Presentation for Changellenge case championship弌亠仄仆 弌舒亢亳仆
Presentation for Changellenge case championsip "Morden Trade Code 2017" about development b2c online platform for METRO
亠亰亠仆舒亳 于 舒仄从舒 从亠亶 亠仄仗亳仂仆舒舒 Changellenge Modern Trade Code 2017 仂 仂亰亟舒仆亳亳 仂仆仍舒亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄 亟仍 b2c 仗仂亟舒亢 亠亳 仄舒亞舒亰亳仆仂于 METRO
Museums in Fashion - PPT reconstruction of the romanian dressrdiiorio
The presentation shows all the phases of the reconstruction of the historical garment: from the drawing of the garment through the fashion plate and the technical drawing to the comparison with the images and pictures, from the selection of the fabrics and of the accessories to the creation of the model until the realization of the garments.
This exhibition slideshow provides a visual map of the exhibition including physical layout of key objects, audiovisuals and interactives that you can view before your visit to the museum. Relevant online teaching and learning resources are featured at the end of the presentation.
仗仍亠仆亳亠 亅仍亳仆 弌亳亞舒仍亠于亳 仆舒 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳 "仂舒仆于仂 仄亰亠 亳 亰亳亠仍: 亠仂亳 亳 仗舒从亳从舒 仂于亠仄亠仆仆 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亠亶", 5-7 仂从磡 2016, 从亳亶 仄亰亠亶, 弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞
Elina Sigalevich report at the conference "Museum and the visitor: the theory and practice of modern features", October 5-7, 2016, Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg
The document summarizes women's and men's fashion from 1870 to 1900, known as the Bustle Period and the Nineties. It describes the key silhouettes and undergarments of the time for women, including the bustle skirt support structure. For men, it outlines changes in jackets, pants, and outdoor wear. The document also briefly discusses children's fashion and mourning dress customs during this era.
Presentation for Changellenge case championship弌亠仄仆 弌舒亢亳仆
Presentation for Changellenge case championsip "Morden Trade Code 2017" about development b2c online platform for METRO
亠亰亠仆舒亳 于 舒仄从舒 从亠亶 亠仄仗亳仂仆舒舒 Changellenge Modern Trade Code 2017 仂 仂亰亟舒仆亳亳 仂仆仍舒亶仆 仗仍舒仂仄 亟仍 b2c 仗仂亟舒亢 亠亳 仄舒亞舒亰亳仆仂于 METRO
Museums in Fashion - PPT reconstruction of the romanian dressrdiiorio
The presentation shows all the phases of the reconstruction of the historical garment: from the drawing of the garment through the fashion plate and the technical drawing to the comparison with the images and pictures, from the selection of the fabrics and of the accessories to the creation of the model until the realization of the garments.
This exhibition slideshow provides a visual map of the exhibition including physical layout of key objects, audiovisuals and interactives that you can view before your visit to the museum. Relevant online teaching and learning resources are featured at the end of the presentation.
仗仍亠仆亳亠 亅仍亳仆 弌亳亞舒仍亠于亳 仆舒 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳 "仂舒仆于仂 仄亰亠 亳 亰亳亠仍: 亠仂亳 亳 仗舒从亳从舒 仂于亠仄亠仆仆 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亠亶", 5-7 仂从磡 2016, 从亳亶 仄亰亠亶, 弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞
Elina Sigalevich report at the conference "Museum and the visitor: the theory and practice of modern features", October 5-7, 2016, Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg
The document summarizes women's and men's fashion from 1870 to 1900, known as the Bustle Period and the Nineties. It describes the key silhouettes and undergarments of the time for women, including the bustle skirt support structure. For men, it outlines changes in jackets, pants, and outdoor wear. The document also briefly discusses children's fashion and mourning dress customs during this era.
Lecture course introduction vdis10046 fashion design projects 2 jan15Virtu Institute
This document outlines the course structure for a Fashion Design Projects course which includes three design-led projects. The projects involve researching niche markets, developing a design aesthetic and philosophy, and exploring different customer profiles and fields within fashion design. Students are encouraged to design for different genders and age groups. They must create a clear plan and schedule, and demonstrate research skills. Assessment submissions include written documents, sketchbooks, inspiration boards, and videos documenting the design process. Presentations on finding inspiration, understanding consumers, and presenting collections will provide guidance.
Coco Chanel was a pioneering French fashion designer who founded the Chanel brand. She liberated women from restrictive corseted silhouettes popular in the early 20th century by introducing more casual and comfortable styles using fabrics like jersey. Some of Chanel's most influential designs include the little black dress, the Chanel suit, quilted handbags, costume jewelry, and the iconic Chanel No. 5 perfume. Chanel revolutionized fashion by making pants and simple styles acceptable for women. Today, Chanel remains one of the top luxury brands in the world under the creative direction of Karl Lagerfeld.
This document summarizes Astha Goel's fashion design portfolio including 5 projects from her BA in Fashion Design & Technology. The projects cover themes of pop art, a graduation fashion show, art deco, an Indian wedding, and vampires. Each project includes mood boards, research, sketches, and 2-5 designs. The portfolio demonstrates Astha's creative exploration of themes and development of her design skills.
Fashion Design student work (Dezyne E' cole College)dezyneecole
This document provides step-by-step instructions for draping a basic bodice block and princess panels on a dress form. It describes how to prepare the fabric by measuring and marking grain lines. It then details the draping process for the front bodice, back bodice, center front panel, side panels and more. Key steps include centering pattern lines on the form, clipping darts and hemlines, smoothing fabric over seams, and marking construction notches. The goal is to create a custom block that can be adjusted as needed for patternmaking.
20. 亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亠 6
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million products from Target, Macys, Best Buy, Crate & Barrel and more.
Founded in 2008. Total funding $5M. In 2010 Ebay acquires Milo for $75 Million.*
Goodzer developed unique AI-based technology that allows to 鍖nd all sorts of products in kinds of local stores,
big and small, from national chains to momnpops. Founded in 2010. Total funding $750K.
ShopLocal pioneered the use of the internet for driving in-store sales with online circulars. A leader in multi-
channel marketing services, ShopLocal offers a complete suite of innovative digital solutions that connect
advertisers and consumers online and in-store.
Acquired by Gannett in 2008.
Krillion is how Web-savvy consumers compare and connect with local retailers. Krillion answers the question:
where can I buy it now and pick it up today? Founded in 2006. Acquired by in 2011.