Dokumen tersebut merupakan presentasi tentang ASEAN yang disampaikan oleh Kelompok 3. Presentasi ini menjelaskan anggota-anggota ASEAN, sekretaris ASEAN, bidang-bidang kerjasama ASEAN seperti politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan militer, serta contoh kerjasama yang telah dilakukan.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang ASEAN (Asosiasi Negara-Negara Asia Tenggara), termasuk latar belakang berdirinya ASEAN pada tahun 1967, negara-negara anggotanya, karakteristik sosial budaya masyarakat ASEAN, dan lambang ASEAN.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tentang kerjasama negara-negara Asia Tenggara melalui ASEAN, mencakup pengertian, latar belakang berdirinya, tujuan, prinsip, negara anggota, lambang, sekretariat, dan bentuk kerjasama yang telah dicapai di bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya.
Dr. Fred C. Lunenburg - developing a culture schooling v1 n1, 2010William Kritsonis
Dr. Fred C. Lunenburg, Author, National FORUM Journals, Houston, Texas
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis, Editor-in-Chief
In order to change your weight, you must first change your mind. Marna Goldstein Thall, owner of and will share with you a few key secrets of what the naturally thin do to stay thin. They never diet!
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang reforma agraria di Indonesia. Reforma agraria dimaksudkan untuk menata ulang sistem pertanahan agar lebih adil dengan mendistribusikan tanah kepada petani miskin. Hal ini sejalan dengan konstitusi dan undang-undang pertanahan untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan prinsip, tujuan, subjek, objek, dan mekanisme pelaksanaan reforma agraria di Indonesia.
This document discusses open data and creative commons licensing initiatives in South Australia. It provides background on creative commons licenses and explains their benefits, such as cost savings and increased transparency. Open data is defined as data that is freely available for anyone to use without restrictions. The document lists government agencies in Australia that are making data openly available and notes current open data uses by the City of Salisbury, such as sharing water data. It also discusses opportunities to supply additional local data sets and consider adopting open data and creative commons policies and practices more broadly.
Parents' Perceptions and Attitudes for Denying Bilingual Education by Dr. Mar...William Kritsonis
Parents' Perceptions and Attitudes for Denying Bilingual Education by Dr. Maria Hinojosa and Luz Elena Martinez - Published in NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS - - Dr. William Allan Kritsonis, Editor-in-Chief
This phenomenological study investigated the lived experiences of 6 African American women in predominantly white doctoral programs in educational leadership. The findings showed the women dealt with issues like discrimination from white professors and a sense of white privilege/entitlement from white students. However, they thrived due to mentoring from black professors and bonding with black students. The study aims to give voice to these women's experiences and help universities support minority students and reduce feelings of marginalization.
Melville Intermediate school opened in 1966 and has 320 students across 12 classrooms, with 6 classes each of year 7 and 8 students. New Zealand has a population of around 4 million people and is known for producing the kiwi fruit, which was originally called the Chinese Gooseberry.
Mary Ann Springs, PhD - William Allan Kritsonis, PhD, Dissertation Chair
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis
(Founded 1983)
Over 5,000 professors published. A group of national refereed periodicals.
This document summarizes key problems facing American education:
1) High teacher attrition rates, with nearly half of teachers leaving within 5 years, drain budgets and undermine student learning. Lack of support and preparation contribute to teachers leaving.
2) Low parental involvement in middle and high school hinders student achievement and motivation. Busy schedules, cultural factors, and negative school experiences prevent some parents from engaging.
3) Many students struggle to comprehend what they read despite able word reading. This can lead to dropping out, yet content teachers are called on to help boost reading performance across subjects. Addressing these issues is vital to ensuring educational excellence.
Dr. Elias Alex Torrez, Dissertation PPt. - The Impact of Smaller Learning Com...William Kritsonis
This dissertation examines the impact of smaller learning communities (SLCs) on closing achievement gaps among student populations in Texas high schools. It contains 3 research questions comparing student achievement, attendance, and completion rates between career-themed SLC schools and traditional high schools. Statistical analysis found some significant differences in achievement but no differences in attendance or completion rates. The recommendations include supporting SLC designs for 7-10 years, using data to guide professional development, and conducting further research comparing different SLC types and multiple years of data.
Design For Social Impact: An Overview of a MovementSami Nerenberg
This document provides an overview of the emergence and growth of the design for social impact movement from the 1980s to 2010. It traces some of the key events and organizations that helped establish social impact design, including IDE started by Paul Polak in 1981, Design that Matters started by Timothy Prestero in 2003, and numerous other initiatives in the late 2000s. The document also outlines proposals for developing the design for social impact field into a more cohesive and collaborative "operating system" through initiatives focused on connectivity, visibility, robustness, and metrics/impact assessment.
Currently, Dr. Kritsonis is Professor of Educational Leadership at Prairie View A&M University C Member of the Texas A&M University System. He teaches in the PhD Program in Educational Leadership. Dr. Kritsonis taught the Inaugural class session in the doctoral program at the start of the fall 2004 academic year. In October 2006, Dr. Kritsonis chaired the first doctoral student to earn a PhD in Educational Leadership at Prairie View A&M University. Since 2006 he has chaired 22 doctoral dissertations wherein students have graduated. He lives in Houston, Texas.
Calais, Gerald j[1]. the vee diagram as a problem solving strategy nftej v19 ...William Kritsonis
Dr. Gerald J. Calais, Professor, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana
Published in NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS,, Dr. William Allan Kritsonis is Editor-in-Chief, NFJ.
Get the most out of your LinkedIn Profile for Digital Enterprise ProgramRhys Moult
Get the most out of your LinkedIn Profile.
LinkedIn is growing by 30000 Australians every week. Connect your social media services. Tweet from linkedIn. Get a LinkedIn company page.
ADMN 5083 p01ADMN 5083 Special Topics in Educational LeadershipWilliam Kritsonis
Dr. Kritsonis Honored as Professor, Scholar & Pioneer Publisher
The Texas National Association for Multicultural Education honored Dr. William Allan Kritsonis as a Professor, Scholar, and Pioneer Publisher for Distinguished Service to Multicultural Research Publishing. The ceremony was on April 28th 2012 at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang reforma agraria di Indonesia. Reforma agraria dimaksudkan untuk menata ulang sistem pertanahan agar lebih adil dengan mendistribusikan tanah kepada petani miskin. Hal ini sejalan dengan konstitusi dan undang-undang pertanahan untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan prinsip, tujuan, subjek, objek, dan mekanisme pelaksanaan reforma agraria di Indonesia.
This document discusses open data and creative commons licensing initiatives in South Australia. It provides background on creative commons licenses and explains their benefits, such as cost savings and increased transparency. Open data is defined as data that is freely available for anyone to use without restrictions. The document lists government agencies in Australia that are making data openly available and notes current open data uses by the City of Salisbury, such as sharing water data. It also discusses opportunities to supply additional local data sets and consider adopting open data and creative commons policies and practices more broadly.
Parents' Perceptions and Attitudes for Denying Bilingual Education by Dr. Mar...William Kritsonis
Parents' Perceptions and Attitudes for Denying Bilingual Education by Dr. Maria Hinojosa and Luz Elena Martinez - Published in NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS - - Dr. William Allan Kritsonis, Editor-in-Chief
This phenomenological study investigated the lived experiences of 6 African American women in predominantly white doctoral programs in educational leadership. The findings showed the women dealt with issues like discrimination from white professors and a sense of white privilege/entitlement from white students. However, they thrived due to mentoring from black professors and bonding with black students. The study aims to give voice to these women's experiences and help universities support minority students and reduce feelings of marginalization.
Melville Intermediate school opened in 1966 and has 320 students across 12 classrooms, with 6 classes each of year 7 and 8 students. New Zealand has a population of around 4 million people and is known for producing the kiwi fruit, which was originally called the Chinese Gooseberry.
Mary Ann Springs, PhD - William Allan Kritsonis, PhD, Dissertation Chair
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis
(Founded 1983)
Over 5,000 professors published. A group of national refereed periodicals.
This document summarizes key problems facing American education:
1) High teacher attrition rates, with nearly half of teachers leaving within 5 years, drain budgets and undermine student learning. Lack of support and preparation contribute to teachers leaving.
2) Low parental involvement in middle and high school hinders student achievement and motivation. Busy schedules, cultural factors, and negative school experiences prevent some parents from engaging.
3) Many students struggle to comprehend what they read despite able word reading. This can lead to dropping out, yet content teachers are called on to help boost reading performance across subjects. Addressing these issues is vital to ensuring educational excellence.
Dr. Elias Alex Torrez, Dissertation PPt. - The Impact of Smaller Learning Com...William Kritsonis
This dissertation examines the impact of smaller learning communities (SLCs) on closing achievement gaps among student populations in Texas high schools. It contains 3 research questions comparing student achievement, attendance, and completion rates between career-themed SLC schools and traditional high schools. Statistical analysis found some significant differences in achievement but no differences in attendance or completion rates. The recommendations include supporting SLC designs for 7-10 years, using data to guide professional development, and conducting further research comparing different SLC types and multiple years of data.
Design For Social Impact: An Overview of a MovementSami Nerenberg
This document provides an overview of the emergence and growth of the design for social impact movement from the 1980s to 2010. It traces some of the key events and organizations that helped establish social impact design, including IDE started by Paul Polak in 1981, Design that Matters started by Timothy Prestero in 2003, and numerous other initiatives in the late 2000s. The document also outlines proposals for developing the design for social impact field into a more cohesive and collaborative "operating system" through initiatives focused on connectivity, visibility, robustness, and metrics/impact assessment.
Currently, Dr. Kritsonis is Professor of Educational Leadership at Prairie View A&M University C Member of the Texas A&M University System. He teaches in the PhD Program in Educational Leadership. Dr. Kritsonis taught the Inaugural class session in the doctoral program at the start of the fall 2004 academic year. In October 2006, Dr. Kritsonis chaired the first doctoral student to earn a PhD in Educational Leadership at Prairie View A&M University. Since 2006 he has chaired 22 doctoral dissertations wherein students have graduated. He lives in Houston, Texas.
Calais, Gerald j[1]. the vee diagram as a problem solving strategy nftej v19 ...William Kritsonis
Dr. Gerald J. Calais, Professor, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana
Published in NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS,, Dr. William Allan Kritsonis is Editor-in-Chief, NFJ.
Get the most out of your LinkedIn Profile for Digital Enterprise ProgramRhys Moult
Get the most out of your LinkedIn Profile.
LinkedIn is growing by 30000 Australians every week. Connect your social media services. Tweet from linkedIn. Get a LinkedIn company page.
ADMN 5083 p01ADMN 5083 Special Topics in Educational LeadershipWilliam Kritsonis
Dr. Kritsonis Honored as Professor, Scholar & Pioneer Publisher
The Texas National Association for Multicultural Education honored Dr. William Allan Kritsonis as a Professor, Scholar, and Pioneer Publisher for Distinguished Service to Multicultural Research Publishing. The ceremony was on April 28th 2012 at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Perubahan iklim berdampak besar pada pertanian di Asia. Suhu yang lebih tinggi, pola cuaca yang tidak menentu, dan naiknya permukaan laut mengancam produksi pangan dan mata pencaharian petani kecil. Kelompok paling rentan adalah perempuan, masyarakat miskin, dan mereka yang bergantung pada sumber daya alam untuk hidup.
Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai pengembangan hortikultura di Indonesia, mencakup komoditas-komoditas hortikultura utama seperti buah-buahan, sayuran, biofarmaka, dan tanaman hias; permasalahan dan tantangan pengembangan hortikultura; serta strategi dan program pengembangan hortikultura melalui peningkatan produksi, distribusi, konsumsi, kelembagaan, dan kawasan agribisnis hortikultura.
Ponny Igj Putaran Doha Dan Fta Jakarta 11 Des 2007lodzi
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perkembangan WTO dan perundingan perdagangan internasional, termasuk Putaran Doha dan peran Indonesia. WTO berdiri pada 1995 untuk mengatur perdagangan multilateral antar negara anggota. Perundingan Putaran Doha berfokus pada isu-isu pertanian seperti akses pasar, subsidi, dan dukungan domestik. Indonesia berupaya memperjuangkan kepentingannya dalam perundingan tersebut, seperti perlindungan petani
Dokumen tersebut memberikan pengantar singkat tentang ArcView, salah satu perangkat lunak GIS yang paling banyak digunakan karena mudah digunakan untuk pemula. Ia menjelaskan fungsi-fungsi utama ArcView seperti visualisasi data spasial, updating data, analisis spasial, dan pembuatan peta. Juga dijelaskan langkah-langkah dasar dalam menggunakan ArcView seperti persiapan folder kerja dan cara memulai proyek baru.