This document discusses methods for evaluating bearing loading conditions in rotating equipment. The shaft-bearing-housing method allows for quick selection of bearing candidates by considering shaft and housing geometry as well as detailed internal bearing geometry. It is applicable to any number of supports and covers most situations, including evaluation of preload for grouped axial bearings. However, it requires calculation software and knowledge of bearing internal geometry, and models the shaft and housing with beam elements that do not account for ovalization.
1. Evaluation of bearing loading conditions
in rotating equipment
Method Pros Cons
Shaft-bearing-housing Relatively quick selection of
bearing candidates
Shaft and housing geometry
Detailed internal bearing
Applicable for any number of
Cover the majority of the
Evaluate the
preload/clearance of grouped
axial bearings
Calculation software needed
Bearing internal geometry
Shaft and housing mostly
modelled with beam finite
elements (no ovalization)
A. Bacchetto