Este documento propone implementar un radioenlace entre dos centros comerciales en Barquisimeto, Venezuela utilizando equipos Huawei y una frecuencia de 11GHz. El radioenlace cubrir鱈a una distancia de 7.93km y no tendr鱈a obst叩culos significativos. Se calculan los par叩metros t辿cnicos como potencia de transmisi坦n, ganancia de antena, p辿rdidas en el espacio libre y margen frente al desvanecimiento. Finalmente, se presenta un presupuesto que incluye equipos, materiales e instalaci坦n.
El documento analiza los resultados de un estudio realizado por el Instituto Nacional para la Evaluaci坦n de la Educaci坦n (INEE) en M辿xico sobre la violencia en escuelas primarias y secundarias. El estudio midi坦 la magnitud de la violencia reportada por estudiantes y docentes y compar坦 los datos con investigaciones internacionales. El autor tambi辿n sugiere formas de explorar m叩s a fondo el problema de la violencia escolar en M辿xico a partir de los hallazgos del estudio del INEE.
- The document describes a study investigating the catalytic combustion of biodiesel over perovskite catalysts. Specifically, it examines combusting canola biodiesel and its surrogate methyl oleate over a 15wt% LaMnO3-YSZ catalyst.
- Testing showed the catalyst achieved near 95% carbon conversion and CO2 yield, releasing maximum heat. Characterization found the catalyst structure was stable after testing.
- The mechanism involves O2 from YSZ oxidizing combustion intermediates and LaMnO3 fully oxidizing residual CO to CO2. The catalyst also effectively combusted gasoline, demonstrating fuel flexibility.
- Future work will involve engine testing and publishing results. The catalyst shows potential as a
This document provides an overview of immersive VR as an innovative marketing channel. It discusses what VR is and how it changes experiences by increasing immersion and presence. VR raises many questions as a new medium compared to traditional 360-degree video. The document also examines the current VR market size, examples of brands using VR/360 video, the pros and cons of marketing with VR such as captive audiences and production challenges, reaching target audiences, and suggests starting by consulting a VR specialist.
Social workers play an important role in helping those with HIV/AIDS by providing counseling, education, case management, and advocacy. They assist individuals cope with an HIV diagnosis which can generate many emotions, and connect patients to testing, counseling, and referral services. Social workers also work to prevent the spread of HIV through education, risk reduction programs, and advocating for the needs of patients.
Tarun Sharma has over 17 years of experience in mechanical engineering projects for oil and gas companies, specializing in pipe stress design, analysis, and implementation using software like CAESAR II. He has experience leading teams of stress engineers and delivering projects on time. His skills include stress analysis, coordination, review of vendor documents, stress critical line identification, and stress report preparation. He provides examples of projects he worked on, the roles and responsibilities held, and software experience.
The GSA strategic plan focuses on improving GSA's organizational development and infrastructure over the next 10 years. This section outlines recommendations in 4 areas: strengthening executive leadership of GSA, creating institutional memory, engaging and training GSA representatives, and cultivating support networks. The goal is to provide more leadership opportunities for representatives, improve visibility of GSA's work, and help guide its future advocacy efforts and leadership transitions. Strengthening executive leadership specifically aims to train board members in leadership, management, and maintaining work-life balance while representing diverse graduate student perspectives.
La opci坦n m叩s viable para una transici坦n energ辿tica sostenible en la comunidad de San Vicente Chicoloapan es la energ鱈a solar, debido a que aprovecha los recursos energ辿ticos disponibles en la regi坦n como la irradiaci坦n solar, no genera emisiones de CO2 y es econ坦micamente eficiente con un costo de recuperaci坦n de la inversi坦n inicial en 3 a単os. Aunque a炭n no hay una forma bien establecida de aprovechar la energ鱈a e坦lica y solar, estas opciones representan una promesa viable para explotar energ鱈as renovables.
This document proposes an Android fitness app called "Fit Bharat" that would provide customized diet plans, BMI and body fat calculations, exercise guides, calorie tracking, expert chat, and social sharing of fitness results - all tailored for Indian users. It outlines the app's goals of giving Indians an exclusive fitness tracker to stay motivated. Currently, most fitness apps are made abroad and don't include common Indian foods. The document discusses target customers, competitors like GM Diet India, monetization through optional in-app purchases, and partnerships with gyms and influencers to promote the app.
Versi坦n gallego. Contaminantes de las aguas, Formas de contaminaci坦n. Evaluaci坦n de la contaminaci坦n. Par叩metros f鱈sicos, qu鱈micos y biol坦gicos. Indicadores biol坦gicos de la contaminaci坦n del agua. Depuraci坦n y potabilizaci坦n.
Este documento resume los or鱈genes y caracter鱈sticas fundamentales de la tragedia y la comedia en el teatro griego antiguo. La tragedia surgio de las historias mitol坦gicas cantadas en los festivales de Dionisio y trataba problemas humanos con dolor y muerte. La comedia se origin坦 de situaciones c坦micas de la vida cotidiana y resolv鱈a problemas de forma fantasiosa y feliz. Ambos g辿neros se escrib鱈an en verso y contaban con actores, coro y m叩scaras, pero se diferenciaban en sus temas y desenlaces
Este documento presenta un temario sobre las funciones b叩sicas de Excel 2010. Incluye secciones sobre c坦mo abrir Excel, navegar entre celdas, filas y columnas, aplicar formatos de texto y n炭meros, insertar y eliminar hojas, realizar operaciones matem叩ticas, generar series autom叩ticas, usar funciones como Contar, insertar gr叩ficos, modificar organigramas, y recomendaciones finales. El temario proporciona una introducci坦n general a las herramientas y funcionalidades principales de Excel.
This document discusses approaches to diagnosing and treating hypertension in children. It defines hypertension and outlines stages of severity. In infants and young children, hypertension is usually secondary to an underlying condition, while adolescents can develop primary or essential hypertension. Evaluation involves measuring blood pressure properly, considering causes of secondary hypertension, assessing for target organ damage like left ventricular hypertrophy, and determining if hypertension is primary or secondary. Treatment involves lifestyle changes, weight management if overweight, and potentially medications to lower blood pressure below guidelines.
This document appears to be notes from a pre-algebra lesson on calculating slope. It includes examples of slope calculations for lines on pages 42, 43, 47, and 48. The closing question asks students to explain the procedure for finding the slope of a line.
1. The document discusses developing a personal learning network (PLN) on Twitter to transform teaching practice.
2. It provides context on copyright, Creative Commons licensing, and citing images properly.
3. Resources for finding open educational images are presented, including Flickr, Photos For Class, curated collections from libraries, and the Internet Archive. File formats and proper formatting of images are also covered.
Este documento presenta un proyecto para analizar las leyes f鱈sicas en el videojuego Angry Birds usando el programa Tracker. Se introducen las leyes f鱈sicas a estudiar y c坦mo se relacionan con el videojuego. Luego, se sugieren 4 tareas con preguntas sobre movimiento y conservaci坦n de momento para investigar usando Tracker, incluyendo an叩lisis de velocidad y divisi坦n de p叩jaros. Finalmente, se presenta el programa Tracker y otros recursos disponibles.
This document contains notes from a math lesson on solving area problems using scale drawings. The lesson outlines the do now activity and upcoming homework assignments. It then discusses scale drawings and scale factors on pages 3 through 11, explaining how to use scale drawings to find the actual area of real-world objects.
端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alan yerler((0535 102 84 30))旦mer sar脹en
((0535 102 84 30))端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya , 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alanlar , 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya , 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya alanlar , ikinci el eya 端mraniye huzur , 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alan yerler , 端mraniye huzur spotcular , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alanlar , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya alanlar , ikinci el eya 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur , 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alan yerler , 端mraniye huzur spotcular , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eyac脹lar, 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alanlar , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya alanlar , ikinci el eya 聴stanbul mraniye, 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya al脹m sat脹m , 端mraniye huzur 2 el Eya , 端mraniye huzur Antika eya alanlar , 端mraniye huzur Antika Alan Yerler,
El documento habla sobre el uso excesivo de la televisi坦n por parte de los ni単os Quim y Mar鱈a y ofrece recomendaciones para los padres. Aconseja limitar el tiempo de visi坦n a 20-30 minutos al d鱈a, evitar que sea una rutina y acompa単ar a los ni単os mientras ven la televisi坦n para fomentar un uso educativo. Tambi辿n recomienda ofrecer alternativas de actividades para que no sea la 炭nica opci坦n para pasar el tiempo.
The GSA strategic plan focuses on improving GSA's organizational development and infrastructure over the next 10 years. This section outlines recommendations in 4 areas: strengthening executive leadership of GSA, creating institutional memory, engaging and training GSA representatives, and cultivating support networks. The goal is to provide more leadership opportunities for representatives, improve visibility of GSA's work, and help guide its future advocacy efforts and leadership transitions. Strengthening executive leadership specifically aims to train board members in leadership, management, and maintaining work-life balance while representing diverse graduate student perspectives.
La opci坦n m叩s viable para una transici坦n energ辿tica sostenible en la comunidad de San Vicente Chicoloapan es la energ鱈a solar, debido a que aprovecha los recursos energ辿ticos disponibles en la regi坦n como la irradiaci坦n solar, no genera emisiones de CO2 y es econ坦micamente eficiente con un costo de recuperaci坦n de la inversi坦n inicial en 3 a単os. Aunque a炭n no hay una forma bien establecida de aprovechar la energ鱈a e坦lica y solar, estas opciones representan una promesa viable para explotar energ鱈as renovables.
This document proposes an Android fitness app called "Fit Bharat" that would provide customized diet plans, BMI and body fat calculations, exercise guides, calorie tracking, expert chat, and social sharing of fitness results - all tailored for Indian users. It outlines the app's goals of giving Indians an exclusive fitness tracker to stay motivated. Currently, most fitness apps are made abroad and don't include common Indian foods. The document discusses target customers, competitors like GM Diet India, monetization through optional in-app purchases, and partnerships with gyms and influencers to promote the app.
Versi坦n gallego. Contaminantes de las aguas, Formas de contaminaci坦n. Evaluaci坦n de la contaminaci坦n. Par叩metros f鱈sicos, qu鱈micos y biol坦gicos. Indicadores biol坦gicos de la contaminaci坦n del agua. Depuraci坦n y potabilizaci坦n.
Este documento resume los or鱈genes y caracter鱈sticas fundamentales de la tragedia y la comedia en el teatro griego antiguo. La tragedia surgio de las historias mitol坦gicas cantadas en los festivales de Dionisio y trataba problemas humanos con dolor y muerte. La comedia se origin坦 de situaciones c坦micas de la vida cotidiana y resolv鱈a problemas de forma fantasiosa y feliz. Ambos g辿neros se escrib鱈an en verso y contaban con actores, coro y m叩scaras, pero se diferenciaban en sus temas y desenlaces
Este documento presenta un temario sobre las funciones b叩sicas de Excel 2010. Incluye secciones sobre c坦mo abrir Excel, navegar entre celdas, filas y columnas, aplicar formatos de texto y n炭meros, insertar y eliminar hojas, realizar operaciones matem叩ticas, generar series autom叩ticas, usar funciones como Contar, insertar gr叩ficos, modificar organigramas, y recomendaciones finales. El temario proporciona una introducci坦n general a las herramientas y funcionalidades principales de Excel.
This document discusses approaches to diagnosing and treating hypertension in children. It defines hypertension and outlines stages of severity. In infants and young children, hypertension is usually secondary to an underlying condition, while adolescents can develop primary or essential hypertension. Evaluation involves measuring blood pressure properly, considering causes of secondary hypertension, assessing for target organ damage like left ventricular hypertrophy, and determining if hypertension is primary or secondary. Treatment involves lifestyle changes, weight management if overweight, and potentially medications to lower blood pressure below guidelines.
This document appears to be notes from a pre-algebra lesson on calculating slope. It includes examples of slope calculations for lines on pages 42, 43, 47, and 48. The closing question asks students to explain the procedure for finding the slope of a line.
1. The document discusses developing a personal learning network (PLN) on Twitter to transform teaching practice.
2. It provides context on copyright, Creative Commons licensing, and citing images properly.
3. Resources for finding open educational images are presented, including Flickr, Photos For Class, curated collections from libraries, and the Internet Archive. File formats and proper formatting of images are also covered.
Este documento presenta un proyecto para analizar las leyes f鱈sicas en el videojuego Angry Birds usando el programa Tracker. Se introducen las leyes f鱈sicas a estudiar y c坦mo se relacionan con el videojuego. Luego, se sugieren 4 tareas con preguntas sobre movimiento y conservaci坦n de momento para investigar usando Tracker, incluyendo an叩lisis de velocidad y divisi坦n de p叩jaros. Finalmente, se presenta el programa Tracker y otros recursos disponibles.
This document contains notes from a math lesson on solving area problems using scale drawings. The lesson outlines the do now activity and upcoming homework assignments. It then discusses scale drawings and scale factors on pages 3 through 11, explaining how to use scale drawings to find the actual area of real-world objects.
端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alan yerler((0535 102 84 30))旦mer sar脹en
((0535 102 84 30))端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya , 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alanlar , 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya , 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya alanlar , ikinci el eya 端mraniye huzur , 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alan yerler , 端mraniye huzur spotcular , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alanlar , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya alanlar , ikinci el eya 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur , 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alan yerler , 端mraniye huzur spotcular , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eyac脹lar, 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya alanlar , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya , 聴stanbul 端mraniye huzur 2.el eya alanlar , ikinci el eya 聴stanbul mraniye, 端mraniye huzur ikinci el eya al脹m sat脹m , 端mraniye huzur 2 el Eya , 端mraniye huzur Antika eya alanlar , 端mraniye huzur Antika Alan Yerler,
El documento habla sobre el uso excesivo de la televisi坦n por parte de los ni単os Quim y Mar鱈a y ofrece recomendaciones para los padres. Aconseja limitar el tiempo de visi坦n a 20-30 minutos al d鱈a, evitar que sea una rutina y acompa単ar a los ni単os mientras ven la televisi坦n para fomentar un uso educativo. Tambi辿n recomienda ofrecer alternativas de actividades para que no sea la 炭nica opci坦n para pasar el tiempo.