17. 1年間の無料枠
Amazon EC2!
750 hours per month of Linux, RHEL, or SLES
t2.micro instance usage
750 hours per month of Windows t2.micro instance
18. 1年間の無料枠
Amazon S3!
5 GB of Standard Storage
20,000 Get Requests
2,000 Put Requests
19. 1年間の無料枠
AWS Trusted Advisor!
4 best-practice checks on performance and
security (service limits, security groups, IAM, and
Notification and customization features
22. 1年間の無料枠
Amazon DynamoDB!
100 MB of Storage
25 GB of Storage
5 Units of Write Capacity
10 Units of Read Capacity
200 Million free request per month
23. 1年間の無料枠
Amazon EBS!
30 GB of Amazon EBS: any combination of
General Purpose (SSD) or Magnetic
2,000,000 I/Os (with EBS Magnetic)
1 GB of snapshot storage