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Agent & principle 
Sec.182 of The Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines an agent as a 
person employed to do any act for another or to represent another in 
dealings with third persons. The person for whom such act is done or who 
is so represented is called the Principal. Thus an agent is a person, who 
acts for and on behalf of the principal and under the latters express or 
implied authority and the acts done within such authority are binding on 
his principal and, the principal is liable to the party for the acts of the 
agent. Banks collect cheques, bills, and makes payment to various 
authorities viz., rent, telephone bills, insurance premium etc., on behalf of 
customers. . Banks also abides by the standing instructions given by its 
customers. In all such cases bank acts as an agent of its customer, and 
charges for theses services. As per Indian contract Act agent is entitled to 
charges. No charges are levied in collection of local cheques through 
clearing house. 
A lot of appraisal both legal and otherwise has been done on the relationship of the banker 
and the customer. The law of banking is concerned not only with the legal framework of 
banking business but also with the peculiar legal relationship which subsists between bankers 
and their customer. One of the extended areas of contractual relationship which, exist is that 
of banker and customer relationship. It shares a major characteristic of any contractual 
transaction which exist between; principal and agent 
In a limited sense, a banker is an agent of the customer with regard to the bankers 
duty to pay money to the amounts specified by a customer of the bank in favour of third 
parties. Agency relationship has been described as arising when one person performs certain 
tasks on behalf of another person1. An agency has been defined as 
1 Fayokun K.O (2011) Commercial Law Concise Law Series
The relationship that exists between two persons when one, called agent, is considered 
in law to represent the other, called the principal in such a way as to be able to effect the 
pricipals legal position in respect of strangers to the relationship by the making of contracts 
on the disposition of property2. The basis of the agency relationship has also been said to be 
the endowment by the principal on the agent with the power to act in place of the principal. 
Usually this power arises by consent. Agency is most frequently a consensual relationship 
arising from agreement between the principal and the agent.3 
The banker acts as an agent of the customer (principal) by providing the following agency 
a. Buying and selling securities on his behalf. 
b. Collection of cheques, dividends, bills or promissory notes on his behalf.4 
c. Acting as a trustee, attorney, executor, correspondent or representative of a customer. 
The banker as an agent performs many other functions such as payment of insurance 
premium, electricity and gas bills, handling tax problems, etc.5 it has also been held that the 
role or predominant business of bankers is the business of banking which consists mainly in 
the receipt o monies on current deposit account and the payment of cheques issued by a 
A relationship of principal and agent has also been said to exist where the banker acts 
as a collecting banker for cheques paid in by customers7. According to Ayoola, J.S.C in Bank 
2Fridman (1971) The Law of Agency, London: Buttersworth Pg.8 
3 Fayokun K.O op.cit 
4 See Capital Counties Bank Ltd v. Gordon (1903) AC 243 HL 
5See Afribank Nigeria Plc v. Aminu Ishola Investment Ltd. (2002) 7 NWLR pt. 765 40 
6 id 
7First Bank of Nigeria Ltd. V. African Petroleum Ltd (1996) 4. N.W.L.R. Pt.443,438
of the North v. Yau8. The collecting bank is an agent of the customer for the purpose of 
receiving payment ofcheques from the banker on whom they are drawn 
The analogy of the banker as the agent and the customer as principal is however 
fraught with with so many problems due to the fudiciary relationship expected from an agent. 
The agent in agency relationship is bound to account for profit, he must not make secret 
profit. The question whether or not the banker as an agent to the customer is entitled to 
renumeration would have arisen if the banker customer relationship is to be likened to the 
agency relationship.9 all these characteristics of agency relationship would have impeded the 
development of the banking system as known today. 
It should also be noted that the scope of the agency relationship is measured by the 
length of authority possessed by an agent to affect the legal position of his principal in 
relation to a third party. In a banker customer relationship, the only authority the customer 
that is, the principal possess is the authority to order for payments of cheques drawn on him 
and by him. The authority of the principal in an agent principal relationship is to an extent 
absolute. A principal in an agent principal relationship is also bound by the acts of his agent, 
but in a banker customer relationship, the customer is in no way bound by the acts of his 
banker on the money/valuable he deposited with him that is, his banker. 
It is submitted from the foregoing that the relationship that exists between a banker 
and his customer though shares some similarities with the principal agent relationship, its not 
the same with the latter. This is so because the customer cannot dictate to the bank how the 
bank will deal with the money he deposits in his account. Although the bank charges interest 
for services rendered for the customers, this is not the same thing with remuneration such as 
salary and wages as we have in an agency relationship. 
8Op. cit pg 26 
9 Okany M.C op cit pg 32

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  • 1. Agent & principle Sec.182 of The Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines an agent as a person employed to do any act for another or to represent another in dealings with third persons. The person for whom such act is done or who is so represented is called the Principal. Thus an agent is a person, who acts for and on behalf of the principal and under the latters express or implied authority and the acts done within such authority are binding on his principal and, the principal is liable to the party for the acts of the agent. Banks collect cheques, bills, and makes payment to various authorities viz., rent, telephone bills, insurance premium etc., on behalf of customers. . Banks also abides by the standing instructions given by its customers. In all such cases bank acts as an agent of its customer, and charges for theses services. As per Indian contract Act agent is entitled to charges. No charges are levied in collection of local cheques through clearing house. A lot of appraisal both legal and otherwise has been done on the relationship of the banker and the customer. The law of banking is concerned not only with the legal framework of banking business but also with the peculiar legal relationship which subsists between bankers and their customer. One of the extended areas of contractual relationship which, exist is that of banker and customer relationship. It shares a major characteristic of any contractual transaction which exist between; principal and agent 3.2 PRINCIPAL AGENT RELATIONSHIP In a limited sense, a banker is an agent of the customer with regard to the bankers duty to pay money to the amounts specified by a customer of the bank in favour of third parties. Agency relationship has been described as arising when one person performs certain tasks on behalf of another person1. An agency has been defined as 1 Fayokun K.O (2011) Commercial Law Concise Law Series
  • 2. The relationship that exists between two persons when one, called agent, is considered in law to represent the other, called the principal in such a way as to be able to effect the pricipals legal position in respect of strangers to the relationship by the making of contracts on the disposition of property2. The basis of the agency relationship has also been said to be the endowment by the principal on the agent with the power to act in place of the principal. Usually this power arises by consent. Agency is most frequently a consensual relationship arising from agreement between the principal and the agent.3 The banker acts as an agent of the customer (principal) by providing the following agency services: a. Buying and selling securities on his behalf. b. Collection of cheques, dividends, bills or promissory notes on his behalf.4 c. Acting as a trustee, attorney, executor, correspondent or representative of a customer. The banker as an agent performs many other functions such as payment of insurance premium, electricity and gas bills, handling tax problems, etc.5 it has also been held that the role or predominant business of bankers is the business of banking which consists mainly in the receipt o monies on current deposit account and the payment of cheques issued by a customer.6 A relationship of principal and agent has also been said to exist where the banker acts as a collecting banker for cheques paid in by customers7. According to Ayoola, J.S.C in Bank 2Fridman (1971) The Law of Agency, London: Buttersworth Pg.8 3 Fayokun K.O op.cit 4 See Capital Counties Bank Ltd v. Gordon (1903) AC 243 HL 5See Afribank Nigeria Plc v. Aminu Ishola Investment Ltd. (2002) 7 NWLR pt. 765 40 6 id 7First Bank of Nigeria Ltd. V. African Petroleum Ltd (1996) 4. N.W.L.R. Pt.443,438
  • 3. of the North v. Yau8. The collecting bank is an agent of the customer for the purpose of receiving payment ofcheques from the banker on whom they are drawn The analogy of the banker as the agent and the customer as principal is however fraught with with so many problems due to the fudiciary relationship expected from an agent. The agent in agency relationship is bound to account for profit, he must not make secret profit. The question whether or not the banker as an agent to the customer is entitled to renumeration would have arisen if the banker customer relationship is to be likened to the agency relationship.9 all these characteristics of agency relationship would have impeded the development of the banking system as known today. It should also be noted that the scope of the agency relationship is measured by the length of authority possessed by an agent to affect the legal position of his principal in relation to a third party. In a banker customer relationship, the only authority the customer that is, the principal possess is the authority to order for payments of cheques drawn on him and by him. The authority of the principal in an agent principal relationship is to an extent absolute. A principal in an agent principal relationship is also bound by the acts of his agent, but in a banker customer relationship, the customer is in no way bound by the acts of his banker on the money/valuable he deposited with him that is, his banker. It is submitted from the foregoing that the relationship that exists between a banker and his customer though shares some similarities with the principal agent relationship, its not the same with the latter. This is so because the customer cannot dictate to the bank how the bank will deal with the money he deposits in his account. Although the bank charges interest for services rendered for the customers, this is not the same thing with remuneration such as salary and wages as we have in an agency relationship. 8Op. cit pg 26 9 Okany M.C op cit pg 32