5 самых вкусных способов заработка в Youtube - Заработок в сети без вложений Лайфхак - Вебинары
Вы сможете не только работать, но и консультировать в этой теме, а так же получите лидерство в своей нише. Освоение методики быстрой раскрутки, для тех, кому результаты нужны еще вчера. Владение инструментами автоматизации, которые минимизируют личное участие и ежедневную рутину. Умение использовать продвинутые техники видеовирусы, платный посев видео, изучить в теории запрещенные методы продвижения.
Il social media manager e la gestione degli account del Gruppo EnelRaffaele Cirullo
Il web 2.0 ha, nella sua pervasività, trasformato anche le professioni di Internet. Il Social Media Manager è oggi colui che gestisce la presenza 2.0 dell'azienda. La presentazione contiene alcuni esempi di uso della piattaforma Twitter da parte di Enel.
MA in International Translation Project Management/Who are our partnersCelia Rico
The document provides information about the MA in International Translation Project Management program and its director of studies Celia Rico. It lists Celia Rico's contact information celia.rico@uem.es five times as the main point of contact for the program. The document encourages learning more about the program by contacting Celia Rico at her listed email.
Laura Macaulay, Navigate By Design on her work for Ka Tutandike at Outstandin...Bank of Ireland
The presentation given by Laura Macaulay and Kristina Moody on his work on Ka Tutandike labelling as part of Value Added in Africa during Outstanding By Design on May 10th 2014 in Highbank Organic Orchard.
You can see more here: www.biabeag.com
You can see more here: www.biabeag.com
The document is a fable about achieving work-life balance and empowerment in organizations. It tells the story of the CEO of MegaCorp who is unhappy with the lack of empowerment and ownership among employees. At a board meeting, a supervisor named Trent suggests they focus on balance, synergy, and leverage to empower employees. The CEO asks Trent to develop an empowerment plan. Trent discusses his ideas with the VP of HR, focusing on self-direction, self-development, and self-discipline. The fable promotes empowering employees to make their own decisions to increase productivity and satisfaction.
Time Management: for establishing and controlling your prioritiesMitchell Manning Sr.
Time Management: skills, tools, and techniques for taking control of information overload, telephone calls, interruptions, clutter, technology, and work.
The report presents analyis of research results, conducted by the author by users of discussion group InternetPR.pl in December 2009 – January 2011. The research covered opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement and it was planned to solve research problems drafted in the introduction to the Anna Miotk’s doctoral dissertation titled ?Methods of PR measurement and evaluation used in Poland”.
New versions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari web browsers were released with improved speed and features. The article discusses the latest updates to Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 8, and Safari 3.1 and how they have enhanced performance, security, and functionality compared to earlier versions. It recommends updating web browsers to take advantage of the faster speeds and additional capabilities in the latest releases from Mozilla, Microsoft, and Apple.
To have energy during exercise, it is important to consume enough calories from foods that provide carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates should make up 70% of calories to replenish glycogen stores in muscles. Proteins, which should be 10% of calories, help strengthen tissues and the immune system. Fats, at 20% of calories, optimize performance and endurance, and should come from foods like vegetable oils and fish. Vitamins and minerals, especially iron and calcium, are also essential for active individuals.
El documento presenta resúmenes de varios sitios del patrimonio cultural declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en Argentina y otros países de América Latina. Incluye información sobre sitios arqueológicos, ciudades históricas, obras arquitectónicas y paisajes culturales que ilustran diferentes períodos históricos y fusiones de culturas en la región.
1) The document discusses regulatory compliance from the perspective of a consultant. It states that leadership and management are responsible and accountable for compliance performance.
2) Compliance is discussed as integral to various functional areas like finance, human resources, marketing, and is seen as a quality systems approach.
3) The consultant's role is to simplify, eliminate waste and accelerate compliance. Their performance is measured by technical/scientific competence and ethical/moral competence. They have strengths and weaknesses in systems, process and function/task compliance.
The document outlines the four steps to creating an effective social media campaign for a business: 1) Monitoring what is being said about the brand and competitors online, 2) Planning the strategy, tools, and goals of the campaign, 3) Implementing the campaign through various social media platforms, and 4) Evaluating the results and monitoring achievement of goals to make adjustments as needed. It emphasizes the importance of monitoring social conversations and provides examples of social media disasters that resulted from a lack of monitoring.
Продвижение стартапа в социальных медиа. Доклад на конференциях для студентов и молодых специалситов: UnivesITy, 20-21 февраля 2010, и StudCamp, 7 марта 2010.
The report presents analyis of research results, conducted by the author by users of discussion group InternetPR.pl in December 2009 – January 2011. The research covered opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement and it was planned to solve research problems drafted in the introduction to the Anna Miotk’s doctoral dissertation titled ?Methods of PR measurement and evaluation used in Poland”.
New versions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari web browsers were released with improved speed and features. The article discusses the latest updates to Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 8, and Safari 3.1 and how they have enhanced performance, security, and functionality compared to earlier versions. It recommends updating web browsers to take advantage of the faster speeds and additional capabilities in the latest releases from Mozilla, Microsoft, and Apple.
To have energy during exercise, it is important to consume enough calories from foods that provide carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates should make up 70% of calories to replenish glycogen stores in muscles. Proteins, which should be 10% of calories, help strengthen tissues and the immune system. Fats, at 20% of calories, optimize performance and endurance, and should come from foods like vegetable oils and fish. Vitamins and minerals, especially iron and calcium, are also essential for active individuals.
El documento presenta resúmenes de varios sitios del patrimonio cultural declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en Argentina y otros países de América Latina. Incluye información sobre sitios arqueológicos, ciudades históricas, obras arquitectónicas y paisajes culturales que ilustran diferentes períodos históricos y fusiones de culturas en la región.
1) The document discusses regulatory compliance from the perspective of a consultant. It states that leadership and management are responsible and accountable for compliance performance.
2) Compliance is discussed as integral to various functional areas like finance, human resources, marketing, and is seen as a quality systems approach.
3) The consultant's role is to simplify, eliminate waste and accelerate compliance. Their performance is measured by technical/scientific competence and ethical/moral competence. They have strengths and weaknesses in systems, process and function/task compliance.
The document outlines the four steps to creating an effective social media campaign for a business: 1) Monitoring what is being said about the brand and competitors online, 2) Planning the strategy, tools, and goals of the campaign, 3) Implementing the campaign through various social media platforms, and 4) Evaluating the results and monitoring achievement of goals to make adjustments as needed. It emphasizes the importance of monitoring social conversations and provides examples of social media disasters that resulted from a lack of monitoring.
Продвижение стартапа в социальных медиа. Доклад на конференциях для студентов и молодых специалситов: UnivesITy, 20-21 февраля 2010, и StudCamp, 7 марта 2010.
Bambu Communication Group - full-service advertising agency that combines the skills of experienced professionals and efficient management.
Bambu Communication Group provide:
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7, Degtyarivska Str., Kyiv, 04050
Mob: +380 (96) 771-00-94
Tel/Fax: +380 (44) 287-88-42
E-mail: lada@petukhova.com
PR агентство PR4Startup (www.pr4startup.ru) рассказывает:
- Что такое стартап?
- Зачем стартапу PR?
- Какие клиенты поддаются PR?
- Бюджетный PR своими силами: лайфхаки и кейсы.
- Как не надо делать PR-кампанию: типичные ошибки стартапов.
- Выход на зарубежный рынок: что нужно знать перед экспансией и с чего начинать.
Yelena Jetpyspayeva gave a presentation about building developer community around BEM (Block Element Modifier), a front-end development methodology. She discussed BEM's history and components, including the methodology, toolbox, platform, and community. She outlined challenges in building the internal Yandex team and external global community. Her goals over two years were to strengthen the internal Yandex services using BEM and build an external community that could contribute to and own parts of BEM. She reviewed lessons learned, including the importance of infrastructure, communication, and devrel in growing a sustainable global community.
Talk (in Russian) for BEMup in Minsk, April 18th, 2014
Abstract: During our community meetups we introduced you already to the technology history. Now we will talk about people who build it. I will introduce you to the team inside Yandex and outside, projects and companies that use BEM in their work in CIS and abroad.
Video (Russian) https://events.yandex.ru/lib/talks/1821/
Talk (in Russian) for Yet another Conference 2013, October 2d, Moscow
Abstract: More than 10 years Yandex launches various Internet services such as Maps, Mail, Disk, Music, Auto. During this long period of time we have got a lot of experience that could be useful for other web developers.
In this talk we will share several stories about several services of Yandex and our common library of blocks. In the context of search services we will talk about full stack of BEM technologies, server JavaScript and automatised web development.
We will describe an experience of Yandex.Direct which has a non-stop frontend development and refactoring workflow. We also tell about MVC-pattern (bem-mvc) realisation and converting data in comfortable data view format.
Using Yandex.Maps and its API example we will show how you can adapt BEM flexibly taking into consideration special project's needs.
We also talk about open source and why we went there and what we have learned. Promise you, it will have a lot of interesting details.
Video (Russian) https://events.yandex.ru/lib/talks/1108/
Talk (in Russian) for BEMup in Moscow, August 2d, 2013
Abstract: Why BEM needs an open source and what about the community we have.
Video (Russian) https://events.yandex.ru/lib/talks/1582/
Конференции, мероприятия, форматы получения знаний, интересные сообщества разработчиков, журналы о фронтенде, подкасты и всё, где можно и посмотреть, и послушать, и себя показать.
Елена Джетпыспаева
В Яндексе с 2011 года. Занималась развитием проекта Я.Субботник, курировала иностранных докладчиков на Yet another Conference 2011–2012, руководила группой собственных мероприятий Яндекса. Сейчас отвечает за развитие сообщества разработчиков вокруг БЭМ.
Яндекс.Events?! Краткий рассказ о том, как за 20 лет Яндекс из yet another indexer’а превратился в компанию, где работает почти 4 тысячи человек, половина из которых придумывает и разрабатывает более 40 сервисов, API и технологий. И при этом успевает регулярно рассказывать о них на собственных мероприятиях по всему СНГ, а теперь уже и в Европе. Архивы всех этих презентаций хранятся на сервисе Яндекс.Events.
The document summarizes efforts to promote new media and citizen journalism in Central Asia. It discusses the authoritarian political situations and censorship in countries like Kazakhstan. It then outlines the growth of internet access and new media usage in Central Asia. It highlights projects like NewEurasia.net, which blogs about Central Asian countries, and BarCamp conferences for new media specialists, which have been held in several Central Asian cities to promote sharing of ideas.
NewEurasia.net is a network of blogs focused on Central Asia founded in 2005. It aims to give young thinkers a platform to publish ideas on Central Asia and be heard. Originally created by US and EU students, it now has over 50 bloggers writing in 6 languages. The network is looking to relaunch its website with a more organized structure and clear hierarchy, better media integration, and a focus on original reporting and story development to strengthen its position as a leading blogging platform on the region.
The document summarizes information about Kazakhstan, including its political system as a presidential republic led by Nursultan Nazarbayev since 1991. Economically, Kazakhstan focuses on extracting and processing natural resources like oil, natural gas, coal, and metals. Oil production and exports are a major part of Kazakhstan's economy, though it is seeking to diversify by developing industries and adopting a cluster-based approach to economic development.
The document summarizes the media situation in Central Asia, noting that while countries declare themselves democracies, they are authoritarian in practice. Traditional media is weak and state-controlled, and censorship and restrictive laws limit free speech. New media like blogs offer an alternative for civil journalism, but high costs, lack of skills, and increasing regulation present challenges. The NewEurasia.net project aims to promote citizen media and reporting from the region through training and its network of country blogs.
BarCamp Central Asia 2009 is a 3-day conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan from April 17-19, 2009 for new media specialists from Central Asia, CIS, and Eastern and Western Europe. The goals are to stimulate new media development, exchange experiences, and strengthen connections between specialists to create cooperation opportunities and common regional and global visions. Around 300-400 participants will engage in presentations, panels, and an innovation incubator to discuss topics like journalism, blogging, IT, and online projects. Organizers hope knowledge gained will help participants' careers and projects.
This document announces the Bar Camp Central Asia 2009 conference to take place April 17-19, 2009 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Bar Camp is a non-conference for specialists in new media, journalism, programming, marketing, PR and design. It provides an opportunity for participants to share projects and ideas, find partners and sponsors, and exchange experiences. Previous Bar Camp events in the region saw 300 attendees from Central Asia, CIS, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. This conference aims to continue fostering new ideas and business opportunities through collaboration.
2. Bar camp - это [ не ] Конференция специалистов New Media журналистов программистов маркетологов пиарщиков дизайнеров всех тех, кому интересно жить online жить блогами web2.0 соц.сетями
3. Как? Просто! x отеть ? зарегистрироваться на сайте c делать и провести презентацию … и\или помочь в организации написать в блоге\ facebook\twitter\etc . рассказать всем, кому будет интересно сделать [ не ] конференцию лучше
4. Почему? Потому что это возможность… заявить о своем проекте найти спонсоров, партнеров, единомышленников увидеть проекты других & обменяться опытом быть услышанными и услышать других получить ответы на ВСЕ вопросы провести время весело и с пользой !
10. ?Я поддерживаю конференцию блоггеров , где каждый гордится тем, что принадлежит к этой коммьюнити ?, - Марк Камерон , советник посла США по вопросам образования, культуры и СМИ, Кыргызстан
11. BarCamp Central Asia 2008 август 2008, Бишкек 300 блоггеров, веб-разработчиков, программистов и журналистов Цент.Азия, СНГ, Вост . Европа, Скандинавия 3 дня bar camp’ а - > новые идеи, проекты, знакомства, бизнес-предложения (больше информации на barcampasia.net ) и… отличный старт для второго bar camp’ а!
12. Bar Camp Central Asia 2009 Когда? 17-19 апреля 2009 Где? Алматы (Казахстан) Зачем? Идеи & Инвестиции + повод снова собраться вместе ?
14. Стань bar camper’ ом ! расскажи о своей идее и\или проекте найди свою команду получи возможность реализовать мечту и… начни свое дело с нашего bar camp’ а!
15. Стань спонсор ом ! поддержи региональный проект (5 стран) выйди на новый рынок получи возможность инвестирования и… начни свое дело с нашего bar camp’ а!
16. Стань партнер ом ! поддержи региональный проект (5 стран) принеси свои идеи получи возможность участвовать в организации самого масштабного проекта региона Центральной Азии, который изменит общество и… начни свое дело с нашего bar camp’ а!
17. Мы рады всем и каждому ! Мы открыты для обсуждений ! Мы готовы к диалогу ! Мы здесь для вас !