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Affirmative: Subject + verb
Negative: Subject + do not + verb
(does not)
Interrogative: Do + Subject + verb + ?
Affirmative: Negative: Interrogative:
I work I do not
you work you dont work Do you work?
work Do I work?
he works he does not
she works she doesnt work Does she work?
work Does he work?
it works it doesnt work Does it work?
we work we dont work Do we work?
you work you dont work Do you work?
they work they dont work Do they work?
The present simple indicates frequency, regularity or habit
1- The post arrives at 08:30
2- I work at the weekend
3- We start work at 10am
4- My friend Tom buys the food
5- I like the film
1- John drives the truck
2- You like reading
3- The shop closes at 6 oclock
4- Our customers speak English
5- The book costs 贈5
1- Estudio ingl辿s todos los d鱈as
2- Susana trabaja en el hospital
3- A Liz le gusta la m炭sica cl叩sica
4- No voy de compras muy a menudo
5- No conocemos a nuestros vecinos
6- Luis no trabaja en Espa単a
7- Mi padre conduce un taxi, pero no le gusta su trabajo
8- Teresa habla franc辿s, pero no habla ingl辿s
9- 多A qu辿 hora termina la reuni坦n?
10 多Le gusta su trabajo a Pilar?
11 多Que significa over-booking?
12 多Cu叩nto cuesta esta c叩mara?
13 多A qu辿 hora sale el tren?
When? To indicate frequency and habit
On Mondays
Affirmative I eat / he eats
Negative I dont eat
Interrogative Do you eat? / Does he eat?
Position of adverbs: I sometimes eat chocolate
Question: Where do you live?
Answer: I live in Jerez
Question: Do you like living in Jerez? Why?
Question: What do you do in your spare time?
Answer: In my spare time I usually read books or I watch TV
Question: What do you do at the weekend?
Answer: At the weekend I go shopping and go out with my friends
Question: How often do you use a mobile phone?
Answer: I use my mobile phone everyday
Present Simple/Present Continuous
VOY a al cine esta tarde Im going to the cinema this evening
VOY al cine los viernes I go to the cinema on Fridays
ESCRIBO para decirte que.. I am writing to tell you that .
Present Simple / Present Continuous
Note that the following verbs are not used in present continuous:
want, like, love, hate, need, prefer, depend, know, mean, understand, believe, remember, forget, see,
hear, deserve, belong, smell, taste, contain, have (possess)
Complete these sentences
1 I / listen / to the radio at the moment
2 Nobody ever / go / home before 5 oclock
3 She / have / lunch right now
4 He / have / a shower every morning
5 My brother / come / to visit me next week
6 What / you / complain / about / now?
7 What / you / do / with the photocopier? I / try / to mend it.
8 What / you / think / of doing this weekend?
9 Excuse me, / you / know / Mr Smith?
10 Shhh!! Listen! Somebody / sing /
Translate into English
1. Normalmente bebo t辿, pero hoy quiero caf辿
2. 多Qu辿 haces? Estoy estudiando
3. 多Qu辿 est叩s diciendo? No te entiendo.
4. 多Qu辿 hace Anne? Est叩 viendo la televisi坦n
5. 多Qu辿 hacen Tom y Anne los fines de semana? Juegan al golf
6. 多D坦nde vas los lunes? Voy a mis clases de ingl辿s
7. 多D坦nde vas esta tarde? Voy al cine
8. Me gusta esa voz 多Qui辿n canta?
9. Ahora viene el tren, llega tarde
10. Me voy 臓Adi坦s!
11. Le escribo para informarle que 
12. 多Qu辿 piensas hacer ahora?
Ask the questions
eg: It is six oclock What time is it?
1. Im
2. The book costs
a teacher
3. Mary leaves the office
at 6pm
makes the tea
6. Im going to the Trade Fair
people work in this department
7. The boys live
next week
8. booking means 
in the north of England
9. On Saturdays I go

10. Mary
to the country
is making the coffee

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B1 - present cont & present simp

  • 1. PRESENT SIMPLE Affirmative: Subject + verb Negative: Subject + do not + verb (does not) Interrogative: Do + Subject + verb + ? Does Affirmative: Negative: Interrogative: I work I do not you work you dont work Do you work? work Do I work? he works he does not she works she doesnt work Does she work? work Does he work? it works it doesnt work Does it work? we work we dont work Do we work? you work you dont work Do you work? they work they dont work Do they work? The present simple indicates frequency, regularity or habit PUT INTO THE NEGATIVE 1- The post arrives at 08:30 2- I work at the weekend 3- We start work at 10am 4- My friend Tom buys the food 5- I like the film PUT INTO THE INTERROGATIVE 1- John drives the truck 2- You like reading 3- The shop closes at 6 oclock 4- Our customers speak English 5- The book costs 贈5 TRANSLATE 1- Estudio ingl辿s todos los d鱈as 2- Susana trabaja en el hospital 3- A Liz le gusta la m炭sica cl叩sica 4- No voy de compras muy a menudo 5- No conocemos a nuestros vecinos 6- Luis no trabaja en Espa単a 7- Mi padre conduce un taxi, pero no le gusta su trabajo 8- Teresa habla franc辿s, pero no habla ingl辿s 9- 多A qu辿 hora termina la reuni坦n? 10 多Le gusta su trabajo a Pilar? 11 多Que significa over-booking? 12 多Cu叩nto cuesta esta c叩mara? 13 多A qu辿 hora sale el tren?
  • 2. PRESENT SIMPLE When? To indicate frequency and habit Indicators: Usually Often Sometimes Everyday On Mondays Affirmative I eat / he eats Negative I dont eat Interrogative Do you eat? / Does he eat? Position of adverbs: I sometimes eat chocolate SPEAKING Question: Where do you live? Answer: I live in Jerez Question: Do you like living in Jerez? Why? Question: What do you do in your spare time? Answer: In my spare time I usually read books or I watch TV Question: What do you do at the weekend? Answer: At the weekend I go shopping and go out with my friends Question: How often do you use a mobile phone? Answer: I use my mobile phone everyday Present Simple/Present Continuous VOY a al cine esta tarde Im going to the cinema this evening VOY al cine los viernes I go to the cinema on Fridays LETTER ESCRIBO para decirte que.. I am writing to tell you that .
  • 3. Present Simple / Present Continuous Note that the following verbs are not used in present continuous: want, like, love, hate, need, prefer, depend, know, mean, understand, believe, remember, forget, see, hear, deserve, belong, smell, taste, contain, have (possess) Complete these sentences 1 I / listen / to the radio at the moment 2 Nobody ever / go / home before 5 oclock 3 She / have / lunch right now 4 He / have / a shower every morning 5 My brother / come / to visit me next week 6 What / you / complain / about / now? 7 What / you / do / with the photocopier? I / try / to mend it. 8 What / you / think / of doing this weekend? 9 Excuse me, / you / know / Mr Smith? 10 Shhh!! Listen! Somebody / sing / Translate into English 1. Normalmente bebo t辿, pero hoy quiero caf辿 2. 多Qu辿 haces? Estoy estudiando 3. 多Qu辿 est叩s diciendo? No te entiendo. 4. 多Qu辿 hace Anne? Est叩 viendo la televisi坦n 5. 多Qu辿 hacen Tom y Anne los fines de semana? Juegan al golf 6. 多D坦nde vas los lunes? Voy a mis clases de ingl辿s 7. 多D坦nde vas esta tarde? Voy al cine 8. Me gusta esa voz 多Qui辿n canta? 9. Ahora viene el tren, llega tarde 10. Me voy 臓Adi坦s! 11. Le escribo para informarle que 12. 多Qu辿 piensas hacer ahora?
  • 4. Ask the questions eg: It is six oclock What time is it? 1. Im 2. The book costs a teacher 3. Mary leaves the office 贈25 4. at 6pm John 5. makes the tea Six 6. Im going to the Trade Fair people work in this department 7. The boys live next week 8. booking means in the north of England reserva 9. On Saturdays I go 10. Mary to the country is making the coffee