Cursurile anunțate se vor ține în spațiul Centrului de Formare Continuă în Biblioteconomie și Științe ale Informării (CFC, bloc 2 BNRM, et. 2, birou 19)
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 12 - Fed Up With EverythingVinod Kad
In this chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seeker King Janak explains how he got fed up with everything in this world and then finally got back to him Self which is always available, always fresh, always stable.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 12 - Fed Up With EverythingVinod Kad
In this chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seeker King Janak explains how he got fed up with everything in this world and then finally got back to him Self which is always available, always fresh, always stable.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 11 - The Road to PeaceVinod Kad
In this eleventh chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seer Sage Ashtavakra explains the nature of our worries and the way out to rest in permanent peace by realising our already always peaceful Self.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 10 - Desires are the Real BondageVinod Kad
In this tenth chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seer Ashtavakra explains that our real bondage is our desires. Desires bind us with this multi-dimensional and uncertain world. If we can somehow get rid of our desires and be desire-less then life will become so easy and blissful for us.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 9 - Life is Always UncertainVinod Kad
In this ninth chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seer Ashtavakra explains in detail the nature of this world this life which is always uncertain, unpredictable, unstable and unreliable. He also gives a way out of this uncertainty.
In this chapter Lord Krishna describes the Field (body) & the Knower of the Field(Soul). What constitute Knowledge? Who is the subject of Knowledge? Also,Prakrithi (nature) & Purusha (spirit) are described.
In Chapter 1, sage Ashtavakra answers some questions raised by his disciple king Janak on knowledge, freedom and detachment. In the process he also answers one of our most difficult question i.e. Who Am I ?
Ashtavakra Gita - Chapter 3 - Test of the SeekerVinod Kad
In this third chapter the sage Ashtavakra tests his disciple with interesting questions about authenticity of experiences of one-ness as narrated by the seeker King Janak in chapter 2.
This document contains a dialogue between a seeker (King Janak) and a seer (Sage Ashtavkr) about realizing one's true identity and attaining everlasting peace. The seer explains to the seeker that one's true identity is as the formless witness or awareness that underlies experience. Through various analogies and examples, the seer helps the seeker understand that they are not the body or mind, but the unattached awareness in which the world appears. The goal is to realize this and dissolve any sense of individual identity into the infinite self or awareness. Over multiple chapters, the seeker's understanding grows as misconceptions are cleared away.
This small book is my humble attempt to translate a wonderful dialogue written originally in Sanskrit. This dialogue happened between a seeker - king Janak and a seer - sage Ashtavakra. It answers and solves many of our deep questions problems of life like identity crisis, sustainable peace, dilemmas, dualities of opposites like good bad, happy sad, success failure. I hope this will help you in more than one ways in realizing your true identity and ever lasting peace. It has certainly helped me in regaining my Self.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 20 - Ecstasy is InexplicableVinod Kad
The seeker tries every possible way to express his inner ecstasy after realising him Self but finally gives up saying that this inner ecstasy, this never ending, inexhaustible Self is simply impossible to express in words. So he ends this wonderful dialogue with these words - " Nothing can be said any more".
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 19 - State of EcstasyVinod Kad
Having heard, understood and experienced the teachings of his Guru, the seeker King Janak finally realises him Self and explains his inner ecstasy in this 19th chapter of Ashtavakra Gita.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 18 - Wonders of PatienceVinod Kad
In this 18th chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the sage Ashtavakra gives us 100 verses to clear our doubts about various problems of life. If you can understand and practice even half of these verses, you will change forever, you will regain your Self.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 17 - Behaviour of a Free ManVinod Kad
In this 17th chapter of Ashtvakra Gita, the sage explains in detail the behaviour, character and nature of a person who is truly Free. He is beyond dualities of life, he is free from mind, free from his thoughts.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 16 - Forget everything except your SelfVinod Kad
In this 16th chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, sage Ashtavakra again and again tries to bring back to him Self. He emphasises that you can forget everything else in this world except your Self. Remembering, staying within your Self protects you from everything in life and keeps you happy, stable and fulfilled.
Ashtavakra Gita Chapter 15 - You are neither body nor mindVinod Kad
In the 15th Chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, sage Ashtavakra explains that your true identity is neither your body nor your mind. You are beyond your mind and your mind (i.e. thoughts, views, feelings..). Even this much realisation will free you from everything.
In this fourteenth chapter of Ashtavakra Gita, the seeker king Janak explains his inner state after he realised the benefits of becoming choice-less, target-less in life.
This handwritten book is hindi translation from Sanskrit of a wonderful dialogue between Sage Ashtavakra and King Janak on topics like Freedom, Ultimate Knowledge, Self Realisation, Way to Peace, virtues of patience and answer to the Ultimate Question Who Am I. To know more about this book you can contact its author Vinod Kad at