I talked about Vue.js at @agenciasomadev. In this talk I showed the basics about the Vue.js JavaScript Framework and it's simplicity. I hope you enjoy :)
I talked about Vue.js at @agenciasomadev. In this talk I showed the basics about the Vue.js JavaScript Framework and it's simplicity. I hope you enjoy :)
1) O documento discute a viola??o do princ┴pio do juiz natural pelo juiz federal Sergio Moro ao manter sob sua jurisdi??o investiga??es sobre fatos que n?o est?o relacionados ┐ Opera??o Lava Jato ou ┐ sua compet┷ncia territorial.
2) O STF j│ havia decidido em outro julgamento que o juiz Moro n?o pode se arvorar como juiz de todo e qualquer crime relacionado a desvios de verbas, somente daqueles com conex?o com a Lava Jato.
3) O documento argumenta que as a??es do juiz Moro represent
This document discusses learning management systems (LMS) and learning content management systems (LCMS). It provides definitions of LMS and LCMS, lists popular LMS providers, and outlines the process for deciding on an LMS, including talking to stakeholders, conducting research, preparing a request for proposal, testing systems, and common mistakes to avoid when purchasing an LMS.
The document discusses the benefits of using iPads for school administrators including increased productivity, organization, and classroom observation capabilities. It outlines how administrators can use iPads to conduct walkthroughs, provide feedback to teachers, and access educational apps and resources. The document also reviews volume purchasing programs and recommended accessories for iPads.
Este documento describe los siete h│bitos de las personas altamente efectivas propuestos por Stephen Covey. Estos h│bitos incluyen ser proactivo, comenzar con un fin en mente, poner lo primero primero, pensar ganar-ganar, buscar primero entender luego ser entendido, sinergizar las ideas y afilar la sierra renov│ndose en las dimensiones f┴sica, mental, espiritual y social/emocional. El prop┏sito de estos h│bitos es ayudar a las personas a alcanzar su m│ximo potencial y lograr relaciones y organiz
1th International Contest 35Awards: Winners (Part 1)maditabalnco
This document appears to be the listing of winners for an international art photo contest. It lists over 30 photographers from countries like Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Bangladesh, Brazil, and Romania. The photos covered a wide range of subjects from monks in a Romanian monastery to dried jute stems in rural India to train hopping in Bangladesh.
It is my great privilege to present the 2013 Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activities! These 17 activities are shining examples of climate action around the world. They demonstrate what happens when innovation and passion come together to address the biggest challenge of our time.
This year¨s activities touch on three focus areas:
Women for Results: recognizing the critical leadership and participation of women in addressing climate change. This focus area is implemented with the generous support of The Rockefeller Foundation.
Urban Poor: recognizing climate action that improves the lives of impoverished people in urban communities. This focus area is implemented with the generous support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Financing for Climate Friendly Investment: recognizing successful and innovative climate-smart activities. This focus area is implemented in partnership with the World Economic Forum.
I am convinced that this year¨s Lighthouse Activities will inspire you and help you take practical ideas for action to your communities. Each of us has a role to play in meeting the climate challenge, and sharing success helps raise ambition and scale up the global commitment to act on climate change.
Christiana Figueres | UNFCCC Executive Secretary
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The Application Economy continues to mount increasing customer demands on businesses worldwide, and for many in Mainframe organizations, success requires adopting a DevOps environment that allow development and operation teams to remain coordinated in designing and deploying software applications. Application Development solutions from CA Technologies provide a common set of tools that promote DevOps and allow customers to rapidly innovate and iterate critical applications and services.
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Presentation at the OzonAction Round table in Paris organised by UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) ...
Image Credits (slide 1): Flickr
16. 1晩朕
? ARC205 -- Born in the Cloud; Built Like a Startup
? BDM401 -- Deep Dive: Amazon EMR Best Practices & Design
? BDM303 -- JustGiving: Serverless Data Pipelines, Event-Driven
ETL, and Stream Processing
? LFS303-R -- [REPEAT] How to Build a Big Data Analytics Data
? GA01 -- Welcome Reception
? BDM204 -- Visualizing Big Data Insights with Amazon QuickSight
? GA02 -- Tuesday Night Live with James Hamilton
17. 2晩朕
? GA03 -- Keynote Presented by Andy Jassy
? PTS218 -- Securing AWS at the speed of DevOps: Case
Studies from the Front Lines
? SAC323 -- NEW SERVICE: Centrally Manage Multiple
AWS Accounts with AWS Organizations
? MAC303 -- Zillow Group: Developing Classi?cation and
Recommendation Engines with Amazon EMR and Apache
? IOT401 -- Serverless IoT Back Ends
? Japan Night -- Japan Night
18. 3晩朕
? GA05 -- Keynote Presented by Werner Vogels
? SVR311 -- The State of Serverless Computing
? SVR202 -- What¨s New with AWS Lambda
? ARC408 -- Optimizing SaaS Solutions for AWS
? SVR401 -- Using AWS Lambda to Build Control Systems
for Your AWS Infrastructure
? SVR305 -- ●●◎◎○★○★ BA Lambda Start
? GA06 -- re:Play Party
19. 4晩朕
? CTD301 -- Amazon CloudFront Flash Talks: Best Practices
on Con?guring, Securing and Monitoring your Distribution
? SAC317 -- IAM Best Practices to Live By
? ARC402 -- Serverless Architectural Patterns and Best