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Beejuy mobile app_presentation
iBeacon Search Mobile App
Splash Screen
When the user opens the
app he will get this Splash
Screen for about 4 seconds,
while the app loads.
First Time Suscribe
When the user is accessing
the app for the 鍖rst time, he
will be able to signup using
Facebook or Google
Account, to get more offers
by mail and better
interactions, plus it will
improve our Data Gathering
criteria for the BI Platform.
If the user is not willing to
signup, the user will be able
to proceed by hitting
"continue" button.
General User Info
Input - Date of Birth
The user will be asked the
鍖rst time it runs/opens the
application to enter his Date
of Birth in order to obtain
general Data for the
Business Intelligence
General User Info
Input - Gender
The user will be asked the
鍖rst time it runs/opens the
application to enter his
Gender in order to obtain
general Data for the
Business Intelligence
General User Info
Input - Civil Status
The user will be asked the
鍖rst time it runs/opens the
application to enter his Civil
Status in order to obtain
general Data for the
Business Intelligence
General User Info
Input - Picture
After the user entered the
General Info requested when
he opens the application for the
鍖rst time, he will be asked to
upload a picture to complete
the user pro鍖le. If the user
selected Facebook or Goole
log in it will fetch the user pro鍖le
This step is not mandatory, the
user still can use the
application without a pro鍖le pic.
Beejuy mobile app_presentation
Home Screen
This is the Home Screen
where the user will be able to
access his favorite offers (the
ones that he saved),
Preferences, Share the
applications with others, and
The Center icon is a dynamic
icon, the ring around will have
movement simulating an
iBeacon radar that will display
the available offers per device.
Home Screen
Message Center
In the Home Screen, the
Center Beecon search will
also work as a noti鍖cations
center. This will display a
bubble cloud with all the
offers that are available and
havent been seen by the user.
This will avoid missing the
offers that are being detected
while the user walks near any
beacon looking another offer
or promotion.
Favorites Offers
The user will have the ability to
store favorite offers depending
on the offer due date. These
favorite selections will be
accessed from the Home
Screen Menu and will be
displayed in menu tile view.
When Selecting each offer it
will redirect the user to the
actual offer view screen so he
can interact with it. All the Past
Due offers will be deleted from
the favorites selection.
OfferView This is the Offer View
screen displaying
different types of
Advertisements, they
could be images,
images+text, embedded
videos that will redirect
to external applications
to view them, music and
offers that can be
redeemed from the
actual mobile app to
obtain any promotion.
The Client/Brand will
choose the different Ads
that want to display, but
this will be the view
frame that the user will
see and interact with.
Preferences -
Menu Option
In the Home Screen Menu,
there is a Preferences
option, when accessing that
option, an small option menu
will appear, with "Pro鍖le" Info
where the user can edit,
"Your Interests if the user
wants to enter his interest
and avoid spamming, and of
course a Report a Problem
option to keep improving the
user experience.
Your Interests -
Preferences Option
If the user doesnt want to be
spammed every time he or she
goes to the mall, the user will be
able to select the Ad
Preferences by selecting only
the Ads he is interested in to
receive Beecon Offers, for
Example: Jewelry, Kids Fashion,
Shoes, Food Court, Cinema, etc.
The user could always go back
to preferences and change the
option or select all, depending
on what he wants to receive.
Any malfunctions with the
application or comments to
improve it, will be welcomed
always to assure Customer
Service and feedback in order
to have a constantly updated
application that suits
everyday demands.
Share to a Friend
The application itself
can be shared via social
media platforms or email
to invite other to join.
But also every offer the
user is interested to
share, so new users can
be reached by an
interesting offer that will
convert him in a new
app user.
Capturing New Clients
Anyone interested to have
his brand advertised in our
Beecon Network, could
send us an email so a Sales
Representative could
contact him to show them
the different options and
Contact us @

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Beejuy mobile app_presentation

  • 3. Splash Screen When the user opens the app he will get this Splash Screen for about 4 seconds, while the app loads.
  • 4. First Time Suscribe When the user is accessing the app for the 鍖rst time, he will be able to signup using Facebook or Google Account, to get more offers by mail and better interactions, plus it will improve our Data Gathering criteria for the BI Platform. If the user is not willing to signup, the user will be able to proceed by hitting "continue" button.
  • 5. General User Info Input - Date of Birth The user will be asked the 鍖rst time it runs/opens the application to enter his Date of Birth in order to obtain general Data for the Business Intelligence Platform.
  • 6. General User Info Input - Gender The user will be asked the 鍖rst time it runs/opens the application to enter his Gender in order to obtain general Data for the Business Intelligence Platform.
  • 7. General User Info Input - Civil Status The user will be asked the 鍖rst time it runs/opens the application to enter his Civil Status in order to obtain general Data for the Business Intelligence Platform.
  • 8. General User Info Input - Picture After the user entered the General Info requested when he opens the application for the 鍖rst time, he will be asked to upload a picture to complete the user pro鍖le. If the user selected Facebook or Goole log in it will fetch the user pro鍖le image. This step is not mandatory, the user still can use the application without a pro鍖le pic.
  • 10. Home Screen This is the Home Screen where the user will be able to access his favorite offers (the ones that he saved), Preferences, Share the applications with others, and Support. The Center icon is a dynamic icon, the ring around will have movement simulating an iBeacon radar that will display the available offers per device.
  • 11. Home Screen Message Center In the Home Screen, the Center Beecon search will also work as a noti鍖cations center. This will display a bubble cloud with all the offers that are available and havent been seen by the user. This will avoid missing the offers that are being detected while the user walks near any beacon looking another offer or promotion.
  • 12. Favorites Offers The user will have the ability to store favorite offers depending on the offer due date. These favorite selections will be accessed from the Home Screen Menu and will be displayed in menu tile view. When Selecting each offer it will redirect the user to the actual offer view screen so he can interact with it. All the Past Due offers will be deleted from the favorites selection.
  • 13. OfferView This is the Offer View screen displaying different types of Advertisements, they could be images, images+text, embedded videos that will redirect to external applications to view them, music and offers that can be redeemed from the actual mobile app to obtain any promotion. The Client/Brand will choose the different Ads that want to display, but this will be the view frame that the user will see and interact with.
  • 14. Preferences - Menu Option In the Home Screen Menu, there is a Preferences option, when accessing that option, an small option menu will appear, with "Pro鍖le" Info where the user can edit, "Your Interests if the user wants to enter his interest and avoid spamming, and of course a Report a Problem option to keep improving the user experience.
  • 15. Your Interests - Preferences Option If the user doesnt want to be spammed every time he or she goes to the mall, the user will be able to select the Ad Preferences by selecting only the Ads he is interested in to receive Beecon Offers, for Example: Jewelry, Kids Fashion, Shoes, Food Court, Cinema, etc. The user could always go back to preferences and change the option or select all, depending on what he wants to receive.
  • 16. ReportaProblem Any malfunctions with the application or comments to improve it, will be welcomed always to assure Customer Service and feedback in order to have a constantly updated application that suits everyday demands.
  • 18. Share to a Friend The application itself can be shared via social media platforms or email to invite other to join. But also every offer the user is interested to share, so new users can be reached by an interesting offer that will convert him in a new app user.
  • 19. Capturing New Clients Anyone interested to have his brand advertised in our Beecon Network, could send us an email so a Sales Representative could contact him to show them the different options and networks.