The document discusses strategies for developing an effective single minded proposition (SMP) for marketing campaigns. An SMP aims to persuade the target audience of one key idea. It involves understanding the audience and crafting a proposition that marries what the audience wants with what the content offers. Having a clear SMP helps ensure the campaign message is consistent and approved. Examples provided demonstrate how SMPs were developed for various TV channels and brands based on audience insights and content.
This document discusses conventions for radio advertisements. It notes that radio ads are typically 30 seconds, inform listeners about product qualities and include slogans. The language and address are tailored to the target audience. Too much information causes overload. Successful ads have an upbeat jingle and voiceover that do not overpower each other. The voiceover guides listeners and sets the tone. Details of broadcasts are stated at the end. Sound effects and facts provide context without overwhelming listeners. The document also discusses sticking to these conventions and targeting institutions for their radio advertisement.
This formal proposal outlines a documentary titled "Bags for Life" about tea that will air on Channel 4. The documentary will explore the uses of tea, health benefits and risks of tea drinking, and tea's role as a national drink. It will feature interviews with professionals in the tea industry, a hairdresser who uses tea to dye hair, a tea leaf reader, a dietician discussing tea's health effects, and members of the public who drink tea. The target audience is people aged 16-30, and the documentary is scheduled to air on Wednesdays at 7pm on Channel 4 to attract viewers from surrounding shows.
This document profiles the target audience for a documentary about fat and health. The primary audience is 24-35 year olds in income bracket B of any race, gender or sexuality who have liberal opinions. The secondary audience is 16-19 year olds in income bracket E. Both audiences are innovators, strivers, experiencers and thinkers. The documentary aims to target reformers, explorers and succeeders. It will provide information to fulfill the audience's need for self-actualization by contradicting established advice on fat consumption. The target audience watches documentaries online and shares them through reviews, social media and word of mouth. They are highly educated early adopters seeking new ideas and experiences.
This document discusses conventions and genres related to a documentary being produced about the streetwear industry. It will target a niche audience of 18-25 year olds interested in streetwear. While it will follow some documentary conventions like interviews and location shooting, it takes an unconventional approach in other ways. It aims to be entertaining through editing and music rather than just informative. It also traveled outside its home base to film influencers across the country. The producers aim to represent reality through participatory filmmaking style while leaving an open conclusion due to the evolving nature of the industry.
The documentary will explore different types of cakes, perceptions of cakes, and ways of obtaining cakes. It will use techniques from multiple documentary styles to make it professional. The style will be fun and colorful to appeal to its target female audience aged 25-50. It will air on Channel 4 on December 18th at 7:30pm between a news program and cooking show to inherit audiences. Primary research involved questionnaires on cake preferences and secondary research analyzed other food documentaries for stylistic influences. The narrative structure will open with archive footage, introduce the topic, include interviews, discuss cake history while showing a food historian, and close with a baker taking a cake out of the oven.
The document discusses targeting a young audience aged 15-19 for a new film. It aims to attract this demographic with the film's focus on young characters, scary ghosts, and location in working class Britain. The opening sequence is designed to thrill and excite teenage audiences by featuring a likeable young main character and interesting supernatural elements. Horror films involving paranormal activity have proven popular with this age range.
This document outlines a formal proposal for a documentary titled "Lighten Up" about smoking. The documentary will use a mix of interviews, narration, and archive footage. It will air on Channel Four and target those aged 16 and older. The narrative will be single-stranded and linear, beginning with the history of smoking and ending in an open-ended manner. Primary research will include interviews and cutaway footage, while secondary sources comprise archive clips, music, and online resources.
The documentary will explore the rising popularity of coffee in the UK, the impact of large coffee chains versus small independent shops, and the effects on the economy. It will use a mix of interviews, archive footage, and narration to inform viewers about coffee's impact in a 30-minute film. The documentary will have a formal style using basic editing to appeal broadly. It will air on Channel 4 on Monday evenings, a slot known for documentaries, to capture the news audience interested in this topic. The narrative will start by posing the coffee question, then introduce opposing views through interviews, and finally summarize perspectives on coffee's future.
This document analyzes the postmodern elements of a student documentary project on obesity. The documentary is a construction rather than an objective reality, as evidenced by edited footage, manipulated lighting and audio, and interviews that push subjects in a certain direction. While this approach confirms a postmodern reading, it also reduces the legitimacy of the information presented. The film poster represents reality through constructed imagery and subverts newspaper conventions. The radio ad further presents a constructed reality through edited clips and accents that detach from the everyday.
This document profiles the target audience for a documentary. The primary audience is people aged 24-35 in income bracket B of any race, gender or sexuality who have liberal opinions. The secondary audience is students aged 16-19 in income bracket E. These audiences are targeted because they are curious, educated individuals interested in new ideas who discover and share documentaries through social media and word of mouth.
The document summarizes the results of a questionnaire about formatting and content preferences for a documentary, poster, and radio advertisement. Key findings include that most respondents preferred a voiceover narration for the documentary, a medium close-up shot for interviewees, including B-roll footage, and using bright colors and photography for the poster. For the radio advertisement, respondents felt ambient music and quotes from the documentary should be included and that the advertisement should be 30-40 seconds long. The questionnaire provided useful guidance for finalizing the creative elements.
The production company handles fundraising, scheduling, budgeting, scripting, resources, staff organization, post-production, distribution, and marketing. They have chosen Film4 Productions as their distributor because it is known for supporting low-budget British films in similar genres like psychological horror. Due to their low budget and lack of stars, a large distributor like Universal would not be possible. They plan to apply to the British Film Institute for funding to produce and market the film since it is a low-budget British production that will likely only appeal to UK audiences.
The document discusses several conventions for designing film posters, including:
- Using a visual and distinctive focal image that attracts the audience's eye
- Including the film's title in a clear font
- Displaying relevant institutional information about the filmmakers in block text
- Highlighting any awards or positive reviews the film has received
- Adding a short tagline to further describe the film's subject matter.
The poster created for the documentary film applies many of these conventions, such as using a singular hung chainsaw image as the focal point, clear title formatting, and inclusion of credits and a tagline. While effective overall, some design choices could possibly be improved upon for increased clarity and appeal.
Where would our campaign be placed in the market?backstageA2media
The document discusses the marketing plan for a documentary film called "Backstage". It would be distributed by Journeyman Pictures and produced by Mosaic Films. The primary target audience is 18-25 year olds, who would be reached through social media marketing. A secondary audience of older, more sophisticated viewers would see advertisements in creative magazines. The film would be screened at the Phoenix Cinema and film festivals. The marketing strategy aims to create awareness, interest, desire, and action amongst audiences.
Cadbury approached Fallon London to "get the love back" for its Cadbury Dairy Milk brand. Fallon was given just one week to develop a concept. They created the iconic "Cadbury Gorilla" commercial, featuring a gorilla playing the drums to Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight." The 90-second ad helped reinvigorate love for the Cadbury Dairy Milk brand despite being produced on a relatively low budget by filming over two days. The long format of the ad was crucial to build anticipation and allow viewers to empathize with the gorilla.
Target audience questionaire feedback and analysismegwilloughby95
The document analyzes responses to a questionnaire about watching documentaries. It found that most respondents were ages 15-21. Responses were also near equal between males and females. The majority watch documentaries 1-2 times per week and prefer to watch them on Channel 4 or catch up online. Popular documentary interests included recent events, problems, and life stories. Most would be interested in a documentary titled "High Street vs. Designer".
El documento describe c坦mo el pueblo de Israel se quej坦 de no tener carne para comer en el desierto, a pesar de que Dios ya los hab鱈a liberado de Egipto. Dios prometi坦 darles carne durante un mes completo. Mois辿s expres坦 dudas sobre c坦mo Dios podr鱈a cumplir esta promesa dado el gran tama単o del pueblo. Sin embargo, Dios envi坦 una gran cantidad de codornices para que el pueblo comiera, demostrando que su poder no tiene l鱈mites.
The document provides the hours of operation for the Carnegie-Vincent Library at Lincoln Memorial University for the Fall semester. The library is open from 8am to midnight Monday through Thursday, 8am to 4:30pm on Friday, 10am to 5pm on Saturday, and 2pm to midnight on Sunday.
El documento presenta Flickr, un sitio web que permite almacenar, ordenar, buscar, vender y compartir fotograf鱈as y videos. Actualmente tiene 1.5 millones de usuarios y 60 millones de fotos p炭blicas. Ofrece funcionalidades como b炭squeda por etiquetas, fecha y licencias Creative Commons. Las empresas pueden usar Flickr para gestionar conocimiento, crear comunidades y realizar marketing mediante la publicaci坦n de im叩genes.
La Instituci坦n Educativa Fundaci坦n es una escuela p炭blica que ofrece educaci坦n desde preescolar hasta grado 11, dirigida a ni単os y j坦venes del municipio de San Alberto. Su misi坦n es formar estudiantes de manera integral e igualitaria mediante valores democr叩ticos y culturales. Su visi坦n es convertirse en 2020 en una instituci坦n l鱈der en procesos agr鱈colas y conservaci坦n ambiental. Usa modelos pedag坦gicos como Escuela Nueva, Postprimaria y Educaci坦n Media Rural para lograr sus objetivos educativos.
This document contains a daily homework quiz on triangles followed by a review of geometry vocabulary and concepts related to lines, angles, and polygons. It includes questions about triangle types, angle measures in diagrams, and identifying pairs of special angle relationships. The review covers terms like acute angles, perpendicular lines, polygons, and properties of quadrilaterals.
Este documento pide a 9 personas que recen una Ave Mar鱈a y un Padre Nuestro cada d鱈a durante 9 d鱈as por una intenci坦n especial como parte de una novena de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta, y que env鱈en copias del mensaje a 9 de sus amigos o familiares dentro de las siguientes 48 horas para continuar la novena sin interrupciones.
Once Upon A Time & Parson's Pleasure (Message of the Story)Naquiah Khesa
The story explores themes of class division, prejudice, and hypocrisy. It shows how racial prejudice can cause divisions in society and potentially lead to fatal riots. It also illustrates how people might act hypocritically to try to fit in with higher social classes. The family in the story feels insecure due to unknown rumors, leading them to want to build higher walls.
BOBCM: Best of Branded Content Marketing 2015 D&AD EditionJustin Kirby
BOBCMs special 2015 D&AD edition - produced in partnership with D&AD, the global association for creative advertising and design - presents industry experts guest features and awards
The document provides an overview of public relations (PR) strategies and techniques for promoting organizations and brands. It discusses generating positive media coverage through proactive pitches and reactive responses, as well as the importance of timing, photography, spokesperson training, and internal communications. Examples are given of low-cost and high-impact PR campaigns for animal welfare organizations.
Using Programmatic to Reach People in the Moments that MatterIncubeta NMPi
Is programmatic the biggest buzz word in advertising? Yes, because it has some of the biggest opportunities. These slides look at where the real opportunity in programmatic advertising lies. From audience data to creative design here are the tips and tricks.
This document presents a radio proposal for Henry's Home Insurance. It outlines strategies to establish credibility and trust for the unknown brand, create positive brand association, and reinvigorate interest in the boring home insurance category. The strategy involves an initial launch phase using radio talent to build relationships without hard selling. It then engages audiences with incentives like competitions and sharing content online and on social media. The goal is to ultimately convert engaged audiences into sales. Specific execution plans are provided for two radio stations, focusing first on content creation and sharing, then ongoing advertising support.
This document analyzes the postmodern elements of a student documentary project on obesity. The documentary is a construction rather than an objective reality, as evidenced by edited footage, manipulated lighting and audio, and interviews that push subjects in a certain direction. While this approach confirms a postmodern reading, it also reduces the legitimacy of the information presented. The film poster represents reality through constructed imagery and subverts newspaper conventions. The radio ad further presents a constructed reality through edited clips and accents that detach from the everyday.
This document profiles the target audience for a documentary. The primary audience is people aged 24-35 in income bracket B of any race, gender or sexuality who have liberal opinions. The secondary audience is students aged 16-19 in income bracket E. These audiences are targeted because they are curious, educated individuals interested in new ideas who discover and share documentaries through social media and word of mouth.
The document summarizes the results of a questionnaire about formatting and content preferences for a documentary, poster, and radio advertisement. Key findings include that most respondents preferred a voiceover narration for the documentary, a medium close-up shot for interviewees, including B-roll footage, and using bright colors and photography for the poster. For the radio advertisement, respondents felt ambient music and quotes from the documentary should be included and that the advertisement should be 30-40 seconds long. The questionnaire provided useful guidance for finalizing the creative elements.
The production company handles fundraising, scheduling, budgeting, scripting, resources, staff organization, post-production, distribution, and marketing. They have chosen Film4 Productions as their distributor because it is known for supporting low-budget British films in similar genres like psychological horror. Due to their low budget and lack of stars, a large distributor like Universal would not be possible. They plan to apply to the British Film Institute for funding to produce and market the film since it is a low-budget British production that will likely only appeal to UK audiences.
The document discusses several conventions for designing film posters, including:
- Using a visual and distinctive focal image that attracts the audience's eye
- Including the film's title in a clear font
- Displaying relevant institutional information about the filmmakers in block text
- Highlighting any awards or positive reviews the film has received
- Adding a short tagline to further describe the film's subject matter.
The poster created for the documentary film applies many of these conventions, such as using a singular hung chainsaw image as the focal point, clear title formatting, and inclusion of credits and a tagline. While effective overall, some design choices could possibly be improved upon for increased clarity and appeal.
Where would our campaign be placed in the market?backstageA2media
The document discusses the marketing plan for a documentary film called "Backstage". It would be distributed by Journeyman Pictures and produced by Mosaic Films. The primary target audience is 18-25 year olds, who would be reached through social media marketing. A secondary audience of older, more sophisticated viewers would see advertisements in creative magazines. The film would be screened at the Phoenix Cinema and film festivals. The marketing strategy aims to create awareness, interest, desire, and action amongst audiences.
Cadbury approached Fallon London to "get the love back" for its Cadbury Dairy Milk brand. Fallon was given just one week to develop a concept. They created the iconic "Cadbury Gorilla" commercial, featuring a gorilla playing the drums to Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight." The 90-second ad helped reinvigorate love for the Cadbury Dairy Milk brand despite being produced on a relatively low budget by filming over two days. The long format of the ad was crucial to build anticipation and allow viewers to empathize with the gorilla.
Target audience questionaire feedback and analysismegwilloughby95
The document analyzes responses to a questionnaire about watching documentaries. It found that most respondents were ages 15-21. Responses were also near equal between males and females. The majority watch documentaries 1-2 times per week and prefer to watch them on Channel 4 or catch up online. Popular documentary interests included recent events, problems, and life stories. Most would be interested in a documentary titled "High Street vs. Designer".
El documento describe c坦mo el pueblo de Israel se quej坦 de no tener carne para comer en el desierto, a pesar de que Dios ya los hab鱈a liberado de Egipto. Dios prometi坦 darles carne durante un mes completo. Mois辿s expres坦 dudas sobre c坦mo Dios podr鱈a cumplir esta promesa dado el gran tama単o del pueblo. Sin embargo, Dios envi坦 una gran cantidad de codornices para que el pueblo comiera, demostrando que su poder no tiene l鱈mites.
The document provides the hours of operation for the Carnegie-Vincent Library at Lincoln Memorial University for the Fall semester. The library is open from 8am to midnight Monday through Thursday, 8am to 4:30pm on Friday, 10am to 5pm on Saturday, and 2pm to midnight on Sunday.
El documento presenta Flickr, un sitio web que permite almacenar, ordenar, buscar, vender y compartir fotograf鱈as y videos. Actualmente tiene 1.5 millones de usuarios y 60 millones de fotos p炭blicas. Ofrece funcionalidades como b炭squeda por etiquetas, fecha y licencias Creative Commons. Las empresas pueden usar Flickr para gestionar conocimiento, crear comunidades y realizar marketing mediante la publicaci坦n de im叩genes.
La Instituci坦n Educativa Fundaci坦n es una escuela p炭blica que ofrece educaci坦n desde preescolar hasta grado 11, dirigida a ni単os y j坦venes del municipio de San Alberto. Su misi坦n es formar estudiantes de manera integral e igualitaria mediante valores democr叩ticos y culturales. Su visi坦n es convertirse en 2020 en una instituci坦n l鱈der en procesos agr鱈colas y conservaci坦n ambiental. Usa modelos pedag坦gicos como Escuela Nueva, Postprimaria y Educaci坦n Media Rural para lograr sus objetivos educativos.
This document contains a daily homework quiz on triangles followed by a review of geometry vocabulary and concepts related to lines, angles, and polygons. It includes questions about triangle types, angle measures in diagrams, and identifying pairs of special angle relationships. The review covers terms like acute angles, perpendicular lines, polygons, and properties of quadrilaterals.
Este documento pide a 9 personas que recen una Ave Mar鱈a y un Padre Nuestro cada d鱈a durante 9 d鱈as por una intenci坦n especial como parte de una novena de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta, y que env鱈en copias del mensaje a 9 de sus amigos o familiares dentro de las siguientes 48 horas para continuar la novena sin interrupciones.
Once Upon A Time & Parson's Pleasure (Message of the Story)Naquiah Khesa
The story explores themes of class division, prejudice, and hypocrisy. It shows how racial prejudice can cause divisions in society and potentially lead to fatal riots. It also illustrates how people might act hypocritically to try to fit in with higher social classes. The family in the story feels insecure due to unknown rumors, leading them to want to build higher walls.
BOBCM: Best of Branded Content Marketing 2015 D&AD EditionJustin Kirby
BOBCMs special 2015 D&AD edition - produced in partnership with D&AD, the global association for creative advertising and design - presents industry experts guest features and awards
The document provides an overview of public relations (PR) strategies and techniques for promoting organizations and brands. It discusses generating positive media coverage through proactive pitches and reactive responses, as well as the importance of timing, photography, spokesperson training, and internal communications. Examples are given of low-cost and high-impact PR campaigns for animal welfare organizations.
Using Programmatic to Reach People in the Moments that MatterIncubeta NMPi
Is programmatic the biggest buzz word in advertising? Yes, because it has some of the biggest opportunities. These slides look at where the real opportunity in programmatic advertising lies. From audience data to creative design here are the tips and tricks.
This document presents a radio proposal for Henry's Home Insurance. It outlines strategies to establish credibility and trust for the unknown brand, create positive brand association, and reinvigorate interest in the boring home insurance category. The strategy involves an initial launch phase using radio talent to build relationships without hard selling. It then engages audiences with incentives like competitions and sharing content online and on social media. The goal is to ultimately convert engaged audiences into sales. Specific execution plans are provided for two radio stations, focusing first on content creation and sharing, then ongoing advertising support.
This document summarizes an interview with an audience member who viewed a creative production. The audience member, an older intellectual, found the topics covered to be relevant and examining a breadth of ideas around creativity. They gave the production a rating of 10/10. While the 6-minute length covered a suitable range of creative outlets, improvements could be made to the audio/video quality and camera stabilization. The audience member also felt the horror-themed poster misrepresented the production and was too complex, and that the radio advert provided informative sound bites but odd opening sound effects. They suggested airing the radio advert on BBC platforms like BBC 2 or 4 to match the target secondary audience.
THORPE PARK - 2009 - Marketing And Promotionthemightyjack
This document discusses marketing plans for Thorpe Park theme park in 2009, focusing on the launch of a new rollercoaster called SAW - The Ride. The key objectives are to increase visitor volume and revenue. The marketing strategy involves TV, cinema, radio, and online advertising campaigns around Easter and summer to generate awareness and drive ticket sales. Public relations efforts like celebrity events and stunts will also promote the new ride's opening.
Marketing Essentials Every Podcaster Should KnowJustice Mitchell
Answers to questions like:
How do I optimize a podcast?
Additional reach for your brand?
Growing listeners and readership?
Should I be trying to monetize this?
Do listeners even know I have a blog?
How long do I do this to know its working?
Do people enjoy my content?
Downloads = Success?
What next!?!
This document provides guidance for creating films that effectively engage audiences. It recommends focusing on the audience by keeping content concise and visual, allowing natural contributions, and planning for optimal distribution. Common mistakes include poor planning, lack of audience understanding, and failing to promote content. The checklist emphasizes preparing contributors, showing rather than telling stories, and obtaining feedback to refine films for maximum impact and positive word-of-mouth.
This document provides an overview of advertising copywriting. It discusses that advertising aims to be persuasive and creative. It outlines different writing genres for advertising and explains that the goal is to produce a change in thinking, attitudes, or beliefs. The document also discusses assessing the needs and appeals of the target audience, developing unique value propositions, and understanding audience demographics and psychographics. It covers various advertising formats and elements of print, broadcast, and online ads. Overall, the document offers guidance on the process of writing effective advertising copy.
The document discusses audience segmentation, consumption, and engagement. It defines a target audience and explains why identifying a target audience is important for media producers. It describes how audiences can be categorized based on demographics like age, gender, income level, and location. It also discusses psychographics, which examines attitudes and values. The document provides examples of socioeconomic demographics categories and psychographic categories like mainstreamers, aspirers, and strugglers. It discusses how understanding audience consumption and uses and gratifications theory can help appeal to different target audiences through entertainment, information, identity, and companionship.
The document discusses the marketing strategy for a documentary called "Caste Me Half" that examines mixed race identities in Britain. It analyzes how effective the combination of the documentary and ancillary promotional materials like print and radio ads are at attracting audiences. It describes researching and designing these ancillary texts, including a print ad featuring a composite face and radio ad with a provocative question, to appeal to the target 16-25 year old audience. Feedback on test screenings found the documentary and ads were generally well-received but needed some minor adjustments to improve clarity and representation.
The document discusses the marketing strategy for a documentary called "Caste Me Half" that examines mixed race identities in Britain. It analyzes how effective the combination of the documentary and ancillary promotional materials like print and radio ads are at attracting audiences. It describes researching and designing these ancillary texts, including a print ad featuring a composite face and radio ad with a provocative question, to appeal to the target 16-25 year old audience. Feedback on test screenings found the documentary and ads were generally well-received but needed some minor adjustments to improve clarity and representation.
The document discusses experiential branding and how to build customer experiences through engaging the five senses. It provides examples of how brands like Martha Stewart, Ikea, and Disney have created branded lifestyles. Case studies are presented on how Singapore Airlines and Intel use sensory branding through sights, sounds, smells and other sensations to immerse customers in the brand experience.
Sticking the Feather - Connecting Customers in a Connected World - Scot McKeeBirddogB2B
Presentation given by Scot McKee, Managing Director, Birddog, at the DSM Dyneema Connect the Dots Conference, Netherlands, 2012.
McKee explains how B2B organizations require a deep understanding of digital audience behaviour to improve online relationships and engage within customer communities. A video of the full presentation is available at:
McKees books on the subject of Creative B2B Branding and Business Marketing are available from Amazon -
This document summarizes how IRN-BRU's PR campaign helped it become the most memorable sponsor of the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games. The campaign focused on rousing Scottish pride by putting Scottish fans at the heart of the strategy. Key elements included launching an ad in a unique way, searching for "Born Supporters" across Scotland, having a presence at the opening ceremony, operating an IRN-BRU store during the games, and highlighting Scottish athlete success stories. The results were that IRN-BRU achieved over 3.5 times the recall of other sponsors, received over 400 media articles, and saw a 24.4% increase in sales during the games.
Promotion involves making customers aware of products, services, or events to increase sales. It includes elements like advertising, publicity, sales promotions, personal selling, and product placement. An example of publicity is being featured in an unpaid news story. Promotion aims to create a favorable image and goodwill for a business or individual.
The document provides information on the role of directors of photography, including that they create the visual look of films, manage all aspects of filming from pre-production to post-production, and need technical camera and lighting knowledge as well as a creative vision. Directors of photography choose cameras and lenses, decide lighting and framing, and oversee the final edit.
The document discusses sponsorship options and guidelines for integrating sponsors within TV channels and programs. It emphasizes that sponsorship content should be simple, entertaining, and true to the channel brand. It also stresses that any sponsored content integrated within the channel, such as IDs or promos, must include a sponsor message. The document provides examples of different sponsorship options like bumpers, promos, and menus, and provides best practices for tailoring sponsorship solutions to match the context of the channel or show.
The document discusses potential sponsorship ideas for Swedish companies like IKEA. It mentions Coca-Cola sponsoring a TV channel in Hungary as an example. The author notes that some mock-up sponsorship designs are too far from IKEA's brand guidelines while others illustrate sponsorship possibilities despite not being perfectly aligned with the guidelines.
The document discusses sponsorship opportunities for TV3 channels, comparing sponsorship to a symbiotic relationship that benefits both sponsor and channel. It suggests sponsorship should be simple, entertaining, and true to the channel brand. Various sponsorship options are presented, including sponsored IDs, promos, and menus that integrate the sponsor while following brand guidelines. Tailored solutions are recommended to showcase sponsors in context and align with the channel.
2. Achieving a single minded proposition Audience insight Who are we trying to influence with this trail? Support Background/Insight to our show? Fitting the bits together
3. Audience Insight A (fundamental) truth about human emotions and behaviour, which can be leveraged to build a brand/drive preference for a TV programme
4. Arriving at a proposition Audience insight Content offer Proposition A marrying of what the audience wants and what the content delivers
5. Red Bee Trail Brief Format What is the channel's brand proposition? How does this affect the channel's approach to trails? (The style of the trail should demonstrate the brand proposition) Who are we trying to influence with this trail? (Brief description that brings the target audience to life and gets you under their skins) Background to the programme(s) + our insight about the show (A short summary of the programme(s) and the one thing that will get our target to watch) Single minded proposition (The one single thing that you want to persuade your target audience of) Mandatory inclusions/exclusions
6. BBC Radio 3 Brand Insight Audience Insight Brand Insight Whether its foreign food or intrepid holiday destinations, theyre adventurous in their choices. They want to be rewarded for having curiosity and an open mind A breadth of content that expands peoples understanding of the music and arts. Always taking them further, however much they want to know Throwing open new worlds of music and the arts
7. BBC World News Audience insight Content offering Proposition A constant drive and passion to seek out all the angles on a story to deliver journalistic excellence and balance Internationalists - A constant drive and passion to gather information in order to build a point of view on the world Driven by your quest for knowing
8. Formula 1 Audience insight Content offering Proposition BBC Sport coverage takes you closer to the driver experience than ever before You feel part of the racer experience Audiences feel distant to the Formula 1 races and the season as a whole Immerse yourself in the F1 experience
10. A global brand Compelling and deliverable From Ireland Irish values Black and White Takes time to pour Old Famous advertising Conversationalist Likes sport Travels Sophisticated One of the lads A little bit different Audience insight Content offer Guinness
11. A global brand Compelling and deliverable From Ireland Irish values Black and White Takes time to pour Old Famous advertising Conversationalist Likes sport Travels Sophisticated One of the lads A little bit different The United Nations of Drink Audience insight Content offer Guinness
12. A global brand Compelling and deliverable From Ireland Irish values Black and White Takes time to pour Old Famous advertising Conversationalist Likes sport Travels Sophisticated One of the lads A little bit different Craic Fuel Audience insight Content offer Guinness
13. A global brand Compelling and deliverable From Ireland Irish values Black and White Takes time to pour Old Famous advertising Conversationalist Likes sport Travels Sophisticated One of the lads A little bit different The Ultimate Experiences are worth waiting for Audience insight Content offer Choose the most relevant, differentiating and true . The truth told in a surprising way.
15. Benefits of a single minded proposition Put SMP on your brief and you agree the message you are bringing to life at the start of process manages peoples expectations of the work Can evaluate the work against the agreed SMP Its a logical rationale which can be approved/agreed with senior management which means when the ad is done: It is more likely to be approved Saves energy, time, frustration and money!
16. UktvG2 rebrand The channel brand was invisible, The name was meaningless, but The content was great Therefore, the task was Clarify the brand, based on the content and audience Create visibility for the brand with a new, stand-alone name and full-OSP
17. Proposition Men who enjoy intelligent, smart humour. Our audience have partners so they cant go down the pub and get this from their mates as often as theyd like It contains shows and formats that are full of intelligent, irreverent people chatting and being funny The Home of Witty Banter Audience insight Content offering
18. 3 Options Safer Ambitious Issues! Generated a range of names Buzz Words Initial response good Short and snappy easy to pick out feel right A couple of these words came back strongly for forum Not too adventurous Seemed to lose popularity during groups 1 2 Signpost Words Clarity - ronseal effect Distinguish from Gold Good for Freeview audience Encourage stopping on EPG Universally positive Could be restrictive for new content (depending on name) Unadventurous 3 Clever Words Took a while to warm to these words Took a person to get behind it and sell it to others Those that were convinced, were passionately convinced. Not everyone convinced Potentially polarising Reliant on strong marketing
23. Spontaneous awareness increased ahead of ITV2, E4 and Sky One Sky homes achieved a 71% uplift 29th channel to 10th including terrestrials Return of 贈3 for every 贈1 spent Results
27. Viasat 4 IDs Norwegian Male Channel Skydiver Fisherman Sprinter Statue SMP (the one thing they wanted to convince viewers about) Norwegian Surprising Fun and relaxed Brand values; challenger, adventurous, fun
29. Male Channel Trailers from Viasat How can we stay surprising and avoid being predictable? Milf 1 & Milf 2 , Halloween 1 , Halloween 2 How can we promote really old and bad films without damaging our brands? Godzilla Barbra Straisand Themes Playboy Night , Four Eyes , Horror , Saggy Nuts , Dexter Xmas , Van Damme Bday , Fast Mouths . Using music Vampire Diaries
#19: Buzz Words when presented with board these were often the ones pulled out first easy to pick up on, short, snappy an element of not sticking your neck out by saying one of these words not adventurous Bullet, Rush, Edge, Max, Raw, Spark, Fusion, Jam Signpost words Total Entertainment, Mentertainment, comedy Clever Words need a little bit of work to get Dave, Bunkum, Jack, Attic, Shed London general bemusement to all names
#20: We presented 7 routes to the brief of The Home of Witty Banter