Windows Server Container and Windows Subsystem for LinuxTakeshi Fukuhara
Windows Server コンテナーと Windows Subsystem for Linuxについて説明したAzureウェビナー資料。Windows Server 2019ベースで紹介。2018年11月27日に実施したWebinarの資料に、Azure Container Registryのスライドを追加したもの。
Japan Developer Summit (jp) - Cloud Foundry, the Open Platform As A ServicePatrick Chanezon
This talk will provide an overview of the PaaS (Platform as a Service) landscape, and will describe the Cloud Foundry open source PaaS, with its multi-framework, multi-service, multi-cloud model.
Cloud Foundry allows developers to provision apps in Java/Spring, Ruby/Rails, Ruby/Sinatra, Javascript/Node, and leverage services like MySQL, MongoDB, Reddis, Postgres and RabbitMQ.
It can be used as a public PaaS on and other service providers (ActiveState, AppFog), to create your own private cloud, or on your laptop using the Micro Cloud Foundry VM.
I will describe the Cloud Foundry architecture, and talk about the open source development process for Cloud Foundry.
This is the presentation which was showed at Microsoft Tier1 event de:code 2019. In this presentation, I showed that there is a lot of option for Java Developer to use the Microsoft Azure.
AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Serverの準備と監視 _ Preparing and monitoring AKS on...Norio Sashizaki
- ウィルス対策における、AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server の除外パス
- Kubernetes クラスターの追加準備 – AD との SSO
- Get-AksHciCredential と kubectl.exe
Kubernetes クラスターのリソース確認
- サービス アカウント ベアラー トークン/サービス アカウント トークン認証 で Azure Arc の Kubernetes クラスター を確認
- AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Kubernetes クラスターのモニター
- AKS on Azure Stack HCI 内でログを表示して、データを収集、確認する
AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server のアップグレード
- Exclusion path for AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server in antivirus
- Prepare to add Kubernetes cluster - SSO with AD
- Get-AksHciCredential and kubectl.exe
Check Kubernetes cluster resources
- Check Kubernetes cluster in Azure Arc with Service Account Bearer Token / Service Account Token Authentication
- Monitor AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Kubernetes clusters
- View logs, collect and review data within AKS on Azure Stack HCI
Upgrade AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server
Reference material
Windows Admin Center 2110
Windows Admin Center 2103.2から2110へのバージョンアップ
Windows Admin Center の OpenManage Integration拡張が表示されない についての続報
Windows Admin Center 2110
Additions and improvements listed in the release notes
Changes not listed in the release notes
Upgrade from Windows Admin Center 2103.2 to 2110
Recently encountered troubleshooting examples
More information about Windows Admin Center
OpenManage Integration extension not showing up
Azure Data Box Family Overview and Microsoft Intelligent Edge StrategyTakeshi Fukuhara
2019年2月26日に実施した "Azure を利用したインフラのモダナイズ!Azure File Sync と Azure Data Box 特集セミナー" でのセッション資料。Azure Data Boxファミリー概要と、マイクロソフトのインテリジェントエッジ戦略におけるAzure Data Box Ege/Gatewayの位置づけについての説明。Appendixには、Azure StackとAzure Data Box Edgeの比較スライドあり。
Windows Server Container and Windows Subsystem for LinuxTakeshi Fukuhara
Windows Server コンテナーと Windows Subsystem for Linuxについて説明したAzureウェビナー資料。Windows Server 2019ベースで紹介。2018年11月27日に実施したWebinarの資料に、Azure Container Registryのスライドを追加したもの。
Japan Developer Summit (jp) - Cloud Foundry, the Open Platform As A ServicePatrick Chanezon
This talk will provide an overview of the PaaS (Platform as a Service) landscape, and will describe the Cloud Foundry open source PaaS, with its multi-framework, multi-service, multi-cloud model.
Cloud Foundry allows developers to provision apps in Java/Spring, Ruby/Rails, Ruby/Sinatra, Javascript/Node, and leverage services like MySQL, MongoDB, Reddis, Postgres and RabbitMQ.
It can be used as a public PaaS on and other service providers (ActiveState, AppFog), to create your own private cloud, or on your laptop using the Micro Cloud Foundry VM.
I will describe the Cloud Foundry architecture, and talk about the open source development process for Cloud Foundry.
This is the presentation which was showed at Microsoft Tier1 event de:code 2019. In this presentation, I showed that there is a lot of option for Java Developer to use the Microsoft Azure.
AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Serverの準備と監視 _ Preparing and monitoring AKS on...Norio Sashizaki
- ウィルス対策における、AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server の除外パス
- Kubernetes クラスターの追加準備 – AD との SSO
- Get-AksHciCredential と kubectl.exe
Kubernetes クラスターのリソース確認
- サービス アカウント ベアラー トークン/サービス アカウント トークン認証 で Azure Arc の Kubernetes クラスター を確認
- AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Kubernetes クラスターのモニター
- AKS on Azure Stack HCI 内でログを表示して、データを収集、確認する
AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server のアップグレード
- Exclusion path for AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server in antivirus
- Prepare to add Kubernetes cluster - SSO with AD
- Get-AksHciCredential and kubectl.exe
Check Kubernetes cluster resources
- Check Kubernetes cluster in Azure Arc with Service Account Bearer Token / Service Account Token Authentication
- Monitor AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Kubernetes clusters
- View logs, collect and review data within AKS on Azure Stack HCI
Upgrade AKS on Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server
Reference material
Windows Admin Center 2110
Windows Admin Center 2103.2から2110へのバージョンアップ
Windows Admin Center の OpenManage Integration拡張が表示されない についての続報
Windows Admin Center 2110
Additions and improvements listed in the release notes
Changes not listed in the release notes
Upgrade from Windows Admin Center 2103.2 to 2110
Recently encountered troubleshooting examples
More information about Windows Admin Center
OpenManage Integration extension not showing up
Azure Data Box Family Overview and Microsoft Intelligent Edge StrategyTakeshi Fukuhara
2019年2月26日に実施した "Azure を利用したインフラのモダナイズ!Azure File Sync と Azure Data Box 特集セミナー" でのセッション資料。Azure Data Boxファミリー概要と、マイクロソフトのインテリジェントエッジ戦略におけるAzure Data Box Ege/Gatewayの位置づけについての説明。Appendixには、Azure StackとAzure Data Box Edgeの比較スライドあり。
Securing sensitive data with Azure Key VaultTom Kerkhove
As a developer you often have to use & store a lot of sensitive data going from service credentials to connection strings or even encryption keys. But how do I store these in a secure way? How do I know who has access to them and how do I prevent people from copying them and abusing them? On the other hand, SaaS customers have no clue how you store their sensitive data and how they use it. How can they monitor that? How can they revoke your access easily?
Watch the recording here -
Introduction for Vagrant and Docker provider.
This presentation is prepared for Docker Meetup Tokyo 2014 #1 in 12, Feb, 2014 at National Institute of Informatics.
Copyright 2014, NTT Data Corporation.
The document discusses the author's experience switching from Cygwin to using PowerShell (Posh) natively on Windows in 2010. It describes issues they initially had with Posh such as lack of emacs-like key bindings and broken aliases. It then summarizes solutions and tools the author developed to improve the Posh shell experience, including PSReadLine for readline functionality, psenv for managing environment variables, removing broken aliases, using the ConEmu console emulator, and creating custom modules for directory bookmarks and environment switching based on the current directory.
Cosmos DB 入門の multi model multi API編。
BUILD 2017 で突如現れた、Cosmos DB。基本的には、従来のDocumentDBの発展ですが、単純な機能拡張とは少し違います。
「Cosmos DB = DocumentDB + multi-model and multi-API」という目線で、ざっくりと理念と現在の実装を探ります。
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
3. 自己紹介
近江 武一
JAZUG Azure Storage 担当(自称)
Microsoft MVP for Azure
kyrt inc 3
white paper
15. VMs and VM Scale Sets
Azure Public CloudAzure-Consistent Private Cloud
VM Extensions
SCALR, RightScale,
Mesos, Swarm
Service Fabric
(VMs and Containers)
BatchApp Service
Apprenda, CloudFoundry
Jelastic, Marathon
IaaS and
compute PaaS
Open Choice at Every Layer