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Task. 4.2
                                   Jorge Augusto Ordoñez Valencia

   1. - How would you as a teacher trainer introduce the peer lesson observation?
   When organizing a peer observation, it is essential to discuss the following at least a week
   before the observed lesson is due to take place.

               Which year group or class to observe
               The time, date and duration of the observation
               The observation focus
               The aims and lesson structure and content
               The role of the observer during the lesson, e.g. where they should sit, their
                involvement (if any) in the lesson itself
               The composition of the group, e.g. numbers, boys, girls, special educational
                needs; band, set or mixed ability
               The nature of any in-class support
               The observation recording format to be used
               Whether the observer can ask students questions and look at their work
               The information that will be required by the observer prior to the observation, e.g.
                the lesson plan
               When feedback will be given – time should be allowed for reflection but the
                feedback should be given within a week of the observation taking place
               Any concerns the colleague being observed may have

2. - Which observation tasks could be interesting for your trainees? Write down some ideas.

How to introduce vocabulary, how to practice grammar and how to correct mistakes.

3. - How would you prepare your visit with the trainee? Which information do you need before the
            Focus on the areas agreed beforehand with your colleague.
            Record information as accurately as possible.
            Only record information relevant to what was agreed prior to the observation.
            Arrive on time.
            Be positive and courteous.
            Do not move around the room, look at books or talk with students unless you previously
             agreed to do so. If colleagues and students are not used to others in the classroom, this can
             cause a change in the classroom dynamic.

5. - How long should the lesson observation last?
 At least 20 minutes.
6.-How would you write down your feedback? Create a feedback sheet which you could use for your
future lesson observations.

For feedback to be effective it must be given in an environment of trust; that is, we should all be
committed to helping each other learn and improve as much possible. In the feedback we need to be
honest, specific and remember to focus on positive.

Group Observation Form

Teacher’s Name: __________________________________                       Date:
Observer’s Name: _________________________________               Time in class: from         _________ to
Level: __________ Unit: ___________                              Number of students: ____________
In the box on the left mark a check () if you observed this step or area and it was okay, make a cross
() if the step or area was not done well, and leave it blank if you didn’t see this area or step during the

STEPS/AREAS                                          COMMENTS
   Teacher behavior toward students
   The T was organized and prepared
   The T was confident and transmitted
   The T motivated and encouraged students
   The T always used English
   The T’s instructions were appropriate for the
   level of Ss
   The T was in control of the class
   The T maintained a good pace in the class
   The T kept eye contact with students
   The T’s LOE is adequate for the level s/he’s
   Student learning
   Ss were using the target language
   Ss understood T instructions in English
   Ss were participating in English
   Ss were able to carry out the tasks that the T
   set up
   Ss were able to self correct
   Ss were interested in the class
   Ss were motivated
   Ss achieved the objectives of the class
Weak students I noticed:                             Areas to work on with the group:

Classroom set up:

Teacher’s signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________________
7.- How would you manage the feedback-discussion? Write down the most important rules.

Acknowledge strengths – there are always some good things, but sometimes the skill of the observer lies
in identifying them develop confidence – in the early stages of peer observation, that is what you are
there for identify best or developing practice be explicit and specific be evaluative rather than descriptive
reflect only on what was agreed before the observation encourage self-reflection and self-evaluation –
ask questions such as “What do you think?’ and ‘Why is it like that?’, and help colleagues move beyond
initial responses to consider practice in greater detail only offer advice and alternative approaches if they
are asked for – but remember in the early stages they may be neither required nor valued.

8. - What happens if the trainee fails? What advice would you give him/her?

We give another opportunity, and he/She needs to prepare better.

9. – What can the trainee do, if he does not accept the feedback of the trainer?

He needs to do an auto-evaluation that help what are the areas that he needs to do an effort.

10. - Is a second visit possible? With the same trainer?

Yes, it is possible, it depend on the situation that was generate the first visit with the staff.

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  • 1. Task. 4.2 Jorge Augusto Ordoñez Valencia jaov5@hotmail.com 1. - How would you as a teacher trainer introduce the peer lesson observation? When organizing a peer observation, it is essential to discuss the following at least a week before the observed lesson is due to take place.  Which year group or class to observe  The time, date and duration of the observation  The observation focus  The aims and lesson structure and content  The role of the observer during the lesson, e.g. where they should sit, their involvement (if any) in the lesson itself  The composition of the group, e.g. numbers, boys, girls, special educational needs; band, set or mixed ability  The nature of any in-class support  The observation recording format to be used  Whether the observer can ask students questions and look at their work  The information that will be required by the observer prior to the observation, e.g. the lesson plan  When feedback will be given – time should be allowed for reflection but the feedback should be given within a week of the observation taking place  Any concerns the colleague being observed may have 2. - Which observation tasks could be interesting for your trainees? Write down some ideas. How to introduce vocabulary, how to practice grammar and how to correct mistakes. 3. - How would you prepare your visit with the trainee? Which information do you need before the observation?  Focus on the areas agreed beforehand with your colleague.  Record information as accurately as possible.  Only record information relevant to what was agreed prior to the observation.  Arrive on time.  Be positive and courteous.  Do not move around the room, look at books or talk with students unless you previously agreed to do so. If colleagues and students are not used to others in the classroom, this can cause a change in the classroom dynamic. 5. - How long should the lesson observation last? At least 20 minutes.
  • 2. 6.-How would you write down your feedback? Create a feedback sheet which you could use for your future lesson observations. For feedback to be effective it must be given in an environment of trust; that is, we should all be committed to helping each other learn and improve as much possible. In the feedback we need to be honest, specific and remember to focus on positive. Group Observation Form Teacher’s Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________________ Observer’s Name: _________________________________ Time in class: from _________ to _________ Level: __________ Unit: ___________ Number of students: ____________ In the box on the left mark a check () if you observed this step or area and it was okay, make a cross () if the step or area was not done well, and leave it blank if you didn’t see this area or step during the observation. STEPS/AREAS COMMENTS Teacher behavior toward students The T was organized and prepared The T was confident and transmitted enthusiasm The T motivated and encouraged students The T always used English The T’s instructions were appropriate for the level of Ss The T was in control of the class The T maintained a good pace in the class The T kept eye contact with students The T’s LOE is adequate for the level s/he’s teaching Student learning Ss were using the target language Ss understood T instructions in English Ss were participating in English Ss were able to carry out the tasks that the T set up Ss were able to self correct Ss were interested in the class Ss were motivated Ss achieved the objectives of the class Weak students I noticed: Areas to work on with the group: Classroom set up: Teacher’s signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________________
  • 3. 7.- How would you manage the feedback-discussion? Write down the most important rules. Acknowledge strengths – there are always some good things, but sometimes the skill of the observer lies in identifying them develop confidence – in the early stages of peer observation, that is what you are there for identify best or developing practice be explicit and specific be evaluative rather than descriptive reflect only on what was agreed before the observation encourage self-reflection and self-evaluation – ask questions such as “What do you think?’ and ‘Why is it like that?’, and help colleagues move beyond initial responses to consider practice in greater detail only offer advice and alternative approaches if they are asked for – but remember in the early stages they may be neither required nor valued. 8. - What happens if the trainee fails? What advice would you give him/her? We give another opportunity, and he/She needs to prepare better. 9. – What can the trainee do, if he does not accept the feedback of the trainer? He needs to do an auto-evaluation that help what are the areas that he needs to do an effort. 10. - Is a second visit possible? With the same trainer? Yes, it is possible, it depend on the situation that was generate the first visit with the staff.