Plan of "File Authority Designer" Ver. 2 Seiji Noro
“File authority designer” is a soft ware for securities measures which is unnecessary to install,
for setting up and confirming access authorities to folders and files in Windows.
It is possible to add, change and delete the access authorities by click on icons of folders and files.
Also has equipments to show lists as tree view and output report by excel formats.
In domain environment, it is possible to refer member’s information belonged to the group.
Pin-point rebuildable and non-rebuild custom widgetcch-robo
I will introduce my custom widgets that 'RebuildableWidget' and 'ConstantWidget'.
RebuildableWidget specifies the tree that you want the builder property to display and update.
ConstantWidget specifies a tree that the builder property does not display and update.
GDG meetup in Kyoto 2019/02/10 at Furyu
3. このLT内容は、
Flutter Japan User Group Tokyo #1 で発表された、
Flavor of Flutter