Universidad mar¨ªtima internacional de panam¨¢Martin Gomez
El documento habla sobre la Organizaci¨®n Mar¨ªtima Internacional (OMI), que es un organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas que promueve la cooperaci¨®n entre Estados y la industria mar¨ªtima para mejorar la seguridad y prevenir la contaminaci¨®n. Describe los convenios y protocolos que rigen la OMI, incluyendo convenios sobre seguridad, prevenci¨®n de contaminaci¨®n y responsabilidad civil. Tambi¨¦n explica que la OMI est¨¢ constituida por una Asamblea, un Consejo y varios comit¨¦s, y que la Asamblea se re¨²ne cada dos a?os y elige of
La Web 2.0 se centra en permitir que los usuarios creen y compartan informaci¨®n en l¨ªnea de forma colaborativa, a trav¨¦s de comunidades en l¨ªnea, wikis, blogs y otros servicios. Esto ha llevado a una evoluci¨®n desde la Web 1.0 centrada en los consumidores a una Web 2.0 impulsada por los usuarios, donde la innovaci¨®n surge de desarrolladores independientes y los servicios permanecen en beta perpetuo.
The document discusses design and user experience. It describes Microsoft's user experience offerings like WPF, Silverlight, and HTML/AJAX. It states that technology is only half the conversation and that user needs should be the starting point rather than technology. The document outlines that any business problem has three types of constraints: what's viable business-wise, what's possible with technology, and what's desirable to users. It then discusses how design answers questions about users through observation, interviews, and immersive qualitative research methods like ethnography to understand users and their needs.
The document describes the Total Definer surgical technique for body contouring and fat transfer developed by Dr. Alfredo Hoyos. It is a 4-day hands-on training course that teaches an advanced liposuction method to sculpt fine muscular details and create defined physiques, along with stem cell-enriched fat grafting. The technique aims to produce natural, athletic-looking results. Trainees will learn surgical skills as well as postoperative patient preparation and care. Testimonials from plastic surgeons highlight improved surgical abilities and increased practice revenue after completing the course.
Este documento es un manual de neumolog¨ªa cl¨ªnica que incluye cap¨ªtulos sobre temas como la semiolog¨ªa respiratoria, t¨¦cnicas de imagen, exploraci¨®n funcional respiratoria, broncoscopia, tabaquismo, insuficiencia respiratoria cr¨®nica, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cr¨®nica, asma, s¨ªndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sue?o, enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales, neumon¨ªa, tuberculosis, infecciones respiratorias en el paciente inmunosuprimido, fibrosis
Psicolog¨ªa Forense y Psicogerontol¨®giaMonica Daza
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre psicolog¨ªa forense y psicogerontolog¨ªa. Explica que la psicolog¨ªa forense asiste en procesos legales evaluando evidencia psicol¨®gica y que los peritos forenses son profesionales que proveen opiniones expertas a tribunales. Tambi¨¦n describe que la psicogerontolog¨ªa estudia el envejecimiento y sus cambios psicol¨®gicos y sociales, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y longevidad de vida de las personas mayores.
1) The document discusses soil bearing capacity, which refers to the capacity of soil to support loads applied to the ground without failing.
2) Important factors in soil bearing capacity include the stability of foundations, which depends on the bearing capacity of soil beneath and the settlement of soil.
3) The document outlines several key terminologies used in soil bearing capacity such as ultimate bearing capacity, net ultimate bearing capacity, net safe bearing capacity, and more.
4) Several methods to increase the bearing capacity of black cotton soil are described, including increasing foundation depth, chemical treatment, grouting, compaction, drainage, and confining the soil.
Este documento presenta una introducci¨®n a la farmacolog¨ªa general. En primer lugar, define la farmacolog¨ªa como el estudio de los medicamentos y sus interacciones con sistemas biol¨®gicos. Luego, describe brevemente la evoluci¨®n hist¨®rica de la farmacolog¨ªa como ciencia y sus principales subdivisiones y m¨¦todos. Por ¨²ltimo, introduce conceptos clave como la clasificaci¨®n, nomenclatura y or¨ªgenes de los medicamentos.
The document discusses the Reynolds number, which is a dimensionless number that can predict whether fluid flow will be laminar or turbulent. It is calculated based on fluid properties like density and viscosity, as well as flow properties like velocity and pipe diameter. A Reynolds number below 2000 indicates laminar flow, while above 4000 indicates turbulent flow. The document also discusses methods for calculating energy losses due to friction in pipes, including Darcy's equation and the Moody diagram.
Report on Types of fluid flow
fluid dynamics
In physics, fluid flow has all kinds of aspects: steady or unsteady, compressible or incompressible, viscous or non-viscous, and rotational or irrotational to name a few. Some of these characteristics reflect properties of the liquid itself, and others focus on how the fluid is moving. Note that fluid flow can get very complex when it becomes turbulent. Physicists haven¡¯t developed any elegant equations to describe turbulence because how turbulence works depends on the individual system whether you have water cascading through a pipe or air streaming out of a jet engine. Usually, you have to resort to computers to handle problems that involve fluid turbulence. Types of fluid flow:
? Aerodynamic force
? Cavitation
? Compressible flow
? Couette flow
? Free molecular flow
? Incompressible flow
A fluid is a state of matter in which its molecules move freely and do not bear a constant relationship in space to other molecules.
In physics, fluid flow has all kinds of aspects: steady or unsteady, compressible or incompressible, viscous or non-viscous, and rotational or irrotational to name a few. Some of these characteristics reflect properties of the liquid itself, and others focus on how the fluid is moving.
Fluids are :-
Liquid : blood, i.v. infusions)
Gas : O2 , N2O)
Vapour (transition from liquid to gas) : N2O (under compression in cylinder), volatile inhalational agents (halothane, isoflurane, etc)
Sublimate (transition from solid to gas bypassing liquid state) : Dry ice (solid CO2), iodine
introduction to flow,flow type,laminar,turbulent,one dimensional flow,two dimensional flow,type of flow measurement,flow measuring elements,orifices,nozzles,venturi,pitot tubes,limitations,advantages of the elements,application of elements
Este documento presenta el plan de actividades de aprendizaje para la semana del 19 al 23 de octubre en el ¨¢rea de Educaci¨®n para el trabajo (C¨®mputo) para los grados tercero A-B-C-D. El tema ser¨¢ PowerPoint y los estudiantes aprender¨¢n a identificar el programa PowerPoint a trav¨¦s de la computadora y ejecutar sus herramientas y funciones. Las actividades incluir¨¢n identificar el entorno de PowerPoint, visualizar sus herramientas, y grabar documentos. Se evaluar¨¢ su comprensi¨®n y aplicaci¨®n de tecnolog
Este documento es un manual de neumolog¨ªa cl¨ªnica que incluye cap¨ªtulos sobre temas como la semiolog¨ªa respiratoria, t¨¦cnicas de imagen, exploraci¨®n funcional respiratoria, broncoscopia, tabaquismo, insuficiencia respiratoria cr¨®nica, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cr¨®nica, asma, s¨ªndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sue?o, enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales, neumon¨ªa, tuberculosis, infecciones respiratorias en el paciente inmunosuprimido, fibrosis
Psicolog¨ªa Forense y Psicogerontol¨®giaMonica Daza
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre psicolog¨ªa forense y psicogerontolog¨ªa. Explica que la psicolog¨ªa forense asiste en procesos legales evaluando evidencia psicol¨®gica y que los peritos forenses son profesionales que proveen opiniones expertas a tribunales. Tambi¨¦n describe que la psicogerontolog¨ªa estudia el envejecimiento y sus cambios psicol¨®gicos y sociales, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y longevidad de vida de las personas mayores.
1) The document discusses soil bearing capacity, which refers to the capacity of soil to support loads applied to the ground without failing.
2) Important factors in soil bearing capacity include the stability of foundations, which depends on the bearing capacity of soil beneath and the settlement of soil.
3) The document outlines several key terminologies used in soil bearing capacity such as ultimate bearing capacity, net ultimate bearing capacity, net safe bearing capacity, and more.
4) Several methods to increase the bearing capacity of black cotton soil are described, including increasing foundation depth, chemical treatment, grouting, compaction, drainage, and confining the soil.
Este documento presenta una introducci¨®n a la farmacolog¨ªa general. En primer lugar, define la farmacolog¨ªa como el estudio de los medicamentos y sus interacciones con sistemas biol¨®gicos. Luego, describe brevemente la evoluci¨®n hist¨®rica de la farmacolog¨ªa como ciencia y sus principales subdivisiones y m¨¦todos. Por ¨²ltimo, introduce conceptos clave como la clasificaci¨®n, nomenclatura y or¨ªgenes de los medicamentos.
The document discusses the Reynolds number, which is a dimensionless number that can predict whether fluid flow will be laminar or turbulent. It is calculated based on fluid properties like density and viscosity, as well as flow properties like velocity and pipe diameter. A Reynolds number below 2000 indicates laminar flow, while above 4000 indicates turbulent flow. The document also discusses methods for calculating energy losses due to friction in pipes, including Darcy's equation and the Moody diagram.
Report on Types of fluid flow
fluid dynamics
In physics, fluid flow has all kinds of aspects: steady or unsteady, compressible or incompressible, viscous or non-viscous, and rotational or irrotational to name a few. Some of these characteristics reflect properties of the liquid itself, and others focus on how the fluid is moving. Note that fluid flow can get very complex when it becomes turbulent. Physicists haven¡¯t developed any elegant equations to describe turbulence because how turbulence works depends on the individual system whether you have water cascading through a pipe or air streaming out of a jet engine. Usually, you have to resort to computers to handle problems that involve fluid turbulence. Types of fluid flow:
? Aerodynamic force
? Cavitation
? Compressible flow
? Couette flow
? Free molecular flow
? Incompressible flow
A fluid is a state of matter in which its molecules move freely and do not bear a constant relationship in space to other molecules.
In physics, fluid flow has all kinds of aspects: steady or unsteady, compressible or incompressible, viscous or non-viscous, and rotational or irrotational to name a few. Some of these characteristics reflect properties of the liquid itself, and others focus on how the fluid is moving.
Fluids are :-
Liquid : blood, i.v. infusions)
Gas : O2 , N2O)
Vapour (transition from liquid to gas) : N2O (under compression in cylinder), volatile inhalational agents (halothane, isoflurane, etc)
Sublimate (transition from solid to gas bypassing liquid state) : Dry ice (solid CO2), iodine
introduction to flow,flow type,laminar,turbulent,one dimensional flow,two dimensional flow,type of flow measurement,flow measuring elements,orifices,nozzles,venturi,pitot tubes,limitations,advantages of the elements,application of elements
Este documento presenta el plan de actividades de aprendizaje para la semana del 19 al 23 de octubre en el ¨¢rea de Educaci¨®n para el trabajo (C¨®mputo) para los grados tercero A-B-C-D. El tema ser¨¢ PowerPoint y los estudiantes aprender¨¢n a identificar el programa PowerPoint a trav¨¦s de la computadora y ejecutar sus herramientas y funciones. Las actividades incluir¨¢n identificar el entorno de PowerPoint, visualizar sus herramientas, y grabar documentos. Se evaluar¨¢ su comprensi¨®n y aplicaci¨®n de tecnolog
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2. Nel 2013 il ?The New York Times? le dedica un intero
articolo in ricordo della sua scomparsa
? considerata la madre del diritto femminile
giapponese e della protezione della dignit¨¤ della
donna giapponese all¡¯interno del contesto familiare
? una delle figure pi¨´ importanti del Dopoguerra del ¡¯45 , costituendo l¡¯emblema
dell¡¯azione femminista in Giappone a soli 22 anni
3. Nasce a Vienna, da genitori europei
All¡¯et¨¤ di 5 anni si trasferisce in Giappone,
poich¨¦ il padre, professore di musica,
viene incaricato di insegnare all¡¯ Imperial
Academy of Music situata a Tokyo
Dapprima frequenta la Scuola Tedesca ma, l¡¯impronta fortemente nazista, spinge i genitori
a trasferirla nella Scuola Americana di Tokyo
Il suo futuro ¨¨ a stelle e strisce, infatti si trasferisce da sola in California, per concludere gli
4. Inizia a lavorare per il Governo
Americano, entrando a far parte dell¡¯
United States Office of War Information,
ed impegnandosi principalmente dei
collegamenti radio con il Giappone
Nel ¡¯46, una volta finita la Guerra, il Gen.
MacArthur la coinvolge in un grande
progetto segreto:
5. L¡¯incarico prevede la formulazione di leggi giuridiche che tutelino la donna
all¡¯interno del nucleo familiare
Beate Sirota Gordon costituisce la
svolta del Giappone nel
riconoscimento della donna come
parte integrante della societ¨¤ e
valore fondamentale all¡¯interno
della famiglia
Ella dona alla sua patria adottiva la
possibilit¨¤ di cambiare in meglio