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Autonomous Driving
provable safety and scalability design principles
Erez Dagan
SVP Advanced development and Strategy.
Mobileye, an intel company.
Automated Driving Group 2
Autonomous driving holds a promise of huge public safety and societal efficiency benefits.
However, our automated mobility solutions must be provably safe and economically-scalable to
deliver on that promise - a socially acceptable and marketable drive-anywhere proposition.
Automated Driving Group 3
Misdirected approaches to the problem may slow / altogether-risk broad adoption of AV.
Empirical safety assessment techniques are commonly used
& are inherently impractical :
 To assure societally acceptable fatality rates  one must empirically prove to well-outperform human driving.
This means collection of ~billion driving hours. (~50B KM..)
 Autonomous systems are closed-loop: Actions taken by the system - affect its input in the following step.
Hence, on any change of system version- all validation data must be recollected.
Brute force system design
lead to ungraceful economical scaling of these solutions (at best).
 On-board compute requirements.
 HD maps construction methods.
 Assumed sensors requirements.
Automated Driving Group 4
Driving Policy
Environment Sensing
The following slides
1. Present a formal safety model (RSS) - enforceable on any AV driving policy module.
2. Deduce a formal disambiguation of safety-critical sensing errors from errors causing drive comfort issues.
3. Outline our architecture, leveraging RSS compliance into scalability.
RSS model
Blame semantics
Critical errors  safety
PAC system  comfort
Error semantics
Efficient Q
CV Sensing
action semantics
Env. model semantics
fused sensing system:
tractable validation
Efficient RSS compliance check
Automated Driving Group 5
Responsibility Sensitive Safety Model
To formalize RSS , we formalize bottom up the term of responsibility or Blame - a formal description
of any (autonomous) agent safety liability.
corridor Safe longitudinal
Cut in
Blame time
Exposure time
Fully visible multi-lane/agent road Occlusions (urban road )
Automated Driving Group 6
We propose (and prove) that by applying a certain, temporally-local constraint on any policy -
Its RSS adherence may be secured.
For that we further define :
 Default Emergency Policy (DEP) : well-specified default maneuver.
 Safe state - assures safe execution of DEP (up to our blame)
 Cautious command - if the next state it leads-to is a safe state.
And prove :
Any policy that
Secures its RSS into the future, accounting for any possible butterfly effects
Cautious command
Safe state
Any Policy
Execute action
Execute DEP
. Reject action
Estimated state
1. Executes only cautious commands
2. Defaults to DEP when no cautious command exist
Responsibility Sensitive Safety - put to practice
Automated Driving Group 7
Sensing Errors : Drive Safely vs Drive Comfortably
The right measure to judge how well a sensing system approximates reality is by its impact on the policy.
We have established that any policys safety depends on :
(1) Rejecting non-cautious actions
(2) defaulting to DEP if no cautious action exists.
Hence, a sensing error is a defined to be safety critical - only if it leads to either:
(1) Approval of a non-cautious action. (miss)
(2) Unnecessary DEP. (ghost)
Sensing errors that lead to neither of the above - would merely compromise the drive-comfort.
[We further show that securing semantic accuracy of a sensor - is sufficient for optimizing the drive comfort.]
Automated Driving Group 8
Driving Policy
Environment Sensing
Critical errors  safety
PAC system  comfort
RSS model
Blame semantics
Error semantics
Efficient Q
action semantics
The RSS is applicable to any policy, & in particular to ML policies.
- our efficient implementation of policies cautiousness check is publically available.
- We further share our design principle of a scalable policy.
Efficient RSS compliance check
Automated Driving Group
100,000 runs (8 agents placed randomly)
0% accidents
99.8% success
running time: 1msec per agent on EyeQ4
Double Lane Merge - ME Policy solution simulated
The double lane marge use-case very effectively captures the complexities of HW negotiations.
Our SRR-verified policy is applied  demonstrating absolute safety, and runtime efficiency
Automated Driving Group 10
Driving policy  tackling the computational challenge
Driving policy is a choice of driving action given our perception of the environment.
At each point , the next action should be chosen by its long term effect.
 A computationally explosive problem, even under hard simplifying assumptions commonly used.
Common approaches to try to mitigate the problem include:
- Discretizing the actions space and simulating all possible options. STILL BIG
- Offline pre-calculation of discretized action/state combinations. STILL BIG
- Training a module to approximate the long-term effects (of each action, at each state). INHERENTLY HARD
Solution : We adopt human-like semantics:
Instead of geometric actions : drive 13.7 meters at the current speed and then accelerate at a rate of 0.8 m/s2 
We formulate semantic actions: follow the car in front of you or quickly overtake that car on your left.
Our approach results in:
- Reduction of the computational complexity to a hard-upper bound, while covering the geometric actions-space.
- Successful learning of action impacts even further into the future.
Automated Driving Group
Responsibility Sensitive Safety under occlusions
The results of applying the blame extension to cases of occlusions induced by other vehicles.
Automated Driving Group
CV Sensing
Env. model semantics
Driving Policy
Environment Sensing
Critical errors  safety
PAC system  comfort
RSS model Efficient Q
Blame semantics action semantics
Error semantics
fused sensing system:
tractable validation
Efficient RSS compliance check
Having Clearly identified what type of sensing errors are safety-critical ones, leads to:
- An effective & scalable perception architecture, not compromising safety aspects.
- Optimized fused-system cautiousness check  tractable empirical validation.
Automated Driving Group
Covering all Environment model elements :
1. Drivable area boundaries
2. Driving paths geometry
3. Movable obstacles
4. Semantics
Visual : Comprehensive Perception Space
Automated Driving Group
Foreground Background
visual inference redundancies
Visual : Comprehensive Perception Space
Automated Driving Group
All products, computer systems, dates and figures specified are preliminary based on current expectations, and are subject to change without notice.
Multi sensor environment perception : safety and comfort
Camera covers:
1. Drivable area boundaries
2. Driving paths geometry
3. Road users
4. Semantics
The Perception of the environment is improved and robustified by other sensors :
a. Road users and (some) road boundaries may also be sensed by Radar and Lidar.
b. Only a dynamic updated map may faithfully convey road geometry and traffic semantics.
Any fusion of other sensors may now be designed to serve 2 well-disambiguated goals:
- Improve : Enhanced drive comfort
- Robustify: Reduction of safety critical errors
We start by reviewing our scalable mapping technology, and then discuss the fusion of map/radar/lidar.
Automated Driving Group
All products, computer systems, dates and figures specified are preliminary based on current expectations, and are subject to change without notice.
1.Harvesting by Single-camera vehicles : vast device proliferation to assure extremely high refresh rates
REM: Crowd sourced mapping and localization
Automated Driving Group
2.Map aggregation in the cloud : ingesting dynamic updates and auto-validation of the cured map
REM: Crowd sourced mapping and localization
Automated Driving Group
3.RB consumption through Self-localization
REM: Crowd sourced mapping and localization
Automated Driving Group 19
Localization and eHorizon under hard visibility
Environmental conditions - Rain
Automated Driving Group
1.Send Summary
2. Valuable - Yes/No?
3. Send RSD only if valuable
Summary GPS trace (one sample every 15 seconds) + metadata
(lighting conditions, visibility, speed etc.)
a mechanism for minimizing bandwidth costs.
Economically-aware harvesting: data pulling system
Automated Driving Group 21
Road coverage rates/fleet size
A fleet of ~15K vehicles
will cover ~95% of the motorways
(road type 1) on an hourly basis.
A fleet of ~1000 vehicles
will cover ~98% of the motorways
(road type 1) on a daily basis.
Automated Driving Group
CameraREM Fusion
Producing a 3D model of the environment which preserves the natural semantic accuracy of the visual-space .
Automated Driving Group 23
Optimizing (Fused) system safety/comfort levels
Formally disambiguating safety and comfort aspects - allows more decoupled & verifiable development.
Sensor fusion may now also be re-designed to serve 2 formally disambiguated objectives:
1. Enhanced drive comfort Improve the comfort EM by versatile sensors synergies
2. Reduction of safety critical errors robustify the safety by redundant cautiousness-checks of the different sensors
In a Sensor Fusion setup , this disambiguation is further leveraged to make a fused system safety validation tractable :
We dramatically reduce (~square-root) the amount of data needed for reaching identical empirical safety assurances
by applying Majority function over cautiousness checks executed by 3 quasi-independent sensors.
As a result : We may assert socially acceptable levels of solution safety (1B hours MTBF)  by collection of ~100K driving hours.
Any Policy
Execute action
Estimated state Null?
Execute DEP
. Reject action
Estimated state - safety
Automated Driving Group
 Range estimation : camera + road elevation model / depth sensors
 Road elevation model (2D3D) : optic-flow/Lidar-points on the road/ REM

Lane detection: camera / REM
 Free-space: camera (on-road delimiters) /depth sensors (floating objects)
Fusion synergies for drive comfort : Examples
Automated Driving Group 25
Driving Policy
Environment Sensing
Critical errors  safety
PAC system  comfort
RSS model Efficient Q
CV Sensing
Blame semantics action semantics
Error semantics Env. model semantics
1. a formal safety model (RSS) - enforceable on any AV driving policy module.
2. a formal disambiguation of safety-critical sensing errors from errors causing drive comfort issues.
3. Outline of our architecture, leveraging its RSS compliance into scalability of both the sensing and the
driving policy systems.
fused sensing system:
tractable validation
Efficient RSS compliance check
Autonomous Driving, provable safety and scalability design principles - Erez Dagan

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Autonomous Driving, provable safety and scalability design principles - Erez Dagan

  • 1. Autonomous Driving provable safety and scalability design principles Erez Dagan SVP Advanced development and Strategy. Mobileye, an intel company.
  • 2. Automated Driving Group 2 Autonomous driving holds a promise of huge public safety and societal efficiency benefits. However, our automated mobility solutions must be provably safe and economically-scalable to deliver on that promise - a socially acceptable and marketable drive-anywhere proposition. Introduction
  • 3. Automated Driving Group 3 Introduction Misdirected approaches to the problem may slow / altogether-risk broad adoption of AV. Empirical safety assessment techniques are commonly used & are inherently impractical : To assure societally acceptable fatality rates one must empirically prove to well-outperform human driving. This means collection of ~billion driving hours. (~50B KM..) Autonomous systems are closed-loop: Actions taken by the system - affect its input in the following step. Hence, on any change of system version- all validation data must be recollected. Brute force system design lead to ungraceful economical scaling of these solutions (at best). On-board compute requirements. HD maps construction methods. Assumed sensors requirements.
  • 4. Automated Driving Group 4 ScalabilitySafety Driving Policy Environment Sensing Introduction The following slides 1. Present a formal safety model (RSS) - enforceable on any AV driving policy module. 2. Deduce a formal disambiguation of safety-critical sensing errors from errors causing drive comfort issues. 3. Outline our architecture, leveraging RSS compliance into scalability. RSS model Blame semantics 1 Critical errors safety PAC system comfort Error semantics 2 Efficient Q CV Sensing Mapping/Fusion action semantics Env. model semantics 3 fused sensing system: tractable validation Efficient RSS compliance check
  • 5. Automated Driving Group 5 Responsibility Sensitive Safety Model To formalize RSS , we formalize bottom up the term of responsibility or Blame - a formal description of any (autonomous) agent safety liability. corridor Safe longitudinal distance Cut in Blame time Blame Exposure time Fully visible multi-lane/agent road Occlusions (urban road )
  • 6. Automated Driving Group 6 We propose (and prove) that by applying a certain, temporally-local constraint on any policy - Its RSS adherence may be secured. For that we further define : Default Emergency Policy (DEP) : well-specified default maneuver. Safe state - assures safe execution of DEP (up to our blame) Cautious command - if the next state it leads-to is a safe state. And prove : Any policy that Secures its RSS into the future, accounting for any possible butterfly effects Cautious command Safe state DEP Blame Any Policy action Execute action Null? Execute DEP . Reject action Cautious? Estimated state 1. Executes only cautious commands 2. Defaults to DEP when no cautious command exist Responsibility Sensitive Safety - put to practice
  • 7. Automated Driving Group 7 Sensing Errors : Drive Safely vs Drive Comfortably The right measure to judge how well a sensing system approximates reality is by its impact on the policy. We have established that any policys safety depends on : (1) Rejecting non-cautious actions (2) defaulting to DEP if no cautious action exists. Hence, a sensing error is a defined to be safety critical - only if it leads to either: (1) Approval of a non-cautious action. (miss) (2) Unnecessary DEP. (ghost) Sensing errors that lead to neither of the above - would merely compromise the drive-comfort. [We further show that securing semantic accuracy of a sensor - is sufficient for optimizing the drive comfort.]
  • 8. Automated Driving Group 8 ScalabilitySafety Driving Policy Environment Sensing Critical errors safety PAC system comfort RSS model Blame semantics Error semantics 1 2 Efficient Q action semantics 3 a The RSS is applicable to any policy, & in particular to ML policies. - our efficient implementation of policies cautiousness check is publically available. - We further share our design principle of a scalable policy. Efficient RSS compliance check
  • 9. Automated Driving Group 100,000 runs (8 agents placed randomly) 0% accidents 99.8% success running time: 1msec per agent on EyeQ4 Double Lane Merge - ME Policy solution simulated The double lane marge use-case very effectively captures the complexities of HW negotiations. Our SRR-verified policy is applied demonstrating absolute safety, and runtime efficiency
  • 10. Automated Driving Group 10 Driving policy tackling the computational challenge Driving policy is a choice of driving action given our perception of the environment. At each point , the next action should be chosen by its long term effect. A computationally explosive problem, even under hard simplifying assumptions commonly used. Common approaches to try to mitigate the problem include: - Discretizing the actions space and simulating all possible options. STILL BIG - Offline pre-calculation of discretized action/state combinations. STILL BIG - Training a module to approximate the long-term effects (of each action, at each state). INHERENTLY HARD Solution : We adopt human-like semantics: Instead of geometric actions : drive 13.7 meters at the current speed and then accelerate at a rate of 0.8 m/s2 We formulate semantic actions: follow the car in front of you or quickly overtake that car on your left. Our approach results in: - Reduction of the computational complexity to a hard-upper bound, while covering the geometric actions-space. - Successful learning of action impacts even further into the future.
  • 11. Automated Driving Group Responsibility Sensitive Safety under occlusions The results of applying the blame extension to cases of occlusions induced by other vehicles.
  • 12. Automated Driving Group CV Sensing Mapping/Fusion Env. model semantics b 12 ScalabilitySafety Driving Policy Environment Sensing Critical errors safety PAC system comfort RSS model Efficient Q Blame semantics action semantics Error semantics 1 2 3 fused sensing system: tractable validation Efficient RSS compliance check Having Clearly identified what type of sensing errors are safety-critical ones, leads to: - An effective & scalable perception architecture, not compromising safety aspects. - Optimized fused-system cautiousness check tractable empirical validation.
  • 13. Automated Driving Group Covering all Environment model elements : 1. Drivable area boundaries 2. Driving paths geometry 3. Movable obstacles 4. Semantics Visual : Comprehensive Perception Space
  • 14. Automated Driving Group Foreground Background Appearance, texture Flow, structure visual inference redundancies Visual : Comprehensive Perception Space
  • 15. Automated Driving Group All products, computer systems, dates and figures specified are preliminary based on current expectations, and are subject to change without notice. 15 Multi sensor environment perception : safety and comfort Camera covers: 1. Drivable area boundaries 2. Driving paths geometry 3. Road users 4. Semantics The Perception of the environment is improved and robustified by other sensors : a. Road users and (some) road boundaries may also be sensed by Radar and Lidar. b. Only a dynamic updated map may faithfully convey road geometry and traffic semantics. Any fusion of other sensors may now be designed to serve 2 well-disambiguated goals: - Improve : Enhanced drive comfort - Robustify: Reduction of safety critical errors We start by reviewing our scalable mapping technology, and then discuss the fusion of map/radar/lidar.
  • 16. Automated Driving Group All products, computer systems, dates and figures specified are preliminary based on current expectations, and are subject to change without notice. 1.Harvesting by Single-camera vehicles : vast device proliferation to assure extremely high refresh rates REM: Crowd sourced mapping and localization
  • 17. Automated Driving Group 2.Map aggregation in the cloud : ingesting dynamic updates and auto-validation of the cured map REM: Crowd sourced mapping and localization
  • 18. Automated Driving Group 3.RB consumption through Self-localization REM: Crowd sourced mapping and localization
  • 19. Automated Driving Group 19 Localization and eHorizon under hard visibility Environmental conditions - Rain
  • 20. Automated Driving Group RSD Summary ME cloud 1.Send Summary 2. Valuable - Yes/No? 3. Send RSD only if valuable Summary GPS trace (one sample every 15 seconds) + metadata (lighting conditions, visibility, speed etc.) = a mechanism for minimizing bandwidth costs. Economically-aware harvesting: data pulling system
  • 21. Automated Driving Group 21 Road coverage rates/fleet size A fleet of ~15K vehicles will cover ~95% of the motorways (road type 1) on an hourly basis. A fleet of ~1000 vehicles will cover ~98% of the motorways (road type 1) on a daily basis.
  • 22. Automated Driving Group CameraREM Fusion Producing a 3D model of the environment which preserves the natural semantic accuracy of the visual-space .
  • 23. Automated Driving Group 23 Optimizing (Fused) system safety/comfort levels Formally disambiguating safety and comfort aspects - allows more decoupled & verifiable development. Sensor fusion may now also be re-designed to serve 2 formally disambiguated objectives: 1. Enhanced drive comfort Improve the comfort EM by versatile sensors synergies 2. Reduction of safety critical errors robustify the safety by redundant cautiousness-checks of the different sensors In a Sensor Fusion setup , this disambiguation is further leveraged to make a fused system safety validation tractable : We dramatically reduce (~square-root) the amount of data needed for reaching identical empirical safety assurances by applying Majority function over cautiousness checks executed by 3 quasi-independent sensors. As a result : We may assert socially acceptable levels of solution safety (1B hours MTBF) by collection of ~100K driving hours. Any Policy action Execute action Estimated state Null? Execute DEP . Reject action Cautious? Cautious(camera)? majority Cautious(Radar)? Cautious(Lidar)? Estimated state - safety comfort
  • 24. Automated Driving Group Range estimation : camera + road elevation model / depth sensors Road elevation model (2D3D) : optic-flow/Lidar-points on the road/ REM Lane detection: camera / REM Free-space: camera (on-road delimiters) /depth sensors (floating objects) Fusion synergies for drive comfort : Examples
  • 25. Automated Driving Group 25 ScalabilitySafety Driving Policy Environment Sensing Critical errors safety PAC system comfort RSS model Efficient Q CV Sensing Mapping/Fusion Blame semantics action semantics Error semantics Env. model semantics Summary 1. a formal safety model (RSS) - enforceable on any AV driving policy module. 2. a formal disambiguation of safety-critical sensing errors from errors causing drive comfort issues. 3. Outline of our architecture, leveraging its RSS compliance into scalability of both the sensing and the driving policy systems. 1 2 3 fused sensing system: tractable validation Efficient RSS compliance check https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.06374.pdf