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Digital Aspects
                             CCR 747 ::: S13

Wednesday, March 6, 13
Collin Brooke

Wednesday, March 6, 13
I assume this scholar
                               needs little

Wednesday, March 6, 13

Wednesday, March 6, 13
material aspects

Wednesday, March 6, 13
...anyone can be an author, if the understanding of
                  publishing is limited to the admittedly narrow criterion
                  of making public. ... Anyone can be an author, but not
                  everyone can be an Author. (93)

Wednesday, March 6, 13
authoring metadata (95-97)

Wednesday, March 6, 13
readers writing the text

Wednesday, March 6, 13
In these various screen-based textualities, authorship is
               less a matter of asserting a thesis or a plot than it is of
               providing a range of possibilities. In this way, the act of
               reading becomes more akin to actualization (and
               choice) rather than simple consumption.
               Correspondingly, the author of such text is responsible
               for a range of possibilities, a range that might be judged
               according to variety or 鍖exibility instead of clarity,
               brevity, or sincerity. And texts themselves are
               performed processes of interactions rather than
               objects. (98)

Wednesday, March 6, 13
Jessica Reyman
                         Associate Professor
                         Northern Illinois University

Wednesday, March 6, 13
user-generated metadata

Wednesday, March 6, 13
User data, then, is not seen as created by an author-
               user, but rather as a by-product of technological
               algorithms and aggregation formulas. The means, terms,
               and applications of user contributions are not
               controlled by the authors of those contributions, but by
               technology companies that seek to harness them for
               commercial ends... Current data-mining practices
               prevent author-users from controlling the creation,
               distribution, and uses of their work. ...

Wednesday, March 6, 13
The data itself isnt viewed as the result of human
               creativity or effort. Technology companies and data
               brokers, in this sense, are taking something that has
               little or no value as separate, individual data points and
               creating something of commercial value by aggregating
               and interpreting it. Such appropriation is based on the
               assumptions that data as property is separable and
               unique from individual users creative activities on the
               social and participatory web and further that data is a
               technology-generated by product. As authorless
               objects, the argument goes, data has little value until it
               is aggregated and transformed into massive data sets
               and applied toward target marketing and customization
               of services (524)

Wednesday, March 6, 13
Feist Publications vs Rural Telephone
                         (data vs content)

Wednesday, March 6, 13
Understanding data as objective facts, and, further, as
               unowned property, works to remove users from a
               creative role in its production. What such a distinction
               neglects to address, however, is that user data is a form
               of user contribution that is inextricably bound to an
               author-users content creations: the generation of data
               is tied--by user, time, activity, and technology--to the
               production of content, and vice versa (525).

Wednesday, March 6, 13

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Authorship: Digital and Database

  • 1. Digital Aspects CCR 747 ::: S13 Wednesday, March 6, 13
  • 3. I assume this scholar needs little introduction. Wednesday, March 6, 13
  • 6. ...anyone can be an author, if the understanding of publishing is limited to the admittedly narrow criterion of making public. ... Anyone can be an author, but not everyone can be an Author. (93) Wednesday, March 6, 13
  • 8. readers writing the text Wednesday, March 6, 13
  • 9. In these various screen-based textualities, authorship is less a matter of asserting a thesis or a plot than it is of providing a range of possibilities. In this way, the act of reading becomes more akin to actualization (and choice) rather than simple consumption. Correspondingly, the author of such text is responsible for a range of possibilities, a range that might be judged according to variety or 鍖exibility instead of clarity, brevity, or sincerity. And texts themselves are performed processes of interactions rather than objects. (98) Wednesday, March 6, 13
  • 10. Jessica Reyman Associate Professor Northern Illinois University Wednesday, March 6, 13
  • 12. User data, then, is not seen as created by an author- user, but rather as a by-product of technological algorithms and aggregation formulas. The means, terms, and applications of user contributions are not controlled by the authors of those contributions, but by technology companies that seek to harness them for commercial ends... Current data-mining practices prevent author-users from controlling the creation, distribution, and uses of their work. ... Wednesday, March 6, 13
  • 13. The data itself isnt viewed as the result of human creativity or effort. Technology companies and data brokers, in this sense, are taking something that has little or no value as separate, individual data points and creating something of commercial value by aggregating and interpreting it. Such appropriation is based on the assumptions that data as property is separable and unique from individual users creative activities on the social and participatory web and further that data is a technology-generated by product. As authorless objects, the argument goes, data has little value until it is aggregated and transformed into massive data sets and applied toward target marketing and customization of services (524) Wednesday, March 6, 13
  • 14. Feist Publications vs Rural Telephone (data vs content) Wednesday, March 6, 13
  • 15. Understanding data as objective facts, and, further, as unowned property, works to remove users from a creative role in its production. What such a distinction neglects to address, however, is that user data is a form of user contribution that is inextricably bound to an author-users content creations: the generation of data is tied--by user, time, activity, and technology--to the production of content, and vice versa (525). Wednesday, March 6, 13