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Done by :
Dominic , Harry , Deshao
Social entrepreneurship is the recognition of a
social problem and the uses of entreprenial
principles to organise, create and manage a
social venture to achieve a desired social

It is also the work of social entrepreneur
   Increase income of low income families
   Launched in 2006, Enterprise Solutions to Poverty mobilizes and supports
    about 130 leading companies and banks, and about 50 entrepreneurs in
    building profitable and inclusive businesses that incorporate millions of
    low income people as suppliers, distributors and consumers of asset-
    building products. Our goal is to double the income and assets of over 50
    million low income people by 2014.

    Education to low income families
    THP has educated the people suffering from poverty so that they
    could learn how to improve their conditions in the community on
    their own.
                                      THP-The hunger Project
Bill gates : Donated more than 28 billion to charity
Susan B Anthony :was the CoFounder of the first womens temperance
   movement and a prominent American civil rights leader for womens rights in
   the 19th century
Vinobha Bhave :is a prominent figure in Indian modern history and was
   the founder and leader of the Land gift movement that helped reallocate land
   to untouchables
Maria Montessori:a pioneer in education. Developed the              Montessori
   approach to early education in children
Florence nightingale:she laid the foundation for the first school of
   nurses and worked to improve the hospital conditions
Margaret Sanger:She was the founder and Leader of the planned
   parent hood federation of America, championed the family planning
   system around the world
              Maria        Sanger
Florence      Montessori
   Bill Gates
                 Susan B.Anthony
                                   Vinoba Bhave
   The rise of social entrepreneurship reflects a
    growing sense today that many of the most
    promising solutions to global problems dont
    necessarily depend on charity, government
    aid, or foundation grants. They come from
    individuals at the grassroots level willing to
    bring entrepreneurial thinking to bear on some
    of our toughest social problems.
Social entrepreneurs apply market principles
to the business of social change. A case in point
is Anita Ahuja in India. She has tackled
problems like waste, sanitation and
unemployment by launching a venture that
makes wallets, purses, and other high-end
accessories out of plastic waste.
   No one has done more to put social
    entrepreneurship on the map than Bill Drayton.
    In fact, hes widely credited with having coined
    the term in the early 1980s. Hes the CEO and
    founder of Ashoka, a global association of
    social innovators. Since 1981, the organization
    has elected some 3,000 leading social
    entrepreneurs as Ashoka Fellows, providing
    them with living stipends, professional
    support, and access to an outstanding global
    network of peers.
   The terms social entrepreneur and social entrepreneurship were used first in
    the literature on social change in the 1960s and 1970s. The terms came
    into widespread use in the 1980s and 1990s, promoted by Bill Drayton the
    founder of Ashoka: Innovators for the Public ,and others such as Charles
    Leadbeater.From the 1950s to the 1990s Michael Young was a leading
    promoter of social enterprise and in the 1980s was described by Professor
    Daniel Bell at Harvard as 'the world's most successful entrepreneur of
    social enterprises' because of his role in creating more than sixty new
    organizations worldwide, including the School for Social
    Entrepreneurs(SSE) which exists in the UK, Australia and Canada and
    which supports individuals to realize their potential and to
    establish, scale and sustain, social enterprises and social businesses.
    Another British social entrepreneur is Lord Mawson OBE. Andrew
    Mawson was given a peerage in 2007 because of his pioneering
    regeneration work. This includes the creation of the renowned Bromley
    by Bow Centre in East London. He has recorded these experiences in his
    book "The Social Entrepreneur: Making Communities Workand currently
    runs Andrew Mawson Partnerships to help promote his regeneration
   Although the terms are relatively new, social
    entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurship can be
    found throughout history. A list of a few historically
    noteworthy people whose work exemplifies classic
    "social entrepreneurship" might include Florence
    Nightingale (founder of the first nursing school and
    developer of modern nursing practices), Robert Owen
    (founder of the cooperative movement), and Vinoba
    Bhave(founder of India's Land Gift Movement). During
    the nineteenth and twentieth centuries some of the
    most successful social entrepreneurs successfully
    straddled the civic, governmental, and business worlds
    - promoting ideas that were taken up by mainstream
    public services in welfare, schools, and health care.
Bb values venture

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Bb values venture

  • 1. Done by : Dominic , Harry , Deshao
  • 2. Social entrepreneurship is the recognition of a social problem and the uses of entreprenial principles to organise, create and manage a social venture to achieve a desired social change. It is also the work of social entrepreneur
  • 3. Increase income of low income families Launched in 2006, Enterprise Solutions to Poverty mobilizes and supports about 130 leading companies and banks, and about 50 entrepreneurs in building profitable and inclusive businesses that incorporate millions of low income people as suppliers, distributors and consumers of asset- building products. Our goal is to double the income and assets of over 50 million low income people by 2014. Education to low income families THP has educated the people suffering from poverty so that they could learn how to improve their conditions in the community on their own. THP-The hunger Project
  • 4. Bill gates : Donated more than 28 billion to charity Susan B Anthony :was the CoFounder of the first womens temperance movement and a prominent American civil rights leader for womens rights in the 19th century Vinobha Bhave :is a prominent figure in Indian modern history and was the founder and leader of the Land gift movement that helped reallocate land to untouchables Maria Montessori:a pioneer in education. Developed the Montessori approach to early education in children Florence nightingale:she laid the foundation for the first school of nurses and worked to improve the hospital conditions Margaret Sanger:She was the founder and Leader of the planned parent hood federation of America, championed the family planning system around the world
  • 5. Margaret Maria Sanger Florence Montessori Nightingale
  • 6. Bill Gates Susan B.Anthony Vinoba Bhave
  • 7. The rise of social entrepreneurship reflects a growing sense today that many of the most promising solutions to global problems dont necessarily depend on charity, government aid, or foundation grants. They come from individuals at the grassroots level willing to bring entrepreneurial thinking to bear on some of our toughest social problems.
  • 8. Social entrepreneurs apply market principles to the business of social change. A case in point is Anita Ahuja in India. She has tackled problems like waste, sanitation and unemployment by launching a venture that makes wallets, purses, and other high-end accessories out of plastic waste.
  • 9. No one has done more to put social entrepreneurship on the map than Bill Drayton. In fact, hes widely credited with having coined the term in the early 1980s. Hes the CEO and founder of Ashoka, a global association of social innovators. Since 1981, the organization has elected some 3,000 leading social entrepreneurs as Ashoka Fellows, providing them with living stipends, professional support, and access to an outstanding global network of peers.
  • 10. http://www.caseatduke.org/ http://www.ournonprofitalliance.org/socialen trepreneurship.aspx http://wvsbdc.wvcommerce.org/default.aspx http://ksbdc.org/
  • 11. The terms social entrepreneur and social entrepreneurship were used first in the literature on social change in the 1960s and 1970s. The terms came into widespread use in the 1980s and 1990s, promoted by Bill Drayton the founder of Ashoka: Innovators for the Public ,and others such as Charles Leadbeater.From the 1950s to the 1990s Michael Young was a leading promoter of social enterprise and in the 1980s was described by Professor Daniel Bell at Harvard as 'the world's most successful entrepreneur of social enterprises' because of his role in creating more than sixty new organizations worldwide, including the School for Social Entrepreneurs(SSE) which exists in the UK, Australia and Canada and which supports individuals to realize their potential and to establish, scale and sustain, social enterprises and social businesses. Another British social entrepreneur is Lord Mawson OBE. Andrew Mawson was given a peerage in 2007 because of his pioneering regeneration work. This includes the creation of the renowned Bromley by Bow Centre in East London. He has recorded these experiences in his book "The Social Entrepreneur: Making Communities Workand currently runs Andrew Mawson Partnerships to help promote his regeneration work.
  • 12. Although the terms are relatively new, social entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurship can be found throughout history. A list of a few historically noteworthy people whose work exemplifies classic "social entrepreneurship" might include Florence Nightingale (founder of the first nursing school and developer of modern nursing practices), Robert Owen (founder of the cooperative movement), and Vinoba Bhave(founder of India's Land Gift Movement). During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries some of the most successful social entrepreneurs successfully straddled the civic, governmental, and business worlds - promoting ideas that were taken up by mainstream public services in welfare, schools, and health care.