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Living Things Grow and Change!

        Life Cycles Interdisciplinary Unit
            Assessment Photo Album
What is this all about?
Title: Living Things Grow and Change!

Content Areas : Science, Reading, Writing, Math

Topic: Students will explore the growth cycle and
characteristics of plants, frogs, and butterflies.

Grade: Kindergarten

Designer(s): Dulcinea Hearn
What will we learn?
              (Learning Outcomes)

 I can draw, write, or explain what I think and other

Reading Comprehension:
I can listen and try to answer questions about stories
that are read aloud to me.

I can find ways that living things grow and change.

I can sort pictures or other things and explain why.
I will be able to
           answer these questions:
                      (Essential Questions)

1. What are the stages of growth for a plant?

2. What are the names of the parts of a plant?

3. How are plants able to grow?

4. What are the stages of growth of a butterfly?

5. What are the stages of growth of a frog?

6. Why is it important to take care of living things?
Diagnostic Assessments
              (What do I already know?)

1. My family will tell my teacher about my learning interests
and how well I work with others.

2. We will walk outside and explore nature.

3. I will draw seeds and explain what they look like.

4. I will draw what I know and wonder about plants,
butterflies, and frogs (KWL)
Formative Assessments
                        (What am I learning?)
I will show what I am learning by

1. listening to stories and answer questions

2. using my body to show how a plant grows

3. drawing pictures of how plants, butterflies, and frogs grow

4. matching the names of the plant parts to a plant picture
Formative Assessments
            (What am I learning?)

I will show what I am learning by

5. sorting seeds

6. putting pictures of the stages of growth of
butterflies and plants in order

7. finishing the K-W-L chart with pictures in the
learned column
Performance Assessment
                (What did I learn?)

 1. I will correctly plant seeds for a plant to grow and
 then I will put pictures in order to show how my
 plant will grow and finally I will show the things that
 a plant needs to grow.

 2. I will draw a picture of the how a butterfly and a
 frog grows.
              (Performance Assessment One)
                    What is my score?

Not Yet (1)            In Progress (2)        Meets (3)

With prompting and     With prompting and     Without prompting and

support the student    support the student    support the student

does not express any   demonstrates partial   demonstrates complete

knowledge to           knowledge of the       knowledge of the planting

demonstrate the        planting process,      process, stages of growth,

process of planting,   stages of growth, or   AND the requirements to

stages of growth, or   requirements to grow. grow.

requirements to

              (Performance Assessment Two)
                    What is my score?

Not Yet (1)              In Progress (2)           Meets (3)

With prompting and       With prompting and        Without prompting and

support the student      support the student       support the student

does not express any     demonstrates partial      demonstrates complete

knowledge to draw        knowledge of the          knowledge of the life cycle

or explain the stages    stages of the life        of a butterfly or a frog.

of the life cycle of a   cycle of a butterfly or

butterfly or a frog      a frog.
Paper and Pencil Assessments
                (What can I show on paper?)

  True True/False Item:
  Plants need water, sun, and air to grow. (This would be reflected
  on paper as a picture of a live, healthy plant connected to three
  pictures of water, a sun, and air  next to the box would be a
  happy face and a sad face.) Students would be prompted to
  circle the happy face if the statement is true or a sad face if
  the statement is false.

  False True/False Item:
  Plants need food, the moon, and to be held to grow. (This would
  be reflected on paper as a picture of a live, healthy plant
  connected to three pictures of human food, the moon, and a hand
  - next to the box would be a happy face and a sad face.) The
  students would be prompted to circle the happy face if the
  statement is true or a sad face if the statement is false.
Paper and Pencil Assessments
                     (What can I show on paper?)

Short Answer or Fill-in-the-Blank Item:
Picture (seed) then __________, _________, __________ (3 blank lines) then
a picture (grown plant). On the margin of the page would be five dotted boxes of
different answer choices. Among them would be a picture of water, air, and sun.
The students would be required to cut and paste the correct items in the blanks.

Multiple Choice Item:
This question would be demonstrated as four pictures next to each
other representing the four growth cycles of a plant (e.g. seed, bud,
sprout, plant). Below these pictures would be four answer choices :
                   1. Picture of a moon
                   2. Picture of water coming from a watering can
                   3. Picture of a cheeseburger
                   4. Picture of a sand dune
The students would be prompted to circle the picture of the item that
would make the seed grow into a plant
Paper and Pencil Assessments
              (What can I show on paper?)

  Essay Item:

  Discuss and explain what a plant needs to grow.
  The students would be prompted to answer this question
  in their native language. Upon completion of the oral
  answer students would be prompted to arrange felt
  pieces of what plant needs to grow (water, sun, air) next
  to a live, healthy plant on a felt board. They would select
  the pieces out of multiple choices of pre-cut felt pieces.
Get set.

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Assessment Photo Album

  • 1. Living Things Grow and Change! Kindergarten Life Cycles Interdisciplinary Unit Assessment Photo Album
  • 2. What is this all about? Title: Living Things Grow and Change! Content Areas : Science, Reading, Writing, Math Topic: Students will explore the growth cycle and characteristics of plants, frogs, and butterflies. Grade: Kindergarten Designer(s): Dulcinea Hearn
  • 3. What will we learn? (Learning Outcomes) Writing: I can draw, write, or explain what I think and other information. Reading Comprehension: I can listen and try to answer questions about stories that are read aloud to me. Science: I can find ways that living things grow and change. Math: I can sort pictures or other things and explain why.
  • 4. I will be able to answer these questions: (Essential Questions) 1. What are the stages of growth for a plant? 2. What are the names of the parts of a plant? 3. How are plants able to grow? 4. What are the stages of growth of a butterfly? 5. What are the stages of growth of a frog? 6. Why is it important to take care of living things?
  • 5. Diagnostic Assessments (What do I already know?) 1. My family will tell my teacher about my learning interests and how well I work with others. 2. We will walk outside and explore nature. 3. I will draw seeds and explain what they look like. 4. I will draw what I know and wonder about plants, butterflies, and frogs (KWL)
  • 6. Formative Assessments (What am I learning?) I will show what I am learning by 1. listening to stories and answer questions 2. using my body to show how a plant grows 3. drawing pictures of how plants, butterflies, and frogs grow 4. matching the names of the plant parts to a plant picture
  • 7. Formative Assessments (What am I learning?) I will show what I am learning by 5. sorting seeds 6. putting pictures of the stages of growth of butterflies and plants in order 7. finishing the K-W-L chart with pictures in the learned column
  • 8. Performance Assessment (What did I learn?) 1. I will correctly plant seeds for a plant to grow and then I will put pictures in order to show how my plant will grow and finally I will show the things that a plant needs to grow. 2. I will draw a picture of the how a butterfly and a frog grows.
  • 9. Rubric (Performance Assessment One) What is my score? Not Yet (1) In Progress (2) Meets (3) With prompting and With prompting and Without prompting and support the student support the student support the student does not express any demonstrates partial demonstrates complete knowledge to knowledge of the knowledge of the planting demonstrate the planting process, process, stages of growth, process of planting, stages of growth, or AND the requirements to stages of growth, or requirements to grow. grow. requirements to grow.
  • 10. Rubric (Performance Assessment Two) What is my score? Not Yet (1) In Progress (2) Meets (3) With prompting and With prompting and Without prompting and support the student support the student support the student does not express any demonstrates partial demonstrates complete knowledge to draw knowledge of the knowledge of the life cycle or explain the stages stages of the life of a butterfly or a frog. of the life cycle of a cycle of a butterfly or butterfly or a frog a frog.
  • 11. Paper and Pencil Assessments (What can I show on paper?) True True/False Item: Plants need water, sun, and air to grow. (This would be reflected on paper as a picture of a live, healthy plant connected to three pictures of water, a sun, and air next to the box would be a happy face and a sad face.) Students would be prompted to circle the happy face if the statement is true or a sad face if the statement is false. False True/False Item: Plants need food, the moon, and to be held to grow. (This would be reflected on paper as a picture of a live, healthy plant connected to three pictures of human food, the moon, and a hand - next to the box would be a happy face and a sad face.) The students would be prompted to circle the happy face if the statement is true or a sad face if the statement is false.
  • 12. Paper and Pencil Assessments (What can I show on paper?) Short Answer or Fill-in-the-Blank Item: Picture (seed) then __________, _________, __________ (3 blank lines) then a picture (grown plant). On the margin of the page would be five dotted boxes of different answer choices. Among them would be a picture of water, air, and sun. The students would be required to cut and paste the correct items in the blanks. Multiple Choice Item: This question would be demonstrated as four pictures next to each other representing the four growth cycles of a plant (e.g. seed, bud, sprout, plant). Below these pictures would be four answer choices : 1. Picture of a moon 2. Picture of water coming from a watering can 3. Picture of a cheeseburger 4. Picture of a sand dune The students would be prompted to circle the picture of the item that would make the seed grow into a plant
  • 13. Paper and Pencil Assessments (What can I show on paper?) Essay Item: Discuss and explain what a plant needs to grow. The students would be prompted to answer this question in their native language. Upon completion of the oral answer students would be prompted to arrange felt pieces of what plant needs to grow (water, sun, air) next to a live, healthy plant on a felt board. They would select the pieces out of multiple choices of pre-cut felt pieces.