E-Commerce: elektronisch zaken doen bij de overheid; Pieter van der Hijden, Arnold Jonk, Arne Lasance, Jaap Uijlenbroek; Het Expertise Centrum, Den Haag, 2000.
GBO Overheid Handreiking Elektronisch Factureren DigipoortFriso de Jong
De overheid wil als ontvanger van vele facturen het elektronisch factureren stimuleren.
Onder de noemer Elektronisch Factureren zijn gemeenschappelijke afspraken,
standaarden en een uitwisselingsinfrastructuur als koppelvlakafspraken gedefinieerd. Deze
afspraken worden gebruikt door leveranciers van goederen en diensten aan de overheid,
overheidsorganisaties en GBO.Overheid om het elektronisch verzenden en ontvangen van
facturen in te richten en te gebruiken.
Infrastructuur voor B2G e-factureren, een keuze-instrument voor kopers en ver...Friso de Jong
Dit rapport wil bijdragen aan het verlagen van een van enkele herhaaldelijk geconstateerde obstakels
voor grootschalige adoptie van elektronisch factureren, namelijk het ontbreken van een infrastructuur. Anders dan de samenvatting zegt, betreft het onderzoek niet het wegnemen van
• een gebrek aan bewustzijn bij kopers en verkopers van de mogelijkheden;
• onbekendheid met wet- en regelgeving.
GBO Overheid Handreiking Elektronisch Factureren DigipoortFriso de Jong
De overheid wil als ontvanger van vele facturen het elektronisch factureren stimuleren.
Onder de noemer Elektronisch Factureren zijn gemeenschappelijke afspraken,
standaarden en een uitwisselingsinfrastructuur als koppelvlakafspraken gedefinieerd. Deze
afspraken worden gebruikt door leveranciers van goederen en diensten aan de overheid,
overheidsorganisaties en GBO.Overheid om het elektronisch verzenden en ontvangen van
facturen in te richten en te gebruiken.
Infrastructuur voor B2G e-factureren, een keuze-instrument voor kopers en ver...Friso de Jong
Dit rapport wil bijdragen aan het verlagen van een van enkele herhaaldelijk geconstateerde obstakels
voor grootschalige adoptie van elektronisch factureren, namelijk het ontbreken van een infrastructuur. Anders dan de samenvatting zegt, betreft het onderzoek niet het wegnemen van
• een gebrek aan bewustzijn bij kopers en verkopers van de mogelijkheden;
• onbekendheid met wet- en regelgeving.
Welke rol speelt de accountant binnen uw bedrijf?Jan Wietsma
Welke rol speelt de accountant binnen uw bedrijf?
Wietsma, J.
Tijdschrift Administratie, 2014
Het accountantsberoep staat regelmatig volop in de schijnwerpers. De oorzaken daarvan zijn divers. Soms gaat het over de gevolgen van digitalisering voor het accountantsberoep, soms over de kwaliteit van de accountantsdiensten en weer een andere keer over vermeende betrokkenheid van accountants bij zogenoemde witte-boorden-misdrijven. Door deze ontwikkelingen wordt de accountant gedwongen na te denken over zijn toekomstige positie en zal hij keuzes moeten maken. Dat dit ook gevolgen heeft voor u en uw relatie met uw accountant is evident. In dit artikel treft u een overzicht van de ontwikkelingen in de accountancybranche en de mogelijke gevolgen die dit heeft voor uw organisatie.
Dit document bevat een uitgebreide presentatie van Billington, een Nederlandse organisatie die zich specialiseert in de ontwikkeling van software-oplossingen voor de vergroting van efficiency en kostenbesparing door electronisch factureren en e-billing. In november 2008 is Billington overgenomen door de ING Bank.
Presentatie van Marco Pastors, ambassadeur e-factureren, over de rol van e-factureren binnen de overheid. De overheid heeft inmiddels gekozen voor UBL 2.0. als standaard formaat. Daarnaast zijn ook andere -toekomstige standaarden mogelijk. Dit laatste is natuurlijk goed nieuws voor leveranciers van standaard administratieve software omdat zij belang hebben bij duidelijkheid over een standaard. Verwacht mag dan ook worden dat de administratieve software deze standaard ook als defacto standaard omarmt.
We present to you the E-invoicing Yearbook 2017 - Q1. It shows the relevant content on e-invoicing, AP automation, e-procurement and compliance, published by us and our sponsors during the first quarter of 2017.
Our daily search for content regarding e-invoicing, AP automation and e-procurement lead to over 2,000 posts, published the past eight years.
On average, the E-invoicing Platform publishes ten posts per week. These posts are both user generated content from our sponsors, as well as content from other valuable sources.
This content is also published on Twitter, on LinkedIN and on Google (News). And every other week, the posts get extra attention via our newsletter, with currently over 8,900 recipients in 100+ countries.
As each post is interesting and newsworthy by itself, this is increased when we sort these posts in the sections underneath:
- Featured providers
- Opinions
- Mandatory and compliant e-invoicing:
- Interoperability and standardisation (in Europe):
- Case studies
- News in general
- Downloads, infographics and more
- Beyond e-invoicing: innovative and new services -
- Acquisitions, mergers and funding
- Around the globe
After each quarter of the year ends the E-invoicing Yearbook will be updated, building a picture of how the world of e-invoicing is progressing.
Publications 2017, Title only
Mug 'core' cross industry invoice european message implementation guideline...Friso de Jong
The document summarizes the MUG project which created a European Core Invoice guideline. It describes the project organization and deliverables, including a CEN workshop agreement document that defines a cross-industry invoice data model and syntax mapping. Next steps proposed include documenting mappings to other invoice formats, defining extensions, and establishing a change management process.
Electronic invoice processes in europe and enablement of sm es to use them ef...Friso de Jong
This document summarizes a workshop on electronic invoicing for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It discusses how SMEs could benefit from e-invoicing through potential cost savings but may struggle with initial investments and resources required. The document also outlines barriers that prevent SMEs from adopting e-invoicing, such as a lack of standardized processes. Finally, it proposes several ways to facilitate SME adoption of e-invoicing, including through political support, incentives from large business partners, and user-friendly software solutions.
The document summarizes the European Commission's action plan to promote e-invoicing in Europe. It outlines four priorities: 1) ensuring a consistent legal environment, 2) achieving mass adoption among SMEs, 3) stimulating widespread use, and 4) promoting a common data model. Actions include implementing new VAT directive rules, revising e-signature rules, launching projects to help SMEs, publishing best practices, and establishing national and European e-invoicing forums. The goal is for e-invoicing to become the predominant invoicing method in Europe by 2020.
The document summarizes a presentation on an e-invoice compliance toolbox. It describes an interactive user interface based on an annex matrix from sustainable compliance guidelines. The interface allows filtering by role, process step, and business implementation. It is intended for entities using e-invoicing, especially SMEs. The document requests comments on the usability of the interface and content from the commentary and matrix.
The document discusses guidelines for electronic invoicing compliance across Europe. It aims to develop simplified, standardized guidelines that are easy to understand and apply. The guidelines will be translated into multiple languages and used to create an interactive online tool to help companies comply with e-invoicing regulations. The tool will classify different e-invoicing systems and controls to ensure invoice authenticity, integrity, and legibility. It will also provide guidance on processes to link invoices to supplies for audit purposes. Feedback is sought on the guideline content and usability of the interactive compliance tool.
The document summarizes the proceedings of the CEN WS eInvoices III Open Meeting held on December 12, 2011 in Brussels. It includes a Code of Practice and Glossary of Terms for electronic invoices. The Code of Practice establishes guidelines for trading parties, service providers, and public administrations regarding electronic invoicing. It addresses issues like ensuring authenticity and integrity of electronic invoices. The meeting aimed to finalize the Code of Practice and Glossary of Terms as requested by the European Commission to support adoption of e-invoicing.
Awareness and promotion of electronic e invoicingFriso de Jong
This document summarizes a meeting of the WG 4 Awareness & Promotion group regarding the Electronic Invoice Gateway (EIG). The group canvassed for an operator for the EIG, developed a business plan, and continued developing content for the gateway. Their objectives are to improve existing EIG services to increase e-invoicing awareness across Europe. The presentation outlines the benefits of being the EIG operator, the business plan's vision and framework, and how attendees can get involved.
Agenda workshop electronic invoices, phase 3Friso de Jong
The document summarizes an agenda for a workshop on electronic invoices. The workshop will discuss the development of guidelines for electronic invoicing, enabling small and medium enterprises to use electronic invoice processes in Europe, establishing conformance criteria for interoperability across e-business networks, and promoting awareness of electronic invoicing. The agenda includes welcome remarks, working group presentations, demonstrations of e-invoicing tools, discussions of draft guidelines, and plans for future work. The workshop is part of a multi-year effort to develop standards and guidelines for electronic invoicing in Europe.
Work Group 3 of the CEN e-Invoicing project developed three documents over multiple face-to-face meetings: 1) Conformance Criteria to guide implementation of e-invoicing in Europe, 2) a Model Interoperability Agreement for electronic invoicing service providers, and 3) a position paper on Addressing & Routing that identifies areas for further work. The group included contributors from across Europe who debated topics like terminology, legal compliance, technology standards, and addressing schemes to establish guidelines for electronic invoicing interoperability.
E invoicing as accelerator for cross-industry ediFriso de Jong
E-invoicing is accelerating the shift from paper to electronic documents across industries in Europe. By 2020, it is predicted that over 50% of B2B invoices will be electronic. E-invoicing helps align the differing needs of large and small companies by offering formats and processes appropriate for all sizes. It also helps standardize documentation between countries and industries. As e-invoicing adoption increases, it will drive increased automation of related electronic documents across supply chains.
Tax-compliant global electronic invoice lifecycle managementFriso de Jong
This white paper discusses tax-compliant electronic invoice management. It provides an overview of value-added tax (VAT) compliance challenges for businesses, different types of VAT enforcement regimes, and strategies for optimizing auditability. The document examines the history of ex-post auditability options and how electronic invoicing solutions can help ensure legal compliance for tax authorities. It also analyzes different e-invoicing legal frameworks and provides guidance on designing compliant invoice processes.
Rules of procedure of the european multi stakeholder forum on electronic invo...Friso de Jong
The document outlines the rules of procedure for the European Multi-stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing. It establishes that the Commission will chair the group and convene meetings. It describes the process for setting meeting agendas, distributing documents, and adopting opinions. The rules allow for sub-groups, third party participation, and written procedures. It also covers record keeping, conflicts of interest, correspondence, transparency, and data protection.
Proposal for a work programme of the european multi stakeholder forum on e-in...Friso de Jong
The document proposes a work programme for the European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on e-Invoicing for its first year of operation. It outlines 4 tasks for the Forum: 1) Monitor e-invoicing adoption in EU states, 2) Exchange experiences and best practices, 3) Propose solutions to cross-border barriers, and 4) Discuss standards. For each task, it identifies priority topics and deliverables, including analyses of e-invoicing adoption rates and identification of barriers. Activity leaders would be appointed to coordinate input and recommendations for each task. The work would culminate in reports on the tasks delivered in September 2012.