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Health Care Water
Conservation and
Pollution Prevention
Hermine Levey Weston, RN MBA
Member Engagement Manager
Water is Life
Water is the driver of nature
- Leonardo da Vinci
Its the briny broth of our origins,
the pounding circulatory system of
the world. We stake our civilizations
on the coasts and mighty rivers. Our
deepest dread is the threat of
having too littleor too much
- Barbara Kingsolver
What is the water footprint of
common goods?
 One pound of ground
 One pound of sausage
 One pound of beans
 One pair of blue jeans
 1,857 gallons
 1,382 gallons
 43 gallons
 2,900 gallons
Water Accounting for the
Partner for Change Award?
 Annual Water
 Gross Square Area
 Cleanable Square Area
 Total Landscape Area=
Irrigated Landscape +
Non irrigated landscape
 Water saving devices
and purchase price
 Project descriptions
What are the 2015 water benchmarks for
Practice Greenhealth Award Winning Hospitals?
Metric Median Circle of Excellence Water
Gallons per Sq. Ft 42.9 gallons 29.3 gallons
Gallons per Cleanable Sq. Ft 47.9 gallons 37.26 gallons
% Change in Water Use per
Sq. Ft.
9.0% 32.5%
Gallons of Water per OR 2.2 million gallons 2.08 million gallons
2016 Water Goals
 Level 1: Determine Water Usage Baseline
 Level 2: Percent change in gallons of water used
per square foot of gross floor area between
baseline and current year or Gallons of water
used per square foot of gross floor area in current
 Level 3: Percent change in gallons of water used
per square foot of gross floor area between
baseline and current year or Gallons of water
used per square foot of gross floor area in current
*WaterSmart Guidebook 2008
Evaluate Water Consumption
Best Practices
from NorthShore University Health System and
Kaiser Permanente San Jose Medical Center
Thanks to:
Keefe Fields, Chief Engineer, Cindy Soliday and
Elizabeth Bailey, Green Team Co-Chairs at KP
Michael J. Fiore, CIH, CSP, Director,
Environmental Occupational Health and
Safety/Sustainability at NorthShore University
Health System
Identify Conservation Opportunities at
NorthShore University Health System
 Steam Trap Audit
 Increase Cooling
tower cycles
 New SPD equipment
 Increase cooling tower cycles through use of acid
treatment (control/prevent mineral scale).
 Results in decreased blowdown and associated make-up
water needed.
Increase Cooling Tower Cycles
Current Annual
Make-up Usage
Est. Make-up
Water Savings
Water $
Glenbrook 4 4,006,800 8 3,464,400 572,400 $4,047
Skokie 4 5,827,680 8 4,996,080 831,600 $4,283
Highland Park 4 5,827,680 8 4,996,080 831,600 $4,283
Total 15,662,160 13,426,560 2,235,600 $12,403
Increase Cooling Tower Cycles- Impact
New Sterile Processing Department Equipment
Instrument Washer/Disinfectors (STERIS Vision)
 Uses 41.1 gallons of cold, hot and pure water per
 Represents a 19% reduction compared to previous
Cart Washer (STERIS Vision)
 Recycles the rinse water (70%) from each previous
cycle to conserve water, using only 14 gallons of (new)
hot water per cycle.
 Represents a 36% reduction in water usage when
compared to previous cart washer.
Approximately 1.3 acre storm water retention pond
NorthShore University HealthSystem, Glenbrook campus
Water Conservation at Kaiser Permanente
San Jose Medical Center
Keefe Fields Chief Engineer
Cindy Soliday and Elizabeth Bailey Green Team Co-Chairs
July 29, 2015
15 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only.
February 11, 2016
* per ccf. x 748 = 748gal.
16 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only.
February 11, 2016
17 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only.
February 11, 2016
 2014: 26.7% reduction in water use even with an increase of 8000
patients at our facility (4% increase)
 Landscape water use
 SMART controllers for landscaping: Sense the actual temperature of the
weather and adjust accordingly. Sensitive to fog, rain, humidity,
temperature and adjust watering amounts and frequency.
 High efficiency nozzles for sprinklers and drip systems that use less
 Drought resistant planting
 Campus fountains all use recycled water or have been shut off
 It is anticipated that 3.2 million gal of water will be saved over the
course of a year due to these projects
Additional Successes
 Cooling towers go through blow down after 6 cycles instead of 5 as in
previous years. Therefore, draining of the cooling tower occurs less
frequently leading to less wasted water.
 Replaced 40 year old boilers with new high efficiency boilers resulting
in less water and energy usage
 Installed all low flow toilets and faucets in public bathrooms
 Green Team rounds looking for leaks and other opportunities
 Education of all managers on water conservation efforts and what
they can do to get involved and assist with effort; e.g. full loads for
EVS laundry, sterile processing, and dishwashing
 Expired water kept in storage for emergencies was used to water the
18 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only.
February 11, 2016
 Capitol investment for new landscaping controllers in additional
 Education/training staff to use new equipment
 Assessing the possible risk of too much mineral build up in cooling
towers (test of change for engineering). No damage yet, may be able
to take it even further.
 Broadening our educating staff and members to be mindful of water
conservation in general
 Staff not reporting of leaks found in departments or public spaces in a
timely manner
 Some other facilities are hearing complaints about not enough flow in
the toilets/sinks
 Continued need to convert landscaping to drought resistant plants
19 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only.
February 11, 2016
20 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only.
February 11, 2016
Future projects
 Complete the test of change for cooling towers to see if can further
increase the cycle number before blow down
 Keep water conservation in mind as we expand to 2 new sites and
further increase our services and membership
 Installation of additional SMART irrigation controllers to outlying areas
on our campus
 Practice Greenhealth Less Water Toolkit
 Conservation at Providence St. Peter Hospital
 Case Study: Water Conservation in Sterile
Processing at Stanford University Medical
 Greenhealth Magazine: H2O in the OR- Saving
Water at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest
Next Steps
 Please contact your member engagement
manager for more resources.
 Visit the Practice Greenhealth Water Topic
 Contact Hermine Levey Weston
888 521 6664

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  • 1. Health Care Water Conservation and Pollution Prevention Hermine Levey Weston, RN MBA Member Engagement Manager
  • 2. Water is Life Water is the driver of nature - Leonardo da Vinci Its the briny broth of our origins, the pounding circulatory system of the world. We stake our civilizations on the coasts and mighty rivers. Our deepest dread is the threat of having too littleor too much - Barbara Kingsolver
  • 3. What is the water footprint of common goods? One pound of ground beef One pound of sausage One pound of beans One pair of blue jeans 1,857 gallons 1,382 gallons 43 gallons 2,900 gallons
  • 4. Water Accounting for the Partner for Change Award? Annual Water Consumption Gross Square Area Cleanable Square Area Total Landscape Area= Irrigated Landscape + Non irrigated landscape Water saving devices and purchase price Project descriptions
  • 5. What are the 2015 water benchmarks for Practice Greenhealth Award Winning Hospitals? Metric Median Circle of Excellence Water Gallons per Sq. Ft 42.9 gallons 29.3 gallons Gallons per Cleanable Sq. Ft 47.9 gallons 37.26 gallons % Change in Water Use per Sq. Ft. 9.0% 32.5% Gallons of Water per OR 2.2 million gallons 2.08 million gallons
  • 6. 2016 Water Goals Level 1: Determine Water Usage Baseline Level 2: Percent change in gallons of water used per square foot of gross floor area between baseline and current year or Gallons of water used per square foot of gross floor area in current year Level 3: Percent change in gallons of water used per square foot of gross floor area between baseline and current year or Gallons of water used per square foot of gross floor area in current year
  • 8. Best Practices from NorthShore University Health System and Kaiser Permanente San Jose Medical Center Thanks to: Keefe Fields, Chief Engineer, Cindy Soliday and Elizabeth Bailey, Green Team Co-Chairs at KP Michael J. Fiore, CIH, CSP, Director, Environmental Occupational Health and Safety/Sustainability at NorthShore University Health System
  • 9. Identify Conservation Opportunities at NorthShore University Health System Steam Trap Audit Increase Cooling tower cycles New SPD equipment
  • 10. Increase cooling tower cycles through use of acid treatment (control/prevent mineral scale). Results in decreased blowdown and associated make-up water needed. Increase Cooling Tower Cycles
  • 11. Location Cycles 2014 Current Annual Make-up Usage Cycles Present Est. Make-up Usage Water Savings (Gals) Water $ Savings Glenbrook 4 4,006,800 8 3,464,400 572,400 $4,047 Skokie 4 5,827,680 8 4,996,080 831,600 $4,283 Highland Park 4 5,827,680 8 4,996,080 831,600 $4,283 Total 15,662,160 13,426,560 2,235,600 $12,403 Increase Cooling Tower Cycles- Impact
  • 12. New Sterile Processing Department Equipment Instrument Washer/Disinfectors (STERIS Vision) Uses 41.1 gallons of cold, hot and pure water per cycle. Represents a 19% reduction compared to previous washers. Cart Washer (STERIS Vision) Recycles the rinse water (70%) from each previous cycle to conserve water, using only 14 gallons of (new) hot water per cycle. Represents a 36% reduction in water usage when compared to previous cart washer.
  • 13. Approximately 1.3 acre storm water retention pond NorthShore University HealthSystem, Glenbrook campus
  • 14. Water Conservation at Kaiser Permanente San Jose Medical Center Keefe Fields Chief Engineer Cindy Soliday and Elizabeth Bailey Green Team Co-Chairs July 29, 2015
  • 15. 15 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only. February 11, 2016 * per ccf. x 748 = 748gal.
  • 16. 16 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only. February 11, 2016
  • 17. 17 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only. February 11, 2016 Successes 2014: 26.7% reduction in water use even with an increase of 8000 patients at our facility (4% increase) Landscape water use SMART controllers for landscaping: Sense the actual temperature of the weather and adjust accordingly. Sensitive to fog, rain, humidity, temperature and adjust watering amounts and frequency. High efficiency nozzles for sprinklers and drip systems that use less water Drought resistant planting Campus fountains all use recycled water or have been shut off It is anticipated that 3.2 million gal of water will be saved over the course of a year due to these projects
  • 18. Additional Successes Cooling towers go through blow down after 6 cycles instead of 5 as in previous years. Therefore, draining of the cooling tower occurs less frequently leading to less wasted water. Replaced 40 year old boilers with new high efficiency boilers resulting in less water and energy usage Installed all low flow toilets and faucets in public bathrooms Green Team rounds looking for leaks and other opportunities Education of all managers on water conservation efforts and what they can do to get involved and assist with effort; e.g. full loads for EVS laundry, sterile processing, and dishwashing Expired water kept in storage for emergencies was used to water the grounds 18 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only. February 11, 2016
  • 19. Challenges Capitol investment for new landscaping controllers in additional locations Education/training staff to use new equipment Assessing the possible risk of too much mineral build up in cooling towers (test of change for engineering). No damage yet, may be able to take it even further. Broadening our educating staff and members to be mindful of water conservation in general Staff not reporting of leaks found in departments or public spaces in a timely manner Some other facilities are hearing complaints about not enough flow in the toilets/sinks Continued need to convert landscaping to drought resistant plants 19 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only. February 11, 2016
  • 20. 20 | 息 2011 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. For internal use only. February 11, 2016 Future projects Complete the test of change for cooling towers to see if can further increase the cycle number before blow down Keep water conservation in mind as we expand to 2 new sites and further increase our services and membership Installation of additional SMART irrigation controllers to outlying areas on our campus
  • 21. Resources: Practice Greenhealth Less Water Toolkit Conservation at Providence St. Peter Hospital Case Study: Water Conservation in Sterile Processing at Stanford University Medical Center Greenhealth Magazine: H2O in the OR- Saving Water at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest
  • 22. Next Steps Please contact your member engagement manager for more resources. Visit the Practice Greenhealth Water Topic Webpage Contact Hermine Levey Weston 888 521 6664 hleveyweston@practicegreenhealth.org