOL for laughing out loud BTW for By the way ASAP As Soon As Possible B4 Before OMW for On my way L8 Late Sis Sister Ur Your Pls Please

Editor's Notes

  • #6: European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations( CEPT) Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)