The document discusses copyright law and its history and purposes. It covers the Statute of Anne, the first copyright law from 1710, which aimed to encourage learning. It then covers developments in U.S. copyright law over time, including the Constitution giving Congress power to enact copyright law, and various Copyright Acts that expanded protections. Key concepts of fair use, public domain, and international treaties like the Berne Convention are summarized.
10. Jess:
Ive been coming back to this idea throughout the week as I
think about my own project with community work, where
populations or individuals are often not deemed authors, or at
least not Authors. And their work goes unacknowledged
because they lack the access or agency to publish and/or to be
heard so that they can even act in the capacity of an author. ...I
keep thinking about how the cultural status of an author (as it
relates to copyright laws) 鍖rst acknowledges that an author
exists. I guess Im wondering if copyright laws do/can protect
people in this situation, people who perhaps arent necessarily
typical authors wanting to protect their work but still write
and invent texts?
Thursday, March 21, 13
11. Tamara:
Who bene鍖ts from copyright law?
What is the purpose of publishing work/
making it public?
What is a work worth if the general public
cannot access it?
[And what is the purpose of protecting it?]
Thursday, March 21, 13
18. The Congress shall have Power ... To
promote the Progress of Science and
useful Arts, by securing for limited
Times to Authors and Inventors the
Exclusive Right to their respective
Writings and Discoveries.
(USC 17, Article 1, Section 8)
Thursday, March 21, 13
19. The Congress shall have Power ... To
promote the Progress of Science and
useful Arts, by securing for limited
Times to Authors and Inventors the
Exclusive Right to their respective
Writings and Discoveries.
(USC 17, Article 1, Section 8)
Thursday, March 21, 13
20. . To promote the Progress of Science
and useful Arts, by securing for limited
Times to Authors and Inventors the
Exclusive Right to their respective
Writings and Discoveries.
(USC 17, Article 1, Section 8)
Thursday, March 21, 13
23. 1909: 28/28
covered all the writings of an author
term began from publication rather than
unpublished works not covered
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24. 1976: life + 50
Fixation rather than registration
Ownership of unbundled rights
Termination rights
Anonymous/pseudonymous works and
works-for-hire: 75 years from publication or
100 years from creation.
Fair use
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26. Fair Use
What is the character of the use?
What is the nature of the use?
How much will you use?
What are the market effects?
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30. Berne Convention
Every major country except China, USSR,
and US
US entry in 1989 after 102 years of refusal
(Well come back to this.)
Thursday, March 21, 13
31. Sonny Bono Copyright
Term Extension Act, 1998
Life + 70 years
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33. No circumventing digital protections
No distribution of devices designed to
circumvent digital protections
No selling of anti-security tools
No removing copyright information
Safe harbor for Internet Service Providers
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34. What is copyright?
The right of the author/
creator to control.
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46. Issues (Samuelson)
ease of replication
ease of transmission and multiple use
plasticity of digital media
equivalence of works in digital form
compactness of works in digital form
new search and link capacities
Thursday, March 21, 13
55. The countries to which this Convention
applies constitute a Union for the
protection of the rights of authors in their
literary and artistic works.
Thursday, March 21, 13