Spring Fest 2018 Spring Bootで作るRESTful Web ServiceWataruOhno
Spring Fest 2018の資料です。
本セッションでは、Spring BootでRESTful Web Serviceを作成する方法についてお話しします。 環境構築から実装方法、またMockMVCを使ったテストまでを簡単なサンプルを使って解説していきます。 初心者向けのセッションですので、興味のある方はお気軽にお越しください。
Spring Fest 2018 Spring Bootで作るRESTful Web ServiceWataruOhno
Spring Fest 2018の資料です。
本セッションでは、Spring BootでRESTful Web Serviceを作成する方法についてお話しします。 環境構築から実装方法、またMockMVCを使ったテストまでを簡単なサンプルを使って解説していきます。 初心者向けのセッションですので、興味のある方はお気軽にお越しください。
Ryosuke Matsumura gave a presentation on serverless computing on Azure. He discussed key Azure serverless services like Azure Functions, Logic Apps, and Event Grid. He provided an example of using Durable Functions to orchestrate a serverless workflow that involves chaining functions, calling APIs, and interacting with table storage and Slack notifications. The presentation explained how Azure DevOps could be used for version control, continuous integration/deployment, and testing of serverless applications on Azure.
Ryosuke Matsumura gave a presentation on using Application Insights to aggregate logs from a Rails application. He began by introducing Application Insights and its capabilities for monitoring apps and collecting telemetry. Next, he discussed why it is important to aggregate logs, such as for analyzing errors and performance. Finally, he demonstrated how to set up Application Insights for a Rails app by adding the required gem, configuring the instrumentation key, and using the telemetry client to track events and exceptions. The presentation concluded with a live demo of Application Insights monitoring a Rails application.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
10. What is Serverless?
? 文字通りサーバーがないわけではない
? 開発者がサーバーを意識する必要がない
? よりコードに注力して開発が出来る
? イベントをトリガーとして関数(Function)を実行する
? Function as a Service(FaaS)
? いわゆるPaaSとは異なる
? イベント毎にプロセスが起動し終了する
11. Serverless Compute
? Function are the unit of deployment and scaling.
? No machines, VMs, or containers visible in the programming
? Permanent storage lives elsewhere (SLE).
? Scales per request; Users cannot over- or under-provision
? Never pay for idle (no cold servers/containers or their
? Implicitly fault-tolerant because functions can run anywhere.
? Bring Your Own Code (BYOC).
? Metrics and logging are a universal right.
15. What is Azure Functions?
? 多数のトリガーを設定可能
? Timer
? Webhooks
? Consmos DB
? Storage(Blob, Queue)
? Azureサービスとの連携が非常にお手軽
? Binding機能により容易に連携が可能
16. What is Azure Functions?
? 強力なBinding機能
? データの入出力を関数で利用する際に、連携部分を抽象
? context.bindings.hoge = (…データ…)
17. What is Azure Functions?
? Visual Studioシリーズとの高い親和性
? VS for MacやVSCodeでも開発が捗る
? 開発だけでなく、デプロイまで可能
? ローカルデバッグも可能
? 2種類のプラン
? Consumption Plan(Batch的な処理におすすめ)
? App Service Plan(WebAPIにおすすめ)