Industry Analysis for Foundations of Professional PlanningChiara GraceThe Australian health industry affects all Australians and requires professionals from many fields. Demand for psychologists is increasing at 12% annually due to broad applications in clinical, social, educational, organizational and other fields. Australia's Medicare system provides basic healthcare coverage, unlike countries like the US where costs are fully passed to individuals. Psychology also plays an important role in developing culturally appropriate programs for indigenous communities. The field has advanced from early behaviorist research to modern cognitive neuroscience using new technologies like fMRI imaging. Skills required for psychologists include knowledge of various psychology domains as well as motivation, teamwork, research skills, and adherence to the industry's ethics code.
From self reliancekimberlyprzybyszEmerson argues that true genius and self-reliance means speaking your own internal convictions rather than conforming to external traditions or the opinions of others. He believes we should have faith in our own thoughts and impressions, even if they contradict the views of society. True greatness requires nonconformity and being misunderstood rather than seeking the approval of others through imitation or conformity. We should remain true to our own mind and individuality.
Caleche $25 gift certificate rrrStephen AbramCalèche, an award-winning ladieswear store in Toronto, is donating a $25 gift certificate and offering to donate 5% of sales by supporters of the Roncesvalles Refugee Relief Fundraiser to the participating organization. The store owner, Lisette Miller, is pleased to support the worthy cause of raising funds to sponsor a refugee family in the neighborhood. She encourages bringing the gift certificate when visiting the store by May 31, 2016 and viewing their fashions online at their website.
Webinar suspension prevention featuring chris mc cabe - 11.11.15eComEngineJoin Chris McCabe, Amazon Consultant, and eComEngine (makers of FeedbackFive and RestockPro for an informative webinar on how to avoid Amazon Seller suspension. Know the facts and stay in good graces with Amazon.
Glenthøj et al. - 2016 - Social cognition in patients at ultra-high risk for ...Tina Dam KristensenThis study examined social cognition, social skills, and functioning in 65 patients at ultra-high risk of developing psychosis compared to 30 healthy controls. The patients performed worse on tasks of emotion recognition and social inference compared to controls. Patients also exhibited poorer social skills. Aspects of emotion recognition and social cognition were associated with measures of social and role functioning. Negative symptoms were associated with impairments in overall functioning. The study suggests social cognitive deficits and negative symptoms influence functioning and social skills in the ultra-high risk population.
Los alimentosramirezgomezLos alimentos según su procedencia pueden ser: de
origen vegetal (las hortalizas, las legumbres, las frutas,
los frutos secos, el aceite y los cereales), de origen
mineral (el agua y la sal) o de origen animal (la carne,
el pescado, la leche y los huevos).
Los alimentos según la función que desempeñen
pueden ser constructores, energéticos o reguladores.
Nuestro cuerpo necesita los tres tipos para crecer y
realizar sus funciones básicas, pero no aprovecha todo
lo que comemos, sino sólo algunas sustancias que
reciben el nombre de nutrientes.
Los tipos de nutrientes son:
Glúcidos o azúcares. Nos proporcionan energía
para realizar todas nuestras actividades.
Lípidos o grasas. Nos proporcionan energía que
almacenamos para cuando el cuerpo la necesita.
Proteínas. Nos ayudan a construir la mayor parte
de nuestro cuerpo.
Vitaminas y minerales. Son sustancias
imprescindibles para regular el funcionamiento de
nuestro cuerpo.
Agua. Además de formar parte de nuestro cuerpo,
el agua ayuda a regular su funcionamiento.
Emerson aphorismkimberlyprzybyszThis document defines the term "aphorism" as an observation that contains a general truth or principle written in a memorable form that is short and concise but packs meaning. It instructs readers to look for and mark up Emerson's aphorism tweets, connections to other works and their own lives, and questions while paying special attention to Emerson's deliberate word choices and sentence structures, asking why he chose them.
Similesandmetaphors maestra12345-140227124922-phpapp01Nazli XelilovaThe document discusses metaphors and compares them to similes. It defines a metaphor as a comparison of two things not using "like" or "as" to describe something in a way that highlights their shared qualities. Similes are comparisons of two unlike things using "like" or "as". The document provides examples of similes and metaphors and notes that both are forms of figurative language, with the key difference being similes use "like" or "as" and metaphors do not. It also briefly discusses extended and mixed metaphors.
AngeloStekardisPoster editAngelo StekardisMenpo is a Python library that can be used for facial recognition and analysis. It allows researchers to easily analyze images to detect facial landmarks, track non-rigid facial features, and model facial expressions. The author of the document used Menpo to detect landmarks on mouths to analyze surprise levels based on distances between lip points, though recognizing single emotions from one area is limited. Menpo brings modern computer vision algorithms together in an easy-to-use framework that enables further study in this field.
Typography StructureStefania PadalinoThis document summarizes key concepts from a typography course. It discusses letterforms, typefaces, and technical typographic terms. Well-designed typography honors content and uses techniques like letterspacing, kerning, and leading to maximize readability and aesthetic quality. Typography is an important part of visual communication and cultural exchange.
Decision treeDaksh GoyalThe document discusses decision making trees. It defines a decision tree as a graphical representation of possible solutions to a decision based on certain conditions. It describes the different types of nodes in a decision tree including decision, chance, and end nodes. An example decision tree is provided about weekend plans depending on whether parents visit and the weather. The document outlines how to draw a decision tree and its advantages such as being simple to understand and having value even with little data.
Utilidad y demanda economia ECONOMIA TECNOLOGICOEl documento describe los factores que determinan el presupuesto y las posibilidades de consumo de una familia, incluyendo el ingreso, los precios de los bienes, y las preferencias. Usa el ejemplo de Alicia, quien tiene un ingreso de $30 para gastar en películas o refrescos. Explica conceptos como la línea de presupuesto, el precio relativo, el ingreso real, y cómo las preferencias y la utilidad marginal decreciente afectan las decisiones de consumo de Alicia.
Rúbrica para un proxecto de calidadeeTwinning EspañaRúbrica para un proxecto de calidade. Rúbrica para la calidad de proyectos eTwinning, versión en gallego.
Memoria grupo de traballo Programas Europeos no IES Afonso X O SabioBeatriz Alonso Pérez-ÁvilaPresentación da memoria do grupo de traballo dos programas europeos Erasmus+ desenvolvidos no IES Afonso X O Sabio de Cambre durante o curso 2015-2016
Como planificar unha experiencia de Aprendizaxe Servizo?CUFIESe estás pensando en implantar un proxecto de Aprendizaxe Servizo e non sabes que pasos debes seguir, esta guía pódeche axudar.
Emerson aphorismkimberlyprzybyszThis document defines the term "aphorism" as an observation that contains a general truth or principle written in a memorable form that is short and concise but packs meaning. It instructs readers to look for and mark up Emerson's aphorism tweets, connections to other works and their own lives, and questions while paying special attention to Emerson's deliberate word choices and sentence structures, asking why he chose them.
Similesandmetaphors maestra12345-140227124922-phpapp01Nazli XelilovaThe document discusses metaphors and compares them to similes. It defines a metaphor as a comparison of two things not using "like" or "as" to describe something in a way that highlights their shared qualities. Similes are comparisons of two unlike things using "like" or "as". The document provides examples of similes and metaphors and notes that both are forms of figurative language, with the key difference being similes use "like" or "as" and metaphors do not. It also briefly discusses extended and mixed metaphors.
AngeloStekardisPoster editAngelo StekardisMenpo is a Python library that can be used for facial recognition and analysis. It allows researchers to easily analyze images to detect facial landmarks, track non-rigid facial features, and model facial expressions. The author of the document used Menpo to detect landmarks on mouths to analyze surprise levels based on distances between lip points, though recognizing single emotions from one area is limited. Menpo brings modern computer vision algorithms together in an easy-to-use framework that enables further study in this field.
Typography StructureStefania PadalinoThis document summarizes key concepts from a typography course. It discusses letterforms, typefaces, and technical typographic terms. Well-designed typography honors content and uses techniques like letterspacing, kerning, and leading to maximize readability and aesthetic quality. Typography is an important part of visual communication and cultural exchange.
Decision treeDaksh GoyalThe document discusses decision making trees. It defines a decision tree as a graphical representation of possible solutions to a decision based on certain conditions. It describes the different types of nodes in a decision tree including decision, chance, and end nodes. An example decision tree is provided about weekend plans depending on whether parents visit and the weather. The document outlines how to draw a decision tree and its advantages such as being simple to understand and having value even with little data.
Utilidad y demanda economia ECONOMIA TECNOLOGICOEl documento describe los factores que determinan el presupuesto y las posibilidades de consumo de una familia, incluyendo el ingreso, los precios de los bienes, y las preferencias. Usa el ejemplo de Alicia, quien tiene un ingreso de $30 para gastar en películas o refrescos. Explica conceptos como la línea de presupuesto, el precio relativo, el ingreso real, y cómo las preferencias y la utilidad marginal decreciente afectan las decisiones de consumo de Alicia.
Rúbrica para un proxecto de calidadeeTwinning EspañaRúbrica para un proxecto de calidade. Rúbrica para la calidad de proyectos eTwinning, versión en gallego.
Memoria grupo de traballo Programas Europeos no IES Afonso X O SabioBeatriz Alonso Pérez-ÁvilaPresentación da memoria do grupo de traballo dos programas europeos Erasmus+ desenvolvidos no IES Afonso X O Sabio de Cambre durante o curso 2015-2016
Como planificar unha experiencia de Aprendizaxe Servizo?CUFIESe estás pensando en implantar un proxecto de Aprendizaxe Servizo e non sabes que pasos debes seguir, esta guía pódeche axudar.
Pre temMarga BioEste documento apresenta dados sobre a pressão atmosférica e temperatura coletados diariamente. Ele também inclui um gráfico representando a pressão em relação à temperatura na escala Kelvin para verificar se a lei de Charles é cumprida. As conclusões mostram que os resultados no gráfico não são os esperados de acordo com a lei de Charles, já que as premissas da lei não se aplicam a este caso, onde o volume não permanece constante.
Ficha meteoMarga BioEste documento es una tabla para registrar mediciones meteorológicas de una semana para las clases 1o ESO A y B. La tabla incluye columnas para la presión atmosférica, humedad, temperaturas actual, máxima y mínima, precipitación, fenómenos meteorológicos y velocidad y dirección del viento. También incluye instrucciones para introducir los datos en un sitio web.
Rematado o noso proxecto, o
profesorado levou a cabo a
avaliación do mesmo.
Nove dos dez profesores
participantes responderon as
cuestións do formulario online,
creado pola coordinadora.
Utilizouse unha escala holística
para facer unha valoración
global do desenvolvemento do
11. Analizados os resultados pódese concluír que o profesorado
considera que o proxecto desenvolvido, beneficiou a
aprendizaxe do noso alumnado en termos de competencia, de
construción do coñecemento e dunha educación funcional,
significativa e colaborativa.
12. Fomentar as xuntanzas entre o profesorado participante, para
levar a cabo unha mellor coordinación.
2014 - 2015