Travel HassleswendyWendy Cruz's camera was stolen while traveling in Villeta after going out, suggesting that traveling alone leaves one vulnerable to theft. Most travelers are burglarized while enjoying themselves. Some tips to avoid trouble while traveling include not trusting strangers, gaining experience from frequent travel to avoid issues with strangers, securing money in a cash stash key ring to prevent loss, and using a document pouch to keep passports and valuables safe from damage. Leaving personal items unattended risks having them broken. When traveling where the local language is unfamiliar, it is necessary to ask someone for help, and travelers should offer assistance to foreigners who may not understand something.
Chocolate Museum, Csokoládé Múzeum, BudapestKapitán JózsefAble to report on the visit of Chocolate Museum, Árpálföld.
Képes beszámoló az Árpálföldi Csokoládé Múzeum látogatásról.
Noord KoreaBence MorgósNorth Korean photos.
"Thank you, great leader. Rest in peace.
Now we don't have to pretend our love for you anymore,
and live our own life."
Not so much...
V8 hotel in stuttgartKapitán JózsefThe V8 Hotel in Stuttgart, Germany is a car-themed hotel located in an auto museum. It has four single rooms, 19 double rooms, a tower suite, and 10 unique themed rooms designed for both car mechanics and enthusiasts. The hotel takes its design inspiration from the car world to create a haven for those who love automobiles.
Cebarre galatikaKapitán JózsefChoice Gallery is an online art gallery that allows customers to browse and purchase paintings, photographs, and other works of art. Visitors can search the gallery's collection by media type, price range, artist name, and other filters to find pieces that match their tastes and budget. Once a work is selected, it can be purchased securely through the gallery's online shopping system.
V8 hotel in stuttgartKapitán JózsefThe V8 Hotel in Stuttgart, Germany is a car-themed hotel located in an auto museum. It has four single rooms, 19 double rooms, a tower suite, and 10 unique themed rooms designed for both car mechanics and enthusiasts. The hotel takes its design inspiration from the car world to create a haven for those who love automobiles.
Cebarre galatikaKapitán JózsefChoice Gallery is an online art gallery that allows customers to browse and purchase paintings, photographs, and other works of art. Visitors can search the gallery's collection by media type, price range, artist name, and other filters to find pieces that match their tastes and budget. Once a work is selected, it can be purchased securely through the gallery's online shopping system.
1. Az orosz elnöki különgépAz orosz elnöki különgép
Egy kis birodalmi luxus aranyozással, zöld bőrhuzattal,
nemesfa- burkolattal és beépített ikonnal. Vlagyimir Putyin
szolgálati repülőgépe, az Il-96-300PU, amelyet a nyugati
sajtó csak
"Szibériai Air Force One"-ként emleget.
Tücsi a galaktikus
2014-03-26 06:00:00
Vlagyimir Viszockij –
Moszkva Ogyessza