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Baseball in Las VegasJulia HilleAmber LynchJoey Nachinson
Baseballs Background Can be traced back to the 18th CenturyAmerican newspapers were referring to baseball as the "National PastimeNational League was formed in 1876American League was formed in 1901Dead Ball Era, rules of the game and equipment were developedBlack Sox Scandal of 1919First public gambling/betting case in sports
Vegas BackgroundDiscovered in 1829Casinos and showgirl theaters first appeared in Vegas in 1931Gambling legalized in 1931, rise of CasinosLet there be light Hoover Dam supplies electricity to Vegas 1937Organized Crime, building of more casinos in 1950s1970-2008 Vegas showed rapid growth and  it became the gambling capital of the world
Should Baseball have a franchise in Vegas?Been there done that sort of.The story of the Nevada Dusters 1963Conn Hudson tried to interest the NL in placing a professional team in NevadaMilwaukee Braves 		relocated to VegasHudson financed the building of Horizon Fieldstate-of-the-art ballpark located on the southwestern outskirts of VegasVegas fell in love with their new sports heroesTeam salaries/contracts proved to be a problematicOther problemsplayers, took full advantage of the abundant nightlifeA few scandals here and thereAnimosity with other forms of entertainmentExperts said Dusters was set-up for failureVegas market was NOT large enough to support the team
Pros vs. Cons
Should MLB move into Las Vegas?
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Decision Making Presentation (Baseball in Las Vegas)

Editor's Notes

  • #4: The popularity of the sport inspired the semi and fully professional baseball clubs in the 1860sWhite Sox werethe most successful franchise in baseball, Chicago baseball players were not paid especially well like other elite players on big-city clubs. The White Sox were owned and operated by a tight-fisted tyrant named Charles Comiskey, all of the players resented him because they couldnt even support their families financially and were powerless due baseballs reverse clause. Players became easy targets for gamblers looking to have games thrown in order to win bets. 8 of the White Sox players (Shoeless Joe Jackson) were paid $7500-30000 to throw games and they threw the 1919 World Series. The players were indicted and tried for conspiracy.
  • #5: to entertain the largely male-majority dam construction workers. Called Boulder Dam later named Hoover DamFirst gambling license given in 1931 to Northern Clubby 1954, over 8 million people were visiting Las Vegas yearly pumping 200 million dollars into casinos. Gambling was no longer the only attraction; the biggest stars of films and music like Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Abbott and Costello, Bing Crosby, Carol Channing, and others performed in intimate settingsThe population of the city doubled every decade since 70s
  • #6: Former MLB player turned oilfield millionaire He didnt want to create a new team so he found a team that he wanted to buy and relocate the Milwaukee BravesHudsons Folly was completed in 1962When the Vegas bookmakers offered odds against the Dusters -- as they often did in the early days -- Hudson turned it against them, saying that the "guys on the Strip don't want us to succeed because the Nevada Dusters stand for good, wholesome entertainment."