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Dr Annu Tomar
Bovee & Thill, 2014, Business Communication Essensials, a skills- based approach, pearson education, 6e, Inc (BT)
*This course presents communication as a critical component for success in
the workplace. In this class, you will develop a foundation for designing
effective messages, both written and oral, from concept to delivery.
*You will use a communication model to identify objectives, analyze
audiences, choose information, and create the most effective arrangement
and channel for that message.
*Particularly, the course emphasizes elements of persuasive communication:
how to design messages for diverse and possibly resistant audiences and how
to present that information in a credible and convincing way.
 Specifically, you will practice drafting and editing clear, precise,
and readable written business documents as well as learn to
design documents to make information easily accessible to a busy,
executive-level reader.
 In addition, you will develop and deliver an individual
presentation, using appropriate and effective visual support, in
which you present a persuasive argument that demonstrates
relevance and benefits to an audience at different levels of
expertise or interest.
Understanding Business Communication in Todays Workplace
1. Define communication and explain the importance of effective business
2. Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context.
3. Describe the communication process model and explain how social media are
changing the nature of business communication.
4. Define ethics, explain the difference between an ethical dilemma and an
ethical lapse, and list six guidelines for making ethical communication choices.
5. Explain how cultural diversity affects business communication anddescribe
the steps you can take to communicate more effectivelyacross cultural
6. List four general guidelines for using communication technology effectively.
LO 1 Define communication and explain the importance of effective business communication.
Communication is the process of transferring information and meaning
between senders and receivers, using one or more written, oral, visual,
or electronic media.
The essence of communication is sharingproviding data,
information, insights, and inspiration in an exchange that benefits both
you and the people with whom you are communicating.
No matter what career path you pursue communication skills will be
essential to your success at every stage. You can have the greatest ideas
in the world but they're no good to your company or your career if you
can't express them clearly and persuasively.
Effective communication strengthens the connections between a company and all of its
stakeholders, those groups affected in some way by the company's actions: customers,
employees, shareholders, suppliers, neighbors, the community, the nation and the world as
a whole
To make your communication efforts as effective as possible focus on making them
practical, factual, concise, clear, and persuasive so:
 provide practical information
 give facts rather than vague impressions
 present information concise, efficient manner
 clarify expectations and responsibilities
 offer compelling persuasive arguments and recommendations
LO 2 :Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context.
A good place to start to consider what it means to be a professional.
Professionalism is the quality of performing at a high level and
conducting oneself with purpose and pride. It means doing more than
putting in the hours and collecting a paycheck true professionals go
beyond minimum expectations and commit to making meaningful
Professionalism can be broken down into six distinct traits: striving to
excel, being dependable and accountable, being a team player,
demonstrating a sense of etiquette making ethical decisions, and
maintaining a positive outlook.
Given the importance of communication in business, employers expect you
to be competent at a wide range of communication tasks, these include:
 organizing ideas and information logically and completely
 expressing yourself coherently and persuasively in a variety of media
 building persuasive arguments to gain acceptance for important ideas
 evaluating data and information critically to know what you can and
 trust actively listening to others
 communicating effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and
 using communication technologies effectively and efficiently
Exercise 1:
1.Describe the communication process model, and
explain how social media are changing the nature of
business communication?
2.Define communication, and explain the importance
of effective business communication?
3.communication is directly associated with workplace
success. comment.

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  • 1. BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Dr Annu Tomar Reference: Bovee & Thill, 2014, Business Communication Essensials, a skills- based approach, pearson education, 6e, Inc (BT) etc
  • 2. BUSINESS COMMUNICATION DESCRIPTION *This course presents communication as a critical component for success in the workplace. In this class, you will develop a foundation for designing effective messages, both written and oral, from concept to delivery. *You will use a communication model to identify objectives, analyze audiences, choose information, and create the most effective arrangement and channel for that message. *Particularly, the course emphasizes elements of persuasive communication: how to design messages for diverse and possibly resistant audiences and how to present that information in a credible and convincing way.
  • 3. BUSINESS COMMUNICATION DESCRIPTION Specifically, you will practice drafting and editing clear, precise, and readable written business documents as well as learn to design documents to make information easily accessible to a busy, executive-level reader. In addition, you will develop and deliver an individual presentation, using appropriate and effective visual support, in which you present a persuasive argument that demonstrates relevance and benefits to an audience at different levels of expertise or interest.
  • 4. SESSION 1 Understanding Business Communication in Todays Workplace
  • 5. LEARNING OBJECTIVES : 1. Define communication and explain the importance of effective business communication. 2. Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context. 3. Describe the communication process model and explain how social media are changing the nature of business communication. 4. Define ethics, explain the difference between an ethical dilemma and an ethical lapse, and list six guidelines for making ethical communication choices. 5. Explain how cultural diversity affects business communication anddescribe the steps you can take to communicate more effectivelyacross cultural boundaries. 6. List four general guidelines for using communication technology effectively.
  • 9. LO 1 Define communication and explain the importance of effective business communication. Communication is the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers, using one or more written, oral, visual, or electronic media. The essence of communication is sharingproviding data, information, insights, and inspiration in an exchange that benefits both you and the people with whom you are communicating. No matter what career path you pursue communication skills will be essential to your success at every stage. You can have the greatest ideas in the world but they're no good to your company or your career if you can't express them clearly and persuasively.
  • 10. Effective communication strengthens the connections between a company and all of its stakeholders, those groups affected in some way by the company's actions: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, neighbors, the community, the nation and the world as a whole To make your communication efforts as effective as possible focus on making them practical, factual, concise, clear, and persuasive so: provide practical information give facts rather than vague impressions present information concise, efficient manner clarify expectations and responsibilities offer compelling persuasive arguments and recommendations
  • 11. LO 2 :Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context. A good place to start to consider what it means to be a professional. Professionalism is the quality of performing at a high level and conducting oneself with purpose and pride. It means doing more than putting in the hours and collecting a paycheck true professionals go beyond minimum expectations and commit to making meaningful contributions. Professionalism can be broken down into six distinct traits: striving to excel, being dependable and accountable, being a team player, demonstrating a sense of etiquette making ethical decisions, and maintaining a positive outlook.
  • 12. Given the importance of communication in business, employers expect you to be competent at a wide range of communication tasks, these include: organizing ideas and information logically and completely expressing yourself coherently and persuasively in a variety of media building persuasive arguments to gain acceptance for important ideas evaluating data and information critically to know what you can and cannot trust actively listening to others communicating effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences using communication technologies effectively and efficiently
  • 15. Exercise 1: 1.Describe the communication process model, and explain how social media are changing the nature of business communication? 2.Define communication, and explain the importance of effective business communication? 3.communication is directly associated with workplace success. comment.