The document contains the entry list for the I SUBIDA SERRA DA GROBA race. It lists 26 entries, including the escuderia (team), pilot, vehicle group and class for each entry. The vehicles range from formula cars to touring cars to rally cars. Entry 1 is Cesar Rodriguez Alonso from EATC racing a Tcastor TC 3 in class CM.
1) A Conjuração Baiana de 1798 foi o primeiro movimento no Brasil com caracterÃsticas republicanas.
2) A Revolução do Porto levou à independência do Brasil.
3) Antes da chegada da famÃlia real portuguesa em 1808, o Brasil não existia como nação unificada com fronteiras e identidade nacional definidas.
Three students - Stanislava Velikova from Bulgaria and Luminita Dominica Moise and Ruxandra Cristea from Romania - were awarded the Label for their project "Mathematics and statistics in our life - MAST" on October 22, 2012. The award was approved by representatives of the National Support Services of Bulgaria and Romania.
El documento presenta las funciones y atribuciones del Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación. El Consejo es un organismo público descentralizado cuyo objetivo principal es prevenir y eliminar la discriminación. Tiene la facultad de investigar quejas, emitir recomendaciones y celebrar audiencias para resolver asuntos relacionados con la discriminación.
Vibe magazine aims to provide entertainment and culture coverage that represents the diversity of urban lifestyle. Its target audience is African Americans between the ages of 18 to 34, particularly those living in urban areas who enjoy hip hop music and fashion. The magazine will use data on this demographic to define its target readership.
The document contains the entry list for the I SUBIDA SERRA DA GROBA race. It lists 26 entries, including the escuderia (team), pilot, vehicle group and class for each entry. The vehicles range from formula cars to touring cars to rally cars. Entry 1 is Cesar Rodriguez Alonso from EATC racing a Tcastor TC 3 in class CM.
1) A Conjuração Baiana de 1798 foi o primeiro movimento no Brasil com caracterÃsticas republicanas.
2) A Revolução do Porto levou à independência do Brasil.
3) Antes da chegada da famÃlia real portuguesa em 1808, o Brasil não existia como nação unificada com fronteiras e identidade nacional definidas.
Three students - Stanislava Velikova from Bulgaria and Luminita Dominica Moise and Ruxandra Cristea from Romania - were awarded the Label for their project "Mathematics and statistics in our life - MAST" on October 22, 2012. The award was approved by representatives of the National Support Services of Bulgaria and Romania.
El documento presenta las funciones y atribuciones del Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación. El Consejo es un organismo público descentralizado cuyo objetivo principal es prevenir y eliminar la discriminación. Tiene la facultad de investigar quejas, emitir recomendaciones y celebrar audiencias para resolver asuntos relacionados con la discriminación.
Vibe magazine aims to provide entertainment and culture coverage that represents the diversity of urban lifestyle. Its target audience is African Americans between the ages of 18 to 34, particularly those living in urban areas who enjoy hip hop music and fashion. The magazine will use data on this demographic to define its target readership.
1. Cancó: Els drets dels infants
Tots els infants del nostre món,
negres i blancs, de tots colors,
tenim uns drets i hem de lluitar
per procurar que tots siguem
ben feliços, de debò, sense fer cap distinció.
Que poguem riure i jugar, estimar i ser estimats.