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AYALA Natural Biological Systems Overview
Water & Ecology, Israel
Natural Biological Systems, India
Holistic Restoration of Watersheds with
The Natural Biological System?
Company Overview
Watersheds around the world are imbalanced
The water footprint of humanity- Pollution and usage
Hoekstra and Mekonnen, PNAS 2012;109:3232-3237
? Red on the map
indicates high pollution
load (BOD) or high water
? For example, if polluted
water is entering a river
basin, clean
environmental water is
needed for dilution
? Alternatively the water
resources are being
usurped for agriculture,
industry etc.
Ground and Surface water: Over utilized. Rainwater-
? This figure indicates environmental footprints (red bars),
compared to their maximal sustainable value (green circle)
The three water footprints:
? Blue Water Footprint: Surface and groundwater usage –
? Greenwater Footprint: Rainwater- underutilized
? Graywater Footprint: Amount of water needed to dilute
polluted water to environmental standards- approaching
the maximal sustainable limit
? How to reduce? Rainwater harvesting, Water treatment and
reuse. This should not come at the expense of another
Hoekstra and Wiedmann, 2014, Science, 6188: 1114-1117
Urban Water reuse and treatment is still virtually
nonexistent in many areas
? Global Reuse: 1.7% (!) ? Treatment: Can be less than 2% in many areas (photo)
Vrishabhavathi River in
Karnataka State. Photo by
Dotan et al, 2016
Larsen et al, 2016
? The environment is
suffering and humans
are too…
Why is the Conventional approach not working?
? The Indian Institutes of Technology explain exactly
why the conventional model failed in the Ganga River
Basin (as a case study)
? Sprawling, failure-prone conveyance networks
? Reliance on energy, chemicals and skilled
maintenance workers for function
? massive sludge production
? Frequent operational malfunctions due to high
operating expenses and unstable energy supply
(Tare et al, 2010, IIT GRB-EMP, report 3)
Change is the need of the hour
The answer must include:
? A fast, simple solution to achieve full sewage coverage
? Minimal maintenance, energy, conveyance
? At the same time, water harvesting, aquifer replenishment and
reuse capabilities
? Strengthening the ability of the environment to resist pollution
and heal from within
AYALA’s comprehensive solution set: Solving the water-
energy-pollution crisis and more
? Using decentralized systems to eliminate
conveyance needs
? Restoring the natural assimilative capacity of
the environment with green lungs and kidneys
? Treating sewage economically, efficiently and
with no sludge production
? Eliminating the demands for energy and
skilled, round-the-clock maintenance
? Harvesting, purifying and infiltrating run off
? Restoring running and standing waterbodies
with a combination of ecologically viable,
sustainable and safe techniques
Watershed Rehabilitation, Plain du Var
Technology overview
? Tailored, engineered Natural Biological
System? wetlands, based on thorough survey
? Point and non-point source pollution
remediation: sewage treatment, runoff
harvesting & purification, river and lake
buffering, running water upgrade, aquifer
? Powerful, non-toxic plant-sourced extracts for
stimulating plant and microbe metabolism
? Biological degradation of sludge, removal of
biological odours- treatment of water bodies in-
situ and at no/minimal energy expenditure
Product No. PS074
Pure plant extract, liquid with trace
NBS? : Physical, chemical and
biological processes occur
simultaneously in the root zone
Local labor and materials sourcing
Durable natural materials that do not
need replacement
Minimal maintenance and no energy
A conventional plant costs 2-5 times more to own than NBS
1 5 10 15 20 25
Source: Coalition of Municipalities, Dan Region, Israel 2009
An excellent investment: The NBS? saves hundreds of
percent in installation and OpEx for sewage treatment
Accomplishes treatment tasks in a
practical, modular footprint
Activated Sludge NBS
Capital cost 13-16 million USD 9.5-10 million USD
Operation & Maintenance
? Energy cost: 353,500 USD/year Typically none
? Personnel: 120,300 USD/year 48,000 USD/year
? Sludge treatment and Removal 116000 USD/year nil
? Flocculants: 43,100 UDS/year nil
? Equipment maintenance &
39,000 USD/year nil
? Carbon offsetting or trading 14,000-21,000
Typically none
Other Items: Water, Building and
site maintenance, Insurance, Debris
clearing, security measures,
unexpected expenses, etc
130,000 USD/year 22,300 USD/year
Total annual O&M cost 820,750 USD/year 70,300 USD/year
Equipment replacement after 10-
12 yrs
7.8-9.6 million USD Typically none
Lifespan 10-30 yrs 30+ yrs
Cost comparison- NBS vs Activated Sludge 6 MLD plant
Activated Sludge
Holistic view: Fabricating a healthy watershed by combining
micro and macro scale projects, connecting the basin
Small, modular systems for
homes and business
IGBC, Hyderabad
Tailored Designs for Neighborhood
Ganei Tikvah, Israel
Holistic Watershed Revival
New Delhi, Yamuna River- “Tree of Life”
Yavne River, IL
Arkavathi River, Bangalore Yarkon River, IL
River Buffering and Treatment
Non-point source pollution remediation- a decentralized
approach to healing and protecting aquifers, watersheds
Gas Station Runoff and Sewage Treatment Landfill Leachate Treatment
Industrial Point Source Pollution- salinity, hydrocarbons,
pathogens, high COD, metals, hormones
Petroleum Refinery
Oil factory
salinated water with high oil residues
? Onsite
? No energy costs
? Minimal conveyance infrastructure
? Viable, high-quality outlet
? Massive and on-going environmental damage in disturbed environments can often be
traced to the difficulty in implementing a sustainable solution for pollution treatment and
? With AYALA’s NBS, sewage treatment, water harvesting, environmental buffering and
ecological restoration can be implemented in a single, easy-to-manage, highly economical
? AYALA provides a unique and holistic vision for water resource management that
connects and revitalizes entire river basins and watersheds, restoring balance through
Nature’s own techniques
Some of our clients
? City of Nice, France
? Metropolis of Hyderabad, India
? City of Campeche, Mexico
? Delhi Jal Board
? Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB)
? Confederation of Indian Industry
? Hyderabad Golf Association
? Israeli Ministries of the Environment and Defense
? Tel Aviv Municipality
? Eilot regional council
? Gas companies: Delek and Dor Alon
? Shafdan- Israel’s largest sewage treatment plant
? AVP Architects, Athens, Greece
? Regional council Hefer valley
? Israel Electric Corp
? Shemen oil factory
? AHAVA cosmetics
? Loreal Cosmetics
? Park Ariel Sharon (landfill and garbage sorting depot)
? Petroleum & Energy Infrastructures Ltd
? Botanical Gardens, Hebrew Univ Jerusalem
Press and Testimonials
“After experiencing the results of the system, we are
strongly promoting this technology to Government
organizations, Industries, corporates & educational
institutions to implement this sustainable solution for
treatment of waste water.” – S Ragupathy, Executive
Director, Indian Green Building Council, Godrej-CII
“More such initiatives are needed in the city as there
are a lot of problems being faced by people. The
department will take into consideration and work
towards implementing it wherever required to give
citizens pure and healthy water.” BJ Reddy, GHMC
Commisioner (Hyderabad)
“Operation of this system has put an end to former free
discharge of raw sewage to the environment and treated
sewage is being used for irrigation of the local ecological
park.” Alon Gertman, VP Operations, AHAVA Dead Sea
Case Study: Musi River Catchment, Hyderabad
? Polluted nalas carrying industrial and domestic sewage
? Lack of clean surface water
? Stagnant lakes
? Dense urban environment with no room for centralized
? Conveyance outside the city is costly and impractical
Current State
The path to rehabilitation must include
? Onsite treatment of nallas and sewage
? Buffering of lakes and rivers from incoming sewage
? Treatment of the watershed in a holistic, connected
manner, respecting the catchments and overflow
routes of the many water tanks
Hyderabad Golf Course- in Musi Catchment
? Hyderabad Golf Association
needs >2 MLD Irrigation water
? Surface water in the area is
abundant but highly
? HGA is also mandated with
improving surface water in the
historic Golconda Fort en route
to Musi River
Satam Cheruvu
Sewage Tank
Overflow route
Polluted lake
The Solution Must be:
? Ready to implement immediately
? Flexible to adapt to available land
? Preserve the public grounds as parks and greenspace
? Sustainable: energy free, minimal maintenace
? Efficient, economical, aesthetic
Solution: Tailored NBS? Wetlands
Construction process- satellite
Water flow
Settling area
Local Labor and Materials
Source Water
Sewage nala
Stage 1: Integrated
Floating mattress on settling tank
Starting a “floating island”
Propogation of select
indigenous plant species
Mature Floating
Mattress (STP in
Zipori, Israel)
Developing Floating Mattress
The NBS? Wetlands at HGA
Raw sewage from Satam
Cheruvu overflow The Natural Biological System? Tertiary Quality Outlet
Overview: The Natural Biological System? at HGA
to NBS?
? 4 MLD Capacity in 7000 m2
? ~300K USD Capital Cost
? 4 months implementation
? Saves 2 Million Liters Irrigation Water Daily
Local labor & resources
Minimal maintenance
Zero-energy treatment
26 20
29-09-15 15-10-15 19-12-15
BOD Inlet BOD Outlet
28 25
29-09-15 15-10-15 19-12-15
TSS Inlet TSS Outlet
29-09-15 15-10-15 19-12-15
COD Inlet COD Outlet
nd nd
01-10-15 01-11-15 01-12-15
Faecal Coli Inlet Faecal Coli Outlet
Testing by Care Labs, Hyderabad
Thank You
“Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed”
-Francis Bacon

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AYALA Natural Biological Systems Overview

  • 2. AYALA www.ayala-aqua.com Water & Ecology, Israel Natural Biological Systems, India Holistic Restoration of Watersheds with The Natural Biological System? Company Overview &
  • 3. Watersheds around the world are imbalanced The water footprint of humanity- Pollution and usage Hoekstra and Mekonnen, PNAS 2012;109:3232-3237 ? Red on the map indicates high pollution load (BOD) or high water usage ? For example, if polluted water is entering a river basin, clean environmental water is needed for dilution ? Alternatively the water resources are being usurped for agriculture, industry etc.
  • 4. Ground and Surface water: Over utilized. Rainwater- underutilized. ? This figure indicates environmental footprints (red bars), compared to their maximal sustainable value (green circle) The three water footprints: ? Blue Water Footprint: Surface and groundwater usage – EXCEEDS SUSTAINABLE LEVELS ? Greenwater Footprint: Rainwater- underutilized ? Graywater Footprint: Amount of water needed to dilute polluted water to environmental standards- approaching the maximal sustainable limit ? How to reduce? Rainwater harvesting, Water treatment and reuse. This should not come at the expense of another footprint! Hoekstra and Wiedmann, 2014, Science, 6188: 1114-1117
  • 5. Urban Water reuse and treatment is still virtually nonexistent in many areas ? Global Reuse: 1.7% (!) ? Treatment: Can be less than 2% in many areas (photo) Vrishabhavathi River in Karnataka State. Photo by AYALA CEO Eli Cohen ?? Dotan et al, 2016 Larsen et al, 2016 ? The environment is suffering and humans are too…
  • 6. Why is the Conventional approach not working? ? The Indian Institutes of Technology explain exactly why the conventional model failed in the Ganga River Basin (as a case study) ? Sprawling, failure-prone conveyance networks ? Reliance on energy, chemicals and skilled maintenance workers for function ? massive sludge production ? Frequent operational malfunctions due to high operating expenses and unstable energy supply (Tare et al, 2010, IIT GRB-EMP, report 3)
  • 7. Change is the need of the hour The answer must include: ? A fast, simple solution to achieve full sewage coverage ? Minimal maintenance, energy, conveyance ? At the same time, water harvesting, aquifer replenishment and reuse capabilities ? Strengthening the ability of the environment to resist pollution and heal from within
  • 8. AYALA’s comprehensive solution set: Solving the water- energy-pollution crisis and more ? Using decentralized systems to eliminate conveyance needs ? Restoring the natural assimilative capacity of the environment with green lungs and kidneys ? Treating sewage economically, efficiently and with no sludge production ? Eliminating the demands for energy and skilled, round-the-clock maintenance ? Harvesting, purifying and infiltrating run off ? Restoring running and standing waterbodies with a combination of ecologically viable, sustainable and safe techniques Watershed Rehabilitation, Plain du Var
  • 9. Technology overview ? Tailored, engineered Natural Biological System? wetlands, based on thorough survey ? Point and non-point source pollution remediation: sewage treatment, runoff harvesting & purification, river and lake buffering, running water upgrade, aquifer replenishment. ? Powerful, non-toxic plant-sourced extracts for stimulating plant and microbe metabolism ? Biological degradation of sludge, removal of biological odours- treatment of water bodies in- situ and at no/minimal energy expenditure CELLA Product No. PS074 Pure plant extract, liquid with trace elements BIOLOGICAL CELL STIMULATOR NBS? : Physical, chemical and biological processes occur simultaneously in the root zone
  • 10. Local labor and materials sourcing Ecological Durable natural materials that do not need replacement Long-lasting Minimal maintenance and no energy consumption Sustainable A conventional plant costs 2-5 times more to own than NBS 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 5 10 15 20 25 CostofOwnershipRatio Years Conventional TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP NBS 1.44 3.30 4.63 5.05 Source: Coalition of Municipalities, Dan Region, Israel 2009 An excellent investment: The NBS? saves hundreds of percent in installation and OpEx for sewage treatment Accomplishes treatment tasks in a practical, modular footprint Efficient
  • 11. Activated Sludge NBS Capital cost 13-16 million USD 9.5-10 million USD Operation & Maintenance ? Energy cost: 353,500 USD/year Typically none ? Personnel: 120,300 USD/year 48,000 USD/year ? Sludge treatment and Removal 116000 USD/year nil ? Flocculants: 43,100 UDS/year nil ? Equipment maintenance & replacement 39,000 USD/year nil ? Carbon offsetting or trading 14,000-21,000 USD/year Typically none Other Items: Water, Building and site maintenance, Insurance, Debris clearing, security measures, unexpected expenses, etc 130,000 USD/year 22,300 USD/year Total annual O&M cost 820,750 USD/year 70,300 USD/year Equipment replacement after 10- 12 yrs 7.8-9.6 million USD Typically none Lifespan 10-30 yrs 30+ yrs Cost comparison- NBS vs Activated Sludge 6 MLD plant Activated Sludge NBS?
  • 12. Holistic view: Fabricating a healthy watershed by combining micro and macro scale projects, connecting the basin Small, modular systems for homes and business IGBC, Hyderabad Tailored Designs for Neighborhood Ganei Tikvah, Israel Holistic Watershed Revival New Delhi, Yamuna River- “Tree of Life”
  • 13. Yavne River, IL Arkavathi River, Bangalore Yarkon River, IL River Buffering and Treatment
  • 14. Non-point source pollution remediation- a decentralized approach to healing and protecting aquifers, watersheds Gas Station Runoff and Sewage Treatment Landfill Leachate Treatment
  • 15. Industrial Point Source Pollution- salinity, hydrocarbons, pathogens, high COD, metals, hormones Petroleum Refinery Depot Oil factory salinated water with high oil residues Inflow Outflow ? Onsite ? No energy costs ? Minimal conveyance infrastructure ? Viable, high-quality outlet
  • 16. Summary ? Massive and on-going environmental damage in disturbed environments can often be traced to the difficulty in implementing a sustainable solution for pollution treatment and control. ? With AYALA’s NBS, sewage treatment, water harvesting, environmental buffering and ecological restoration can be implemented in a single, easy-to-manage, highly economical package ? AYALA provides a unique and holistic vision for water resource management that connects and revitalizes entire river basins and watersheds, restoring balance through Nature’s own techniques www.ayala-aqua.com
  • 17. Some of our clients ? City of Nice, France ? Metropolis of Hyderabad, India ? City of Campeche, Mexico ? Delhi Jal Board ? Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) ? Confederation of Indian Industry ? Hyderabad Golf Association ? Israeli Ministries of the Environment and Defense ? Tel Aviv Municipality ? Eilot regional council ? Gas companies: Delek and Dor Alon ? Shafdan- Israel’s largest sewage treatment plant ? AVP Architects, Athens, Greece ? Regional council Hefer valley ? Israel Electric Corp ? Shemen oil factory ? AHAVA cosmetics ? Loreal Cosmetics ? Park Ariel Sharon (landfill and garbage sorting depot) ? Petroleum & Energy Infrastructures Ltd ? Botanical Gardens, Hebrew Univ Jerusalem
  • 18. Press and Testimonials “After experiencing the results of the system, we are strongly promoting this technology to Government organizations, Industries, corporates & educational institutions to implement this sustainable solution for treatment of waste water.” – S Ragupathy, Executive Director, Indian Green Building Council, Godrej-CII “More such initiatives are needed in the city as there are a lot of problems being faced by people. The department will take into consideration and work towards implementing it wherever required to give citizens pure and healthy water.” BJ Reddy, GHMC Commisioner (Hyderabad) “Operation of this system has put an end to former free discharge of raw sewage to the environment and treated sewage is being used for irrigation of the local ecological park.” Alon Gertman, VP Operations, AHAVA Dead Sea Laboratories
  • 19. Case Study: Musi River Catchment, Hyderabad MUSI RIVER HUSAIN SAGAR LAKE: THE “HEART” OF HYDERABAD ? Polluted nalas carrying industrial and domestic sewage ? Lack of clean surface water ? Stagnant lakes ? Dense urban environment with no room for centralized STPs ? Conveyance outside the city is costly and impractical Current State The path to rehabilitation must include ? Onsite treatment of nallas and sewage ? Buffering of lakes and rivers from incoming sewage ? Treatment of the watershed in a holistic, connected manner, respecting the catchments and overflow routes of the many water tanks
  • 20. Hyderabad Golf Course- in Musi Catchment ? Hyderabad Golf Association needs >2 MLD Irrigation water ? Surface water in the area is abundant but highly contaminated ? HGA is also mandated with improving surface water in the historic Golconda Fort en route to Musi River Satam Cheruvu Sewage Tank Overflow route Polluted lake
  • 21. The Solution Must be: ? Ready to implement immediately ? Flexible to adapt to available land ? Preserve the public grounds as parks and greenspace ? Sustainable: energy free, minimal maintenace ? Efficient, economical, aesthetic
  • 24. Local Labor and Materials
  • 27. Floating mattress on settling tank Starting a “floating island” Propogation of select indigenous plant species Mature Floating Mattress (STP in Zipori, Israel) Developing Floating Mattress
  • 30. Raw sewage from Satam Cheruvu overflow The Natural Biological System? Tertiary Quality Outlet Overview: The Natural Biological System? at HGA Diversion to NBS? ? 4 MLD Capacity in 7000 m2 ? ~300K USD Capital Cost ? 4 months implementation ? Saves 2 Million Liters Irrigation Water Daily Subsurface Flow AND: Local labor & resources Minimal maintenance Zero-energy treatment
  • 31. 35 183 260 26 20 nd 29-09-15 15-10-15 19-12-15 mg/l BOD Inlet BOD Outlet 102 165 235 28 25 4 29-09-15 15-10-15 19-12-15 mg/l TSS Inlet TSS Outlet 120 240 550 110 50 2 29-09-15 15-10-15 19-12-15 mg/l COD Inlet COD Outlet 50200 286000 nd nd 01-10-15 01-11-15 01-12-15 MPN/100ml Faecal Coli Inlet Faecal Coli Outlet Testing by Care Labs, Hyderabad
  • 32. Thank You “Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed” -Francis Bacon ayala-aqua.com