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Assignment #3:
The Bread Challenge
     by Anna Pichugina

            Venture Lab/ A Crash Course on Creativity
           by Professor Tina Seelig, Stanford University
Food has become one of the most controversial topics nowadays.

People dont get enough of       Wealthy countries are
it in poor countries.            struck with the problem of
Thousands die of hunger          obesity. People choose to
every hour, and every day is     consume calories, but not
a struggle.                      burn them.
do to help?


What if we make it virtual, and make people (literally)
run for it?
The Idea is to create a
smartphone app to
make people get their
fat bodies off the
couch for a good

Just like Freerice.com
promotes education
while fighting hunger,
we will promote sports.
How it will work:
 You set yourself a goal  like, walk 10,000 steps per
  day or burn 500 Kcal running etc.

 The app will count your physical activity and show the
  loaf progress bar. The more you move, the more
  slices it shows.
 Once you see a full loaf, you know youve completed
  the challenge.
 You will be able share the news with your friends on
 On the project website, everyone will see how many
  loafs were assembled each day.
You will see this when (and if) you reach your daily
target. It means:
a) youve earned a treat and can get yourself
    something tasty
b) youve helped people in need by simply
    moving our body a bit more actively than usual
For each loaf the app users have completed, a
certain donation will be made for United Nations
World Food Programme.

As a result, more people in wealthy countries (yes,
its where they can afford modern smartphones
with fancy apps) will get fit.
And more people in poor countries (where most
have no idea what a smartphone is) will get food.
Why it will work:

Bread is a simple globally
understood symbol of food.
What do you give to a hungry
person? Some bread.

                        What is one of top products
                        people with extra weight
                        should cut on eating?
                        Bread, again.
Want some bread? Youve got to earn it!

      Thank you for your attention!
Hi, are you still here?

Heres one more thing for you: check out
how to entertain yourself with bread in a
short extra here:

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Assignment 3 - The Bread Challenge

  • 1. Assignment #3: The Bread Challenge by Anna Pichugina Venture Lab/ A Crash Course on Creativity by Professor Tina Seelig, Stanford University
  • 2. Food has become one of the most controversial topics nowadays. People dont get enough of Wealthy countries are it in poor countries. struck with the problem of Thousands die of hunger obesity. People choose to every hour, and every day is consume calories, but not a struggle. burn them.
  • 3. What can ONE LOAF OF BREAD do to help? Hmmm. What if we make it virtual, and make people (literally) run for it?
  • 4. The Idea is to create a smartphone app to make people get their fat bodies off the couch for a good cause. Just like Freerice.com promotes education while fighting hunger, we will promote sports.
  • 5. How it will work: You set yourself a goal like, walk 10,000 steps per day or burn 500 Kcal running etc. The app will count your physical activity and show the loaf progress bar. The more you move, the more slices it shows. Once you see a full loaf, you know youve completed the challenge. You will be able share the news with your friends on facebook. On the project website, everyone will see how many loafs were assembled each day.
  • 6. You will see this when (and if) you reach your daily target. It means: a) youve earned a treat and can get yourself something tasty b) youve helped people in need by simply moving our body a bit more actively than usual
  • 7. For each loaf the app users have completed, a certain donation will be made for United Nations World Food Programme. As a result, more people in wealthy countries (yes, its where they can afford modern smartphones with fancy apps) will get fit. And more people in poor countries (where most have no idea what a smartphone is) will get food.
  • 8. Why it will work: Bread is a simple globally understood symbol of food. What do you give to a hungry person? Some bread. What is one of top products people with extra weight should cut on eating? Bread, again.
  • 9. Want some bread? Youve got to earn it! Thank you for your attention!
  • 10. Hi, are you still here? Nice Heres one more thing for you: check out how to entertain yourself with bread in a short extra here: http://www.slideshare.net/MsAnnaPich/assignment-3-the-bread- challenge-extra