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This is not an official transcript. Courses which are in progress may also be included on this transcript. Transfer Credit Institution Credit Transcript Totals Transcript Data STUDENT INFORMATION Name : Audie L. Cherry Birth Date: 02-JUN Curriculum Information Program of Study Major and Department: Undeclared-non- degree seeking, Undeclared ***Transcript type:Internal for Advising & Web is NOT Official *** DEGREE AWARDED Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Agric Degree Date: May 11,2013 Institutional Honors: Cum Laude Curriculum Information Major: Agr Science/AgriScience Tech TRANSFER CREDIT ACCEPTED BY INSTITUTION -Top- Fall 2008: Western Kentucky University Subject Course Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R CHE 105 Fundmtls General Chemistry ++ B 4.000 12.00 Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 12.00 3.00
Unofficial Transcript 
Spring 2009: Western Kentucky University Subject Course Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R CHE 106 Fundmtls of Organic Chem ++ T15 4.000 9.00 Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 9.00 2.25 Unofficial Transcript 
Fall 2009: Madisonville CC Subject Course Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R MAT 140 College Algebra and Functions B 3.000 9.00 Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 9.00 3.00 Unofficial Transcript 
INSTITUTION CREDIT -Top- Term: Fall 2009 Academic Standing: Good Standing Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AED 104 UG AG Edu, Ldrshp, and Life A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 12.00 4.00 Cumulative: 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 12.00 4.00
Unofficial Transcript 
Term: Fall 2010 Academic Standing: Good Standing Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 099 UG Transitions P 1.000 0.00 AGR 100 UG Animal Science B 3.000 9.00 AGR 130 UG Agricultural Economics A 3.000 12.00 AGR 170 UG Intro to Agricultural Sys Tech B 3.000 9.00 AGR 199 UG Contemporary Issues in AG A 3.000 12.00 AGR 223 UG Intro to Artificial Inseminati A 3.000 12.00 ENG 105 UG Reading, Writing and Inquiry B 4.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 20.000 20.000 20.000 19.000 66.00 3.47 Cumulative: 23.000 23.000 23.000 22.000 78.00 3.54 Unofficial Transcript 
Term: Spring 2011 Academic Standing: Good Standing Additional Standing: Dean's List Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 200 UG Intl Experience in Agriculture A 3.000 12.00 AGR 339 UG Computer Applications for AG A 3.000 12.00 AGR 372 UG Agricultural Metal Processes A 3.000 12.00 AGR 499 UG Ldrshp/Prof Dev Sem II A 1.000 4.00 COM 161 UG Intro to Public Speaking A 3.000 12.00 SED 300 UG Edu Students w/Disabilities A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 16.000 16.000 16.000 16.000 64.00 4.00 Cumulative: 39.000 39.000 39.000 38.000 142.00 3.73
Unofficial Transcript 
Term: Fall 2011 Academic Standing: Good Standing Additional Standing: Dean's List Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AED 380 UG AG Ed, Extension/Leadership A 3.000 12.00 AGR 300 UG Principles of Animal Nutrition A 3.000 12.00 AGR 433 UG Farm Management A 3.000 12.00 AGR 471 UG Applications in Precision Ag A 3.000 12.00 HUM 211 UG Western Humanities Tradition B 3.000 9.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 57.00 3.80 Cumulative: 54.000 54.000 54.000 53.000 199.00 3.75 Unofficial Transcript 
Term: Spring 2012 Academic Standing: Good Standing Additional Standing: Dean's List Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 240 UG Crop Science A 3.000 12.00 AGR 345 UG Soil Science A 3.000 12.00 BIO 103 UG Saving Planet Earth B 3.000 9.00 CIV 201 UG World Civilizations I B 3.000 9.00 CTE 501 UG Structures and Foundations A 3.000 12.00 EDP 260 UG Psychology of Human Developmen A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 18.000 18.000 18.000 18.000 66.00 3.66
Cumulative: 72.000 72.000 72.000 71.000 265.00 3.73 Unofficial Transcript 
Term: Summer 2012 Academic Standing: Good Standing Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 353 UG World Food, AG and Society A 3.000 12.00 AGR 362 UG Floral Design B 3.000 9.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 21.00 3.50 Cumulative: 78.000 78.000 78.000 77.000 286.00 3.71 Unofficial Transcript 
Term: Fall 2012 Academic Standing: Good Standing Additional Standing: Dean's List Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AED 593 UG Practicum in Agr Edu/Extension B 3.000 9.00 AGR 360 UG Greenhouse Prod/Mgt B 3.000 9.00 AGR 382 UG Aquaculture Management A 3.000 12.00 AGR 570 UG AG Systems Tech Lab Mgmt A 3.000 12.00 AGR 599 UG Agriculture Senior Capstone A 1.000 4.00 BIO 101 UG Biological Concepts B 4.000 12.00 CTE 502 UG Assessment/Curricula in CTE A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 70.00 3.50 Cumulative: 98.000 98.000 98.000 97.000 356.00 3.67 Unofficial Transcript
Term: Spring 2013 Academic Standing: Good Standing Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 330 UG Principles of Agribusiness B 3.000 9.00 AGR 371 UG AG Buildings and Construction C 3.000 6.00 AGR 377 UG Agriculture Safety A 3.000 12.00 AGR 436 UG Undergraduate Research in AG A 3.000 12.00 IDC 199 UG Sem: Food and Culture A 1.000 4.00 YNL 351 UG Ldrshp/Spprt in Yth/Hmn Serv A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 16.000 16.000 16.000 16.000 55.00 3.43 Cumulative: 114.000 114.000 114.000 113.000 411.00 3.63 Unofficial Transcript 
Term: Summer 2013 Academic Standing: Good Standing Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 533 UG Seminar in Int'l Agriculture A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 12.00 4.00 Cumulative: 117.000 117.000 117.000 116.000 423.00 3.64 Unofficial Transcript 
TRANSCRIPT TOTALS (UNDERGRADUATE) -Top- Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA
Total Institution: 117.000 117.000 117.000 116.000 423.00 3.64 Total Transfer: 11.000 11.000 11.000 11.000 30.00 2.72 Overall: 128.000 128.000 128.000 127.000 453.00 3.56 Unofficial Transcript

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Audie Cherry MSU Unoff Trans

  • 1. This is not an official transcript. Courses which are in progress may also be included on this transcript. Transfer Credit Institution Credit Transcript Totals Transcript Data STUDENT INFORMATION Name : Audie L. Cherry Birth Date: 02-JUN Curriculum Information Program of Study Major and Department: Undeclared-non- degree seeking, Undeclared ***Transcript type:Internal for Advising & Web is NOT Official *** DEGREE AWARDED Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Agric Degree Date: May 11,2013 Institutional Honors: Cum Laude Curriculum Information Major: Agr Science/AgriScience Tech TRANSFER CREDIT ACCEPTED BY INSTITUTION -Top- Fall 2008: Western Kentucky University Subject Course Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R CHE 105 Fundmtls General Chemistry ++ B 4.000 12.00 Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 12.00 3.00
  • 2. Unofficial Transcript Spring 2009: Western Kentucky University Subject Course Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R CHE 106 Fundmtls of Organic Chem ++ T15 4.000 9.00 Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 9.00 2.25 Unofficial Transcript Fall 2009: Madisonville CC Subject Course Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R MAT 140 College Algebra and Functions B 3.000 9.00 Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 9.00 3.00 Unofficial Transcript INSTITUTION CREDIT -Top- Term: Fall 2009 Academic Standing: Good Standing Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AED 104 UG AG Edu, Ldrshp, and Life A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 12.00 4.00 Cumulative: 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 12.00 4.00
  • 3. Unofficial Transcript Term: Fall 2010 Academic Standing: Good Standing Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 099 UG Transitions P 1.000 0.00 AGR 100 UG Animal Science B 3.000 9.00 AGR 130 UG Agricultural Economics A 3.000 12.00 AGR 170 UG Intro to Agricultural Sys Tech B 3.000 9.00 AGR 199 UG Contemporary Issues in AG A 3.000 12.00 AGR 223 UG Intro to Artificial Inseminati A 3.000 12.00 ENG 105 UG Reading, Writing and Inquiry B 4.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 20.000 20.000 20.000 19.000 66.00 3.47 Cumulative: 23.000 23.000 23.000 22.000 78.00 3.54 Unofficial Transcript Term: Spring 2011 Academic Standing: Good Standing Additional Standing: Dean's List Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 200 UG Intl Experience in Agriculture A 3.000 12.00 AGR 339 UG Computer Applications for AG A 3.000 12.00 AGR 372 UG Agricultural Metal Processes A 3.000 12.00 AGR 499 UG Ldrshp/Prof Dev Sem II A 1.000 4.00 COM 161 UG Intro to Public Speaking A 3.000 12.00 SED 300 UG Edu Students w/Disabilities A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 16.000 16.000 16.000 16.000 64.00 4.00 Cumulative: 39.000 39.000 39.000 38.000 142.00 3.73
  • 4. Unofficial Transcript Term: Fall 2011 Academic Standing: Good Standing Additional Standing: Dean's List Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AED 380 UG AG Ed, Extension/Leadership A 3.000 12.00 AGR 300 UG Principles of Animal Nutrition A 3.000 12.00 AGR 433 UG Farm Management A 3.000 12.00 AGR 471 UG Applications in Precision Ag A 3.000 12.00 HUM 211 UG Western Humanities Tradition B 3.000 9.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 57.00 3.80 Cumulative: 54.000 54.000 54.000 53.000 199.00 3.75 Unofficial Transcript Term: Spring 2012 Academic Standing: Good Standing Additional Standing: Dean's List Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 240 UG Crop Science A 3.000 12.00 AGR 345 UG Soil Science A 3.000 12.00 BIO 103 UG Saving Planet Earth B 3.000 9.00 CIV 201 UG World Civilizations I B 3.000 9.00 CTE 501 UG Structures and Foundations A 3.000 12.00 EDP 260 UG Psychology of Human Developmen A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 18.000 18.000 18.000 18.000 66.00 3.66
  • 5. Cumulative: 72.000 72.000 72.000 71.000 265.00 3.73 Unofficial Transcript Term: Summer 2012 Academic Standing: Good Standing Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 353 UG World Food, AG and Society A 3.000 12.00 AGR 362 UG Floral Design B 3.000 9.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 21.00 3.50 Cumulative: 78.000 78.000 78.000 77.000 286.00 3.71 Unofficial Transcript Term: Fall 2012 Academic Standing: Good Standing Additional Standing: Dean's List Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AED 593 UG Practicum in Agr Edu/Extension B 3.000 9.00 AGR 360 UG Greenhouse Prod/Mgt B 3.000 9.00 AGR 382 UG Aquaculture Management A 3.000 12.00 AGR 570 UG AG Systems Tech Lab Mgmt A 3.000 12.00 AGR 599 UG Agriculture Senior Capstone A 1.000 4.00 BIO 101 UG Biological Concepts B 4.000 12.00 CTE 502 UG Assessment/Curricula in CTE A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 70.00 3.50 Cumulative: 98.000 98.000 98.000 97.000 356.00 3.67 Unofficial Transcript
  • 6. Term: Spring 2013 Academic Standing: Good Standing Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 330 UG Principles of Agribusiness B 3.000 9.00 AGR 371 UG AG Buildings and Construction C 3.000 6.00 AGR 377 UG Agriculture Safety A 3.000 12.00 AGR 436 UG Undergraduate Research in AG A 3.000 12.00 IDC 199 UG Sem: Food and Culture A 1.000 4.00 YNL 351 UG Ldrshp/Spprt in Yth/Hmn Serv A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 16.000 16.000 16.000 16.000 55.00 3.43 Cumulative: 114.000 114.000 114.000 113.000 411.00 3.63 Unofficial Transcript Term: Summer 2013 Academic Standing: Good Standing Subject Course Level Title Grade Credit Hours Quality Points R AGR 533 UG Seminar in Int'l Agriculture A 3.000 12.00 Term Totals (Undergraduate) Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA Current Term: 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 12.00 4.00 Cumulative: 117.000 117.000 117.000 116.000 423.00 3.64 Unofficial Transcript TRANSCRIPT TOTALS (UNDERGRADUATE) -Top- Attempt Hours Passed Hours Earned Hours GPA Hours Quality Points GPA
  • 7. Total Institution: 117.000 117.000 117.000 116.000 423.00 3.64 Total Transfer: 11.000 11.000 11.000 11.000 30.00 2.72 Overall: 128.000 128.000 128.000 127.000 453.00 3.56 Unofficial Transcript