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Athletes Village: The carbon story                                                                                Design
Design Philosophy
                                                            Long term energy
                       Improved fabric insulation           strategy leading to
    LEAN              Reduced unwanted solar gains

                       Reduced uncontrolled infiltration
                       Heat recovery
   MEAN               Lighting efficiency and control
                       Fan and pump efficiency
   GREEN              Renewable or Low Carbon contribution   less CO2 by 2050

                Dynamic           Thermal                                      Improved Building Fabric and plant
                Simulation    was    used
                                                          Heating Load kWh
                                               6000                            efficiencies have reduced the heating load
                extensively to develop         5000

                passive    measures    to      4000
                minimise     energy   and      3000
                control overheating            2000
                                                  0                               Average reduction compared to typical
                                                       Athletes     Standard      Building Regulations compliant dwellings
                                                        Village    Apartment

                                                                                               MVHR system recovers
                             Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
                                 (GGBS) as cement replacement in
                                concrete reduced embodied carbon
                                       emissions by around
                                     50%                                                 of heat generated reducing energy
                                                                                          consumption and CO2 emissions

                                                                                            Fan motors are DC driven to
                                                                                           further reduce energy demand
Athletes Village: The carbon story                                                             Construction

                                     22%                                     85%
                                                         Reduction in CO2
                                                         emissions from
                                                         temporary power

                                     Gas generators used for temporary
                                     power supplies saved c 贈5m in fuel
                                     and carbon costs, and over 10,000 t
                                     CO2 vs their diesel equivalent

500,000m3 of soil has been
moved during the project
                                                                             of aggregate deliveries were

of which has been retained and
                                                                                  made by rail saving

                                                                            40,000 t CO2
                                                                                     in about 2 years
reused on site saving 贈0.5m

                  Treating 12,160 tonnes                                    An on-site sewage treatment plant
                  of Japanese Knotweed                                      eliminated
                  affected material
                  on site reduced CO2
                  emissions by
                                                                            6,197            vehicle

                    vs dig and dump
                                                                             83.69 t CO2
Athletes Village: The carbon story                                                                 Operational Carbon

Carbon Emissions Kg CO2        CO2 emissions reduced

                                                                                         ~ 1.5t CO2
2500                           on average by
                                                            ~        to a saving of

                                                                                                per apartment per year

1000                                                        Predicted energy use including appliances     similar to the emissions
                                                                          showed that                     annual absorbed

                                                            13,380 t CO2~
                              when compared to a typical                                                  by a forest 2/3 the
   0                          Building Regulations Part L                                                 size of the
        Standard   Athletes   2006 compliant apartment                                                    Athletes
       Apartment    Village                                   will be saved site wide each year           Village

                                     using 7w LED Lighting reduces
                                      energy consumption by
                                                                       ~     equivalent to
                                         vs. regular standard 60w                     5,317 t CO2
                                            incandescent bulbs                           saved site wide each year

                                      Air tightness is improved on                                         Connection to

 U values                               Building Regulations by                                           a highly efficient

 are up to 60% improved on Part L
  Building Regulations 2006 and
 exceed Part L 2010 requirements        50%                                                              provides a very low
                                                                                                        average CO2 emission
                                                                                                           factor of 0.0397

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Athletes Village: Carbon Story

  • 1. Athletes Village: The carbon story Design Design Philosophy Long term energy Improved fabric insulation strategy leading to LEAN Reduced unwanted solar gains 80% Reduced uncontrolled infiltration Heat recovery MEAN Lighting efficiency and control Fan and pump efficiency GREEN Renewable or Low Carbon contribution less CO2 by 2050 Dynamic Thermal Improved Building Fabric and plant Simulation was used Heating Load kWh 6000 efficiencies have reduced the heating load extensively to develop 5000 60% passive measures to 4000 minimise energy and 3000 control overheating 2000 1000 0 Average reduction compared to typical Athletes Standard Building Regulations compliant dwellings Village Apartment MVHR system recovers Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) as cement replacement in concrete reduced embodied carbon emissions by around 90% 50% of heat generated reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions Fan motors are DC driven to further reduce energy demand
  • 2. Athletes Village: The carbon story Construction 22% 85% Reduction in CO2 emissions from temporary power Gas generators used for temporary power supplies saved c 贈5m in fuel and carbon costs, and over 10,000 t CO2 vs their diesel equivalent 500,000m3 of soil has been moved during the project of aggregate deliveries were 99.6% of which has been retained and made by rail saving 40,000 t CO2 in about 2 years reused on site saving 贈0.5m Treating 12,160 tonnes An on-site sewage treatment plant of Japanese Knotweed eliminated affected material on site reduced CO2 emissions by 6,197 vehicle movements saving 75% vs dig and dump 83.69 t CO2
  • 3. Athletes Village: The carbon story Operational Carbon Carbon Emissions Kg CO2 CO2 emissions reduced ~ 1.5t CO2 equivalent 2500 on average by ~ to a saving of 83% 2000 per apartment per year 1500 1000 Predicted energy use including appliances similar to the emissions showed that annual absorbed 13,380 t CO2~ 500 when compared to a typical by a forest 2/3 the 0 Building Regulations Part L size of the Standard Athletes 2006 compliant apartment Athletes Apartment Village will be saved site wide each year Village using 7w LED Lighting reduces energy consumption by ~ equivalent to ~ 85% vs. regular standard 60w 5,317 t CO2 incandescent bulbs saved site wide each year Air tightness is improved on Connection to U values Building Regulations by a highly efficient CHP are up to 60% improved on Part L Building Regulations 2006 and exceed Part L 2010 requirements 50% provides a very low average CO2 emission factor of 0.0397