This document provides an overview of AWS CloudHSM, a managed cryptographic key management service by AWS. It discusses AWS CloudHSM and AWS KMS services for key management, compares their features, and describes how AWS CloudHSM provides FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant HSMs for single-tenant key storage and cryptographic operations offloading. The presentation agenda includes cryptography basics, AWS key management, AWS CloudHSM capabilities and use cases, management and operations.
AWS Black Belt Tech Webinar 2015
Amazon Kinesis
★AWS Black Belt Tech Webinarとは
This session, led by James Hamilton, VP and Distinguished Engineer, gives an insider view of some the innovations that help make the AWS cloud unique. He will show examples of AWS networking innovations from the interregional network backbone, through custom routers and networking protocol stack, all the way down to individual servers. He will show examples from AWS server hardware, storage, and power distribution and then, up the stack, in high scale streaming data processing. James will also dive into fundamental database work AWS is delivering to open up scaling and performance limits, reduce costs, and eliminate much of the administrative burden of managing databases. Join this session and walk away with a deeper understanding of the underlying innovations powering the cloud.
AWS Japan YouTube 公式チャンネルでライブ配信された 2022年4月26日の AWS Developer Live Show 「Infrastructure as Code 談議 2022」 の資料となります。 当日の配信はこちら からご確認いただけます。
The document appears to be a presentation on Amazon EMR and related AWS services. It discusses using EMR for big data and analytics workloads, how to set up EMR clusters on AWS, encryption options for data at rest and in transit, and integration of EMR with other AWS services like S3 and Spark. The presentation contains many bullet points and diagrams but provides little surrounding context or narrative.
The document discusses Amazon Web Services (AWS) Batch and how it can help customers run batch computing workloads on AWS. It notes that AWS Batch automatically provisions the optimal quantity and type of compute resources (e.g., EC2 instances) required to run jobs efficiently. It also allows customers to integrate their own scheduling and application code with AWS Batch through simple API calls or SDKs.
Snowball and Snowball Edge devices can be used to transfer large amounts of data into and out of AWS cost effectively. Snowball supports offline data transfers of up to 80TB while Snowball Edge provides up to 100TB of storage along with local compute and storage capabilities. The seminar covered how to set up and use Snowball and Snowball Edge devices including creating jobs, transferring and processing data, and networking options when used with services like S3, EC2, and Lambda.
AWS Black Belt Tech Webinar 2015
Amazon Kinesis
★AWS Black Belt Tech Webinarとは
This session, led by James Hamilton, VP and Distinguished Engineer, gives an insider view of some the innovations that help make the AWS cloud unique. He will show examples of AWS networking innovations from the interregional network backbone, through custom routers and networking protocol stack, all the way down to individual servers. He will show examples from AWS server hardware, storage, and power distribution and then, up the stack, in high scale streaming data processing. James will also dive into fundamental database work AWS is delivering to open up scaling and performance limits, reduce costs, and eliminate much of the administrative burden of managing databases. Join this session and walk away with a deeper understanding of the underlying innovations powering the cloud.
AWS Japan YouTube 公式チャンネルでライブ配信された 2022年4月26日の AWS Developer Live Show 「Infrastructure as Code 談議 2022」 の資料となります。 当日の配信はこちら からご確認いただけます。
The document appears to be a presentation on Amazon EMR and related AWS services. It discusses using EMR for big data and analytics workloads, how to set up EMR clusters on AWS, encryption options for data at rest and in transit, and integration of EMR with other AWS services like S3 and Spark. The presentation contains many bullet points and diagrams but provides little surrounding context or narrative.
The document discusses Amazon Web Services (AWS) Batch and how it can help customers run batch computing workloads on AWS. It notes that AWS Batch automatically provisions the optimal quantity and type of compute resources (e.g., EC2 instances) required to run jobs efficiently. It also allows customers to integrate their own scheduling and application code with AWS Batch through simple API calls or SDKs.
Snowball and Snowball Edge devices can be used to transfer large amounts of data into and out of AWS cost effectively. Snowball supports offline data transfers of up to 80TB while Snowball Edge provides up to 100TB of storage along with local compute and storage capabilities. The seminar covered how to set up and use Snowball and Snowball Edge devices including creating jobs, transferring and processing data, and networking options when used with services like S3, EC2, and Lambda.
[db tech showcase Tokyo 2016] D32: SPARCサーバ + Pure Storage DB仮想化のすべらない話 ? Exa...Insight Technology, Inc.
NTTぷらら様は、「柔軟に増減設できるDB基盤」と「コスト最適化」をキーワードに、DB仮想化をSPARCサーバ + Pure Storageの組み合わせで実現しました。更に現在、理想のDB基盤を実現するために、Exadata環境のリプレースも進めています。本セッションでは、検証結果や生のデモンストレーションに、スライドには書けない生々しい話を加え、理想のDB環境実現までの道のりをご紹介します。
[db tech showcase Tokyo 2016] D24: データベース環境における検証結果から理解する失敗しないフラッシュ活用法 第三章 ~デ...Insight Technology, Inc.
フラッシュのGB単価はHDDと並び、オールフラッシュ導入が加速化する一方、インラインでの重複排除、圧縮機能のオーバーヘッド、メンテナンス / 障害時の影響など、気をつけなければいけない事は沢山あります。本セッションでは、オールフラッシュ製品(Pure Storage)上でOracle Databaseを稼働させた検証結果と生のデモンストレーションをベースに、DB on Pure Storageならではの活用法を考えます。
re:Growth 2018 Tokyo:Amazon Global Networkが提供する新サービスShuji Kikuchi
Global Accelerator and Transit Gateway provide connectivity solutions. Global Accelerator optimizes routing between clients and applications, while Transit Gateway enables VPN and direct connections between VPCs and on-premises networks. Both services improve performance and reduce costs compared to alternative connectivity architectures.
This document discusses several ways to connect Amazon Web Services (AWS) virtual private clouds (VPCs), including AWS Direct Connect, VPN connections, and VPC Peering. It notes that Direct Connect provides a dedicated network connection, while VPN and VPC Peering are software-based options that can be used for workloads that don't require as dedicated a connection. The document provides brief descriptions of each connectivity method.
1. The document discusses how to configure a Network Load Balancer (NLB) with a PrivateLink endpoint to provide private access to services within a VPC.
2. Key steps include creating an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) in each Availability Zone, associating the ENIs to the NLB, and specifying the PrivateLink endpoint DNS name to route traffic privately.
3. PrivateLink allows networking interfaces and resources to be accessed privately without an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection or AWS Direct Connect.