Ketchum's 2011 social responsibility report details the company's efforts in supporting literacy and education globally through its partnership with Room to Read. It provides examples of communications support and fundraising activities undertaken by Ketchum offices around the world to support Room to Read, including media placements, translations, and fundraising events that raised over $100,000. The report also discusses Ketchum employees volunteering their communications expertise for other non-profits and undertaking charitable activities locally in their communities.
This document summarizes key trends in health and wellness according to a report by Ketchum. The top trend is that technology now dominates health decisions, with people researching health issues online before consulting doctors. People are increasingly managing their own health using various tools and technologies. Companies must curate credible health content and programs that engage people through the technologies they use for wellness. The future of health will involve meeting people's needs for information and support across various online and real-world settings.
The study examined factors that influence teachers' use of computer technology in classrooms in Ohio public high schools. It surveyed 256 teachers to assess the extent and predictors of technology use, as well as barriers. It found significant differences in technology use based on demographics. Multiple regression analysis showed several significant predictors of instructional computer use. The study contributes to understanding technology use in education and can guide teacher training and policy.
This document provides an overview of the topics that will be covered in an advanced instructional design course over the first two weeks. The course will focus on critical thinking skills for instructional design, including analyzing instruction, generating purposes and questions, using information, making inferences, and determining assumptions and implications. It will also cover the basic elements of thought and logic. The document defines key terms related to instructional design, learning theory, and instructional development models. It discusses systems theory, behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism and other learning theories. It also addresses categories of learning outcomes, objectives, standards, and issues related to instructional design and student learning.
The Ronald McDonald Centre in Amsterdam opened in November 2010 as the first sports center for disabled children in Europe. The center aims to give disabled and chronically ill children the same opportunities to play sports as others. To promote the center and attract sports clubs, a high-profile opening ceremony was held with Princess Maril¨¨ne van Oranje-Nassau and former football star Marco van Basten. This generated overwhelming press coverage across major Dutch newspapers, magazines, radio, television and online media.
With an exhibition of 150 classic advertising campaigns, the Dutch foundation for preservation of the cultural-historical heritage of advertising ReclameArsenaal proved that advertising is a part of our daily life and of cultural-historical value.
McDonald¡¯s wishes to step up its reputation in environment and sustainability. Strong practices are the basis for its first annual social reporting.The report is drafted according to the C+ Global Reporting Guidelines and validated by PWC.
This document provides information about hydrocephalus including its causes, symptoms, nursing assessments, diagnoses, goals of care, interventions, and discharge planning. Hydrocephalus is a condition where cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the brain ventricles, which can increase intracranial pressure and cause head enlargement, seizures, tunnel vision, and intellectual disability. The nursing assessments note increased head size, bulging fontanel, dilated veins, eye positioning, restlessness, and fever in the patient. The nursing diagnoses are related to altered thermoregulation and ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion. The goals are to maintain normal temperature and improve cerebral perfusion. Nursing interventions include monitoring, baths, positioning, medication administration,
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful disorder of the wrist and hand caused by pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. It causes pain, numbness, and weakness in the hand, especially at night. Nursing interventions include assessing pain, teaching exercises to relieve pressure on the nerve, and assisting with medication and activities of daily living until function and pain are improved.
The document outlines the ADDIE model, a general purpose instructional design model consisting of 5 phases - Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. In the Analysis phase, needs are assessed through learner profiles and problem/task analysis. Design specifies learning objectives and instructional strategies. Development produces materials like storyboards and exercises. Implementation installs the product through training and field testing. Evaluation determines adequacy through surveys, test data, and revisions.
The document discusses various models of instructional design including the ADDIE model. It describes the five phases of the ADDIE model: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. For each phase, it provides examples of sample tasks and outputs. It also discusses other instructional design models and notes that models show the main elements and phases but may not accurately reflect the iterative nature of the design process.
The Kemp model is a 9-step instructional design model useful for developing large-scale education programs. It involves identifying instructional problems, examining learner characteristics, developing instructional objectives and strategies, and conducting ongoing evaluation to ensure effective instruction. The Dick and Carey instructional systems design model is a linear process useful for structuring large or small-scale curriculum development. It involves analyzing instructional goals and learner needs before developing objectives, instructional strategies, and evaluation plans.
The document discusses several instructional design models:
- The Kemp model is useful for developing large-scale higher education programs and involves multiple groups in a continuous cycle of planning, design, development and assessment.
- The Dick and Carey model is a linear process useful for both large-scale government projects and small-scale K-12 curriculum development. It involves 9 stages including analyzing instructional goals, designing evaluation instruments, and conducting formative and summative evaluations.
- Gagne's model focuses on different types of learning outcomes that require different internal processes. It identifies routine instructional events like gaining attention and eliciting performance practice.
This document provides a mock-up of an ecommerce check-out page design and lists various digital advertising placements including display network ads, mobile and desktop leaderboards, skyscrapers, squares, rectangles, and clickable banner ads from companies like LivingSocial and Groupon.
This document discusses the archetype of the wise elder, providing examples from various cultures throughout history and fiction. The wise elder archetype represents a kind, knowledgeable older figure who uses life experience and wisdom to guide and teach others. Examples discussed include the biblical figure Moses, the Greek elder Nestor, the Roman goddess Minerva, independence leader Mahatma Gandhi, the Star Wars character Yoda, and the Harry Potter character Albus Dumbledore.
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai pemberontakan yang terjadi di Indonesia sejak proklamasi kemerdekaan sampai 1965. Terdapat pemberontakan Front Demokratik Rakyat pada 1948, Soviet Republik Indonesia oleh PKI, APRA di Jawa Barat 1950, Republik Maluku Selatan, Darul Islam/Tentara Islam Indonesia di beberapa provinsi, PRRI/Permesta pada 1958, hingga kudeta G30S/PKI 1965.
Project 3 residential landscape project march 2015Πׯ±Ú
This document outlines the requirements for a final residential landscape project. Students are asked to design the landscape for a residence based on the same site from a previous project. The project involves developing a project description, conceptual diagram, schematic plan, master plan set, cost estimation, and maintenance plan. Students must submit presentation boards with all drawings and plans bound together. Drawings should be completed manually and include appropriate labeling, graphics, and color. The project aims to teach the landscape design process and representation of ideas. Students will be assessed based on demonstrated understanding, depth of research, creative application of skills, and quality of design ideas and presentation.
This document provides information about hydrocephalus including its causes, symptoms, nursing assessments, diagnoses, goals of care, interventions, and discharge planning. Hydrocephalus is a condition where cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the brain ventricles, which can increase intracranial pressure and cause head enlargement, seizures, tunnel vision, and intellectual disability. The nursing assessments note increased head size, bulging fontanel, dilated veins, eye positioning, restlessness, and fever in the patient. The nursing diagnoses are related to altered thermoregulation and ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion. The goals are to maintain normal temperature and improve cerebral perfusion. Nursing interventions include monitoring, baths, positioning, medication administration,
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful disorder of the wrist and hand caused by pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. It causes pain, numbness, and weakness in the hand, especially at night. Nursing interventions include assessing pain, teaching exercises to relieve pressure on the nerve, and assisting with medication and activities of daily living until function and pain are improved.
The document outlines the ADDIE model, a general purpose instructional design model consisting of 5 phases - Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. In the Analysis phase, needs are assessed through learner profiles and problem/task analysis. Design specifies learning objectives and instructional strategies. Development produces materials like storyboards and exercises. Implementation installs the product through training and field testing. Evaluation determines adequacy through surveys, test data, and revisions.
The document discusses various models of instructional design including the ADDIE model. It describes the five phases of the ADDIE model: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. For each phase, it provides examples of sample tasks and outputs. It also discusses other instructional design models and notes that models show the main elements and phases but may not accurately reflect the iterative nature of the design process.
The Kemp model is a 9-step instructional design model useful for developing large-scale education programs. It involves identifying instructional problems, examining learner characteristics, developing instructional objectives and strategies, and conducting ongoing evaluation to ensure effective instruction. The Dick and Carey instructional systems design model is a linear process useful for structuring large or small-scale curriculum development. It involves analyzing instructional goals and learner needs before developing objectives, instructional strategies, and evaluation plans.
The document discusses several instructional design models:
- The Kemp model is useful for developing large-scale higher education programs and involves multiple groups in a continuous cycle of planning, design, development and assessment.
- The Dick and Carey model is a linear process useful for both large-scale government projects and small-scale K-12 curriculum development. It involves 9 stages including analyzing instructional goals, designing evaluation instruments, and conducting formative and summative evaluations.
- Gagne's model focuses on different types of learning outcomes that require different internal processes. It identifies routine instructional events like gaining attention and eliciting performance practice.
This document provides a mock-up of an ecommerce check-out page design and lists various digital advertising placements including display network ads, mobile and desktop leaderboards, skyscrapers, squares, rectangles, and clickable banner ads from companies like LivingSocial and Groupon.
This document discusses the archetype of the wise elder, providing examples from various cultures throughout history and fiction. The wise elder archetype represents a kind, knowledgeable older figure who uses life experience and wisdom to guide and teach others. Examples discussed include the biblical figure Moses, the Greek elder Nestor, the Roman goddess Minerva, independence leader Mahatma Gandhi, the Star Wars character Yoda, and the Harry Potter character Albus Dumbledore.
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai pemberontakan yang terjadi di Indonesia sejak proklamasi kemerdekaan sampai 1965. Terdapat pemberontakan Front Demokratik Rakyat pada 1948, Soviet Republik Indonesia oleh PKI, APRA di Jawa Barat 1950, Republik Maluku Selatan, Darul Islam/Tentara Islam Indonesia di beberapa provinsi, PRRI/Permesta pada 1958, hingga kudeta G30S/PKI 1965.
Project 3 residential landscape project march 2015Πׯ±Ú
This document outlines the requirements for a final residential landscape project. Students are asked to design the landscape for a residence based on the same site from a previous project. The project involves developing a project description, conceptual diagram, schematic plan, master plan set, cost estimation, and maintenance plan. Students must submit presentation boards with all drawings and plans bound together. Drawings should be completed manually and include appropriate labeling, graphics, and color. The project aims to teach the landscape design process and representation of ideas. Students will be assessed based on demonstrated understanding, depth of research, creative application of skills, and quality of design ideas and presentation.
2. i j de Mooiste
M ogischen de 6 e 2 j r
l n jij tusse
io be
b n Doe mee!
At a glance
Making a milk moustache is always fun. 13:00-17:00 UUR
Turn this into a contest and it gets exciting IN DEZE
too. The Province of North-Holland
adapted this concept to educate children
about organic farming.
Laat je fotograferen met je Melksnor en maak kans op:
- Een schoolreisje met de hele klas naar de biologische boer
- E¨¦n jaar lang gratis Campina Boerenland Drinkyoghurt voor het hele gezin
? Door op de foto te gaan ga je akkoord met de actievoorwaarden ? Over de uitslag kan niet worden gecorrespondeerd ? Deelname aan de actie is uitsluitend mogelijk wanneer de volledige gegevens zijn ingevuld ? Persoonsgegevens worden niet aan
derden verstrekt of verkocht ? Je bent tussen de 6 en 12 jaar oud en woont in Noord-Holland ? De prijzen zijn niet inwisselbaar voor een geldbedrag ? Foto¡¯s kunnen niet worden teruggetrokken uit de competitie ? De organisatie heeft het recht om de
betreffende foto te publiceren op de website van De Mooiste Melksnor, te gebruiken voor promotionele doeleinden t.b.v De Mooiste Melksnor, of ter beschikking te stellen als persmateriaal aan andere websites of publicaties met als doel bekendheid
te geven aan deze actie ? De organisatie is op geen enkele wijze aansprakelijk voor eventuele schade die voortvloeit uit de deelname aan deze actie, direct en of indirect.
3. Situation Analysis
Between 2005 and 2010 the Province of North-Holland directed an ongoing campaign to
promote organic agricultural products grown by local farmers. The campaign was aimed at
increasing consumer demand for organic products and thus stimulating farmers to switch
to organic production. One of the last promotional activities was aimed at school children:
the Best Milk Moustache.
To educate children about organic farming and biological food.
Children between 6 and 12 years old were invited to have their picture taken while ¡®wearing¡¯
their best milk moustache after drinking a glass of biological milk.
Partnerships with DekaMarkt supermarkets and multinational dairy company Royal Friesland-
Campina. The first prize was one year free Campina Boerenland drinking yoghurt for the winner
and his family, plus a school trip to an organic dairy farm for the winner and his school class.
4. Implementation
In four of the larger cities in the province of North-Holland a professional photo studio was set
up for one day at a DekaMarkt supermarket. Posters and local newspapers were used to invite
children to have their milk moustache photographed.
No less than 253 moustaches were photographed and uploaded to a special website. For each
city the best moustache was nominated. A jury chaired by the provincial commissioner for
agriculture chose the best moustache and the prize was handed to the prizewinner ¨C a 7-year-
old boy named Koen ¨C during a surprise visit at his school.
5. d. W 3
: 23.43 jks
s Dagblad e ge
holland Opla entie : dageli
: Noord-2010
Publicatie : Noord
Datum hollands Dagblad
: 15-11-2010 ed. Dagblad Kenne
: 11-11
: 11 Oplage : 15.31
Frequentie : dageli0 Advertentiewaarde
jks Regio : € 634,36
: Kennemerland
: 15
Publicatie : Agrarisch
Datum Dagblad
: 24-11-2010
Pagina Oplage
The contest gained much attention,
:5 : 9.266
Frequentie : 5x per week Advertentiewaarde
Castric Regio : € 1105,19
: landelijk
Freque :1
ntie : w7.500
ekelijks Advert
Regio entiewaarde
regionally as well as nationwide. With a
: € 64,6
: Castr 1
relatively modest budget a large press
coverage was achieved on radio, tv and
in newspapers. The advertising value of
alleen voor intern/e
igen gebruik JD
: € 157,88 e.o.
7355 00210 342
00 00
Advertentiew : Haarlem
: Haarlemme
: 18-11-2010
: 76.000
: wekelijks
the free publicity in newspapers alone Adverte
: € 251, m e.o.
: Haarle
Pagina : 94.000 s
m dit WeekendOplage elijk
: Haarle 2010 ie : wek
mounted to E 29.734,00.
Publicat : 19-11-
Datum :9
7355 00210 237
00 00
Also it strengthend the relationship
igen gebruik
alleen voor intern/e
between the Province of North-Holland
and the retail companies, and thus
alleen voor intern/eigen
7355 00112 041 00 00
created the basis for a long-term
7355 00221 023 00
91 00 0
0214 0
7355 0
MOOIS en geb
voor in