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 Introduction to Python
 Features of Python
 Process of writing a program
 Execute a program.
Introduction to Python
 Python was created by Guido Van Rossum
 The first version of Python was released in 1991.
 It is free to use.
Features of Python
 Python is case sensitive language.
 It is a very simple high-level language.
 The programs are easily readable and understandable.
 It is easy to learn and use.
 It is excellent for beginners as the language is interpreted and
gives result immediately.
Working with Python
 IDLE is Acronym of Integrated Development Environment and can
be downloaded from www.python.org.
There are two ways to use the Python interpreter:
1. Interactive mode
2. Script mode.
BASICS OF PYTHON usefull for the student who would like to learn on their own
BASICS OF PYTHON usefull for the student who would like to learn on their own
BASICS OF PYTHON usefull for the student who would like to learn on their own
There are two ways to use the Python interpreter:
1. Interactive mode
2. Script mode.
Interactive Mode
 The interactive mode allows execution of individual Python
statements instantaneously, files cannot be saved here.
Script Mode
 The script mode is used to save Python source files with extension of .py.
print() in-built function
 Pythons print() function is used to print information on the
Syntax: print (message) or print (variable value)
For example: To print Hello, World
Activity Corner
 Explore Python Idle Interactive mode
 Print your Name Class and Section
 Type the following statements to print a smiley face
Python Character set
 Python uses the traditional ASCII character set.
 Letters (A-Z, a-z)
 Digits (0 - 9 )
 Special Symbols ( _ , % ! @ & ( ) { } [ ] etc...
 White spaces ( space, tab, t, n, etc., )
Python Tokens
 Python breaks each logical line into a sequence of components
known as tokens.
 Each token corresponds to a substring of the logical line. The
normal token types are
 Comments in Python program
 Comments are the statements added with the code which
are not executed by the interpreter.
 They help the developer understand the code better while
referring to it later.
 A single line comment starts with # (hash sign).
 The sole purpose is to add readability to the code.
Comments in Python program

Multiline comments use triple-quoted string (  ) in the starting and
at the end.
A variable is a name which refers to a value that can be used later. .
There is no command for declaring a variable in Python.
A variable is created when a value is assigned with an assignment operator (=).
The print() statement is used to display the values of variables.
Ex1: num = 100 #num is of type int
Ex2: str = Chaitanya #str is of type string
Rules for naming a Variable
 The name should begin with an uppercase or a lowercase alphabet or an underscore
sign( _ ).
 Name may be any combination of characters
a z, A Z, 0 9 or underscore(_ )
 A variable cannot start with a digit.
 It can be of any length.
 It is preferred to keep it short & meaningful.
 It should not be a keyword or reserved word.
 Special symbols like !, @, #, $, %, and so on cannot be used in variables.
Key Words
 Keywords are reserved words that can be used in the program for a
predefined purpose.
 These words have specific meaning for the interpreter, they cannot
be used for any other purpose.
Activity Corner
 Print your Name Class and Section using variables
 >>>Name = Arun"
 >>>place = hyderabad"
>>> print (Name + " stays in" + place)

Print sum of 2 numbers to 2 variables
 >>>x = 10
 >>>y = 20
 >>>print(x + y)
Data types in Python
A variable in Python can be assigned any of the following types of data.
 Number is divided into 3 categories.
 floating Point
 Complex numbers
Numbers - Integers
 Integers: This value is represented by int class.
 It contains positive or negative whole numbers (without fraction or decimal).
 In Python there is no limit to how long an integer value can be.
 These are the whole numbers consisting of + or  sign with decimal digits like 100, -35,
0, 16.
 type ( ): This function is used to check data type of variable or value.
Numbers - Float
 Float  This value is represented by float class.
 It is a real number with floating point representation.
 It is specified by a decimal point.
 Optionally, the character e or E followed by a positive or negative integer may be
appended to specify scientific notation.
Example of numbers
# Python program to demonstrate # numeric value
a = 5
print("Type of a: ", type(a))
b = 55.0
print("n Type of b: ", type(b))
 A string is a collection of one or more characters put in a single
quote, double-quote or triple quote.
 In python there is no character data type.
 A character is a string of length one.
 It is represented by str class.
A string using a single quote & double quote
Input statement
 The input() function is used to accept data from the user of the
 Syntax: input(prompt)
 Use the prompt parameter to write a message before the input.
 The function takes the data and converts it to string and assigns it to the
 Ex: x = input('Enter your name:)
 print('Hello, ' + x)
Input statement
 # Program to add two numbers
number1 = input("First number: ")
number2 = input("n Second number: ")
# Adding two numbers
sum= number1+number2
print(Sum =,sum)
 Output statement
 The print() function prints the specified message to the screen, or
other standard output device.
 The message can be a string, or any other object, the object will be
converted into a string before written to the screen.
Syntax: print(message(s)/ variable)
Ex: # printing values
print("Sum of 2 numbers=, sum))
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common
mathematical operations like addition, subtraction and etc.
Operator Name Example
+ Addition x + y
- Subtraction x - y
* Multiplication x * y
/ Division x / y
% Modulus x % y
** Exponentiation x ** y
// Floor division x // y
Activity Corner
Evaluate the following numerical expressions:
1. 5 ** 2 2. 9 * 5 3. 15 / 12
4. 12 / 15 5. 15 // 12 6. 12 // 15

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BASICS OF PYTHON usefull for the student who would like to learn on their own

  • 2. Objectives Introduction to Python Features of Python Process of writing a program Execute a program.
  • 3. Introduction to Python Python was created by Guido Van Rossum The first version of Python was released in 1991. It is free to use.
  • 4. Features of Python Python is case sensitive language. It is a very simple high-level language. The programs are easily readable and understandable. It is easy to learn and use. It is excellent for beginners as the language is interpreted and gives result immediately.
  • 5. Working with Python IDLE is Acronym of Integrated Development Environment and can be downloaded from www.python.org. There are two ways to use the Python interpreter: 1. Interactive mode 2. Script mode.
  • 9. There are two ways to use the Python interpreter: 1. Interactive mode 2. Script mode.
  • 10. Interactive Mode The interactive mode allows execution of individual Python statements instantaneously, files cannot be saved here.
  • 11. Script Mode The script mode is used to save Python source files with extension of .py.
  • 12. print() in-built function Pythons print() function is used to print information on the screen. Syntax: print (message) or print (variable value) For example: To print Hello, World
  • 13. Activity Corner Explore Python Idle Interactive mode Print your Name Class and Section Type the following statements to print a smiley face
  • 14. Python Character set Python uses the traditional ASCII character set. Letters (A-Z, a-z) Digits (0 - 9 ) Special Symbols ( _ , % ! @ & ( ) { } [ ] etc... White spaces ( space, tab, t, n, etc., )
  • 15. Python Tokens Python breaks each logical line into a sequence of components known as tokens. Each token corresponds to a substring of the logical line. The normal token types are
  • 16. Comments in Python program Comments are the statements added with the code which are not executed by the interpreter. They help the developer understand the code better while referring to it later. A single line comment starts with # (hash sign). The sole purpose is to add readability to the code.
  • 17. Comments in Python program Multiline comments use triple-quoted string ( ) in the starting and at the end. Ex:
  • 18. Variables A variable is a name which refers to a value that can be used later. . There is no command for declaring a variable in Python. A variable is created when a value is assigned with an assignment operator (=). The print() statement is used to display the values of variables. Ex1: num = 100 #num is of type int Ex2: str = Chaitanya #str is of type string
  • 19. Rules for naming a Variable The name should begin with an uppercase or a lowercase alphabet or an underscore sign( _ ). Name may be any combination of characters a z, A Z, 0 9 or underscore(_ ) A variable cannot start with a digit. It can be of any length. It is preferred to keep it short & meaningful. It should not be a keyword or reserved word. Special symbols like !, @, #, $, %, and so on cannot be used in variables.
  • 20. Key Words Keywords are reserved words that can be used in the program for a predefined purpose. These words have specific meaning for the interpreter, they cannot be used for any other purpose.
  • 21. Activity Corner Print your Name Class and Section using variables >>>Name = Arun" >>>place = hyderabad" >>> print (Name + " stays in" + place) Print sum of 2 numbers to 2 variables >>>x = 10 >>>y = 20 >>>print(x + y)
  • 22. Data types in Python A variable in Python can be assigned any of the following types of data.
  • 23. Numbers Number is divided into 3 categories. Integers floating Point Complex numbers
  • 24. Numbers - Integers Integers: This value is represented by int class. It contains positive or negative whole numbers (without fraction or decimal). In Python there is no limit to how long an integer value can be. These are the whole numbers consisting of + or sign with decimal digits like 100, -35, 0, 16. type ( ): This function is used to check data type of variable or value. Numbers - Float Float This value is represented by float class. It is a real number with floating point representation. It is specified by a decimal point. Optionally, the character e or E followed by a positive or negative integer may be appended to specify scientific notation.
  • 25. Example of numbers # Python program to demonstrate # numeric value a = 5 print("Type of a: ", type(a)) b = 55.0 print("n Type of b: ", type(b))
  • 26. String A string is a collection of one or more characters put in a single quote, double-quote or triple quote. In python there is no character data type. A character is a string of length one. It is represented by str class.
  • 27. String A string using a single quote & double quote
  • 28. Input statement The input() function is used to accept data from the user of the program. Syntax: input(prompt) Use the prompt parameter to write a message before the input. The function takes the data and converts it to string and assigns it to the variable. Ex: x = input('Enter your name:) print('Hello, ' + x)
  • 29. Input statement # Program to add two numbers number1 = input("First number: ") number2 = input("n Second number: ") # Adding two numbers sum= number1+number2 print(Sum =,sum)
  • 30. Output statement The print() function prints the specified message to the screen, or other standard output device. The message can be a string, or any other object, the object will be converted into a string before written to the screen. Syntax: print(message(s)/ variable) Ex: # printing values print("Sum of 2 numbers=, sum))
  • 31. Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical operations like addition, subtraction and etc. Operator Name Example + Addition x + y - Subtraction x - y * Multiplication x * y / Division x / y % Modulus x % y ** Exponentiation x ** y // Floor division x // y
  • 32. Activity Corner Evaluate the following numerical expressions: 1. 5 ** 2 2. 9 * 5 3. 15 / 12 4. 12 / 15 5. 15 // 12 6. 12 // 15